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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter COORDINATE SYSYEM of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions76
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Find the coordinates of circumcentre of a triangle whose vertices are `(-3, 1), (0, -2) and (1, 3)`

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  3. At what point should the origin be shifted if the coordinates of a point `(4,5)` become `(-3,9)?`

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  4. If the origin is shifted to the point `(1,-2)` without the rotation of the axes, what do the following equations become? (i) `2x^2+y^2-4x+4y=0` (ii) `y^2-4x+4y+8=0`

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  5. Shift the origin to a suitable point so that the equation `y^2+4y+8x-2=0` will not contain a term in `y` and the constant term.

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  6. The equation of curve referred to the new axes, axes retaining their directions, and origin `(4,5)` is `X^2+Y^2=36` . Find the equation referred to the original axes.

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  7. AD is the median on BC. Find the coordinates of the point D

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  8. The equation of a curve referred to a given system of axes is `3x^2+2x y+3y^2=10.` Find its equation if the axes are rotated through an angle `45^0` , the origin remaining unchanged.

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  9. If `h^(2)=ab` then the angle between the pair of straight lines given by `ax^2+2hxy+by^2=0` is

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  10. In `AD bot BC`, prove that `AB^(2)+CD^(2)=BD^(2)+AC^(2)`

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  11. Find the coordinates of the circumcenter of the triangle whose vertices are `(A(5,-1),B(-1,5),` and `C(6,6)dot` Find its radius also.

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  12. Prove that the points (0,0) `(3, sqrt(3)) and (3, -sqrt(3))` are the vertices of an equilateral triangle.

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  13. If `O` is the origin and if the coordinates of any two points `Q_1a n dQ_2` are `(x_1,y_1)a n d(x_2,y_2),` respectively, prove that `O Q_1dotO Q_2cos/_Q_1O Q_2=x_1x_2+y_1y_2dot`

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  14. Given that `P(3,1),Q(6. 5),` and `R(x , y)` are three points such that the angle `P R Q` is a right angle and the area of ` R Q P` is 7, find the number of such points `Rdot`

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  15. Find the area of a triangle having vertices `A(3,2),B(11 ,8),` and `C(8,12)dot`

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  16. Prove that the area of the triangle whose vertices are `(t ,t-2),(t+2,t+2),` and `(t+3,t)` is independent of `tdot`

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  17. Find the area of the quadrilateral `A B C D` having vertices `A(1,1),B(7,-3),C(12 ,2),` and `D(7, 21)dot`

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  18. For what value of `k` are the points `(k ,2-2k),(-k+1,2k)a n d(-4-k ,6-2k)` collinear?

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  19. If the coordiantes of two points A and B are (3,4) and (5, -2) respectively. Find the coordinates of any point P if PA = PB and area of `DeltaPAB =10` sq. units.

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  20. If the vertices of a triangle have rational coordinates, then prove that the triangle cannot be equilateral.

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  21. A point R with x-coordinate 4 lies on the line segment joining the points `P(2,-3,4)` and `Q(8,0,10)`. Find the coordinates of the point R.

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  22. The sequence `(1)/(sqrt(3)), (1)/(sqrt(3)+sqrt(2)), (1)/(sqrt(3) + 2 sqrt(2))` form an ........ .

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  23. Find the coordinates of the point which divides the line segments joining the points `(6,3)` and `(-4,5)` in the ratio `3:2` (i) internally and (ii) externally.

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  24. Given that `A(1,1)` and `B(2,-3)` are two points and `D` is a point on `A B` produced such that `A D=3A Bdot` Find the coordinates of `Ddot`

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  25. Determine the ratio in which the line `3x+y-9=0` divides the segment joining the points (1,3) and `(2,7)dot`

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  26. Prove that the points `(-2,-1),(1,0),(4,3),` and (1,2) are the vertices of a parallelogram. Is it a rectangle?

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  27. Find the ratio in which the line segment joining the points `A(3,8) and B(-9, 3)` is divided by the `Y-axis.

