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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Single) of chapter MONOTONICITY AND MAXIMA MINIMA OF FUNCTIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Single)
Number Of Questions93
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A function is matched below against an interval where it is supposed to be increasing. Which of the following parts is incorrectly matched? Interval, Function (a)[2, `oo)` , `2x^3-3x^2-12 x+6` (b)`(-oo,oo)` , `x^3=3x^2+3x+3` (c)`(-oo-4)` , `x^3+6x^2+6` (d)`(-oo,1/3)` , `3x^2-2x+1`

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  2. On which of the following intervals is the function `x^(100)+sinx-1` decreasing? `(,pi/2)` (b) `(0,1)` `(pi/2,pi)` (d) none of these

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  3. The function `f(x)=tan^(-1)(sinx+cosx)` is an increasing function in `(-pi/2,pi/4)` (b) `(0,pi/2)` `(-pi/2,pi/2)` (d) `(pi/4,pi/2)`

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  4. Consider the following statements in S and R S: Both `sinxa n dcosx` are decrerasing function in the interval `(pi/2,pi)` R: If a differentiable function decreases in an interval `(a , b),` then its derivative also decrease in `a , b)dot` Which of the following it true? Both S and R are wrong. Both S and R are correct, but R is not the correct explanation of S. S is correct and R is the correct explanation for S. S is correct and R is wrong.

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  5. The length of the longest interval in which the function `3sinx-4sin^3x` is increasing is `pi/3` (b) `pi/2` (c) `(3pi)/2` (d) `pi`

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  6. The function `x^x` decreases in the interval `(0,e)` (b) `(0,1)` `(0,1/e)` (d) none of these

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  7. Let f(x) =`xsqrt(4ax-x^(2)),(agt0)` Then f(x) is

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  8. Function `f(x)=|x|-|x-1|` is monotonically increasing when `x<0` (b) `x >1` `x<1` (d) `0

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  9. If `f^(prime)(x)=|x|-{x},` where {x} denotes the fractional part of `x ,` then `f(x)` is decreasing in `(-1/2,0)` (b) `(-1/2,2)` `(-1/2,2)` (d) `(1/2,oo)`

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  10. The length of the largest continuous interval in which the function `f(x)=4x-tan2x` is monotonic is `pi/2` (b) `pi/4` (c) `pi/8` (d) `pi/(16)`

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  11. `f(x)=(x-2)|x-3|` is monotonically increasing in `(-oo,5/2)uu(3,oo)` (b) `(5/2,oo)` `(2,oo)` (d) `(-oo,3)`

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  12. `f(x)=(x-8)^4(x-9)^5,0lt=xlt=10 ,` monotonically decreases in `((76)/(9, 10)]` (b) `((8, 76)/9)` `(0,8)` (d) `((76)/9, 10)`

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  13. For all `x in (0,1)`
    (b) `(log)_e (x+1) < x`
    (d) `(log)_e x > x`

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  14. If `f(x)=x e^(x(x-1))` , then `f(x)` is increasing on `[-1/2,1]` decreasing on `R` increasing on `R` (d) `` decreasing on `[-1/2,1]`

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  15. If `f(x)=k x^3-9x^2+9x+3` monotonically increasing in `R ,` then `k<3` (b) `klt=2` `kgeq3` (d) none of these

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  16. If the function `f(x)=(Ksinx+2cosx)/(sinx+cosx)` is strictly increasing for all values of `x ,` then `K<1` (b) `K >1` `K<2` (d) `K >2`

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  17. Let `f: RvecR` be a function such that `f(x)=a x+3sinx+4cosxdot` Then `f(x)` is invertible if `a in (-5,5)` (b) `a in (-oo,5)` `a in (-5,+oo)` (d) none of these

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  18. Which of the following statement is always true? (a)If `f(x)` is increasing, then `f^(-1)(x)` is decreasing. (b)If `f(x)` is increasing, then `1/(f(x))` is also increasing. (c)If `fa n dg` are positive functions and `f` is increasing and `g` is decreasing, then `f/g` is a decreasing function. (d)If `fa n dg` are positive functions and `f` is decreasing and `g` is increasing, the `f/g` is a decreasing function.

