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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter MONOTONICITY AND MAXIMA MINIMA OF FUNCTIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Check the nature of the following differentiable functions (i) f(x) =`e^(x)`+sin x ,x` in` `R^(+)` (ii)`f(x)=sinx+tan x-``2x,x in(0,pi//2)`

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  2. Prove that the function `f(x)=(log)_e(x^2+1)-e^(-x)+1` is strictly increasing `AAx in Rdot`

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  3. Find the least value of `k` for which the function `x^2+k x+1` is an increasing function in the interval `1

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  4. Find the values of `a` if `f(x)=2e^x-a e^(-x)+(2a+1)x-3` is increasing for all values of `xdot`

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  5. If f(x) and g(x) are differentiable and increasing functions then which of the following functions alwasys increases?

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  6. Let `g(x)=(f(x))^3-3(f(x))^2+4f(x)+5x+3sinx+4cosxAAx in Rdot` Then prove that `g` is increasing whenever is increasing.

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  7. Find the complete set of values of `alpha`for which the function
    f(x) =`{(x+1,xlt1`
    `alpha`, x =1 , is strictly increasing x=1

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  8. Prove that function f(x) =`{-2x^(3)+3x^(2)-6x+5,xlt0` `-x^(2)-x+1, xge0` is decreasing for all x.

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  9. If `fogoh(x)` is an increasing function, then which of the following is not possible? `f(x),g(x),a n dh(x)` are increasing `f(x)a n dg(x)` are decreasing and `h(x)` is increasing `f(x),g(x),a n dh(x)` are decreasing

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  10. Let `f(x)a n dg(x)` be two continuous functions defined from `RvecR` , such that `f(x_1)>f(x_2)a n dg(x_1)f(g(3alpha-4))`

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  11. Let` f:[0,oo)vec[0,oo)a n dg:[0,oo)`vec`[0,oo) `be non-increasing and non-decreasing functions, respectively, and h(x)=g(f(x))dot If fa n dg are differentiable functions, h(x)=g(f(x))dot If fa n dg are differentiable for all points in their respective domains and h(0)=0, then show h(x) is always, identically zero. check-circle

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  12. Find the values of `p` if `f(x)=cosx-2p x` is invertible.

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  13. Find the critical points(s) and stationary points (s) of the function `f(x)=(x-2)^(2//3)(2x+1)`

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  14. In X-Y plane, the path defined by the equation `(1)/(x^(m))+(1)/(y^(m)) +(k)/((x+y)^(n)) =0`, is a hyperbola if `m =1, k =- 1, n=0`

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  15. Find the interval of monotonocity of the function `f(x)=|x-1|x^2dot`

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  16. Find the intervals of decrease and increase for the function `f(x)=cos(pi/x)`

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  17. Let `g(x)=f(x)+f(1-x)a n df^(x)>0AAx in (0,1)dot` Find the intervals of increase and decrease of `g(x)dot`

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  18. Find the range of the function `f(x) =x Sin x-(1)/(2) sin^(2)` x for `x in` `(0,(pi)/(2))`

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  19. Find the range of f(x)=`(1)/(pi)sin^(-1)x+tan^(-1)+(x+1)/(x^(2)+2x+5)`

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  20. Find the number of roots of the equation `log_(e)(1+x)-(tan^(-1)x)/(1+x)=0`

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  21. Find the number of roots of the function `f(x)=1/((x+1)^3)-3x+sinxdot`

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  22. Prove that `log_(e)(1+x)ltxforxgt0`

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  23. Let `fa n dg` be differentiable on `R` and suppose `f(0)=g(0)a n df^(prime)(x)lt=g^(prime)(x)` for all `xgeq0.` Then show that `f(x)lt=g(x)` for all `xgeq0.`

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  24. Show that `1+x in(x+sqrt(x^2+1))geqsqrt(1+x^2)` for all `xgeq0.`

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  25. In X-Y plane, the path defined by the equation `(1)/(x^(m))+(1)/(y^(m)) +(k)/((x+y)^(n)) =0`, is a pair of lines if `m = k = n =1`

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  26. Prove that `|cosalpha-cosbeta|lt=|alpha-beta|`

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  27. If `P(1)=0a n d(d P(x))/(dx),sinx+2xgeq(3x(x+1))/pi` . Explain the identity, if any, used in the proof.

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  28. For `0ltxlt(pi)/(2)`,prove that `x gt sin x `and hence ` cos (sin x) gt sin (cosx) `

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  29. Prove that `e^(x) ge 1 +x` and hence `e^(x) +sqrt(1+e^(2x))ge(1+x)+sqrt(2+2x+x^(2)) forall` x `in` R

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  30. Separate the intervals of concavity of the following functions
    (i) f(x)=`sin^(-1)x`,(ii) `f(x)=x+sinx`

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  31. If graph of the function f(x) =`3x^(4)+2x^(3)+ax^(2)-x+2` is concave upward for all real x, then find values of a,

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  32. Prove that for any two numbers `x_(1) and x_(2)`

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  33. Prove that in triangle ABC, sin `A+sin B+sin Cle(3sqrt(3))/(2)`

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  34. Prove that `(a_(1)^(m)+a_(2)^(m)+….+a_(n)^(m))/(n)lt(a_(1)+a_(2)+..+a_(n))/(n)^(m)`
    If `0ltmlt1 and a_(i)gt0` for all I.

