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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter PROPERTIES AND SOLUTIONS OF TRIANGLE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In triangle ABC< D is on AC such that AD=BC and BD=DC, `/_DBC=2x` and `/_BAD=3x` where each angle is in degree. Then find x

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  2. In a circle of radius `r ,` chords of length `a and b cm` subtend angles `thetaa n d3theta` , respectively, at the center. Show that `r=asqrt(a/(3a-b))c m`

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  3. perpendiculars are drawn from the angles `A , Ba n dC` of an acute-angled triangle on the opposite sides, and produced to meet the circumscribing circle. If these produced parts are `alpha,beta,gamma` , respectively, then show that `a/alpha+b/beta+c/gamma=2(tanA+tanB+t a nC)dot`

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  4. `D , E , F` are three points on the sides `B C ,C A ,A B ,` respectively, such that `/_A D B=/_B E C=/_C F A=thetadot` `A^(prime), B ' C '` are the points of intersections of the lines `A D ,B E ,C F` inside the triangle. Show that are of ` A^(prime)B^(prime)C^(prime)=4cos^2theta,` where `` is the area of ` A B Cdot`

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  5. In ` A B C ,` as semicircle is inscribed, which lies on the side `cdot` If `x` is the lengthof the angle bisector through angle `C ,` then prove that the radius of the semicircle is `xsin(C/2)dot`

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  6. Given the base of a triangle, the opposite angle A, and the product `k^(2)` of other two sides, show that it is not possible for a to be less than `2k "sin" (A)/(2)`

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  7. In a triangle of base `a ,` the ratio of the other two sides is `r(<1)dot` Show that the altitude of the triangle is less than or equal to `(a r)/(1-r^2)`

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  8. Let `A B C` be a triangle with incentre at `Idot` Also, let `Pa n dQ` be the feet of perpendiculars from `AtoB Ia n dC I ,` respectively. Then which of the following results are correct? `(A P)/(B I)=(sinB/2cosC/2)/(sinA/2)` (b) `(A Q)/(C I)=(sinC/2cosB/2)/(sinA/2)` `(A P)/(B I)=(sinC/2cosB/2)/(sinA/2)` (d) `(A P)/(B I)+(a Q)/(C I)=sqrt(3)if/_A=60^0`

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  9. Let O be the circumcentre and H be the orthocentre of an acute angled triangle ABC. If `A gt B gt C`, then show that `Ar (Delta BOH) = Ar (Delta AOH) + Ar (Delta COH)`

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  10. If `I` is the incenter of `Delta ABC and R_(1), R_(2), and R_(3)` are, respectively, the radii of the circumcircle of the triangle IBC, ICA, and IAB, then prove that `R_(1) R_(2) R_(3) = 2r R^(2)`

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  11. Show that the line joining the incenter to the circumcentre of triangle ABC is inclined to the side BC at an angle `tan^(-1) ((cos B + cos C -1)/(sin C - sin B))`

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  14. Let `A B C` be a triangle with incenter `I` and inradius `rdot` Let `D ,E ,a n dF` be the feet of the perpendiculars from `I` to the sides `B C ,C A ,a n dA B ,` respectively. If `r_1,r_2a n dr_3` are the radii of circles inscribed in the quadrilaterals `A F I E ,B D I F ,a n dC E I D ,` respectively, prove that `(r_1)/(r-1_1)+(r_2)/(r-r_2)+(r_3)/(r-r_3)=(r_1r_2r_3)/((r-r_1)(r-r_2)(r-r_3))`

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  15. In convex quadrilateral `A B C D ,A B=a ,B C=b ,C D=c ,D A=d` . This quadrilateral is such that a circle can be inscribed in it and a circle can also be circumscribed about it. Prove that `tan^2A/2=(b c)/(a d)dot`

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  16. If an a triangle `A B C , b=3ca n d` `C-B=90^0,` then find the value of `tanB`

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  17. In a triangle `A B CifB C=1a n dA C=2,` then what is the maximum possible value of angle `A ?`

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  18. The perimeter of a triangle ABC is six times the arithmetic mean of the sines of its angles. If the side `a is 1` then find angle `Adot`

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  19. If `A=75^0,b=45^0,` then prove that `b+csqrt(2)=2a`

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  20. If the base angles of triangle are `((22 1/2))^@` and `(112 1/2)^@` , then prove that the altitude of the triangle is equal to `1/2` of its base.

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  21. If `a^2, b^2,c^2` are in A.P., then prove that `tanA ,tanB ,tanC` are in H.P.