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  19. Let `f: RvecR` be a differentiable function for all values of `x` and has the property that `f(x)a n df^(prime)(x)` has opposite signs for all value of `xdot` Then, `f(x)` is an increasing function `f(x)` is an decreasing function `f^2(x)` is an decreasing function `|f(x)|` is an increasing function

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  20. Let `f: Rvec` be a differentiable function `AAx in R` . If the tangent drawn to the curve at any point `x in (a , b)` always lies below the curve, then `f^(prime)(x)<0,f^(x)<0AAx in (a , b)` `f^(prime)(x)>0,f^(x)>0AAx in (a , b)` `f^(prime)(x)>0,f^(x)>0AAx in (a , b)` `non eoft h e s e`

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  21. Let `f(x)` be a function such that `f(x)=(log)_(1/2)[(log)_3(sinx+a]dot` If `f(x)` is decreasing for all real values of `x ,` then `a in (1,4)` (b) `a in (4,oo)` `a in (2,3)` (d) `a in (2,oo)`

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  22. If `f(x)=x^3+4x^2+lambdax+1` is a monotonically decreasing function of `x` in the largest possible interval `(-2,-2/3)dot` Then `lambda=4` (b) `lambda=2` `lambda=-1` (d) `lambda` has no real value

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  23. `f(x)=|x log_e x|` monotonically decreases in `(0,1/e)` (b) `(1/e ,1)` `(1,oo)` (d) `(1/e ,oo)`

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  24. The set of value(s) of `a` for which the function `f(x)=(a x^3)/3+(a+2)x^2+(a-1)x+2` possesses a negative point of inflection is `(-oo,-2)uu(0,oo)` (b) `{-4/5}` `(-2,0)` (d) empty set

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  25. The maximum value of the function `f(x)=((1+x)^(0. 6))/(1+x^(0. 6))` in the interval `[0,1]` is `2^(0. 4)` (b) `2^(-0. 4)` 1 (d) `2^(0. 6)`

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  26. Suppose that `f` is a polynomial of degree `3` and that `f^(x)!=0` at any of the stationary point. Then `f` has exactly one stationary point `f` must have no stationary point `f` must have exactly two stationary points `f` has either zero or two stationary points.

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  27. A function `g(x)` is defined as `g(x)=1/4f(2x^2-1)+1/2f(1-x^2)a n df(x)` is an increasing function. Then `g(x)` is increasing in the interval. `(-1,1)` `(-sqrt(2/3),0)uu(sqrt(2/3),oo)` `(-sqrt(2/3),sqrt(2/3))` (d) none of these

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  28. If `varphi(x)` is a polynomial function and `varphi^(prime)(x)>varphi(x)AAxgeq1a n dvarphi(1)=0,` then `varphi(x)geq0AAxgeq1` `varphi(x)

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  29. If `f''(x) gt forall in R, f(3)=0 and g(x) =f(tan^(2)x-2tanx+4y)0ltxlt(pi)/(2)`,then g(x) is increasing in

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  30. If `f(x)=x+sinx ,g(x)=e^(-x),u=sqrt(c+1)-sqrt(c)` `v=sqrt(c)` `-sqrt(c-1),(c >1),` then `fog(u)gof(v)` (d) `fog(u)

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  31. The number of solutions of the equation `x^3 +2 x^2 +5 x + 2 cos x = 0` in `(0,2 pi]` is

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  32. Let `f(x)=cospix+10x+3x^2+x^3,-2lt=xlt=3.` The absolute minimum value of `f(x)` is 0 (b) `-15` (c) `3-2pi` none of these

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  33. The global maximum value of `f(x0=(log)_(10)(4x^3-12 x^2+11 x-3),x in [2,3],` is `-3/2(log)_(10)3` (b) `1+(log)_(10)3` `(log)_(10)3` (d) `3/2(log)_(10)3`

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  34. `f: RvecR ,f(x)` is differentiable such that `f(f(x))=k(x^5+x),k!=0)dot` Then `f(x)` is always increasing (b) decreasing either increasing or decreasing non-monotonic

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  35. The value of `a` for which the function `f(x)=asinx+(1/3)sin3x` has an extremum at `x=pi/3` is 1 (b) `-1` (c) 0 (d) 2

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  36. If `f(x)=alog|x|+b x^2+x` has its extremum values at `x=-1a n dx=2,` then `a=2,b=-1` `a=2,b=-1//2` `a=-2,b=1//2` (d) none of these

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  37. If a function `f(x)` has `f^(prime)(a)=0a n df^(a)=0,` then `x=a` is a maximum for `f(x)` `x=a` is a minimum for `f(x)` it is difficult to say `(a)a n d(b)` `f(x)` is necessarily a constant function.

