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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples And Exercises of chapter APPLICATION OF DERIVATIVES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
MathematicsSolved Examples And Exercises
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The two curves `x^3-3xy^2+2=0` and `3x^2y-y^3-2=0` cuts orthogonally

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  2. Find the angle of intersection of `y=a^xa n dy=b^x`

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  3. If `y=x+2` is normal to the parabola `y^2=4a x ,` then find the value of `adot`

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  4. Find the cosine of the angle of intersection of curves `f(x)=2^x(log)_e xa n dg(x)=x^(2x)-1.`

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  5. The acute angle between the curves `y= |x^2 -1| `and `y=|x^2- 3|` at their points of intersection when when x> 0, is

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  6. In the curve `x^(m+n)=a^(m-n)y^(2n)` , prove that the `m t h` power of the sub-tangent varies as the `n t h` power of the sub-normal.

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  7. Find the length of the tangent for the curve `y=x^3+3x^2+4x-1` at point `x=0.`

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  8. Find the equation of a curve passing through the origin, given that the slope of the tangent of the curve at any point `(x,y)` is equal to tha sum of the coordinates of the point.

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  9. Sketch the curve `y = f(x) = x^(2) -5x + 6`

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  10. The condition that the equation `ax^(2)+bx+c=0`may have one root is the double the other is

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  11. Find `c` of Lagranges mean value theorem for the function `f(x)=3x^2+5x+7` in the interval `[1,3]dot`

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  12. Let `0ltaltbltpi/2. \ If \ f(x)=|[tanx,tana,tanb],[sinx,sina,sinb],[cosx,cosa,cosb]|`, then find the minimum possible number of roots of `f^(prime)(x)=0` in (a , b)

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  13. Let `f(x)a n dg(x)` be differentiable for `0lt=xlt=2` such that `f(0)=2,g(0)=1,a n df(2)=8.` Let there exist a real number `c` in `[0,2]` such that `f^(prime)(c)=3g^(prime)(c)dot` Then find the value of `g(2)dot`

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  14. Let `f` be continuous on `[a , b],a >0,a n d` differentiable on `(a , b)dot` Prove that there exists `c in (a , b)` such that `(bf(a)-af(b))/(b-a)=f(c)-cf^(prime)(c)`

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  15. Prove that `tan^(-1)x+tan^(-1)y+tan^(-1)z=tan^(-1)((x+y+z-xyz)/(1-xy-yz-zx))`

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  16. Using Lagranges mean value theorem, prove that `|cosa-cosb|<|a-b|dot`

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  17. If a, b, c, d are in G.P, prove that `(a^n + b^n), (b^n + c^n), (c^n + d^n)` are in G.P.

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  18. Let `f` be differentiable for all `x ,` If `f(1)=-2a n df^(prime)(x)geq2` for all `x in [1,6],` then find the range of values of `f(6)dot`

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  19. The equation of the tangent to the curve `y=x^(2)-4x+2` at (4, 2) is

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  20. Show that the function `f(x)=(x-a)^2(x-b)^2+x` takes the value `(a+b)/2` for some value of `x in [a , b]dot`

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  21. If the equetion of tangent to the curve `y^(3)=ax^(3)+` b at point (2,3) is y = 4x = 5, then find the values of a and b.

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  22. Find the length of the tangent for the curve `y=x^3+3x^2+4x-1` at point `x=0.`

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  23. For the curve `x y=c ,` prove that the portion of the tangent intercepted between the coordinate axes is bisected at the point of contact.

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  24. The line y = x + 1 is a tangent to the curve `y^(2)` = 4x at the poin

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  25. If `x=a(theta+sintheta), y=a(1-costheta)` then prove that at `theta=pi/2, y''=1/a`.

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  26. Find the equations of tangent and normal to the curve `y=x^(2)+3x-2` at the point (1, 2). .

