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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Single) of chapter PROPERTIES AND SOLUTIONS OF TRIANGLE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Single)
Number Of Questions80
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In `Delta ABC, (sin A (a - b cos C))/(sin C (c -b cos A))=`

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  2. If in a triangle ABC, `(1 + cos A)/(a) + (1 + cos B)/(b) + (1+ cos C)/(c) = (k^(2) (1 + cos A) (1 + cos B) (1 + cos C))/(abc)`, then k is equal to

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  3. In triangle `A B C ,2a csin(1/2(A-B+C))` is equal to `a^2+b^2-c^2` (b) `c^2+a^2-b^2` (c) `b^2-c^2-a^2` (d) `c^2-a^2-b^2`

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  4. If the angles of triangle are in the ratio 4 :1:1 , then the ratio of the longest side to the perimeter is

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  5. Which of the following pieces of data does NOT uniquely determine an acute-angled triangle `A B C(R` being the radius of the circumcircle)? `a ,sinA ,sinB` (b) `a , b , c ,` `a ,sinB ,R` (d) `a ,sinA ,R`

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  6. The sides of a triangle are in the ratio `1: sqrt3:2.` Then the angles are in the ratio

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  7. In ` A B C ,a=5,b=12 ,c=90^0a n dD` is a point on `A B` so that `/_B C D=45^0dot` Then which of the following is not true? `C D=(60sqrt(2))/(17)` (b) `B D=(65)/(17)` `A D=(60sqrt(2))/(17)` (d) none of these

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  8. In `Delta ABC, (a + b+ c) (b + c -a) = kbc` if

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  9. Let `D` be the middle point of the side `B C` of a triangle `A B Cdot` If the triangle `A D C` is equilateral, then `a^2: b^2: c^2` is equal to `1:4:3` (b) `4:1:3` (c) `4:3:1` (d) `3:4:1`

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  10. In a triangle `A B C ,` the altitude from `A` is not less than `B C` andthe altitude from `B` is not less than `A C` . The triangle is right angled (b) isosceles obtuse angled (d) equilateral

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  11. In `DeltaABC`, if `(sin A)/(c sin B) + (sin B)/(c) + (sin C)/(b) = (c)/(ab) + (b)/(ac) + (a)/(bc)`, then the value of angle A is

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  12. If in ` A B C` , side `a , b , c` are in A.P. then `B > 60^0` (b) `B<60^0` `Blt=60^0` (d) `B=|A-C|`

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  13. In triangle `A B C ,A D` is the altitude from `Adot` If `b > c ,/_C=23^0,a n dA D=(a b c)/(b^2-c^2),` then `/_B=_____`

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  14. If the sides `a , b , c` of a triangle `A B C` form successive terms of G.P. with common ratio `r(>1)` then which of the following is correct? `A >pi/3` (b) `Bgeqpi/3` (d) `A

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  15. In triangle `A B C ,b^2 sin2C+c^2sin2B=2bc where b=20 ,c=21 ,` then inradius= (a)4 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) 9

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  16. In a ` A B C ,ifA B=x , B C=x+1,/_C=pi/3` , then the least integer value of `x` is 6 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) none of these

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  17. If one side of a triangle is double the other, and the angles on opposite sides differ by `60^0,` then the triangle is equilateral (b) obtuse angled (c) right angled (d) acute angled

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  18. If the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is four times the length of the perpendicular drawn from the opposite vertex to it, then the difference of the two acute angles will be `60^0` (b) `15^0` (c) `75^0` (d) `30^0`

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  19. If `P` is a point on the altitude AD of the triangle ABC such the `/_C B P=B/3,` then AP is equal to `2asinC/3` (b) `2bsinC/3` `2csinB/3` (d) `2csinC/3`

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  20. With usual notations, in triangle `A B C ,acos(B-C)+bcos(C-A)+c"cos"(A-B)` is equal to `a b c//R^2` (b) `(a b c)/(4R^2)` `(4a b c)/(R^2)` (d) `(a b c)/(2R^2)`

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  21. If in `Delta ABC, 8R^(2) = a^(2) + b^(2) + c^(2)`, then the triangle ABC is

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  22. Let ABC be a triangle with `/_A=45^0dot` Let P be a point on side BC with PB=3 and PC=5. If O is circumcenter of triangle ABC, then length OP is `sqrt(18)` (b) `sqrt(17)` (c) `sqrt(19)` (d) `sqrt(15)`