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  38. The function `f(x) = sin ^(4)x+ cos ^(4)x ` increases, if

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  39. The function `f(x) = sin ^(4)x+ cos ^(4)x ` increases, if

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  40. If `f(x)=x^5-5x^4+5x^3-10` has local maximum and minimum at `x=pa n dx=q` , respectively, then `(p , q)-=` `(0,1)` (b) (1,3) (c) (1,0) (d) none of these

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  41. Let `P(x)=a_0+a_1x^2+a_2x^4++a_n x^(2n)` be a polynomial in a real variable `x` with `0

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  42. `L e tf(x)={|x|,for0<|x|lt=2 1,forx=0` Then at `x=0,f` has a local maximum (b) no local maximum a local minimum (d) no extremum

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  43. If `f(x)=x^3+b x^2+c x+d` and `0 le b^2 le c ,` then a)`f(x)` is a strictly increasing function b)f(x) has local maxima c)`f(x)` is a strictly decreasing function d)`f(x)` is bounded

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  44. If `f(x)={(sin(x^(2)-3x),xle0`

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  45. The greatest value of `f(x)=cos(x e^([x])+7x^2-3x),x in [-1,oo],` is (where [.] represents the greatest integer function). `-1` (b) 1 (c) 0 (d) none of these

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  46. The function `f(x)=(4sin^2x-1)^n(x^2-x+1),n in N ,` has a local minimum at `x=pi/6` . Then `n` is any even number n is an odd number n is odd prime number `n` is any natural number

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  47. The true set of real values of `x` for which the function `f(x)=xlnx-x+1` is positive is

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  48. All possible value of `f(x)=(x+1)^(1/3)-(x-1)^(1/3)` on [0,1] is 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) `1/3`

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  49. The function `f(x)=(ln(pi+x))/(ln(e+x))` is increasing in `(0,oo)` decreasing in `(0,oo)` increasing in `(0,pi/e),` decreasing in `(pi/e ,oo)` decreasing in `(0,pi/e),` increasing in `(pi/e ,oo)`

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  50. If the function `f(x)=2x^3-9a x^2+12 x^2x+1,w h e r ea >0,` attains its maximum and minimum at `pa n dq` , respectively, such that `p^2=q ,` then `a` equal to 1 (b) 2 (c) `1/2` (d) 3

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  51. Let `f(x)={x+2,-1lelt0`

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  52. If `f(x)={sin^(-1)(sinx),xgt0`

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  53. A function `f` is defined by `f(x)=|x|^m|x-1|^nAAx in Rdot` The local maximum value of the function is `(m ,n in N),` `1` (b) `m^nn^m` `(m^m n^n)/((m+n)^(m+n))` (d) `((m n)^(m n))/((m+n)^(m+n))`

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  54. Let the function f(x) be defined as follows:
    `1+sin x, pi//2 lexlepi`

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  55. Consider the function `f:(-oo,oo)vec(-oo,oo)` defined by `f(x)=(x^2+a)/(x^2+a),a >0,` which of the following is not true? maximum value of `f` is not attained even though `f` is bounded. `f(x)` is increasing on `(0,oo)` and has minimum at `,=0` `f(x)` is decreasing on `(-oo,0)` and has minimum at `x=0.` `f(x)` is increasing on `(-oo,oo)` and has neither a local maximum nor a local minimum at `x=0.`

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  56. `F(x) = 4 tan x-tan^(2)x+tan^(3)x,xnenpi+(pi)/(2)`

