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Complete Solutions to Single correct Answer of chapter THEORY OF EQUATIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEW DPPSingle correct Answer
Number Of Questions69
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Number of real solutions of `sqrt(2x-4)-sqrt(x+5)=1` is

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  2. Number of real solutions of `sqrt(x)+sqrt(x-sqrt(1-x))=1` is

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  3. The set of real values of `a` for which the equation `(2a^(2)+x^(2))/(a^(3)-x^(3))-(2x)/(ax+a^(2)+x^(2))+(1)/(x-1)=0` has a unique solution is

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  4. Number of distinct real solutions of the equation `x^(2)+((x)/(x-1))^(2)=8` is

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  5. If `m`, `n` are positive integers and `m+nsqrt(2)=sqrt(41+24sqrt(2))`, then `(m+n)` is equal to

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  6. The equation `(x+3-4(x-1)^(1//2))^(1//2)+(x+8-6(x-1)^(1//2))^(1//2)=1` has (A) no solution (B) only `1` solution (C) only `2` solutions (D) more than `2` solutions

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  7. The number of solutions of `sqrt(3x^(2)+x+5)=x-3` is (A) `0` (B) `1` (C) `2` (D) `4`

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  8. The number of real or complex solutions of `x^(2)-6|x|+8=0` is

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  9. If `alpha, beta` are the roots of the quadratic equation `x^2 - 3x - 2(3^(log_3 2) - 2^(log_2 3))) = 0` then the value of `alpha^2 + alpha beta + beta^2` is equal to

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  10. Which of the following is not true for equation `x^(2)log8-xlog5=2(log2)-x` (A) equation has one integral root (B) equation has no irrational roots (C) equation has rational roots (D) none of these

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  11. Let `f(x)` be a quadratic expression such that `f(-1)+f(2)=0`. If one root of `f(x)=0` is `3`, then the other root of `f(x)=0` lies in (A) `(-oo,-3)` (B) `(-3,oo)` (C) `(0,5)` (D) `(5,oo)`

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  12. If `f(x)=(x^(2)+3x+2)(x^(2)-7x+a)` and `g(x)=(x^(2)-x-12)(x^(2)+5x+b)`, then the value of `a` and `b`, if `(x+1)(x-4)` is H.C.F. of `f(x)` and `g(x)` is

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  13. The remainder obtained when the polynomial `x+x^(3)+x^(9)+x^(27)+x^(81)+x^(243)` is divided by `x^(2)-1` is

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  14. Let `f(x)=x^(2)-ax+b`, `'a'` is odd positive integar and the roots of the equation `f(x)=0` are two distinct prime numbers. If `a+b=35`, then the value of `f(10)=`

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  15. If `0 lt alpha lt beta lt gamma lt pi//2`, then the equation
    `(x-sinbeta)(x-singamma)+(x-sinalpha)(x-singamma)+(x-sinalpha)(x-sinbeta)=0` has

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  16. If the system of equation `r^(2)+s^(2)=t` and `r+s+t=(k-3)/(2)` has exactly one real solution, then the value of `k` is

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  17. If `a,` b`. `c in R` and `3b^(2)-8ac lt 0`, then the equation `ax^(4)+bx^(3)+cx^(2)+5x-7=0` has

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  18. For real solution of equation `3sqrt(x+3p+1)-3sqrt(x)=1`, we have

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  19. For `a`, `b`,`c` non-zero, real distinct, the equation, `(a^(2)+b^(2))x^(2)-2b(a+c)x+b^(2)+c^(2)=0` has non-zero real roots. One of these roots is also the root of the equation :

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  20. The equation `x^(2)+bx+c=0` has distinct roots. If `2` is subtracted from each root the result are the reciprocal of the original roots, then `b^(2)+c^(2)` is

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  21. The equation `(x^(2)+3x+4)^(2)+3(x^(2)+3x+4)+4=x` has

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  22. If one root of the equation `(x-1)(7-x)=m` is three times the other, then `m` is equal to

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  23. If the roots of the equation `ax^(2)-4x+a^(2)=0` are imaginery and the sum of the roots is equal to their product then `a` is

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  24. If the sum of squares of roots of equation `x^(2)-(sin alpha-2)x-(1+sin alpha)=0` is the least, then `alpha` is equal to

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  25. If `alpha` and `beta` are the roots of the equation `ax^(2)+bc+c=0` then the sum of the roots of the equation `a^(2)x^(2)+(b^(2)-2ac)x+b^(2)-4ac=0` is