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  22. In any triangle `A B C ,` prove that: `(a^2sin(B-C))/(sinB+s in C)+(b^2sin(C-A))/(sinC+s in A)+(c^2sin(A-B))/(sinA+s in B)=0`

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  23. In any triangle. `if(a^2-b^2)/(a^2+b^2)=("sin"(A-B))/("sin"(A+B))` , then prove that the triangle is either right angled or isosceles.

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  24. ABCD is a trapezium such that `A B||C Da n dC B` is perpendicular to them. If `/_A D B=theta,B C=p ,a n dC D=q` , show that `A B=((p^2+q^2)sintheta)/(pcostheta+qsintheta)`

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  25. In a `"DeltaA B C"," "/_"C"=60" "&\ /_A=75.` If `D` is a point on `A C` such that area of the `"DeltaB A D"` is `sqrt(3)` times the area of the `"DeltaB C D",` then the `/_"A B D"=` `60^0` (b) `30^0` (c) `90^0` (d) none of these

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  26. In a scalene triangle `A B C ,D` is a point on the side `A B` such that `C D^2=A D D B ,` sin `s in A S in B=sin^2C/2` then prove that CD is internal bisector of `/_Cdot`

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  27. In a triangle `A B C ,/_A=60^0a n db : e=(sqrt(3)+1):2,` then find the value of `(/_B-/_C)dot`

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  28. If the median AD of triangle ABC makes an angle `pi/4` with the side BC, then find the value of `|cotB-cotC|dot`

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  29. The base of a triangle is divided into three equal parts. If `t_1, t_2,t_3` are the tangents of the angles subtended by these parts at the opposite vertex, prove that `(1/(t_1)+1/(t_2))(1/(t_2)+1/(t_3))=4(1+1/t_2^2)dot`

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  30. In `Delta ABC`, prove that `(a - b)^(2) cos^(2).(C)/(2) + (a + b)^(2) sin^(2).(C)/(2) = c^(2)`

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  31. In ` A B C ,=` if `(a+b+c)(a-b+c)=3a c ,` then find `/_Bdot`

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  32. If `a=sqrt(3),b=1/2(sqrt(6)+sqrt(2))dot` and `c=2,` then find `/_A`

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  33. The sides of a triangle are `x^2+x+1,2x+1,a n dx^2-1` . Prove that the greatest angle is `120^0dot`

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  34. If the angles A,B,C of a triangle are in A.P. and sides a,b,c, are in G.P., then prove that `a^2, b^2,c^2` are in A.P.

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  35. Let `a , ba n dc` be the three sides of a triangle, then prove that the equation `b^2x^2+(b^2=c^2-alpha^2)x+c^2=0` has imaginary roots.

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  36. Let `alt=blt=c` be the lengths of the sides of a triangle. If `a^2+b^2

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  37. In a triangle ABC, if the sides a,b,c, are roots of `x^3-11 x^2+38 x-40=0,` then find the value of `(cosA)/a+(cosB)/b+(cosC)/c`

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  38. If in a triangle `A B C ,/_C=60^0,` then prove that `1/(a+c)+1/(b+c)=3/(a+b+c)` .

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  39. In a triangle, if the angles `A , B ,a n dC` are in A.P. show that `2cos1/2(A-C)=(a+c)/(sqrt(a^2-a c+c^2))`

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  40. If `a=9,b=4a n dc=8` then find the distance between the middle point of BC and the foot of the perpendicular form `Adot`

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  41. Three parallel chords of a circle have lengths 2,3,4 units and subtend angles `alpha,beta,alpha+beta` at the centre, respectively `(alpha

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  42. In a cyclic quadrilateral PQRS, PQ= 2 units, QR= 5 units, RS=3 units and `/_P Q R=60^0,` then what is the measure of SP?

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  43. Show that `a(bcosC -ccosB)=b^2 -c^2`

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  44. If in a triangle a `cos^2C/2+ c cos^2A/2=(3b)/2,` then find the relation between the sides of the triangle.

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  45. Prove that `(b+c)cosA+(c+a)cosB+(a+b)cosC=2sdot`

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  46. If `cos (A /2) =sqrt((b+c)/(2c))` , then prove that `a^2+b^2=c^2dot`

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  47. If the cotangents of half the angles of a triangle are in A.P., then prove that the sides are in A.P.

