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Complete Solutions to Single correct Answer of chapter PROGRESSION AND SERIES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEW DPPSingle correct Answer
Number Of Questions54
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `3x^(2)-2ax+(a^(2)+2b^(2)+2c^(2))=2(ab+bc)`, then `a`, `b`, `c` can be in

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  2. If `x=(1)/(1^(2))+(1)/(3^(2))+(1)/(5^(2))+....` , `y=(1)/(1^(2))+(3)/(2^(2))+(1)/(3^(2))+(3)/(4^(2))+....` and `z=(1)/(1^(2))-(1)/(2^(2))+(1)/(3^(2))-(1)/(4^(2))+...` then

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  3. For `a`, `b`,`c in R-{0}`, let `(a+b)/(1-ab)`, `b`, `(b+c)/(1-bc)` are in `A.P.` If `alpha`, `beta` are the roots of the quadratic equation
    `2acx^(2)+2abcx+(a+c)=0`, then the value of `(1+alpha)(1+beta)` is

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  4. If `a_(1),a_(2),a_(3),……a_(87),a_(88),a_(89)` are the arithmetic means between `1` and `89`, then `sum_(r=1)^(89)log(tan(a_(r ))^(@))` is equal to

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  5. Let `a_(1), a_(2),….` and `b_(1),b_(2),….` be arithemetic progression such that `a_(1)=25`, `b_(1)=75` and `a_(100)+b_(100)=100`, then the sum of first hundred term of the progression`a_(1)+b_(1)`, `a_(2)+b_(2)`,…. is equal to

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  6. The sum of `25` terms of an `A.P.`, whose all the terms are natural numbers, lies between `1900` and `2000` and its `9^(th)` term is `55`. Then the first term of the `A.P.` is

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  7. If the first, fifth and last terms of an `A.P.` is `l`, `m`, `p`, respectively, and sum of the `A.P.` is `((l+p)(4p+m-5l))/(k(m-l))` then `k` is

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  8. If `a_(1),a_(2)a_(3),….,a_(15)` are in `A.P` and `a_(1)+a_(8)+a_(15)=15`, then `a_(2)+a_(3)+a_(8)+a_(13)+a_(14)` is equal to

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  9. If `a_1,a_2,a_3,...` are in A.P. and `a_i>0` for each i, then `sum_(i=1)^n n/(a_(i+1)^(2/3)+a_(i+1)^(1/3)a_i^(1/3)+a_i^(2/3))` is equal to

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  10. Between the numbers `2` and `20`, `8` means are inserted. Then their sum is

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  11. Let `a_(1),a_(2),a_(3),….,a_(4001)` is an `A.P.` such that `(1)/(a_(1)a_(2))+(1)/(a_(2)a_(3))+...+(1)/(a_(4000)a_(4001))=10`
    Then `|a_(1)-a_(4001)|` is equal to

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  12. An `A.P.` consist of even number of terms `2n` having middle terms equal to `1` and `7` respectively. If `n` is the maximum value which satisfy `t_(1)t_(2n)+713 ge 0`, then the value of the first term of the series is

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  13. If the sum of the first `100` terms of an `AP` is `-1` and the sum of even terms lying in first `100` terms is `1`, then which of the following is not true ?

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  14. Given the sequence of numbers `x_(1),x_(2),x_(3),x_(4),….,x_(2005)`, `(x_(1))/(x_(1)+1)=(x_(2))/(x_(2)+3)=(x_(3))/(x_(3)+5)=...=(x_(2005))/(x_(2005)+4009)`, the nature of the sequence is

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  15. If `b-c`, `bx-cy`, `bx^(2)-cy^(2)` (`b,c ne 0`) are in `G.P`, then the value of `((bx+cy)/(b+c))((bx-cy)/(b-c))` is

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  16. If `a_(1),a_(2),a_(3),…` are in `G.P.`, where `a_(i) in C` (where `C` satands for set of complex numbers) having `r` as common ratio such that `sum_(k=1)^(n)a_(2k-1)sum_(k=1)^(n)a_(2k+3) ne 0` , then the number of possible values of `r` is

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  17. If `a`, `b`, `c` are real numbers forming an `A.P.` and `3+a`, `2+b`, `3+c` are in `G.P.` , then minimum value of `ac` is

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  18. `a`, `b`, `c`, `d` are in increasing `G.P.` If the `AM` between `a` and `b` is `6` and the `AM` between `c` and `d` is `54`, then the `AM` of `a` and `b` is

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  19. The numbers `a,b,c` are in `A.P.` and `a+b+c=60`. The numbers `(a-2)`, `b`, `(c+3)` are in `G.P.` Then which of the following is not the possible value of `a^(2)+b^(2)+c^(2)` ?

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  20. `a`, `b`, `c` are positive integers formaing an incresing `G.P.` and `b-a` is a perfect cube and `log_(6)a+log_(6)b+log_(6)c=6`, then `a+b+c=`

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  21. The first three terms of a geometric sequence are `x`, `y`,`z` and these have the sum equal to `42`. If the middle term `y` is multiplied by `5//4`, the numbers `x`, `(5y)/(4)`, `z` now form an arithmetic sequence. The largest possible value of `x` is

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  22. If an infinite G.P. has 2nd term x and its sum is 4, then prove that `xin(-8,1]-{0}`

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  23. In a `GP`, the ratio of the sum of the first eleven terms of the sum of the last even terms is `1//8` and the ratio of the sum of all the terms without the first nine to the sum of all terms without the last nine is `2`. Then the number of terms in the `GP` is

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  24. The number of ordered pairs `(x,y)` , where `x`, `y in N` for which `4`, `x`, `y` are in `H.P.` , is equal to

