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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Single) of chapter COORDINATE SYSYEM of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Single)
Number Of Questions59
Academic Year2023-24
  1. `A B C` is an isosceles triangle. If the coordinates of the base are `B(1,3)` and `C(-2,7)` , the coordinates of vertex `A` can be (a)`(1,6)` (b) `(-1/2,5)` (c)`(5/6,6)` (d) none of these

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  2. about to only mathematics

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  3. Which of the following sets of points form an equilateral triangle? (a) `(1,0),(4,0),(7,-1)` (b) `(0,0),(3/2,4/3),(4/3,3/2)` (c)`(2/3,),(0,2/3),(1,1)` (d) None of these

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  4. A particle `p` moves from the point `A(0,4)` to the point `10 ,-4)` . The particle `P` can travel the upper-half plane `{(x , y)|yge0}` at the speed of `1m//s` and the lower-half plane `{(x , y)|ylt=0}` at the speed of 2 m/s. The coordinates of a point on the x-axis, if the sum of the squares of the travel times of the upper- and lower-half planes is minimum, are (a)(1, 0) (b) (2, 0) (c) (4, 0) (d) (5, 0)

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  5. if `x_(1),x_(2),x_(3)` as well as `y_(1),y_(2),y_(3)` are in G.P. with same common ratio then prove that the points `(x_(1),y_(1)),(x_(2),y_(2))` and `(x_(3),y_(3))` are collinear.

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  6. `O P Q R` is a square and `M ,N` are the middle points of the sides `P Qa n dQ R` , respectively. Then the ratio of the area of the square to that of triangle `O M N` is (a)4:1 (b) 2:1 (c) 8:3 (d) 7:3

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  7. A straight line passing through `P(3,1)` meets the coordinate axes at `Aa n dB` . It is given that the distance of this straight line from the origin `O` is maximum. The area of triangle `O A B` is equal to `(50)/3s qdotu n i t s` (b) `(25)/3s qdotu n i t s` `(20)/3s qdotu n i t s` (d) `(100)/3s qdotu n i t s`

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  8. Let `A-=(3,-4),B-=(1,2)dot` Let `P-=(2k-1,2k+1)` be a variable point such that `P A+P B` is the minimum. Then `k` is (a)7/9 (b) 0 (c) 7/8 (d) none of these

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  9. The polar coordinates equivalent to `(-3,sqrt3)` are

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  10. If the point `(x_1+t(x_2-x_1),y_1+t(y_2-y_1))` divides the join of `(x_1,y_1)` and `(x_2, y_2)` internally, then `t<0` (b) `01` (d) `t=1`

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  11. `P` and `Q` are points on the line joining `A(-2,5)` and `B(3,1)` such that `A P=P Q=Q B` . Then, the distance of the midpoint of `P Q` from the origin is 3 (b) `(sqrt(37))/2` (b) 4 (d) 3.5

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  12. In triangle ABC, angle B is right angled, `AC=2` and `A(2,2), B(1,3)` then the length of the median AD is

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  13. One vertex of an equilateral triangle is `(2,2)` and its centroid is `(-2/sqrt3,2/sqrt3)` then length of its side is

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  14. ABCD is a rectangle with `A(-1,2),B(3,7)` and `AB:BC=4:3`. If P is the centre of the rectangle, then the distance of P from each corner is equal to

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  15. If `(2,-3), (6,-5)` and `(-2,1)` are three consecutive vetcies of a rohombus, then its area is

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  16. If A and B are square matrix of same order then `(A-B)^(T)` is:

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  17. Le n be the number of points having rational coordinates equidistant from the point `(0,sqrt3)`, the

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  18. Draw a triangle ABC of base `BC = 5.6 cm, angle A = 40^(@)` and the bisector of `angle A` meets BC at D such that CD = 4 cm .

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  19. If `A(0, 0), B(1, 0) and C(1/2,sqrt(3)/2)` then the centre of the circle for which the lines `AB,BC, CA` are tangents is

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  20. Statement 1: If in a triangle, orthocentre, circumcentre and centroid are rational points, then its vertices must also be rational points.
    Statement : 2 If the vertices of a triangle are rational points, then the centroid, circumcentre and orthocentre are also rational points.

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  21. about to only mathematics

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  22. If two vertices of a triangle are `(-2,3)` and `(5,-1)` the orthocentre lies at the origin, and the centroid on the line `x+y=7` , then the third vertex lies at `(7,4)` (b) `8,14)` `(12 ,21)` (d) none of these

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  23. The vertices of a triangle are `(p q ,1/(p q)),(p q)),(q r ,1/(q r)),` and `(r q ,1/(r p)),` where `p ,q` and `r` are the roots of the equation `y^3=3y^2+6y+1=0` . The coordinates of its centroid are `(1,2)` (b) `2,-1)` `(1,-1)` (d) `2,3)`

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  24. If the vertices of a triangle are `(sqrt(5,)0)` , (`sqrt(3),sqrt(2))` , and `(2,1)` , then the orthocentre of the triangle is `(sqrt(5),0)` (b) `(0,0)` (c)`(sqrt(5)+sqrt(3)+2,sqrt(2)+1)` (d) none of these

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  25. Two vertices of a triangle are `(4,-3) & (-2, 5)`. If the orthocentre of the triangle is at `(1,2)`, find coordinates of the third vertex .

