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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Single) of chapter PROGRESSION AND SERIES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Single)
Number Of Questions93
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If a,b,c are in A.P., then `a^(3)+c^(3)-8b^(3)` is equal to

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  2. If three positive real numbers `a, b, c` are in A.P and `abc = 4`, then the minimum possible value of `b` is

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  3. If `log_(2)(5.2^(x)+1),log_(4)(2^(1-x)+1)` and 1 are in A.P,then x equals

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  4. The largest term common to the sequences `1, 11 , 21 , 31 , to100` terms and `31 , 36 , 41 , 46 , to100` terms is `381` b. `471` c. `281` d. none of these

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  5. In any A.P. if sum of first six terms is 5 times the sum of next six terms then which term is zero?

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  6. If the sides of a right angled triangle are in A.P then the sines of the acute angles are

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  7. If `a ,1/b ,a n d1/p ,q ,1/r` from two arithmetic progressions of the common difference, then `a ,q ,c` are in A.P. if `p ,b ,r` are in A.P. b. `1/p ,1/b ,1/r` are in A.P. c. `p ,b ,r` are in G.P. d. none of these

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  8. Suppose that `F(n +1) =( 2f(n)+1)/2` for n = 1, 2, 3,.....and f(1)= 2 Then F(101) equals = ?

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  9. Consider an `A. P .a_1,a_2,a_3,.....` such that `a_3+a_5+a_8 =11and a_4+a_2=-2` then the value of `a_1+a_6+a_7` is.....

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  10. If `a_(1),a_(2),a_(3),….` are in A.P., then `a_(p),a_(q),q_(r)` are in A.P. if p,q,r are in

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  11. Let `alpha,beta in Rdot` If `alpha,beta^2` are the roots of quadratic equation `x^2-p x+1=0a n dalpha^2,beta` is the roots of quadratic equation `x^2-q x+8=0` , then the value of `rifr/8` is the arithmetic mean of `pa n dq ,` is `(83)/2` b. `83` c. `(83)/8` d. `(83)/4`

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  12. If the sum of m terms of an A.P. is same as the sum of its n terms, then the sum of its (m+n) terms is

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  13. If `S_(n)` denotes the sum of `n` terms of an A.P., `S_(n +3) - 3S_(n + 2) + 3S_(n + 1) - S_(n) =`

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  14. The first term of an A.P. is `a` and the sum of first `p` terms is zero, show tht the sum of its next `q` terms is `(a(p+q)q)/(p-1)dot`

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  15. If `S_n` denotes the sum of first `n` terms of an A.P. and `(S_(3n)-S_(n-1))/(S_(2n)-S_(2n-1))=31` , then the value of `n` is 21`` b. 15`` c.16`` d. 19

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  16. The number of terms of an A.P. is even; the sum of the odd terms is 24, and of the even terms is 30, and the last term exceeds the first by 21/2 then the number of terms in the series is 8`` b. 4`` c. 6`` d. 10

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  17. The number of terms of an A.P. is even; the sum of the odd terms is 24, and of the even terms is 30, and the last term exceeds the first by 21/2 then the number of terms in the series is 8`` b. 4`` c. 6`` d. 10

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  18. Concentric circles of radii `1,2,3,. . . . ,100 c m` are drawn. The interior of the smallest circle is colored red and the angular regions are colored alternately green and red, so that no two adjacent regions are of the same color. Then, the total area of the green regions in sq. cm is equal to `1000pi` b. `5050pi` c. `4950pi` d. `5151pi`

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  19. If `a_1,a_2,a_3….a_(2n+1)` are in A.P then
    `(a_(2n+1)-a_1)/(a_(2n+1)+a_1)+(a_2n-a_2)/(a_(2n)+a_2)+....+(a_(n+2)-a_n)/(a_(n+2)+a_n)` is equal to

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  20. If `a_(1), a_(2), ……., a_(n)` are in A.P. with common differece `d != 0`, then `(sin d) [sec a_(1) sec a_(2) + sec a_(2) sec a_(3) + .... + sec a_(n - 1) sec a_(n)]` is equal to

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  21. ABC is a right-angled triangle in which `angleB=90^(@) and BC=a.` If n points `L_(1),L_(2),…,L_(n)` on AB is divided in n+1 equal parts and `L_(1)M_(1), L_(2)M_(2),…,L_(n)M_(n)` are line segments paralllel to BC and `M_(1), M_(2),….,M_(n)` are on AC, then the sum of the lengths of `L_(1)M_(1), L_(2)M_(2),...,L_(n)M_(n)` is