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  27. If `f(x)` is continuous in `[a , b]` and differentiable in (a,b), then prove that there exists at least one `c in (a , b)` such that `(f^(prime)(c))/(3c^2)=(f(b)-f(a))/(b^3-a^3)`

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  28. Let `f(x)a n dg(x)` be two functions which are defined and differentiable for all `xgeqx_0dot` If `f(x_0)=g(x_0)a n df^(prime)(x)>g^(prime)(x)` for all `x > x_0,` then prove that `f(x)>g(x)` for all `x > x_0dot`

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  29. A particle moves along the curve 6y = `x^(3) +2.` Find the points on the curve at which the y-coordinate is changing 8 times as fast as the x-coordinate.

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  30. The length x of a rectangle is decreasing at the rate of 5 cm/minute and the width y is increasing at the rate of 4 cm/minute. When x = 8cm and y = 6cm, find the rates of change of (a) the perimeter, and (b) the area of the rectangle.

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  31. Find the minimum value of `(x_1-x_2)^2+((x_1^2)/20-sqrt((17-x_2)(x_2-13)))^2` where `x_1 in R^+,x_2 in (13,17)`.

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  32. Displacement `s` of a particle at time `t` is expressed as `s=1/2t^3-6tdot` Find the acceleration at the time when the velocity vanishes (i.e., velocity tends to zero).

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  33. Find the distance of the point on `y=x^4+3x^2+2x` which is nearest to the line `y=2x-1`

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  34. In how many points graph of `y=x^3-3x2+5x-3` interest the x-axis?

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  35. The tangent at any point `P` on the circle `x^2+y^2=4` meets the coordinate axes at `Aa n dB` . Then find the locus of the midpoint of `A Bdot`

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  36. Find the point on the parabola `y^(2) = 2x` that is closest to the point (1, 4)

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  37. The two equal sides of an isosceles triangle with fixed base b are decreasing at the rate of 3 cm per second. How fast is the area decreasing when the two equal sides are equal to the base ?

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  38. A lamp is `50ftdot` above the ground. A ball is dropped from the same height from a point `30ftdot` away from the light pole. If ball falls a distance `s=16 t^2ftdot` in `t` second, then how fast is the shadow of the ball moving along the ground `1/2s` later?

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  39. Find the values of `p` so that the equation `2cos^2x-(p+3)cosx+2(p-1)=0` has a real solution.

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  40. Find the angle between the curves `2y^2=x^3a n dy^2=32 xdot`

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  41. Find the locus of point on the curve `y^2=4a(x+as in x/a)` where tangents are parallel to the axis of `xdot`

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  42. Find the values of `a` if equation `1-cosx=(sqrt(3))/2|x|+ a ,x in (0,pi),` has exactly one solution.

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  43. Find the angle at which the curve `y=K e^(K x)` intersects the y-axis.

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  44. Find the angle of intersection of the curves `x y=a^2a n dx^2+y^2=2a^2`

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  45. Find the angle between the curvesC1: `x^2-(y^2)/3=a^2a n dC_2: x y^3=c`

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  46. If the two circles `2x^2+2y^2-3x+6y+k=0` and `x^2+y^2-4x+10 y+16=0` cut orthogonally, then find the value of `k` .

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  47. Find the point on the curve `3x^2-4y^2=72` which is nearest to the line `3x+2y+1=0.`

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  48. Find the area between the line `y=x+1` and the curve `y=x^(2)-1`

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  49. Using differential find the approximate value of cos 61, if it is given that `sin 60^(@) 0.86603` and `1^(@) = 0.01745` radians.

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  50. If an a triangle `A B C , b=3ca n d` `C-B=90^0,` then find the value of `tanB`

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  51. Find the approximate value of `(26)^(1/3)` .

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  52. Using the approximation to find approximate value of

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  53. Find the approximate change in the volume V of a cube of side x metres caused by increasing the side by 1%.

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  54. Find approximate value of f (5.001) where `f(x) =x^3-7x^2+15` .

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  55. In an acute triangle `A B C` if sides `a , b` are constants and the base angles `Aa n dB` vary, then show that `(d A)/(sqrt(a^2-b^2sin^2A))=(d B)/(sqrt(b^2-a^2sin^2B))`

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  56. Find the approximate value of f(3.02) where `f(x) =3x^(2) + 5x + 3`.

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  57. If the radius of the sphere is measured as 9 cm with an error of 0.03 cm, the approximate error in calculating its volume is

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  58. Find the approximate value of `(1. 999)^6` .