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  28. If vertex A of triangle ABC is `(3,5)` and centroid is `(-1,2)`, then find the midpoint of side BC.

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  29. `P(3,4), Q(7,2) and R(-2, -1) are the vertices of PQR. Write down the slope of each side of the triangle.

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  30. If `(x_i ,y_i),i=1,2,3,` are the vertices of an equilateral triangle such that `(x_1+2)^2+(y_1-3)^2=(x_2+2)^2+(y_2-3)^2=(x_3+2)^2+(y_2-3)^2=(x_3+2)^2+(y_3-3)^2,` then find the value of `(x_1+x_2+x_3)/(y_1+y_2+y_3)` .

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  31. If ` A B C` having vertices `A(acostheta_1,asintheta_1),B(acostheta_2asintheta_2),a n dC(acostheta_3,asintheta_3)` is equilateral, then prove that `costheta_1+costheta_2+costheta_3=sintheta_1+sintheta_2+sintheta_3=0.`

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  32. Find the orthocentre of the triangle whose vertices are `(0,0),(3,0),` and `(0,4)dot`

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  33. If circumcentre of a traingle is outside the traingle, then what is the type of traingle?

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  34. If the circumcenter of an acute-angled triangle lies at the origin and the centroid is the middle point of the line joining the points `(a^2+1,a^2+1)` and `(2a ,-2a),` then find the orthocentre.

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  35. Orthocenter and circumcenter of a `"Delta"A B C` are `(a , b)a n d(c , d)` , respectively. If the coordinates of the vertex `A` are `(x_1,y_1),` then find the coordinates of the middle point of `B Cdot`

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  36. If a vertex of a triangle is `(1,1)` , and the middle points of two sides passing through it are `-2,3)` and `(5,2),` then find the centroid and the incenter of the triangle.

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  37. The vertices of a triangle are `A(-1,-7),B(5,1)a n dC(1,4)dot` If the internal angle bisector of `/_B` meets the side `A C` in `D ,` then find the length `A Ddot`

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  38. Determine `x` so that the line passing through `3,4)a n d(x ,5)` makes an angle of `135^0` with the positive direction of the x-axis.

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  39. Which line is having the greatest inclination with the positive direction of the x-axis? (a) Line joining the points (1, 3) and (4, 7) (b) Line `( c ) (d)3x-4y+3=0( e )` (f)

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  40. If the point `(2,3),(1,1),a n d(x ,3x)` are collinear, then find the value of `x ,` using slope method.

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  41. If the points `(a ,0),(b ,0),(0, c)a n d(0, d)` are concyclic `(a , b , c , d >0)` , then prove that `a b=c ddot`

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  42. If three points are `A(-2,1)B(2,3),a n dC(-2,-4)` , then find the angle between `A Ba n dB Cdot`

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  43. Angle of a line with the positive direction of the x-axis is `theta` . The line is rotated about some point on it in anticlockwise direction by angle `45^0` and its slope becomes `3.` Find the angle `thetadot`

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  44. Let `A(6,4)a n dB(2,12)` be two given point. Find the slope of a line perpendicular to `A Bdot`

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  45. If line `3x-a y-1=0` is parallel to the line `(a+2)x-y+3=0` then find the value of `adot`

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  46. If `A(2,-1)a n dB(6,5)` are two points, then find the ratio in which the food of the perpendicular from `(4,1)` to `A B` divides it.