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  23. In any triangle `A B C ,(a^2+b^2+c^2)/(R^2)` has the maximum value of (a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) none of these

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  24. In triangle `A B C ,R(b+c)=asqrt(b c),w h e r eR` is the circumradius of the triangle. Then the triangle is isosceles but not right right but not isosceles right isosceles equilateral

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  25. In ` A B C ,` if `b^2+c^2=2a^2,` then value of `(cotA)/(cotB+cotC)` is `1/2` (b) `3/2` (c) `5/2` (d) `5/2`

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  26. If `sinthetaa n d-costheta` are the roots of the equation `a x^2-b x-c=0` , where `a , ba n dc` are the sides of a triangle ABC, then `cosB` is equal to `1-c/(2a)` (b) `1-c/a` `1+c/(c a)` (d) `1+c/(3a)`

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  27. If `D` is the mid-point of the side `B C` of triangle `A B C` and `A D` is perpendicular to `A C` , then (a) `3b^2=a^2-c` (b) `3a^2=b^2 3c^2` `b^2=a^2-c^2` (d) `a^2+b^2=5c^2`

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  28. In a triangle `ABC, if cotA :cotB :cotC = 30: 19 : 6` then the sides `a, b, c` are

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  29. In ` A B C ,P` is an interior point such that `/_P A B=10^0/_P B A=20^0,/_P C A=30^0,/_P A C=40^0` then ` A B C` is isosoceles (b) right angled equilateral (d) obtuse angled

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  30. In `DeltaABC`, if AB = c is fixed, and `cos A + cosB + 2 cos C = 2` then the locus of vertex C is

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  31. If in ` A B C ,A=pi/7,B=(2pi)/7,C=(4pi)/7` then `a^2+b^2+c^2` must be

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  32. In `Delta ABC, "cot"(A)/(2) + "cot" (B)/(2) + "cot" (C)/(2)` is equal to

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  33. In `Delta ABC, (cot. (A)/(2) + cot. (B)/(2)) (a sin.^(2) (B)/(2) + b sin.^(2) (A)/(2))=`

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  34. In a right-angled isosceles triangle, the ratio of the circumradius and inradius is `2(sqrt(2)+1):1` (b) `(sqrt(2)+1):1` `2:1` (d) `sqrt(2):1`

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  35. In the given figure, what is the radius of the inscribed semicircle having base on AB ?

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  36. In ` A B C ,A=(2pi)/3,b-c=3sqrt(3)c m` and area of ` A B C=(9sqrt(3))/2c m^2,t h e n (a) `9c m` (b) `18 c m` (c) `27 c m`

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  37. In triangle `A B C ,` let `/_c=pi/2dot` If `r` is the inradius and `R` is circumradius of the triangle, then `2(r+R)` is equal to (a)`a+b` (b) `b+c` `c+a` (d) `a+b+c`

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  38. In the given figure, AB is the diameter of the circle, centered at O. If `angleCOA = 60^(@), AB = 2r, AC = d, and CD = l`, then l is equal to

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  39. In triangle ABC, if P, Q, R divides sides BC, AC, and AB, respectively, in the raito `k : 1` (in order). If the ratio `(("area "DeltaPQR)/("area " DeltaABC)) " is " (1)/(3)`, then k is equal to

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  40. If the angles of a triangle are `30^0a n d45^0` and the included side is `(sqrt(3)+1)c m` then the area of the triangle is______.

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  41. In triangle `A B C` , base `B C` and area of triangle are fixed. The locus of the centroid of triangle `A B C` is a straight line that is parallel to side `B C` right bisector of side BC perpendicular to BC inclined at an angle `sin^(-1)((sqrt())/(B C))` to side BC

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  42. Let the area of triangle ABC be `(sqrt3 -1)//2, b = 2 and c = (sqrt3 -1), and angleA` be acute. The measure of the angle C is

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  43. In `triangleABC` ,`Delta=6`, `abc=60`, `r=1` Then the value of `1/a+1/b+1/c` is nearly (a) 0.5 (b) 0.6 (c) 0.4 (d) 0.8

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  44. Triangle `ABC` is isosceles with `AB=AC and BC=65cm.` P is a point on `BC` such that the perpendiculardistances from P to `AB and AC` are `24cm and 36cm,` respectively. The area of triangle `ABC` (in sq cm is)

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  45. In an equilateral triangle, the inradius, circumradius, and one of the exradii are in the ratio a)2:4:5      (b)  1:2:3          (c) 1:2:4      (d)  2:4:3