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  59. Let `f` be differentiable for all `x ,` If `f(1)=-2a n df^(prime)(x)geq2` for all `x in [1,6],` then find the range of values of `f(6)dot`

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  60. Let `f:[2,7]vec[0,oo)` be a continuous and differentiable function. Then show that `(f(7)-f(2))((f(7))^2+(f(2))^2+f(2)f(7))/3=5f^2(c)f^(prime)(c),` where `c in [2,7]dot`

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  61. Let `f(x)a n dg(x)` be differentiable functions such that `f^(prime)(x)g(x)!=f(x)g^(prime)(x)` for any real `xdot` Show that between any two real solution of `f(x)=0,` there is at least one real solution of `g(x)=0.`

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  62. Consider the function `f(x)=8x^2-7x+5` on the interval `[-6,6]dot` Find the value of `c` that satisfies the conclusion of Lagranges mean value theorem.

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  63. Using mean value theorem, show that `(beta-alpha)/(1+beta^2) < tan^(-1)beta-tan^(-1)alpha < (beta-alpha)/ (1+alpha^2) , beta > alpha > 0.`

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  64. Let `f(x)a n dg(x)` be two differentiable functions in `Ra n df(2)=8,g(2)=0,f(4)=10 ,a n dg(4)=8.` Then prove that `g^(prime)(x)=4f^(prime)(x)` for at least one `x in (2,4)dot`

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  65. Using Lagranges mean value theorem, prove that `|cosa-cosb|<=|a-b|dot`

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  66. Let `f(x)a n dg(x)` be differentiable function in `(a , b),` continuous at `aa n db ,a n dg(x)!=0` in `[a , b]dot` Then prove that `(g(a)f(b)-f(a)g(b))/(g(c)f^(prime)(c)-f(c)g^(prime)(c))=((b-a)g(a)g(b))/((g(c))^2)`

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  67. Suppose `alpha,betaa n dtheta` are angles satisfying 0

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  68. Let `f` be continuous on `[a , b],a >0,a n d` differentiable on `(a , b)dot` Prove that there exists `c in (a , b)` such that `(bf(a)-af(b))/(b-a)=f(c)-cf^(prime)(c)`

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  69. Two men `Pa n dQ` start with velocity `u` at the same time from the junction of two roads inclined at `45^0` to each other. If they travel by different roads, find the rate at which they are being separated.

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  70. `xa n dy` are the sides of two squares such that `y=x-x^2` . Find the rate of the change of the area of the second square with respect to the first square.

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  71. A spherical iron ball 10cm in radius is coated with a layer of ice of uniform thickness that melts at a rate of `50c m^3//m in` . When the thickness of ice is 5cm, then find the rate at which the thickness of ice decreases.

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  72. Two cyclists start from the junction of two perpendicular roads, there velocities being `3um//m in` and `4um//m in` , respectively. Find the rate at which the two cyclists separate.

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  73. Tangent of an angle increases four times as the angle itself. At what rate the sine of the angle increases w.r.t. the angle?

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  74. The distance covered by a particle moving in a straight line from a fixed point on the line is `s ,` where `s^2=a t^2+2b t+c dot` Then prove that acceleration is proportional to `s^(-3)dot`

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  75. A horse runs along a circle with a speed of `20k m//h` . A lantern is at the centre of the circle. A fence is along the tangent to the circle at the point at which the horse starts. Find the speed with which the shadow of the horse moves along the fence at the moment when it covers 1/8 of the circle in km/h.

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  76. Let `x` be the length of one of the equal sides of an isosceles triangle, and let `theta` be the angle between them. If `x` is increasing at the rate (1/12) m/h, and `theta` is increasing at the rate of `pi/(180)` radius/h, then find the rate in `m^3` / `h` at which the area of the triangle is increasing when `x=12m and theta=pi//4.`

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  77. If water is poured into an inverted hollow cone whose semi-vertical angel is `30^0,` and its depth (measured along the axis) increases at the rate of 1 cm/s. Find the rate at which the volume of water increases when the depth is 24 cm.

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  78. If `f : [-5, 5] to R` is a differentiable function function and if f'(x) does not vanish anywhere, then prove that `f(-5) ne f(5)`.

