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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter APPLICATION OF DERIVATIVES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions59
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Find the total number of parallel tangents of `f_1(x)=x^2-x+1a n df_2(x)=x^3-x^2-2x+1.`

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  2. Find the equation of tangent to the curve `y=sin^(-1)(2x)/(1+x^2)a tx=sqrt(3)`

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  3. The equation of the tangent tothe curve `y={x^2 sin(1/x),x!=0 and 0, x=0` at the origin is

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  4. Find the equation of the normals to the curve y = `x^(3)` + 2x + 6 which are parallel to the line x + 14y + 4 = 0.

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  5. If the equation of the tangent to the curve `y^2=a x^3+b` at point `(2,3)i sy=4x-5` , then find the values of `aa n db` .

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  6. For the curve y =` 4x^(3) – 2x^(5)` , find all the points at which the tangent passes through the origin.

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  7. For the curve `x y=c ,` prove that the portion of the tangent intercepted between the coordinate axes is bisected at the point of contact.

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  8. If the tangent at any point `(4m^2,8m^3)` of `x^3-y^2=0` is a normal to the curve `x^3-y^2=0` , then find the value of `mdot`

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  9. Find the equation of tangents to the curve
    `y = cos(x + y), – 2pi lt= x lt= 2pi`
    that are parallel to the line x + 2y = 0.

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  10. Find the equations of the tangents drawn to the curve `y^2-2x^3-4y+8=0.`

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  11. Find the acute angle between the curves `y=|xhat2-1|a n d` `y=|x^2-3|` at their points of intersection.

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  12. Find the angle between the curves `2y^2=x^3a n dy^2=32 xdot`

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  13. Find the cosine of the angle of intersection of curves `f(x)=2^x(log)_e xa n dg(x)=x^(2x)-1.`

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  14. The length of subtangent to the curve, `y=e^(x//a)` is

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  15. Find the length of normal to the curve `x=a(theta+sintheta),y=a(1-costheta)` at `theta=pi/2dot`

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  16. In the curve `x^(m+n)=a^(m-n)y^(2n)` , prove that the `m t h` power of the sub-tangent varies as the `n t h` power of the sub-normal.

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  17. Find the possible values of `p` such that the equation `p x^2=(log)_e x` has exactly one solution.

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  18. Find the shortest distance between the line `y=x-2` and the parabola `y=x^2+3x+2.`

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  20. Prove that points of the curve `y^2=4a{x+asin(x/a)}` at which tangents are parallel to x-axis lie on the parabola.

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  21. Displacement `s` of a particle at time `t` is expressed as `s=1/2t^3-6tdot` Find the acceleration at the time when the velocity vanishes (i.e., velocity tends to zero).

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  22. If `f(x)=2x+3, g(x)=1-2x` and `h(x) =3x`. Prove that `fo(goh)=(fog)oh`.

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  23. Find the derivative of `y = tan^-1 (x^2-1)`

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  24. Let `x` be the length of one of the equal sides of an isosceles triangle, and let `theta` be the angle between them. If `x` is increasing at the rate (1/12) m/h, and `theta` is increasing at the rate of `pi/(180)` radius/h, then find the rate in `m^3` / `h` at which the area of the triangle is increasing when `x=12ma n dtheta=pi//4.`

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  25. A lamp is `50ftdot` above the ground. A ball is dropped from the same height from a point `30ftdot` away from the light pole. If ball falls a distance `s=16 t^2ftdot` in `t` second, then how fast is the shadow of the ball moving along the ground `1/2s` later?

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  26. If water is poured into an inverted hollow cone whose semi-vertical angel is `30^0,` and its depth (measured along the axis) increases at the rate of 1 cm/s. Find the rate at which the volume of water increases when the depth is 24 cm.

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  27. A horse runs along a circle with a speed of `20k m//h` . A lantern is at the centre of the circle. A fence is along the tangent to the circle at the point at which the horse starts. Find the speed with which the shadow of the horse moves along the fence at the moment when it covers 1/8 of the circle in km/h.

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  28. The radius of the base of a cone is increasing at the rate of 3 cm/min and the altitude is decreasing at the rate of 4 cm/min. The rate of change of lateral surface when the radius is 7 cm and altitude is 24 cm is

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  29. Find the approximate volume of metal in a hollow spherical shell whose internal and external radii are 3 cm and 3.0005 cm, respectively.

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  30. Find approximate value of f (5.001) where `f(x) =x^3-7x^2+15` .

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  31. Find the approximate change in the volume `V` of a cube of side `x` meters caused by increasing side by `1%dot`

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  32. Discuss the applicability of Rolles theorem for the following functions on the indicated intervals:
    `f(x)=3+(x-2)^(2//3)` in [1,3]
    `f(x)=tanx in [0,pi]`
    `f(x)=log{(x^2+a b)/(x(a+b))}` in [a,b], where 0 less than a less than b

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  33. If the function `f(x)=x^3-6x^2+a x+b` defined on [1,3] satisfies Rolles theorem for `c=(2sqrt(3)+1)/(sqrt(3)` then find the value of `aa n db`

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  34. How many roots of the equation `(x-1)(x-2)(x-3)+(x-1)(x-2)(x-4) +(x-2)(x-3)(x-4)
    +(x-1)(x-3)(x-4)=0` are positive?