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  46. In triangle `A B C ,` if `cosA+cosB+cosC=7/4, t h e n R/r` is equal to `3/4` (b) `4/3` (c) `2/3` (d) `3/2`

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  47. If two sides of a triangle are roots of the equation `x^2-7x+8=0` and the angle between these sides is `60^0` then the product of inradius and circumradius of the triangle is `8/7` (b) `5/3` (c) `(5sqrt(2))/3` (d) `8`

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  48. Given `b=2,c=sqrt(3),/_A=30^0` , then inradius of ` A B C` is `(sqrt(3)-1)/2` (b) `(sqrt(3)+1)/2` (c) `(sqrt(3)-1)/4` (d) `non eoft h e s e`

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  49. In triangle `A B C ,ifA-B=120^0a n dR=8r ,w h e r eRa n dr` have their usual meanings, then `cosC` equal `3/4` (b) `2/3` (c) `5/6` (d) `7/8`

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  50. `A B C` is an equilateral triangle of side `4c mdot` If `R ,ra n dh` are the circumradius, inradius, and altitude, respectively, then `(R+h)/h` is equal to 4 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 3

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  51. A circle is inscribed in a triangle `A B C` touching the side `A B` at `D` such that `A D=5,B D=3,if/_A=60^0` then length `B C` equals. 9 (b)`(120)/(13)`(c) `13`(d) `12`

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  52. The rational number which equals the number `bar(2. 357) ` with recurring decimal is a.`(2355)/(1001)` b. `(2379)/(997)` c. `(2355)/(999)` d. none of these

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  53. Let `A D` be a median of the ` A B Cdot` If `A Ea n dA F` are medians of the triangle `A B Da n dA D C` , respectively, and `A D=m_1,A E=m_2,A F=m_3,` then`(a^2)/8` is equal to `m2 2+m3 2-2m1 2` `m1 2+m2 2-2m3 2` `m1 2+m3 2-2m2 2` `non eoft h e s e`

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  54. For a triangle `ABC, R = (5)/(2) and r = 1`. Let D, E and F be the feet of the perpendiculars from incentre I to BC, CA and AB, respectively. Then the value of `((IA) (IB)(IC))/((ID)(IE)(IF))` is equal to _____

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  55. In triangle `A B C ,/_A=60^0,/_B=40^0,a n d/_C=80^0dot` If `P` is the center of the circumcircle of triangle `A B C` with radius unity, then the radius of the circumcircle of triangle `B P C` is 1 (b) `sqrt(3)` (c) 2 (d) `sqrt(3)` `2`

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  56. If `H` is the othrocenter of an acute angled triangle ABC whose circumcircle is `x^2+y^2=16 ,` then circumdiameter of the triangle HBC is (a)1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 8

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  57. In triangle ABC, the line joining the circumcenter and incenter is parallel to side AC, then `cosA+cosC` is equal to `-1` (b) `1` (c) `-2` (d) `2`

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  58. In triangle ABC, line joining the circumcenter and orthocentre is parallel to side AC, then the value of `t a n AtanCi se q u a lto` `sqrt(3)` (b) 3 (c) `3sqrt(3)` (d) none of these

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  59. In triangle `A B C ,/_C=(2pi)/3` and `C D` is the internal angle bisector of `/_C ,` meeting the side `A Ba tD` . If Length `C D` is `1,` the H.M. of `aa n db` is equal to: 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

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  60. In the given figure `DeltaABC` is equilateral on side AB produced. We choose a point such that A lies between P and B. We now denote 'a' as the length of sides of `DeltaABC`, `r_1` as the radius of incircle `DeltaPAC` and `r_2` as the ex-radius of `DeltaPBC` with respect to side BC. Then `r_1 + r_2` is equal to

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  61. A variable triangle `A B C` is circumscribed about a fixed circle of unit radius. Side `B C` always touches the circle at D and has fixed direction. If B and C vary in such a way that (BD) (CD)=2, then locus of vertex A will be a straight line. a)parallel to side BC b)perpendicular to side BC c)making an angle `(pi/6)` with BC d)making an angle `sin^(-1)(2/3)` with `B C`

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  62. In ` A B C ,ifa=10a n dbcotB+c cot C=2(r+R)` then the maximum area of ` A B C` will be (a) 50 (b) `sqrt(50) ` (c) 25 (d) 5

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  63. Let `C` be incircle of ` A B Cdot` If the tangents of lengths `t_1,t_2a n dt_3` are drawn inside the given triangle parallel to sidese `a , ba n dc` , respectively, the `(t_1)/a+(t_2)/b+(t_3)/c` is equal to 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