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  25. If `a+c`, `a+b`, `b+c` are in `G.P` and `a,c,b` are in `H.P.` where `a`,`b`,`c gt 0`, then the value of `(a+b)/(c )` is

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  26. If `a,b,c` are in `H.P`, `b,c,d` are in `G.P` and `c,d,e` are in `A.P.` , then the value of `e` is

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  27. If `x gt 1`, `y gt 1`, `z gt 1` are in `G.P.`, then `log_(ex)e`, `log_(ey)e` , `log_(ez)e` are in

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  28. If `x,y,z` are in `G.P. (x,y,z gt 1)` , then `(1)/(2x+log_(e)x)`, `(1)/(4x+log_(e)y)`, `(1)/(6x+log_(ez)z)` are in

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  29. The arithmetic mean of two positive numbers is `6` and their geometric mean `G` and harmonic mean `H` satisfy the relation `G^(2)+3H=48`. Then the product of the two numbers is

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  30. If `x,y,z` be three numbers in `G.P.` such that `4` is the `A.M.` between `x` and `y` and `9` is the `H.M.` between `y` and `z` , then `y` is

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  31. If harmonic mean of `(1)/(2),(1)/(2^(2)),(1)/(2^(3)),...,(1)/(2^(10))` is `(lambda)/(2^(10)-1)`, then `lambda=`

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  32. An aeroplane flys around squares whose all sides are of length `100` miles. If the aeroplane covers at a speed of `100 mph` the first side, `200 mph` the second side `300 mph` the third side and `400 mph` the fourth side. The average speed of aeroplane around the square is

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  33. The sum of the series `1+(9)/(4)+(36)/(9)+(100)/(16)+…` infinite terms is

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  34. The sum `2xx5+5xx9+8xx13+…10` terms is

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  35. The sum of `n` terms of series `ab+(a+1)(b+1)+(a+2)(b+2)+…+(a+(n-1)(b+(n-1))` if `ab=(1)/(6)` and `(1+b)=(1)/(3)` is

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  36. `sum_(i=1)^(oo)sum_(j=1)^(oo)sum_(k=1)^(oo)(1)/(a^(i+j+k))` is equal to (where `|a| gt 1`)

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  37. The coefficient of `x^(1274)` in the expansion of `(x+1)(x-2)^(2)(x+3)^(3)(x-4)^(4)…(x+49)^(49)(x-50)^(50)` is

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  38. If the positive integers are written in a triangular array as shown below,
    then the row in which the number `2010` will be, is

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  39. The value of `underset(i=1)overset(n)Sigmaunderset(j=1)overset(i)Sigmaunderset(k=1)overset(j)` =220, then the value of n equals

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  40. The sum `sum_(k=1)^(10)underset(i ne j ne k)underset(j=1)(sum^(10))sum_(i=1)^(10)1` is equal to

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  41. The sum `sum_(k=1)^(10)underset(i lt j lt k)underset(j=1)(sum^(10))sum_(i=1)^(10)1` is equal to

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  42. If the sum to infinty of the series , `1+4x+7x^(2)+10x^(3)+….`, is `(35)/(16)`, where `|x| lt 1`, then `'x'` equals to

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  43. The value of `sum_(n=1)^oo(-1)^(n+1)(n/(5^n))` equals

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  44. Find the sum of the infinte series `(1)/(9)+(1)/(18)+(1)/(30)+(1)/(45)+(1)/(63)+…`

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  45. If `sum_(r=1)^(r=n)(r^(4)+r^(2)+1)/(r^(4)+r)=(675)/(26)`, then `n` equal to

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  46. The sequence `{x_(k)}` is defined by `x_(k+1)=x_(k)^(2)+x_(k)` and `x_(1)=(1)/(2)`. Then `[(1)/(x_(1)+1)+(1)/(x_(2)+1)+...+(1)/(x_(100)+1)]` (where `[.]` denotes the greatest integer function) is equal to

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  47. The absolute value of the sum of first `20` terms of series, if `S_(n)=(n+1)/(2)` and `(T_(n-1))/(T_(n))=(1)/(n^(2))-1`, where `n` is odd, given `S_(n)` and `T_(n)` denotes sum of first `n` terms and `n^(th)` terms of the series

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  48. If `S_(n)=(1^(2)-1+1)(1!)+(2^(2)-2+1)(2!)+...+(n^(2)-n+1)(n!)`, then `S_(50)=`

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  49. If `S_(n)=(1.2)/(3!)+(2.2^(2))/(4!)+(3.2^(2))/(5!)+...+` up to `n` terms, then sum of infinite terms is

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  50. There is a certain sequence of positive real numbers. Beginning from the third term, each term of the sequence is the sum of all the previous terms. The seventh term is equal to `1000` and the first term is equal to `1`. The second term of this sequence is equal to

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  51. The sequence `{x_(1),x_(2),…x_(50)}` has the property that for each `k`, `x_(k)` is `k` less than the sum of other `49` numbers. The value of `96x_(20)` is

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  52. Let `a_(0)=0` and `a_(n)=3a_(n-1)+1` for `n ge 1`. Then the remainder obtained dividing `a_(2010)` by `11` is

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  53. Suppose `a_(1)`,`a_(2)`,`a_(3)`,….,`a_(2012)` are integers arranged on a cicle. Each number is equal to the average of its two adjacent numbers. If the sum of all even idexed numbers is `3018`, what is the sum of all numbers ?

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  54. The sum of the series `(9)/(5^(2)*2*1)+(13)/(5^(3)*3*2)+(17)/(5^(4)*4*3)+...` upto infinity

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Single correct Answer questions and complete solutions for chapter PROGRESSION AND SERIES of CENGAGE of Class 12