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  57. Let `h(x)=x^(m/n)` for `x in R ,` where +m and n are odd numbers and 0 less than m less than n Then `y=h(x)` has
    a)no local extremums
    b)one local maximum
    c)one local minimum
    d)none of these

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  58. The greatest value of the function `f(x)=(sin2x)/(sin(x+pi/4))` on the interval `(0,pi/2)i s` `1/(sqrt(2))` (b) `sqrt(2)` (c) 1 (d) `-sqrt(2)`

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  59. The minimum value of `e^(2x^2-2x+1)sin^2x` is `e` (b) `1/e` (c) 1 (d) 0

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  60. The maximum value of `x^4ehat-x^2` is `e^2` (b) `e^(-2)` (c) `12 e^(-2)` (d) `4e^(-2)`

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  61. If `a^2x^4+b^2y^4=c^6,` then the maximum value of `x y` is (a)`(c^2)/(sqrt(a b))` (b) `(c^3)/(a b)` (c) `(c^3)/(sqrt(2a b))` (d) `(c^3)/(2a b)`

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  62. The least natural number `a` for which `x+a x^(-2)>2AAx in (0,oo)` is 1 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) none of these

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  63. `f(x)={4x-x^3+ln(a^2-3a+3),0lt=x<3`
    `x-18 ,xgeq3` complete set of values of `a` such that `f(x)` as a local minima at `x=3` is `
    ` `[-1,2]` `(-oo,1)uu(2,oo)` `[1,2]` (d) `(-oo,-1)uu(2,oo)`

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  64. `f(x)={2-|x^2+5x+6|,x!=2a^2+1,x=-2T h e nt h er a ngeofa ,` so that `f(x)` has maxima at `x=-2,` is `|a|geq1` (b) `|a|<1` `a >1` (d) `a<1`

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  65. A differentiable function `f(x)` has a relative minimum at `x=0.` Then the function `f=f(x)+a x+b` has a relative minimum at `x=0` for all `a` and all`b` (b) all `b` if `a=0` all `b >0` (d) all `a >0`

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  66. if `f(x)=4x^3-x^2-2x+1` and `g(x)={min{f(t): 0<=t<=x; 0<=x<=1, 3-x : 1}` then g(1/4)+g(3/4)+g(5/4) is equal to

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  67. If `f: RvecRa n dg: RvecR` are two functions such that `f(x)+f^(x)=-xg(x)f^(prime)(x)a n dg(x)>0AAx in Rdot` Then the function `f^2(x)+f('(x))^2` has a maxima at `x=0` a minima at `x=0` a point of inflexion at `x=0` none of these

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  68. If A > 0, B > 0, and A + B = `pi/3` then the maximum value of tan A tan B is

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  69. If `f(x)=(t+3x-x^2)/(x-4),` where `t` is a parameter that has minimum and maximum, then the range of values of `t` is `(0,4)` (b) `(0,oo)` `(-oo,4)` (d) `(4,oo)`

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  70. The least value of `a` for which the equation `4/(sinx)+1/(1-sinx)=a` has at least one solution in the interval `(0,pi/2)` 9 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 1

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  71. If f(x)=`-x^(3)-3x^(2)-2x+a,a in R` then the real values of x satisfying `f(x^(2)+1)gtf(2x^(2)+2x+3)` will be

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  72. Which one of the following denotes the greatest positive proper fraction?

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  73. If the equation `4x^(3)+5x+k=0(k in R)` has a negative real root then

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  74. A tangent is drawn to the ellipse `(x^2)/(27)+y^2=1` at `(3sqrt(3)costheta(0,pi/2)dot` Then find the value of `theta` such that the sum of intercepts on the axes made by this tangent is minimum.