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  64. A park is in the form of a rectangle `120 mx100 mdot` At the centre of the park there is a circular lawn. The area of park excluding lawn is `8700 m^2` . Find the radius of the circular lawn. `(U s epi(22)/7)`

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  65. In triangle ABC, if `r_(1) = 2r_(2) = 3r_(3)`, then `a : b` is equal to

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  66. If in a triangle `(1-(r_1)/(r_2))(1-(r_1)/(r_3))=2` then the triangle is right angled (b) isosceles equilateral (d) none of these

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  67. If in a triangle `(r)/(r_(1)) = (r_(2))/(r_(3))`, then

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  68. In `Delta ABC`, I is the incentre, Area of `DeltaIBC, DeltaIAC and DeltaIAB` are, respectively, `Delta_(1), Delta_(2) and Delta_(3)`. If the values of `Delta_(1), Delta_(2) and Delta_(3)` are in A.P., then the altitudes of the `DeltaABC` are in

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  69. In an acute angled triangle `A B C ,r+r_1=r_2+r_3a n d/_B >pi/3,` then `b+2c<2a<2b+2c` `b+4c<4a<2b+4c` `b+4c<4a<4b+4c` `b+3c<3a<3b+3c`

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  70. If in triangle `A B C ,sumsinA/2=6/5a n dsumI I_1=9` (where `I_1,I_2a n dI_3` are excenters and `I` is incenter, then circumradius `R` is equal to `(15)/8` (b) `(15)/4` (c) `(15)/2` (d) `4/(12)`

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  71. The radii `r_1, r_2,r_3` of the escribed circles of the triangle `A B C` are in H.P. If the area of the triangle is `24 c m^2a n d` its perimeter is 24cm, then the length of its largest side is 10 (b) 9 (c) 8 (d) none of these

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  72. In `ABC` with usual notations, if `r=1,r_1=7 and R=3,` the `ABC` is (a) equilateral (b) acute angled which is not equilateral (c)obtuse angled (d) right angled

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  73. Which of the following expresses the circumference of a circle inscribed in a sector `O A B` with radius `Ra n dA B=2a ?` `2pi(R a)/(R+a)` (b) `(2piR^2)/a` `2pi(r-a)^2` (d) `2piR/(R-a)`

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  74. In ` A B C ,` the median `A D` divides `/_B A C` such that `/_B A D :/_C A D=2:1` . Then `cos(A/3)` is equal to `(sinB)/(2sinC)` (b) `(sinC)/(2sinB)` `(2sinB)/(sinC)` (d) `non eoft h e s e`

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  75. The area of the circle and the area of a regular polygon of `n` sides and of perimeter equal to that of the circle are in the ratio of (a)`tan(pi/n):pi/n` (b) `cos(pi/n):pi/n` (c)`sin(pi/n) :pi/n` (d) `cot(pi/n):pi/n`

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  76. The ratio of the area of a regular polygon of `n` sides inscribed in a circle to that of the polygon of same number of sides circumscribing the same is 3:4. Then the value of `n` is 6 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 12

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  77. In any triangle, the minimum value of `r_1r_2r_3//r^3` is equal to 1 (b) 9 (c) 27 (d) none of these

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  78. If `R_1` is the circumradius of the pedal triangle of a given triangle `A B C ,a n dR_2` is the circumradius of the pedal triangle of the pedal triangle formed, and so on `R_3,R_4` then the value of `sum_(i=1)^ooR_i ,` where `R` (circumradius) of` A B C` is `5` is 8 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 15

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  79. A sector `O A B O` of central angle `theta` is constructed in a circle with centre `O` and of radius `6.` The radius of the circle that is circumscribed about the triangle `O A B ,` is (a)`6costheta/2` (b) `6sectheta/2` (c)`3sectheta/2` (d) `3(costheta/2+2)`

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  80. There is a point `P` inside an equilateral ` A B C` of side `a` whose distances from vertices `A , Ba n dCa r e3,4a n d5,` respectively. Rotate the triangle and `P` through `60^0` about `Cdot` Let `A` go to `A^(prime)a n dPtoP^(prime)dot` Then the area of `P A P^(prime)` (in sq. units) is 8 (b) 12 (c) 16 (d) 6

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Exercise (Single) questions and complete solutions for chapter PROPERTIES AND SOLUTIONS OF TRIANGLE of CENGAGE of Class 12