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  22. If `a ,b, c ,d` are in G.P, then `(b-c)^2+(c-a)^2+(d-b)^2` is equal to `

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  23. Let `{t_n}` be a sequence of integers in G.P. in which `t_4: t_6=1:4a n dt_2+t_5=216.` . Then `t_1i s` `12` b. `14` c. `16` d. none of these

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  24. if x , 2y and 3z are in AP where the distinct numbers x, yand z are in gp. Then the common ratio of the GP is

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  25. If a,b, and c are in A.P and b-a,c-b and a are in G.P then a:b:c is

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  26. If the sides of a triangle are in G.P., and its largest angle is twice the smallest, then the common ratio `r` satisfies the inequality `0

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  27. If x,y,z are in G.P and `a^x=b^y=c^z`,then

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  28. The number of terms common between the series 1+ 2 + 4 + 8..... to 100 terms and 1 + 4 + 7 + 10 +... to 100 terms is

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  29. If `a^2+b^2,a b+b c ,a n db^2+c^2` are in G.P., then `a ,b ,c` are in a. A.P. b. G.P. c. H.P. d. none of these

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  30. In a G.P. the first, third, and fifth terms may be considered as the first, fourth, and sixteenth terms of an A.P. Then the fourth term of the A.P., knowing that its first term is 5, is `10` b. `12` c. `16` d. 20

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  31. If the pth ,qth and rth terms of an AP are in G.P then the common ration of the GP is

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  32. If `p^(th), q^(th), r^(th) and s^(th)` terms of an A.P. are in G.P, then show that (p – q), (q – r), (r – s) are also in G.P.

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  33. If `a ,b , a n dc` are in G.P. and `x ,y ,` respectively, are the arithmetic means between `a ,b ,a n db ,c` , then the value of `a/x+c/y` is `1` b. `2` c. `1//2` d. none of these

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  34. If `a ,ba n dc` are in A.P., and `pa n dp '` are respectively, A.M. and G.M. between `aa n dbw h i l eq , q '` are , respectively, the A.M. and G.M. between `ba n dc ,` then `p^2+q^2=p^('2)+q^('2)` b. `p q=p ' q '` c. `p^2-q^2=p^('2)-q^('2)` d. none of these

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  35. If `(1+x)(1+x^2)(1+x^4)….(1+x^(128))=Sigma_(r=0)^(n) x^r`, then n is equal is

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  36. If `(1-p)(1+3x+9x^2+27 x^3+81 x^4+243 x^5)=1-p^6p!=1` , then the value of `p/xi s` `1/3` b. `3` c. `1/2` d. `2`

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  37. Consider the ten numbers `a r ,a r^2, a r^3, ,a r^(10)dot` If their sum is 18 and the sum of their reciprocals is 6, then the product of these ten numbers is `81` b. `243` c. `343` d. 324

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  38. If `x ,y ,a n dz` are distinct prime numbers, then `x , y , a n dz` may be in A.P. but not in G.P. `x , y , a n dz` may be in G.P. but not in A.P. `x , y , a n dz` can neither be in A.P. nor in G.P. none of these

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  39. Let `a=111 1(55d igi t s),b=1+10+1=^2++10^4,c=1+10^5+10^(10)+10^(15)++10^(50),` then `a=b+c` b. `a=b c` c. `b=a c` d. `c=a b`

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  40. Let `a_(n)` be the `n^(th)` term of a G.P of positive integers. Let `sum_(n = 1)^(100) a _(2n) = alpha` and `sum_(n = 1)^(100) a_(2n +1) = beta` such that `alpha != beta`. Then the common ratio is

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  41. The sum of 20 terms of a series of which every term is 2 times the term before it ,and every odd term is 3 times the term before it the first term being unity is

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  42. Let `a in (0,1)` satisfies the equation `a^(2008)-2a+1=0v a l u e s(s)toS` is `2010` b. `2009` c. `2008` d. `2`

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  43. In a geometric series , the first term is a and common ratio is r. If `S_n` denotes the sum of the n terms and `U_n=Sigma_(n=1)^(n) S_n` , then `rS_n+(1-r)U_n` equals

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  44. Let `Ssub(0,pi)` denote the set of values of `x` satisfying the equation `8^(1+|cos x|+cos^2x+|cos^(3x| tooo)=4^3` . Then, `S=` `{pi//3}` b. `{pi//3,""2pi//3}` c. `{-pi//3,""2pi//3}` d. `{pi//3,""2pi//3}`

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  45. If |`|a| lt 1 "and " |b| lt 1` then the sum of the series `1+(1+a)b+(1+a+a^2)b^2+(1+a+a^2+a^3)b^3+… `