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  48. If the sides `a , b` and `c` of `A B C` are in `AdotPdot,` prove that `2sin(A/2)sin(C/2)=sin(B/2)`

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  49. Prove that `(cotA/2+cotB/2)(asin^2B/2+bsin^2A/2)=ccotC/2`

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  50. Find the value of tan A/2, if area of `Delta ABC is a^(2) -(b-c)^(2).`

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  51. Prove that `a^(2) sin 2B + b^(2) sin 2A = 4 Delta`

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  52. Prove that `((a+b+c)(b+c-a)(c+a-b)(a+b-c))/(4b^2c^2)=sin^2A`

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  53. If the sides of a triangle are `17 , 25a n d28 ,` then find the greatest length of the altitude.

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  54. In equilateral triangle ABC with interior point D, if the perpendicular distances from D to the sides of 4,5, and 6, respectively, are given, then find the area of ` A B Cdot`

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  55. If area of a triangle is 2 sq. units, then find the value of the product of the arithmetic mean of the lengths of the sides of a triangle and harmonic mean of the lengths of the altitudes of the triangle.

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  56. A triangle has sides 6,7, and 8. The line through its incenter parallel to the shortest side is drawn to meet the other two sides at P and Q. Then find the length of the segment PQ.

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  57. Each side of triangle ABC is divided into three equal parts. Find the ratio of the are of hexagon `P Q R S T U` to the area of the triangle ABC.

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  58. The two adjacent sides of a cyclic quadrilateral are `2a n d5` and the angle between them is `60^0dot` If the area of the quadrilateral is `4sqrt(3)` , find the remaining two sides.

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  59. In triangle `A B C ,a : b : c=4:5: 6.` The ratio of the radius of the circumcircle to that of the incircle is____.

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  60. Given a triangle `A B C` with sides a=7, b=8 and c=5. Find the value of expression `(sinA+sinB+sinC)(cot A/2+cotB/2+cotC/2)`

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  61. If `b=3,c=4,a n dB=pi/3,` then find the number of triangles that can be constructed.

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  62. If `A=30^0, a=7,a n db=8` in ` A B C ,` then find the number of triangles that can be constructed.

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  63. If in triangle ABC, `(a=(1+sqrt(3))c m ,b=2c m ,a n d/_C=60^0` , then find the other two angles and the third side.

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  64. In ` A B C ,s i d e sb , c` and angle `B` are given such that `a` has two valus `a_1a n da_2dot` Then prove that `|a_1-a_2|=2sqrt(b^2-c^2sin^2B)`

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  65. In ` A B C ,a , ca n dA` are given and `b_1,b_2` are two values of the third side `b` such that `b_2=2b_1dot` Then prove that `sinA=sqrt((9a^2-c^2)/(8c^2))`

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  66. `O` is the circumcenter of ` A B Ca n dR_1, R_2, R_3` are respectively, the radii of the circumcircles of the triangle `O B C ,O C A` and OAB. Prove that `a/(R_1)+b/(R_2)+c/(R_3),(a b c)/(R_3)`

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  67. In ` A B C ,C=60^0a n dB=45^0dot` Line joining vertex A of triangle and its circumcenter `(O)` meets the side `B CinD` Find the ratio `B D : D C` Find the ratio `A O : O D`

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  68. The diameters of the circumcirle of triangle ABC drawn from A,B and C meet BC, CA and AB, respectively, in L,M and N. Prove that `(1)/(AL) + (1)/(BM) + (1)/(CN) = (2)/(R)`

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  69. Find the lengths of chords of the circumcircle of triangle ABC, made by its altitudes

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  70. Let `A B C` be a triangle with `/_B=90^0` . Let AD be the bisector of `/_A` with D on BC. Suppose AC=6cm and the area of the triangle ADC is `10c m^2dot` Find the length of BD.

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  71. If the distances of the vertices of a triangle =ABC from the points of contacts of the incercle with sides are `alpha,betaa n dgamma` then prove that `r^2=(alphabetagamma)/(alpha+beta+gamma)`

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  72. If `x , ya n dz` are the distances of incenter from the vertices of the triangle `A B C` , respectively, then prove that `(a b c)/(x y z)=cotA/2cotB/2cotC/2`

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  73. Prove that `cosA+cosB+cosC=1+r/R`

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  74. Prove that `("a c o s"A+b cosB+ccosC)/(a+b+c)=r/Rdot`

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  75. Incrircle of ` A B C` touches the sides BC, CA and AB at D, E and F, respectively. Let `r_1` be the radius of incricel of ` B D Fdot` Then prove that `r_1=1/2(s(-b)sinB)/((1+sinB/2))`

