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Complete Solutions to JEE Advanced Previous Year of chapter MONOTONICITY AND MAXIMA MINIMA OF FUNCTIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWJEE Advanced Previous Year
Number Of Questions17
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The function `f:[0,3]vec[1, 29],` defined by `f(x)=2x^3-15 x^2+36 x+1,` is one-one and onto onto but not one-one one-one but not onto neither one-one nor onto

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  2. The number of points in `(-oo,oo),` for which `x^2-xsinx-cosx=0,` is 6 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 0

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  3. If `f:R->R` is a twice differentiable function such that `f''(x) > 0` for all `x in R, and f(1/2)=1/2. f(1)=1,` then

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  4. A rectangular sheet of fixed perimeter with sides having their lengths in the ratio `8: 15` is converted into anopen rectangular box by folding after removing squares of equal area from all four corners. If the total area of removed squares is 100, the resulting box has maximum volume. Then the length of the sides of the rectangular sheet are 24 (b) 32 (c) 45 (d) 60

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  5. The function `f(x)=2|x|+|x+2|=||x|2|-2|x||` has a local minimum or a local maximum at `x=` `-2` (b) `-2/3` (c) 2 (d) `2/3`

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  6. For every pair of continuous functions `f,g:[0,1]->R` such that `max{f(x):x in [0,1]}= max{g(x):x in[0,1]}` then which are the correct statements

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  7. Let `a in R and f, R to R` be given by `f(x)=x^(5)-5x+a` Then

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  8. Let `f:R rarr(0,oo) and g:R rarr` R be twice differntiable function such that f'' and g'' ar continous fucntion on R. Suppose `f(2)=g(2)=0,f''(2)ne0and g''(2)ne0.If lim_(xrarr2) (f(X)g(x))/(f'(x)g'(x))=1` then

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  9. If ` f:RR-> RR ` is a differentiable function such that `f(x) > 2f(x) ` for all `x in RR ` and `f(0)=1, ` then

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  10. If `f(x) = |{:( cos (2x) ,, cos ( 2x ) ,, sin ( 2x) ), ( - cos x,, cosx ,, - sin x ), ( sinx,, sin x,, cos x ):}|`, then

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  11. Let f:(0,pi)rarrR be a twice differentiable fucntion such that `lim_(trarrx) (f(x)sint-f(t)sinx)/(t-x) = sin^(2) x ` for all x `in (0,pi)`
    If `f((pi)/(6))=(-(pi)/(12))` then which of the following statement (s) is (are) TRUE?

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  12. Let `f[0, 1] -> R` (the set of all real numbers be a function.Suppose the function f is twice differentiable, `f(0) = f(1) = 0`,and satisfies `f'(x) – 2f'(x) + f(x) leq e^x, x in [0, 1]`.Which of the following is true for `0 lt x lt 1 ?`

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  13. If the function `e^(-x)` f(X) assumes its minimum in the interval [0,1] at `x = 1//4` which of the following is true ?

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  14. Let `f` be a function defined on `R` (the set of all real numbers) such that `f^(prime)(x)=2010(x-2009)(x-2010)^2(x-2011)^3(x-2012)^4,` for all `x in Rdot` If `g` is a function defined on `R` with values in the interval `(0,oo)` such that `f(x)=ln(g(x)),` for all `x in R ,` then the number of point is `R` at which `g` has a local maximum is ___

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  15. Let `I RvecI R` be defined as `f(x)=|x|++x^2-1|dot` The total number of points at which `f` attains either a local maximum or a local minimum is_______

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  16. Let `p(x)` be a real polynomial of least degree which has a local maximum at `x=1` and a local minimum at `x=3.` If `p(1)=6a n dp(3)=2,` then `p^(prime)(0)` is_____

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  17. A cylindrica container is to be made from certain solid material with the following constraints: It has a fixed inner volume of `V mm^3`, has a 2 mm thick solid wall and is open at the top. The bottom of the container is a solid circular disc of thickness 2mm and is of radius equal to the outer radius of the container. If the volume the material used to make the container is minimum when the inner radius of the container is `10 mm`. then the value of `V/(250 pi)` is

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JEE Advanced Previous Year questions and complete solutions for chapter MONOTONICITY AND MAXIMA MINIMA OF FUNCTIONS of CENGAGE of Class 12