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  79. Discuss the applicability of Rolles theorem for the following functions on the indicated intervals:
    `f(x)=3+(x-2)^(2//3)` in [1,3]
    `f(x)=tanx in [0,pi]`
    `f(x)=log{(x^2+a b)/(x(a+b))}` in [a,b], where 0 less than a less than b

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  80. How many roots of the equation `(x-1)(x-2)(x-3)+(x-1)(x-2)(x-4) +(x-2)(x-3)(x-4)
    +(x-1)(x-3)(x-4)=0` are positive?

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  81. If the function `f(x)=x^3-6x^2+a x+b` defined on [1,3] satisfies Rolles theorem for `c=(2sqrt(3)+1)/(sqrt(3)` then find the value of `aa n db`

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  82. If `varphi(x)` is differentiable function `AAx in R` and `a in R^+` such that `varphi(0)=varphi(2a),varphi(a)=varphi(3a)a n dvarphi(0)!=varphi(a)` then show that there is at least one root of equation `varphi^(prime)(x+a)=varphi^(prime)(x)in(0,2a)`

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  83. Let `f(x)` be differentiable function and `g(x)` be twice differentiable function. Zeros of `f(x),g^(prime)(x)` be `a , b` , respectively, `

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  84. Show that between any two roots of `e^(-x)-cosx=0,` there exists at least one root of `sinx-e^(-x)=0`

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  85. If `2a+3b+6c=0,` then prove that at least one root of the equation `a x^2+b x+c=0` lies in the interval (0,1).

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  86. The equation `a x^2-b x+c=0` has real and positive roots. Prove that the roots of the equation `a d^2x^2+a(3b-2c)x+(2b-c)(b-c)+a c=0` re real and positive.

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  87. Let `P(x)` be a polynomial with real coefficients, Let `a , b in R ,a

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  88. If the curve `y=a x^2-6x+b` pass through `(0,2)` and has its tangent parallel to the x-axis at `x=3/2,` then find the values of `aa n dbdot`

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  89. Find the equation of the tangent to the curve `(1+x^2)y=2-x ,` where it crosses the x-axis.

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  90. A curve is given by the equations `x=sec^2theta,y=cotthetadot` If the tangent at `Pw h e r etheta=pi/4` meets the curve again at `Q ,t h e n[P Q]` is, where [.] represents the greatest integer function, _________.

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  91. Find the point on the curve where tangents to the curve `y^2-2x^3-4y+8=0` pass through (1,2).

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  92. At the point `P(a , a^n)` on the graph of `y=x^n ,(n in N)` , in the first quadrant, a normal is drawn. The normal intersects the y-axis at the point `(0, b)` . If `("lim")_(a->0) b =1/2,` then `n` equals _____.

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  93. Find the equation of the normal to the curve `x^3+y^3=8x y` at the point where it meets the curve `y^2=4x` other than the origin.

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  94. If the slope of line through the origin which is tangent to the curve `y=x^3+x+16` is `m ,` then the value of `m-4` is____.

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  95. For the curve `x y=c ,` prove that the portion of the tangent intercepted between the coordinate axes is bisected at the point of contact.

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  96. Water is dropped at the rate of 2 `m^3`/s into a cone of semi-vertical angle is `45^@` . If the rate at which periphery of water surface changes when the height of the water in the cone is 2m is d. Then the value of 5d is _____ m/sec

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  97. Find the equation of the normal to the curve `x^(2)` = 4y which passes through the point (1, 2).

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  98. Suppose `a , b , c` are such that the curve `y=a x^2+b x+c` is tangent to `y=3x-3 at(1,0)` and is also tangent to `y=x+1a t(3,4)dot` Then the value of `(2a-b-4c)` equals ______

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  99. Find the normal to the curve `x=a(1+costheta),y=asinthetaa tthetadot` Prove that it always passes through a fixed point and find that fixed point.

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  100. If the curve `C` in the `x y` plane has the equation `x^2+x y+y^2=1,` then the fourth power of the greatest distance of a point on `C` from the origin is___.

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Solved Examples And Exercises questions and complete solutions for chapter APPLICATION OF DERIVATIVES of CENGAGE of Class 12