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  35. If 2a+3b+6c = 0, then show that the equation `a x^2 + bx + c = 0` has atleast one real root between 0 to 1.

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  36. Let `f(x)` be differentiable function and `g(x)` be twice differentiable function. Zeros of `f(x),g^(prime)(x)` be `a , b` , respectively, `

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  37. Let `f(x)` be differentiable function and `g(x)` be twice differentiable function. Zeros of `f(x),g^(prime)(x)` be `a , b` , respectively, `

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  38. If `f : [-5, 5] to R` is a differentiable function function and if f'(x) does not vanish anywhere, then prove that `f(-5) ne f(5)`.

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  39. Let `f` be differentiable for all `x ,` If `f(1)=-2a n df^(prime)(x)geq2` for all `x in [1,6],` then find the range of values of `f(6)dot`

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  40. Let `f:[2,7]vec[0,oo)` be a continuous and differentiable function. Then show that `(f(7)-f(2))((f(7))^2+(f(2))^2+f(2)f(7))/3=5f^2(c)f^(prime)(c),` where `c in [2,7]dot`

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  41. Let `f(x)a n dg(x)` be differentiable function in `(a , b),` continuous at `aa n db ,a n dg(x)!=0` in `[a , b]dot` Then prove that `(g(a)f(b)-f(a)g(b))/(g(c)f^(prime)(c)-f(c)g^(prime)(c))=((b-a)g(a)g(b))/((g(c))^2)`

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  42. Using Lagranges mean value theorem, prove that `|cosa-cosb|<|a-b|dot`

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  43. Let `f(x)a n dg(x)` be two differentiable functions in `Ra n df(2)=8,g(2)=0,f(4)=10 ,a n dg(4)=8.` Then prove that `g^(prime)(x)=4f^(prime)(x)` for at least one `x in (2,4)dot`

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  44. Suppose `alpha,betaa n dtheta` are angles satisfying 0

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  45. Let `f` be continuous on `[a , b],a >0,a n d` differentiable on `(a , b)dot` Prove that there exists `c in (a , b)` such that `(bf(a)-af(b))/(b-a)=f(c)-cf^(prime)(c)`

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  46. Prove that the equation of the normal to `x^(2/3)+y^(2/3)=a^(2/3)` is `ycostheta-xsintheta=acos2theta,` where `theta` is the angle which the normal makes with the axis of `xdot`

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  47. If the area of the triangle included between the axes and any tangent to the curve `x^n y=a^n` is constant, then find the value of `ndot`

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  48. Show that the segment of the tangent to the curve `y=a/2I n((a+sqrt(a^2-x^2))/(a-sqrt(a^2-x^2)))-sqrt(a^2-x^2)` contained between the y=axis and the point of tangency has a constant length.

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  49. If the tangent at `(x_1,y_1)` to the curve `x^3+y^3=a^3` meets the curve again in `(x_2,y_2),` then prove that `(x_2)/(x_1)+(y_2)/(y_1)=-1`

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  50. Find the condition for the line `y=m x` to cut at right angles the conic `a x^2+2h x y+b y^2=1.`

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  51. If the curves `ax^(2) + by^(2) =1 and a_(1) x^(2) + b_(1) y^(2) = 1` intersect each other orthogonally then show that `(1)/(a) - (1)/(b) = (1)/(a_(1)) - (1)/(b_(1))`

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  52. A man is moving away from a tower 41.6 m high at the rate of 2 m/sec. Find the rate at which the angle of elevation of the top of tower is changing, when he is at a distance of 30m from the foot of the tower. Assume that the eye level of the man is 1.6m from the ground.

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  53. If `f` is continuous and differentiable function and `f(0)=1,f(1)=2,` then prove that there exists at least one `c in [0,1]forw h i c hf^(prime)(c)(f(c))^(n-1)>sqrt(2^(n-1))` , where `n in Ndot`

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  54. Let `a , b , c` be three real numbers such that `a

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  55. Use the mean value theorem to prove `e^xgeq1+xAAx in R`

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  56. Show that the square roots of two successive natural numbers greater than `N^2` differ by less than `1/(2N)dot`

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  57. Using Rolles theorem, prove that there is at least one root in `(45^(1/(100)),46)` of the equation. `P(x)=51 x^(101)-2323(x)^(100)-45 x+1035=0.`

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  58. For a twice differentiable function `f(x),g(x)` is defined as `g(x)=f^(prime)(x)^2+f^(prime)(x)f(x)on[a , e]dot` If for `a

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter APPLICATION OF DERIVATIVES of CENGAGE of Class 12