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  35. Find the points of inflection for (i)`f(x)=sinx` (ii) `f(x)=3x^4-4x^3` (iii) `f(x)=x^(1/3)`

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  36. Find the coordinates of the point of inflection of the curve f(x) `=e^(-x^(2))`

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  37. The function y=`(ax+b)/(x-1)(x-4)` has turning point at P(2,-1) Then find the values of a and b.

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  38. How many ciritcal points functionf(x)=(x-1)|x-3|-4x+12 has? How many of these are points of local extrema?

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  39. Discuss the extremum of the function f(x)=(x-1)(x-2)(x-3).How many criticla points f(x) has?

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  40. Find the points of extrema of the function f(x)=2 sec x+3 cosec x

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  41. Prove that for all a,b in the function f(X) `=3x^(4)-4x^(3)+6x^(2)+ax+b` has exactly one extremium.

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  42. The function `f(x)=(x^2-4)^n(x^2-x+1),n in N ,` assumes a local minimum value at `x=2.` Then find the possible values of `n`

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  43. Test f(x)={x} for the existence of alocal maximum and minimum at x=1, where{.} represents the fractional part function.

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  44. Let f(x)=`{x^(3)+x^(2)+10x, xlt0`.Investigate x=0 for local

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  45. Let `f(x)=a/x+x^2dot` If it has a maximum at `x=-3,` then find the value of `adot`

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  46. Discuss the extremum of `f(x)=sinx(1+cosx),x in (0,pi/2)`

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  47. Find the points at which the function `f` given by `f(x)=(x-2)^4(x+1)^3` has local maxima and local minima and points of inflexion.

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  48. Discuss the extremum of `f(x)=40(3x^4 8x3-18 x^2+60)dot`

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  49. Discuss extrema of the function
    `f(x) =int_(l)^(x)2(x-1)(x-2)^(3)+3(x-1)^(2)(x-2)^(2)dx`

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  50. Let `f(x)=sin^3x+lambdasin^2x ,-pi/2

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  51. Let `f(x)=sin^3x+lambdasin^2x ,-pi/2

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  52. Discuss the extrema of `f(x)=x/(1+xtanx),x in (0,pi/2)`

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  53. In X-Y plane, the path defined by the equation `(1)/(x^(m))+(1)/(y^(m)) +(k)/((x+y)^(n)) =0`, is a pair of lines if ` m=k=−1,n=1`

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  54. Discuss the extreama of the following functions
    `(i)f(x)=|x|,(ii)f(x)=e^(-|x|),(iii) f(x)=x^(2//3)`

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  55. If 1`f(x)={x^(2),xle0`.Investigate the functions at x for maxima/manima

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  56. Discuss the extremum of `f(x)=2x+3x^(2/3)`

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  57. `f(x)={cos(pix)/2,x >0 ` `x+a ,xlt=0` Find the values of `a` if `x=0` is a point of maxima.

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  58. let `f(x)=-x^3+(b^3-b^2+b-1)/(b^2+3b+2)` if `x` is `0` to `1` and `f(x)=2x-3` if `x` if `1` to `3`.All possible real values of `b` such that `f (x)` has the smallest value at `x=1` are

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  59. `f(x)=|a x-b|+c|x|AAx in (-oo,oo),` where `a >0, b >0,c > 0.` Find the condition if `f(x)` attains the minimum value only at one point.

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  60. Let `f(x)=2x^3=9x^2+12 x+6.` Discuss the global maxima and minima of `f(x)in[0,2]a n d(1,3)` and, hence, find the range of `f(x)` for corresponding intervals.

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  61. Find the absolute maximum and absolute minimum values of `f(x)=3x^4-8x^3+12 x^2-48 x+25` in `[0,\ 3]`

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  62. Find the range of the function `f(x)=4cos^(3)x-8cos^(2)x+1`.

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  63. Find the range of the function `f(x)=2sqrt(x-2)+sqrt(4-x)`

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  64. A functiony =f(x) is represented parametrically as following
    where t in [-2,2]
    Find the intervals of monotonicity and also find the points of extreama.Also find the range of function.

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  65. Find how many roots of the equations `x^4+2x^2-8x+3=0.`

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  66. Draw the graph of y=`(x^(2))/(sqrt(x+1))`

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  67. Draw the graph of `y = xe^(x)`.Also
    (i) Find the range of the functionf
    (ii) Find the point of inflection.
    (iii)Find the values of k if `1xe^(x)`=k has two distinct real roots

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  68. Minimum integral value of k for which the equation `e^(x)=kx^(2)` has exactly three real distinct solution,

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  69. Draw the graph of `f(x)=log_(e)(sqrt(1-x^(2)))`.Find the range of the function .Also find the values of k if (k) has two distinct real roots.

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  70. Draw the graph of `f(x)=(x^2-5x+6)/(x^2-x)`

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  71. Find the value of `a` if `x^3-3x+a=0` has three distinct real roots.

