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Complete Solutions to Single Correct Answer Type of chapter AREA of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEW DPPSingle Correct Answer Type
Number Of Questions27
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The area enclosed between the curve `y=sin^(2)x and y=cos^(2)x` in the interval `0le x le pi` is _____ sq. units.

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  2. The area of the region enclosed by `y=x^2 and y=sqrt(|x|)` is

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  3. The area of the region bonded by `y=e^(x),y=e^(-x),x=0` and x = 1 is

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  4. The area bounded by the curve `y=|cos^(-1)(sinx)|-|sin^(-1)(cosx)|` and axis from `(3pi)/(2)lex le 2pi`

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  5. If `(a,0)`, agt 0, is the point where the curve `y=sin 2x-sqrt3 sin x` cuts the x-axis first, A is the area bounded by this part of the curve, the origin and the positive x-axis. Then

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  6. The area in the first quadrant between `x^2+y^2=pi^2` and `y=sinx` is

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  7. The area bounded by the curves `y=cos^(-1)x,y =sin^(-1) x and y=-pix^(3),` where `-1lex le1`,is

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  8. The area bounded by the curve `y=sin^(2)x-2 sin x ` and the x-axis, where `x in [0, 2pi]`, is

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  9. Consider the functions f(x) and g(x), both defined from `R rarrR` and are defined as `f(x)=2x-x^(2) and g(x)=x^(n)` where `n in N`. If the area between f(x) and g(x) is 1/2, then the value of n is

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  10. Let function f(x) is defined in `[-2,2]` as `f(x)={{:({x}",",-2lexle-1),(|sgnx|",",-1lexle1),({-x}",",1ltxle2):}` where {x} and sgn x denotes fractional part and signum functions, respectively. Then the area bounded by the graph of f(x) and x-axis is

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  11. The area bounded by `y=x^(2)+2 and y=2|x|-cospi x` is equal to

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  12. Area bounded by `f(x)=(x^(2)-1)/(x^(2)+1)` and the line y = 1 is

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  13. The area bounded by the curve `y=xe^(-x);xy=0`and `x=c` where c is the x-coordinate of the curve's inflection point, is

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  14. Area of region bounded by the curve `y=(16-x^(2))/(4)` and `y=sec^(-1)[-sin^(2)x]` (where [x] denotes the greatest ingeger function) is

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  15. Suppose `y=f(x)` and `y=g(x)` are two continuous functiond whose graphs intersect at the three points `(0,4),(2,2)` and `(4,0)` with `f(x) gt g(x)` for ` 0 lt x lt 2` and `f(x) lt g(x)` for `2 lt x lt 4`. If `int_0^4[f(x)-g(x)]dx=10 and int_2^4[g(x)-f(x)]dx=5` the area between two curves for `0 lt x lt 2`,is (A) 5 (B) 10 (C) 15 (D) 20

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  16. The ratio of the areas of two regions of the curve `C_(1)-=4x^(2)+pi^(2)y^(2)=4pi^(2)` divided by the curve `C_(2)-=y=-(sgn(x-(pi)/(2)))cosx` (where sgn (x) = signum (x)) is

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  17. The area bounded by the curves
    `xsqrt3+y=2log_(e)(x-ysqrt3)-2log_(e)2, y=sqrt3x,`
    `y=-(1)/(sqrt3)x+2,` is

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  18. Area of region bounded by the curve `y=(4-x^(2))/(4+x^(2)), 25y^(2)=9x and y=(3)/(5)|x|-(6)/(5)` which contains (1, 0) point in its interior is

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  19. Area bounded by the min. `{|x|,|y|}=1` and the max. `{|x|,|y|}=2` is

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  20. Consider `f(x)={{:(cosx,0lexlt(pi)/(2)),(((pi)/(2)-x)^(2),(pi)/(2)lexltpi):}` such that f is periodic with period `pi`. Then which of the following is not true?

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  21. The area made by curve `f(x)=[x]+sqrt(x-[x])` and x-axis when `0le xle n (n in N)` is equal to { where [x] is greatest integer function}

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  22. Consider the regions `A={(x,y)|x^(2)+y^(2)le100} and B=|(x,y)|sin(x+y)gt0}` in the plane. Then the area of the region `AnnB` is

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  23. Let R be the region containing the point (x, y) on the X-Y plane, satisfying `2le|x+3y|+|x-y|le4.` Then the area of this region is

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  24. If `f(x)={{:(sqrt({x}),"for",xcancelinZ),(1,"for",x in Z):} and g(x)={x}^(2)` where {.} denotes fractional part of x then area bounded by f(x) and g(x) for `x in 0,6 ` is

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  25. Let S is the region of points which satisfies `y^(2)lt16x,x lt4 and (xy(x^(2)-3x+2))/(x^(2)-7x+12)gt0`. Its area is

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  26. The area of the region `{(x,y):x^(2)+y^(2)le5,||x|-|y||ge1` is

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  27. The following figure shows the graph of a continuous function y = f(x) on the interval [1, 3]. The points A, B, C have coordinates (1,1), (3,2),(2,3), respectively , and the lines `L_(1) and L_(2)` are parrallel, with `L_(1)` being tangent to the curve at C. If the area under the graph of y = f(x) from x = 1 to x = 3 is 4 square units, then the area of the shaded region is

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Single Correct Answer Type questions and complete solutions for chapter AREA of CENGAGE of Class 12