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  76. In an acute angle triange ABC, a semicircle with radius `r_(a)` is constructed with its base on BC and tangent to the other two sides `r_(b) and r_(c)` are defined similarly. If r is the radius of the incircle of triangle ABC then prove that `(2)/(r) = (1)/(r_(a)) + (1)/(r_(b)) + (1)/(r_(c))`

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  77. Let the incircle with center I of ` A B C` touch sides BC, CA and AB at D, E, F, respectively. Let a circle is drawn touching ID, IF and incircle of ` A B C` having radius `r_2dot` similarly `r_2a n dr_3` are defined. Prove that `(r_1)/(r-r_1)dot(r_2)/(r-r_2)dot(r_3)/(r-r_3)=(a+b+c)/(8R)`

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  78. In ` A B C ,` the bisector of the angle A meets the side BC at D andthe circumscribed circle at E. Prove that `D E=(a^2secA/2)/(2(b+c))`

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  79. Let I be the incetre of `Delta ABC` having inradius r. Al, BI and Ci intersect incircle at D, E and F respectively. Prove that area of `DeltaDEF " is " (r^(2))/(2) (cos.(A)/(2) + cos.(B)/(2) + cos.(C)/(2))`

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  80. In ` A B C ,` the three bisectors of the angle A, B and C are extended to intersect the circumeircle at D,E and F respectively. Prove that `A DcosA/2+B EcosB/2+C FcosC/2=2R(sinA+sinB+sinC)`

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  81. Given a right triangle ABC with `/_A=90^0dot` Let D be the mid-point of BC. If the inradii of the triangle `A B D` and ACD are `r_1a n dr_2` then find the range of `(r_1)/(r_2)dot`

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  82. Prove that the distance between the circumcenter and the incenter of triangle ABC is`sqrt(R^2-2R r)`

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  83. Prove tha`acosA+bcosB+c cosClt=sdot`

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  85. If in ` A B C ,` the distances of the vertices from the orthocentre are x, y, and z, then prove that `a/x+b/y+c/z=(a b c)/(x y z)`

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  86. ABC is an acute angled triangle with circumcenter O and orthocentre H. If AO=AH, then find the angle A.

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  87. In a acute angled triangle ABC, proint D, E and F are the feet of the perpendiculars from A,B and C onto BC, AC and AB, respectively. H is orthocentre. If `sinA=3/5a n dB C=39 ,` then find the length of `A H`

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  88. Prove that the distance between the circumcenter and the orthocentre of triangle ABC is `Rsqrt(1-8cosAcosBcosC)`

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  89. Let ABC be an acute angled triangle whose orthocentre is at H. If altitude from A is produced to meet the circumcircle of triangle ABC at `D` , then prove `H D=4RcosBcosC`

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  90. In ` A B C ,` let `L ,M ,N` be the feet of the altitudes. The prove that `sin(/_M L N)+sin(/_L M N)+sin(/_M N L)=4sinAsinBsinC`

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  91. The lengths of the medians through acute angles of a right-angled triangle are 3 and 4. Find the area of the triangle.

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  92. Two medians drawn from the acute angles of a right angled triangle intersect at an angle `pi/6dot` If the length of the hypotenuse of the triangle is `3u n i t s ,` then the area of the triangle (in sq. units) is `sqrt(3)` (b) 3 (c) `sqrt(2)` (d) 9

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  93. Prove that `r_1+r_2+r_3-r=4R`

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  94. If in a triangle `r_1=r_2+r_3+r ,` prove that the triangle is right angled.

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  95. Prove that `(r_(1+r_2))/1=2R`

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  96. Prove that `(r+r_1)tan((B-C)/2)+(r+r_2)tan((C-A)/2)+(r+r_3)tan((A-B)/2)=0`

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  97. If the distance between incenter and one of the excenter of an equilateral triangle is 4 units, then find the inradius of the triangle.

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  98. If `I_1, I_2, I_3` are the centers of escribed circles of ` A B C ,` show that are of ` I_1I_2I_3=(a b c)/(2r)dot`

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  99. Prove that the sum of the radii of the radii of the circles, which are, respectively, inscribed and circumscribed about a polygon of `n` sides, whose side length is `a ,` is `1/2acotpi/(2n)dot`

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  100. If the area of the circle is `A_1` and the area of the regular pentagon inscribed in the circle is `A_2,` then find the ratio `(A_1)/(A_2)dot`

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter PROPERTIES AND SOLUTIONS OF TRIANGLE of CENGAGE of Class 12