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  26. If the roots of the quadratic equation `ax^(2)+bx-b=0`, where `a`, `b in R` such that `a*b gt 0`, are `alpha` and `beta`, then the value of `log_(|(beta-1)|)|(alpha-1)|` is

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  27. If `cos^4 alpha +k and sin^4 alpha+k` are the roots of `x^2+lambda(2 x+1)=0 and sin^2 alpha+1 and cos^2 alpha +1` are the roots of `x^2 +8 x+4=0,` then the sum of the possible values of `lambda` is

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  28. Let `f(x)=ax^(2)+bx+c`, `g(x)=ax^(2)+qx+r`, where `a`, `b`, `c`,`q`, `r in R` and `a lt 0`. If `alpha`, `beta` are the roots of `f(x)=0` and `alpha+delta`, `beta+delta` are the roots of `g(x)=0`, then

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  29. If `a`, `b`, `c` are in geometric progresion and the roots of the equations `ax^(2)+2bx+c=0` are `alpha` and `beta` and those of `cx^(2)+2bx+a=0` are `gamma` and `delta` then

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  30. If `alpha`, `beta` are the roots of the equation `ax^(2)+bx+c=0` and `S_(n)=alpha^(n)+beta^(n)`, then `aS_(n+1)+bS_(n)+cS_(n-1)=(n ge 2)`

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  31. Let `f(x)=ax^(2)+bx+c`, `g(x)=ax^(2)+px+q`, where `a`, `b`, `c`, `q`, `p in R` and `b ne p`. If their discriminants are equal and `f(x)=g(x)` has a root `alpha`, then

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  32. If `alpha` and `beta` be the roots of equation `x^(2) + 3x + 1 = 0`, then the value of `((alpha)/(1 + beta))^(2) + ((beta)/(1 + alpha))^(2)` is equal to

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  33. The roots of the equation `a(b-2x)x^(2)+b(c-2a)x+c(a-2b)=0` are, when `ab+bc+ca=0`

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  34. If the equations `2x^(2)-7x+1=0` and `ax^(2)+bx+2=0` have a common root, then

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  35. If `alpha` and `beta`, `alpha` and `gamma`, `alpha` and `delta` are the roots of the equations `ax^(2)+2bx+c=0`, `2bx^(2)+cx+a=0` and `cx^(2)+ax+2b=0` respectively where `a`, `b`, `c` are positive real numbers, then `alpha+alpha^(2)` is equal to

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  36. The product of uncommon real roots of the polynomials ` p(x)=x^4+2x^3-8x^2-6x+15` and ` q(x) ` `= x^3+4x^2-x-10 ` is :

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  37. Number of values of `x` satisfying the pair of quadratic equations `x^(2)-px+20=0` and `x^(2)-20x+p=0` for some `p in R` is

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  38. If the equations `4x^(2)-x-1=0` and `3x^(2)+(lambda+mu)x+lambda-mu=0` have a root common, then the rational values of `lambda` and `mu` are

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  39. If the equations `x^(2)+2lambdax+lambda^(2)+1=0`, `lambda in R` and `ax^(2)+bx+c=0` , where `a`, `b`, `c` are lengths of sides of triangle have a common root, then the possible range of values of `lambda` is

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  40. If both the roots of `k(6x^(2)+3)+rx+2x^(2)-1=0` and `6k(2x^(2)+1)+px+4x^(2)-2=0` are common, then `2r-p` is equal to

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  41. `x^(3)+5x^(2)+px+q=0` and `x^(3)+7x^(2)+px+r=0` have two roos in common. If their third roots are `gamma_(1)` and `gamma_(2)` , respectively, then `|gamma_(1)-gamma_(2)|=`

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  42. Let `a,b in N, a != b` and the two quadratic equations `(a-1)x^2-(a^2+2)x+a^2+2a=0 and (b-1)x^2-(b^2+2)x+(b^2+2b)=0` have a common root. The value of `ab` is

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  43. A quadratic equations `p(x)=0` having coefficient `x^(2)` unity is such that `p(x)=0` and `p(p(p(x)))=0` have a common root, then

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  44. If `ax^2+bx+c=0 and cx^2 + bx+a=0(a,b,c in R)` have a common non-real roots, then which of the following is not true ?