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  75. The largest term in the sequence `a_n=(n^2)/(n^3+200)` is given by `(529)/(49)` (b) `8/(89)` `(49)/(543)` (d) none of these

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  76. A factory `D` is to be connected by a road with a straight railway line on which a town `A` is situated. The distance `D B` of the factory to the railway line is `5sqrt(3)k mdot` Length `A B` of the railway line is 20km. Freight charges on the road are twice the charges on the railway. The point `P(A P

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  77. The volume of the greatest cylinder which can be inscribed in a cone of height 30 cm and semi-vertical angle `30^0` is `4000pi/(sqrt(3))` (b) `400pi/3c m^3` `4000pi/(sqrt(3)c m^3` (d) none of these

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  78. A rectangle of the greatest area is inscribed in a trapezium `A B C D` , one of whose non-parallel sides `A B` is perpendicular to the base, so that one of the rectangles die lies on the larger base of the trapezium. The base of trapezium are 6cm and 10 cm and `A B` is 8 cm long. Then the maximum area of the rectangle is `24c m^2` (b) `48c m^2` `36c m^2` (d) none of these

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  79. A bell tent consists of a conical portion above a cylindrical portion near the ground. For a given volume and a circular base of a given radius, the amount of the canvas used is a minimum when the semi-vertical angle of the cone is `cos^(-1)2/3` (b) `sin^(-1)2/3` `cos^(-1)1/3` (d) none of these

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  80. A rectangle is inscribed in an equilateral triangle of side length `2a` units. The maximum area of this rectangle can be `sqrt(3)a^2` (b) `(sqrt(3)a^2)/4` `a^2` (d) `(sqrt(3)a^2)/2`

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  81. Tangents are drawn to `x^2+y^2=16` from the point `P(0, h)dot` These tangents meet the `x-a xi s` at `Aa n dB` . If the area of triangle `P A B` is minimum, then `h=12sqrt(2)` (b) `h=6sqrt(2)` `h=8sqrt(2)` (d) `h=4sqrt(2)`

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  82. The largest area of the trapezium inscribed in a semi-circle or radius `R ,` if the lower base is on the diameter, is `(3sqrt(3))/4R^2` (b) `(sqrt(3))/2R^2` `(3sqrt(3))/8R^2` (d) `R^2`

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  83. In the formula `angleA+angleB+angleC=180^(@)`, if `angleA=90^(@)` and `angle B=55^(@)`, then `angleC=`_______

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  84. Two runner A and B start at the origin and run along positive x axis ,with B running three times as fast as A. An obsever, standeing one unit above the origin , keeps A and B in view.Then the maximum angle theta of sight between the observer's view of A and B is

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  85. The fuel charges for running a train are proportional to the square of the speed generated in km/h, and the cost is Rs. 48 at 16 km/h. If the fixed charges amount to Rs. 300/h, the most economical speed is 60 km/h (b) 40 km/h 48 km/h (d) 36 km/h

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  86. A cylindrical gas container is closed at the top and open at the bottom. If the iron plate of the top is 5/4 times as thick as the plate forming the cylindrical sides, the ratio of the radius to the height of the cylinder using minimum material for the same capacity is 3:4 (b) 5:6 (c) 4:5 (d) none of these

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  87. Prove that the least perimeter of an isosceles triangle in which a circle of radius r can be inscribed is `6sqrt3r`.

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  88. A given right cone has volume `p ,` and the largest right circular cylinder that can be inscribed in the cone has volume `qdot` Then `p : q` is 9:4 (b) 8:3 (c) 7:2 (d) none of these

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  89. Find the cosine of the angle at the vertex of an isoceles triangle having the greatest area for the given constant length e of the median drawn to its lateral side.

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  90. A box, constructed from a rectangular metal sheet, is 21 cm by 16cm by cutting equal squares of sides `x` from the corners of the sheet and then turning up the projected portions. The value of `x` os that volume of the box is maximum is 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

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  91. The vertices of a triangle are (0,0), `(x ,cosx),` and `(sin^3x ,0),w h e r e0

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  92. The maximum area of the rectangle whose sides pass through the vertices of a given rectangle of sides `aa n db` is `2(a b)` (b) `1/2(a+b)^2` `1/2(a^2+b^2)` (d) `non eoft h e s e`

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  93. The base of prism is equilateral triangle. The distance from the centre of one base to one of the vertices of the other base is `ldot` Then altitude of the prism for which the volume is greatest is `l/2` (b) `l/(sqrt(3))` (c) `l/3` (d) `l/4`

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Exercise (Single) questions and complete solutions for chapter MONOTONICITY AND MAXIMA MINIMA OF FUNCTIONS of CENGAGE of Class 12