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  26. In ` A B C ,` if the orthocentre is `(1,2)` and the circumcenter is (0, 0), then centroid of ` A B C)` is `(1/2,2/3)` (b) `(1/3,2/3)` `(2/3,1)` (d) none of these

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  27. A triangle `A B C` with vertices `A(-1,0),B(-2,3/4),` and `C(-3,-7/6)` has its orthocentre at `Hdot` Then, the orthocentre of triangle `B C H` will be `(-3,-2)` (b) `1,3)` `(-1,2)` (d) none of these

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  28. If a triangle `A B C ,A-=(1,10),` circumcenter `-=(-1/3,2/3),` and orthocentre `-=((11)/4,4/3)` , then the coordinates of the midpoint of the side opposite to `A` are `(1,-(11)/3)` (b) `(1,5)` `(1,-3)` (d) `(1,6)`

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  29. In ` A B C ,` the coordinates of `B` are `(0,0),A B=2,/_A B C=pi/3,` and the middle point of `B C` has coordinates `(2,0)dot` The centroid o the triangle is `(1/2,(sqrt(3))/2)` (b) `(5/3,1/(sqrt(3)))` `(4+(sqrt(3))/3,1/3)` (d) none of these

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  30. If the origin is shifted to the point `((a b)/(a-b),0)` without rotation, then the equation `(a-b)(x^2+y^2)-2a b x=0` becomes `(a-b)(x^2+y^2)-(a+b)x y+a b x=a^2` `(a+b)(x^2+y^2)=2a b` `(x^2+y^2)=(a^2+b^2)` `(a-b)^2(x^2+y^2)=a^2b^2`

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  31. A light ray emerging from the point source placed at `P(2,3)` is reflected at a point `Q` on the y-axis. It then passes through the point `R(5,10)dot` The coordinates of `Q` are `(0,3)` (b) `(0,2)` `(0,5)` (d) none of these

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  32. Point `P(p ,0),Q(q ,0),R(0, p),S(0,q)` from (a)parallelogram (b)rhombus (c)cyclic quadrilateral (d) none of these

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  33. A rectangular billiard table has vertices at `P(0,0),Q(0,7),R(10 ,7),` and `S(10 ,0)dot` A small billiard ball starts at `M(3,4)` , moves in a straight line to the top of the table, bounces to the right side of the table, and then comes to rest at `N(7,1)` . The `y-` coordinate of the point where it hits the right side is 3.7 (b) 3.8 (c) 3.9 (d) 4

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  34. ABCD is a square Points `E(4,3)` and `F(2,5)` lie on AB and CD, respectively,such that EF divides the square in two equal parts. If the coordinates of A are `(7,3)`,then the coordinates of other vertices can be

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  35. If one side of a rhombus has endpoints (4, 5) and (1, 1), then the maximum area of the rhombus is 50 sq. units (b) 25 sq. units 30 sq. units (d) 20 sq. units

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  36. A rectangle `A B C D ,` where `A-=(0,0),B-=(4,0),C-=(4,2)D-=(0,2)` , undergoes the following transformations successively: `f_1(x ,y)vec(y ,x)` `f_2(x , y)vec(x+3y ,y)` `f_3(x , y)vec((x-y)//2),(x+y)//2)` The final figure will be

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  37. If a straight line through the origin bisects the line passing through the given points `(acosalpha,asinalpha)` and `(acosbeta,asinbeta),` then the lines

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  38. Let `A_r ,r=1,2,3, ` , be the points on the number line such that `O A_1,O A_2,O A_3dot` are in `G P ,` where `O` is the origin, and the common ratio of the `G P` be a positive proper fraction. Let `M ,` be the middle point of the line segment `A_r A_(r+1.)` Then the value of `sum_(r=1)^ooO M_r` is equal to `(O A_1(O S A_1-O A_2))/(2(O A_1+O A_2))` (b) `(O A_1(O A_1-O A_2))/(2(O A_1+O A_2)` `(O A_1)/(2(O A_1-O A_2))` (d) `oo`

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  39. The vertices of a parallelogram `A B C D` are `A(3,1),B(13 ,6),C(13 ,21),` and `D(3,16)dot` If a line passing through the origin divides the parallelogram into two congruent parts, then the slope of the line is

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  40. Point `A` and `B` are in the first quadrant; point `O` is the origin. If the slope of `O A` is 1, the slope of OB is 7, and `O A=O B ,` then the slope of `A B` is `a.-1/5` (b) `-1/4` (c) `-1/3` (d) `-1/2`