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  45. Let `A={x|x^2 + (m - 1)x -2(m +1)=0, x in R}, {B = {x|(m-1)x^2 + mx + 1 = 0, x in R}` Number of values of m such that `AuuB` has exactly 3 distinct elements, is

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  46. If the equation `|x^2-5x + 6|-lambda x+7 lambda=0` has exactly 3 distinct solutions then `lambda` is equal to

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  47. Let `alpha`, `beta (a lt b)` be the roots of the equation `ax^(2)+bx+c=0`. If `lim_(xtom) (|ax^(2)+bx+c|)/(ax^(2)+bx+c)=1` then

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  48. If the quadratic polynomials defined on real coefficient
    `P(x)=a_(1)x^(2)+2b_(1)x+c_(1)` and `Q(x)=a_(2)x^(2)+2b_(2)x+c_(2)` take positive values `AA x in R`, what can we say for the trinomial `g(x)=a_(1)a_(2)x^(2)+b_(1)b_(2)x+c_(1)c_(2)` ?

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  49. For which of the following graphs the quadratic expression `y=ax^(2)+bx+c` the product `abc` is negative ?

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  50. The difference of maximum and minimum value of `(x^(2)+4x+9)/(x^(2)+9)` is

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  51. If `a gt 1` , then the roots of the equation `(1-a)x^(2)+3ax-1=0` are

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  52. The values of `'a'` for which the quadraic expression `ax^(2)+(a-2)x-2` is negative for exactly two integral values of `x`, belongs to

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  53. If the roots of equation `(a + 1)x^2-3ax + 4a = 0` (a is not equals to -1) are greater than unity, then

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  54. The equation `ax^(4)-2x^(2)-(a-1)=0` will have real and unequal roots if

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  55. If `ax^(2)+bx+c=0`, `a ne 0`, `a`, `b`, `c in R` has distinct real roots in `(1,2)`, then `a` and `5a+2b+c` have

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  56. If `c lt a lt b lt d`, then roots of the equation `bx^(2)+(1-b(c+d)x+bcd-a=0`

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  57. If `2a`, `b`, `2c` are in `A.P.` where `a`, `b`, `c` are `R^(+)`, then the expression `f(x)=(ax^(2)-bx+c)` has

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  58. If `a`, `b`, `c` are positive numbers such that `a gt b gt c` and the equation `(a+b-2c)x^(2)+(b+c-2a)x+(c+a-2b)=0` has a root in the interval `(-1,0)`, then

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  59. If the quadratic equation `x^(2)-36x+lambda=0` has roots `alpha` and `beta` such that `alpha`, `beta in N` and `(lambda)/(5) cancel in Z` and `lambda` assumes minimum possible value then `(sqrt(alpha+2)sqrt(beta+2))/(|alpha-beta|)` is equal to

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  60. If the equation `2^(2x)+a*2^(x+1)+a+1=0` has roots of opposite sign, then the exhaustive set of real values of `a` is

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  61. Let `a`, `b`, `c` ne three distinct non-zero real numbers satisfying the system of equation `(1)/(a)+(1)/(a-1)+(1)/(a-2)=1` , `(b)+(1)/(b-1)+(1)/(b-2)=1` , `(1)/(c )+(1)/(c-1)+(1)/(c-2)=1`. Then `abc=`

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  62. In the given figure graph of `y=p(x)=x^(4)+ax^(3)+bx^(2)+cx+d` is given

    The product of all imaginery roots of `p(x)=(0)` is

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  63. If `a^(3)-3a^(2)+5a-17=0` and `b^(3)-3b^(2)+5b+11=0` are such that `a+b` is a real number, then the value of `a+b` is

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  64. Let` f(x) = x^4 + ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d` be a polynomial with real coefficients and real roots. If |f(i)|=1where `i=sqrt(-1)`, then the value of a +b+c+d is

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  65. If f(x) is a polynomial of degree four with leading coefficient one satisfying `f(1)=1, f(2)=2,f(3)=3`.then `[(f(-1)+f(5))/(f(0)+f(4))]`

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  66. Let `p(x) =x^6-x^5-x^3-x^2-x` and `alpha, beta, gamma, delta` are the roots of the equation `x^4-x^3-x^2-1=0` then `P(alpha)+P(beta)+P(gamma)+P(delta)=`

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  67. The line `y=mx+1` touches the curves `y=0x^(4)+2x^(2)+x` at two points `P(x_(1),y_(1))` and `Q(x_(2),y_(2))`. The value of `x_(1)^(2)+x_(2)^(2)+y_(1)^(2)+y_(2)^(2)` is

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  68. If `a+b+c=24`, `a^(2)+b^(2)+c^(2)=210`, `abc=440`. Then the least value of `a-b-c` is

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  69. If the roots of `x^(4)+qx^(2)+kx+225=0` are in arthmetic progression, then the value of `q`, is

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Single correct Answer questions and complete solutions for chapter THEORY OF EQUATIONS of CENGAGE MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12