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  46. The value of `0. 2^(logsqrt(5)1/4+1/8+1/(16)+)` is `4` b. `log4` c. `log2` d. none of these

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  47. If `x=9^(1//3)xx9^(1//9)xx 9^(1//27)xx….,y=4^(1//3)xx-4^(1//9)xx 4^(1//27)x….,` and `z=Sigma_(r=1)^(oo) (1+i)^(r)` then arg (x+yz) is equal to

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  48. The value of x that satisfies the relation `x=1 -x+x^2-x^3+x^4-x^5+….oo is `

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  49. If S dentes the sum to infinity and `S_n` the sum of n terms of the series `1+1/2+1/4+1/8+….., `such that `S-S_n lt 1/1000` then the least value of n is

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  50. The first term of an infinite geometric series is 21. The seconds term and the sum of the series are both positive integers. The possible value(s) of the second term can be

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  51. The sum of an infinite G.P. is 57 and the sum of their cubes is 9747, then the common ratio of the G.P. is

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  52. If `S_p` denotes the sum of the series `1+r^p+r^(2p)+ toooa n ds_p` the sum of the series `1-r^(2p)r^(3p)+ tooo,|r|<1,t h e nS_p+s_p` in term of `S_(2p)` is

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  53. If the sum to infinity of the series `1+2r+3r^2+4r^3+` is 9/4, then value of `r` is `1//2` b. `1//3` c. `1//4` d. none of these

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  54. Sum to infininty of the series `1 + 4/5 + 7/5^(2) + 10/5^(3) + ......` is

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  55. The sum of the series `0.4 + 0.004 + 0.00004 + infty` is

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  56. The positive integer `n` for which `2xx2^2xx+3xx2^3+4xx2^4++nxx2^n=2^(n+10)` is `510` b. `511` c. `512` d. 513

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  57. If `omega` is a complex nth root of unity, then `underset(r=1)overset(n)(ar+b)omega^(r-1)` is equal to

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  58. ABCD is a square of length `a,a in N ,a gt 1.` Let `L_1,L_2,L_3,` ……. Be points on BC such that `BL_1L_2=L_2L_3=….=1` and `M_1,M_2M_3….` be points on CD such that `CM_1=M_1M_2 =M_2M_3 =….1` Then `Sigma_(n=1)^(a-1) (AL_n^2+L_nM_n^2)` is equal to

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  59. The 15th term of the series `2 1/2+1 7/(13)+1 1/9+(20)/(23)+..` is

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  60. If `a_1,a_2,….a_n` are in H.P then `(a_1)/(a_2+,a_3,…,a_n),(a_2)/(a_1+a_3+….+a_n),…,(a_n)/(a_1+a_2+….+a_(n-1))`
    are in

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  61. If `a_1,a_2,a_3…a_n` are in H.P and `f(k)=(Sigma_(r=1)^(n) a_r)-a_k` then `a_1/f(1),a_2/f(3),….,a_n/f(n)` are in

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  62. If `a ,b ,a n dc` are in A.P. `p ,q ,a n dr` are in H.P., and `a p ,b q ,a n dc r` are in G.P., then `p/r+r/p` is equal to `a/c-c/a` b. `a/c+c/a` c. `b/q+q/b` d. `b/q-q/b`

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  63. If `a ,b ,a n dc` are in A.P. `p ,q ,a n dr` are in H.P., and `a p ,b q ,a n dc r` are in G.P., then `p/r+r/p` is equal to `a/c-c/a` b. `a/c+c/a` c. `b/q+q/b` d. `b/q-q/b`

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  64. a,b,c,d `in R^+` such that a,b and c are in H.P and, and cr are in G.P then `p/r+t/p` is equal to

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  65. If in a progression `a_1, a_2, a_3, e t cdot,(a_r-a_(r+1))` bears a constant atio with `a_rxxa_(r+1)` , then the terms of the progression are in a. A.P b. G.P. c. H.P. d. none of these

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  66. If a,b, and c are in G.P then a+b,2b and b+ c are in

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  67. If a,x,b are in A.P.,a,y,b are in G.P. and a,z,b are in H.P. such that x=9z and `gt0,bgt0`, then

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  68. Let `n in N ,n > 25.` Let `A ,G ,H` deonote te arithmetic mean, geometric man, and harmonic mean of 25 and `ndot` The least value of `n` for which `A ,G ,H in {25 , 26 , n}` is a. 49 b. 81 c.169 d. 225

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  69. If A.M., G.M., and H.M. of the first and last terms of the series of `100 , 101 , 102 ,...n-1,n` are the terms of the series itself, then the value of `ni s(100