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  47. If `(b_2-b_1)(b_3-b_1)+(a_2-a+1)(a_3-a_1)=0` , then prove that the circumcenter of the triangle having vertices `(a_1,b_1),(a_2,b_2)` and `(a_3,b_3)` is `((a_(2+a_3))/2,(b_(2+)b_3)/2)`

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  48. Find the orthocentre of ` A B C` with vertices `A(1,0),B(-2,1),` and `C(5,2)`

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  49. Two medians drawn from the acute angles of a right angled triangle intersect at an angle `pi/6dot` If the length of the hypotenuse of the triangle is `3u n i t s ,` then the area of the triangle (in sq. units) is `sqrt(3)` (b) 3 (c) `sqrt(2)` (d) 9

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  50. State which of the following statements are true.
    (i) `{}=phi`
    (ii) `phi=0`
    (iii) `0={0}`

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  51. Convert the following polar coordinates to its equivalent Cartesian coordinates.
    (i) `(2,pi)`
    (ii) `(sqrt(3),pi//6)`

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  52. Convert the following polar coordinates to its equivalent Cartesian coordinates.
    (i) `(2,pi)`
    (ii) `(sqrt(3),pi//6)`

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  53. Convert `y=10` into a polar equation.

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  54. Express the polar equation `r-2costheta` in rectangular coordinates.

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  55. Convert `x^2-y^2=4` into a polar equation.

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  56. Convert `rsintheta=rcostheta+4` into its equivalent Cartesian equation.

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  57. Convert `r=cos e cthetae^(rcostheta)` into its equivalent Cartesian equation.

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  58. Find the maximum distance of any point on the curve `x^2+2y^2+2x y=1` from the origin.

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  59. The sum of the squares of the distances of a moving point from two fixed points (a,0) and `(-a ,0)` is equal to a constant quantity `2c^2dot` Find the equation to its locus.

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  60. Find the locus of a point, so that the join of (-5, 1) and (3, 2) subtends a right angle at the moving point.

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  61. Find the locus of a point such that the sum of its distance from the points (0, 2) and `(0,-2)` is 6.

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  62. `A B` is a variable line sliding between the coordinate axes in such a way that `A` lies on the x-axis and `B` lies on the y-axis. If `P` is a variable point on `A B` such that `P A=b ,P b=a` , and `A B=a+b ,` find the equation of the locus of `Pdot`

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  63. Two points `Pa n dQ` are given. `R` is a variable point on one side of the line `P Q` such that `/_R P Q-/_R Q P` is a positive constant `2alphadot` Find the locus of the point `Rdot`

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  64. If the coordinates of a variable point `P` are `(acostheta,bsintheta),` where `theta` is a variable quantity, then find the locus of `Pdot`

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  65. Find the locus of the point `(t^2-t+1,t^2+t+1),t in Rdot`

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  66. The locus of a moving point `P(a cos^(3)theta,a sin^(3)theta)` is:

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  67. If `A(cosalpha,sinalpha),B(sinalpha,-cosalpha),C(1,2)` are the vertices of ` A B C ,` then as `alpha` varies, find the locus of its centroid.

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  68. If `a ,b ,c` are the `p t h ,q t h ,r t h` terms, respectively, of an `H P` , show that the points `(b c ,p),(c a ,q),` and `(a b ,r)` are collinear.

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  69. Find the area of a triangle formed by the points A(5, 2), B(4, 7) and C(7, -4).

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  70. Find the coordinates of the foot of the perpendicular P from the origin to the plane 2x-3y+4z-6=0

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  71. `M` is the foot of the perpendicular from a point `P` on a parabola `y^2=4a x` to its directrix and `S P M` is an equilateral triangle, where S is the focus. Then find `S P` .

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  72. If `(x , y)` and `(x ,y)` are the coordinates of the same point referred to two sets of rectangular axes with the same origin and it `u x+v y ,` where `u` and `v` are independent of `xa n dy` , becomes `V X+U Y ,` show that `u^2+v^2=U^2+V^2dot`

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  73. What does the equation `2x^2+4x y-5y^2+20 x-22 y-14=0` become when referred to the rectangular axes through the point `(-2,-3)` , the new axes being inclined at an angle at `45^0` with the old axes?

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  74. Prove the identitie `(cos theta)/(1+ sin theta) = sec theta - tan theta`

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  76. Two rods are rotating about two fixed points in opposite directions. If they start from their position of coincidence and one rotates at the rate double that of the other, then find the locus of point of the intersection of the two rods.

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter COORDINATE SYSYEM of CENGAGE of Class 12