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  72. Prove that there exist exactly two non-similar isosceles triangles `A B C` such that `tanA+tanB+tanC=100.`

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  73. If `t` is a real number satisfying the equation `2t^3-9t^2+30-a=0,` then find the values of the parameter `a` for which the equation `x+1/x=t` gives six real and distinct values of `x` .

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  74. The tangent to the parabola `y=x^2` has been drawn so that the abscissa `x_0` of the point of tangency belongs to the interval [1,2]. Find `x_0` for which the triangle bounded by the tangent, the axis of ordinates, and the straight line `y=x0 2` has the greatest area.

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  75. Find the point `(alpha,)beta` on the ellipse `4x^2+3y^2=12 ,` in the first quadrant, so that the area enclosed by the lines `y=x ,y=beta,x=alpha` , and the x-axis is maximum.

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  76. `L L '` is the latus sectum of the parabola `y^2=4a xa n dP P '` is a double ordinate drawn between the vertex and the latus rectum. Show that the area of the trapezium `P P^(prime)L L '` is maximum when the distance `P P '` from the vertex is `a//9.`

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  77. Find the points on the curve `5x^2-8x y+5y^2=4` whose distance from the origin is maximum or minimum.

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  78. Rectangles are inscribed inside a semi-circle of radius `rdot` Find the rectangle with maximum area.

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  79. A running track of 440 ft is to be laid out enclosing a football field, the shape of which is a rectangle with a semi-circle at each end. If the area of the rectangular portion is to be maximum, then find the length of its sides.

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  80. If the sum of the lengths of the hypotenuse and another side of a right-angled triangle is given, show that the area of the triangle is maximum when the angle between these sides is `pi/3dot`

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  81. The tangent to the parabola `y=x^2` has been drawn so that the abscissa `x_0` of the point of tangency belongs to the interval [1,2]. Find `x_0` for which the triangle bounded by the tangent, the axis of ordinates, and the straight line `y=x0 2` has the greatest area.

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  82. Find the point `(alpha,)beta` on the ellipse `4x^2+3y^2=12 ,` in the first quadrant, so that the area enclosed by the lines `y=x ,y=beta,x=alpha` , and the x-axis is maximum.

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  83. `L L '` is the latus sectum of the parabola `y^2=4a xa n dP P '` is a double ordinate drawn between the vertex and the latus rectum. Show that the area of the trapezium `P P^(prime)L L '` is maximum when the distance `P P '` from the vertex is `a//9.`

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  84. Find the points on the curve `5x^2-8x y+5y^2=4` whose distance from the origin is maximum or minimum.

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  85. A sheet of area `40m^2` is used to make an open tank with square base. Find the dimensions of the base such that the volume of this tank is maximum.

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  86. A sheet of area `40m^2` is used to make an open tank with square base. Find the dimensions of the base such that the volume of this tank is maximum.

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  87. The latest edge of a regular hexagonal pyramid is `1c mdot` If the volume is maximum, then find its height.

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  88. Show that the height of the cylinder of maximum volume that can be inscribed in a sphere of radius `R` is `(2R)/(sqrt(3))` .

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  89. Show that height of the cylinder of greatest volume which can be inscribed in a right circular cone of height h and semi vertical angle is one-third that of the cone and the greatest volume of cylinder is `4/(27)pih^3tan^2alphadot`

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  90. Find the possible values of `a` such that `f(x)=e^(2x)-(a+1)e^x+2x` is monotonically increasing for `x in Rdot`

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  91. Of `f(x)=2/(sqrt(3))tan^(-1)((2x+1)/(sqrt(3)))-log(x^2+x+1)(lambda^2-5lambda+3)x+10` is a decreasing function for all `x in R ,` find the permissible values of `lambdadot`

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  92. Leg `f(x)=x^3+a x^2+b x+5sin^2x` be an increasing function on the set `Rdot` Then find the condition on `aa n dbdot`

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  93. Prove that `[lim_(xrarr0) (sinx.tanx)/(x^(2))]=1`,where [.] represents greatest integer function.

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  94. Using the relation `2(1-cosx)

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  95. lf `f'(x) > 0,f"(x)>0AA x in (0,1)` and `f(0)=0,f(1)=1`,then prove that `f(x)f^-1(x)

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  96. Discuss the monotonocity of `Q(x),` where `Q(x)=2f((x^2)/2)+f(6-x^2)AAx in R` It is given that `f^(x)>0AAx in Rdot` Find also the point of maxima and minima of `Q(x)dot`

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  97. Prove that `(tan^(-1)(1)/(e ))^(2)+(2e)/(sqrt(e^(2)+1)`

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  98. Prove that `sin^2theta

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  99. `F(x) =x^3-3x^2+6` and `g(x)= max{F(t):x+1<=t<=x+2} -3<=x<0` and `1-x` for `x>=0` Find continuity and differentiability of g(x) for `x in [-3,1]`

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  100. Show that `5x le 8 sin x-sin 2x le 6x for x le x le (pi)/(3)`

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter MONOTONICITY AND MAXIMA MINIMA OF FUNCTIONS of CENGAGE of Class 12