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  70. If `H_1.,H_2,…,H_20` are 20 harmonic means between 2 and 3, then `(H_1+2)/(H_1-2)+(H_20+3)/(H_20-3)=`

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  71. If the sum of n terms of an A.P is cn (n-1)where `c ne 0` then the sum of the squares of these terms is

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  72. If `b_i=1-a_i na = Sigma_(i=1)^(n) a_i, nb = Sigma_(i=1)^(n) b_i " then " Sigma_(i=1)^(n) a_b_i+Sigma_(i=1)^(n)(a_i-a)^2=`

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  73. The sum `1+3+7+15+31+...to100` terms is `2^(100)-102 b` b. `2^(99)-101` c. `2^(101)-102` d. none of these

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  74. Consider the sequence 1,2,2,4,4,4,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,... Then 1025th terms will be `2^9` b. `2^(11)` c. `2^(10)` d. `2^(12)`

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  75. The value of `Sigma_(i=1)^(n) Sigma_(j=1)^(i) underset(k=1)overset(j)` =220, then the value of n equals

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  76. If `1^2+2^2+3^2++2003^2=(2003)(4007)(334)a n d(1)(2003)+(2)(2002)+(3)(2001)++(2003)(1)=(2003)(334)(x),t h e nx` equals `2005` b. `2004` c. `2003` d. 2001

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  77. If `t_n` denotes the nth term of the series 2+3+6+11+18+….. Then `t_50` is

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  78. The sum of series `Sigma_(r=0)^(r) (-1)^r(n+2r)^2` (where n is even) is

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  79. If`(1^2-t_1)+(2^2-t_2)+….+(n^2-t_n)=(n(n^2-1))/(3)` then `t_n` is equal to

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  80. If `(1+3+5++p)+(1+3+5++q)=(1+3+5++r)` where each set of parentheses contains the sum of consecutive odd integers as shown, the smallest possible value of `p+q+r(w h e r ep >6)` is `12` b. `21` c. `45` d. `54`

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  81. If `H_n=1+12++1/ndot` , then the value of `S_n=1+3/2+5/3++(99)/(50)` is `H_(50)+50` b. `100-H_(50)` c. `49+H_(50)` d. `H_(50)+100`

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  82. The sum to 50 terms of the series
    `3/1^2+5/(1^2+2^2)+7/(1^+2^2+3^2)+….+… is `

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  83. Let S=`4/19+44/(19)^2+444/(19)^3+...oo` then find the value of S

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  84. If `1-1/3+1/5-1/7+1/9-1/(11)+=pi/4` , then value of `1/(1xx3)+1/(5xx7)+1/(9xx11)+` is `pi//8` b. `pi//6` c. `pi//4` d. `pi//36`

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  85. If `1/(1^2)+1/(2^2)+1/(3^2)+ tooo=(pi^2)/6,t h e n1/(1^2)+1/(3^2)+1/(5^2)+` equals `pi^2//8` b. `pi^2//12` c. `pi^2//3` d. `pi^2//2`

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  86. `lim_(nrarroo) Sigma_(r=1)^(n) (r)/(1xx3xx5xx7xx9xx...xx(2r+1))` is equal to

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  87. The greatest interger by which `1+Sigma_(r=1)^(30) rxxr !` is divisible is

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  88. If `Sigma_(r=1)^(n) r^4=I(n), " then "Sigma__(r=1)^(n) (2r -1)^4` is equal to

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  89. Value of `(1+1/3)(1+1/(3^2))(1+1/(3^4))(1+1/(3^8))oo` is equal to `3` b. `6/5` c. `3/2` d. none of these

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  90. If `x_1,x_2 …,x_(20)` are in H.P and `x_1,2,x_(20)` are in G.P then `Sigma_(r=1)^(19)x_rr_(x+1)`

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  91. Find the value of `Sigma_(r=1)^(n) (a+r+ar)(-a)^r` is equal to

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  92. The sum of series `x/(1-x^2)+(x^2)/(1-x^4)+(x^4)/(1-x^8)+` to infinite terms, if `|x|<1,` is `x/(1-x)` b. `1/(1-x)` c. `(1+x)/(1-x)` d. `1`

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  93. The sum of 20 terms of the series whose rth term s given by k`T(n)=(-1)^n(n^2+n+1)/(n !)` is `(20)/(19 !)` b. `(21)/(20 !)-1` c. `(21)/(20 !)` d. none of these

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Exercise (Single) questions and complete solutions for chapter PROGRESSION AND SERIES of CENGAGE of Class 12