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  41. Let a,b,c be in A.P and x,y,z be in G.P.. Then the points `(a,x),(b,y)` and `(c,z)` will be collinear if

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  42. If `sum_(i-1)^4(xi2+y i2)lt=2x_1x_3+2x_2x_4+2y_2y_3+2y_1y_4,` the points `(x_1, y_1),(x_2,y_2),(x_3, y_3),(x_4,y_4)` are the vertices of a rectangle collinear the vertices of a trapezium none of these

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  43. The vertices `A` and `D` of square `A B C D` lie on the positive sides of `x-` and `y-a xi s ,` respectively. If the vertex `C` is the point `(12 ,17)` , then the coordinates of vertex `B` are `(14 ,16)` (b) (15, 3) `17 ,5)` (d) `(17 ,12)`

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  44. Through the point `P(alpha,beta)` , where `alphabeta>0,` the straight line `x/a+y/b=1` is drawn so as to form a triangle of area `S` with the axes. If `a b >0,` then the least value of `S` is `alphabeta` (b) `2alphabeta` (c) `3alphabeta` (d) none

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  45. The locus of the moving point whose coordinates are given by `(e^t+e^(-t),e^t-e^(-t))` where `t` is a parameter, is `x y=1` (b) `x+y=2` `x^2-y^2=4` (d) `x^2-y^2=2`

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  46. The locus of a point reprersented by `x=a/2((t+1)/t),y=a/2((t-1)/1)` , where `t in R-{0},` is `x^2+y^2=a^2` (b) `x^2-y^2=a^2` `x+y=a` (d) `x-y=a`

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  47. The maximum area of the triangle whose sides `a ,b` and `5sintheta),` and `(5sintheta,-5costheta),` where `theta in Rdot` The locus of its orthocentre is `(x+y-1)^2+(x-y-7)^2=100` `(x+y-7)^2+(x-y-1)^2=100` `(x+y-7)^2+(x+y-1)^2=100` `(x+y-7)^2+(x-y+1)^2=100`

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  48. Vertices of a variable triangle are `(3,4); (5costheta, 5sintheta)` and `(5sintheta,-5costheta)` where `theta` is a parameter then the locus of its circumcentre is

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  49. From a point, P perpendicular PM and PN are drawn to x and y axes, respectively. If MN passes through fixed point (a,b), then locus of P is

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  50. The locus of point of intersection of the lines `y+mx=sqrt(a^2m^2+b^2)` and `my-x=sqrt(a^2+b^2m^2)` is

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  51. If the roots of the equation
    `(x_(1)^(2)-a^2)m^2-2x_1y_1m+y_(1)^(2)+b^2=0(agtb)` are the slopes of two perpendicular lies intersecting at `P(x_1,y_1)`, then the locus of P is

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  52. Through point `P(-1,4)`, two perpendicular lines are drawn which intersect x-axis at Q and R. find the locus of incentre of `Delta PQR`.

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  53. The number of integral points (x,y) (i.e, x and y both are integers) which lie in the first quadrant but not on the coordinate axes and also on the straight line `3x + 5y = 2007` is equal to

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  54. The foot of the perpendicular on the line `3x+y=lambda` drawn from the origin is `Cdot` If the line cuts the `x` and the y-axis at `Aa n dB` , respectively, then `B C: C A` is
    (b) `3:1`
    (c) `1:9`
    (d) `9:1`

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  55. The image of `P(a ,b)` on the line `y=-x` is `Q` and the image of `Q` on the line `y=x` is `R` . Then the midpoint of `P R` is `(a+b ,b+a)` `((a+b)/2,(b+2)/2)` `(a-b ,b-a)` (d) `(0,0)`

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  56. If the equation of the locus of a point equidistant from the points `(a_1, b_1)` and `(a_2, b_2)` is `(a_1-a_2)x+(b_1-b_2)y+c=0` , then the value of `c` is `a a2-a2 2+b1 2-b2 2` `sqrt(a1 2+b1 2-a2 2-b2 2)` `1/2(a1 2+a2 2+b1 2+b2 2)` `1/2(a2 2+b2 2-a1 2-b1 2)`

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  57. Consider three lines as follows. `L_1:5x-y+4=0` `L_2:3x-y+5=0` `L_3: x+y+8=0` If these lines enclose a triangle `A B C` and the sum of the squares of the tangent to the interior angles can be expressed in the form `p/q ,` where `pa n dq` are relatively prime numbers, then the value of `p+q` is 500 (b) 450 (c) 230 (d) 565

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  58. Consider a point A(m,n) , where m and n are positve intergers. B is the reflection of A in the line `y=x`, C is the reflaction of B in the y axis, D is the reflection of C in the x axis and E is the reflection of D is the y axis. The area of the pentagon ABCDE is.

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  59. In the given figure, OABC is a rectangle. Slope of OB is

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Exercise (Single) questions and complete solutions for chapter COORDINATE SYSYEM of CENGAGE of Class 12