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Complete Solutions to JEE Advanced Previous Year of chapter PROPERTIES AND SOLUTIONS OF TRIANGLE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWJEE Advanced Previous Year
Number Of Questions11
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Let `A B C` be a triangle such that `/_A C B=pi/6` and let `a , ba n dc` denote the lengths of the side opposite to `A , B ,a n dC` respectively. The value(s) of `x` for which `a=x^2+x+1,b=x^2-1,a n dc=2x+1` is(are) `-(2+sqrt(3))` (b) `1+sqrt(3)` `2+sqrt(3)` (d) `4sqrt(3)`

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  2. If the angles A, B and C of a triangle are in an arithmetic progression and if a, b and c denote the lengths of the sides opposite to A, B and C respectively, then the value of the expression `(a)/(c) sin 2C + (c)/(a) sin 2A` is

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  3. Let `P Q R` be a triangle of area `` with `a=2,b=7/2,a n dc=5/2, w h e r ea , b ,a n dc` are the lengths of the sides of the triangle opposite to the angles at `P ,Q ,a n dR` respectively. Then `(2sinP-sin2P)/(2sinP+sin2P)e q u a l s` `3/(4)` (b) `(45)/(4)` (c) `(3/(4))^2` (d) `((45)/(4))^2`

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  4. a triangle `A B C` with fixed base `B C` , the vertex `A` moves such that `cosB+cosC=4sin^2(A/2)dot` If `a ,ba n dc ,` denote the length of the sides of the triangle opposite to the angles `A , B ,a n dC` , respectively, then (a) `b+c=4a` (b) `b+c=2a` (c) the locus of point `A` is an ellipse (d) the locus of point `A` is a pair of straight lines

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  5. about to only mathematics

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  6. In a triangle XYZ, let x, y, z be the lengths of sides opposite to the angles X, Y, Z, respectively, and 2s = x + y + z. If `(s-x)/4=(s-y)/3=(s-z)/2` of incircle of the triangle XYZ is `(8pi)/3`

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  7. In a triangle PQR, let `anglePQR = 30^(@)` and the sides PQ and QR have lengths `10 sqrt3` and 10, respectively. Then, which of the following statement(s) is (are) TRUE ?

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  8. Prove the following trigonometric identities: `(cosec A - sin A)(sec A - cos A)(tan A + cot A) = 1`

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  9. Let `A B Ca n dA B C '` be two non-congruent triangles with sides `A B=4,A C=A C^(prime)=2sqrt(2)` and angle `B=30^0` . The absolute value of the difference between the areas of these triangles is

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  10. Two parallel chords of a circle of radius 2 are at a distance. `sqrt(3+1)` apart. If the chord subtend angles `pi/k` and `(2pi)/k` at the center, where `k >0,` then the value of [k] is

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  11. Consider a triangle `A B C` and let `a , ba n dc` denote the lengths of the sides opposite to vertices `A , B ,a n dC` , respectively. Suppose `a=6,b=10 ,` and the area of triangle is `15sqrt(3)dot` If `/_A C B` is obtuse and if `r` denotes the radius of the incircle of the triangle, then the value of `r^2` is

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JEE Advanced Previous Year questions and complete solutions for chapter PROPERTIES AND SOLUTIONS OF TRIANGLE of CENGAGE of Class 12