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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter AREA of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions46
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Find the area of the closed figure bounded by the curves `y=sqrt(x),y=sqrt(4-3x)a n dy=0`

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  2. Find the area lying above x-axis and included between the circle `x^(2) + y^(2) = 8x` and inside the parabola `y^(2) = 4x`.

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  3. Find the area bounded by
    (i) y`=log""_(e)|x|andy=0`
    (ii) `y=|log""_(e)|x||andy=0`

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  4. Find the area bounded by `y=1/(x^2-2x+2)` and x-axis.

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  5. The area of the region for which `0>0` is

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  6. If the area of bounded between the x-axis and the graph of `y=6x-3x^2` between the ordinates `x=1a n dx=a` is `19` units, then `a` can take the value `4or-2` two value are in (2,3) and one in `(-1,0)` two value are in (3,4) and one in `(-2,-1)` none of these

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  7. Prove that area common to ellipse `(x^2)/(a^2)+(y^2)/(b^2)=1` and its auxiliary circle `x^2+y^2=a^2` is equal to the area of another ellipse of semi-axis `aa n da-bdot`

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  8. Let `f(x)=` maximum `{x^2, (1-x)^2, 2x(1 - x)}` where `x in [0, 1].` Determine the area of the region bounded by the curve `y=f(x)` and the lines `y = 0,x=0, x=1.`

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  9. Consider the region formed by the lines `x=0,y=0,x=2,y=2.` If the area enclosed by the curves `y=e^x a n dy=1nx ,` within this region, is being removed, then find the area of the remaining region.

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  10. Draw a rough sketch of the curve `y=(x^2+3x+2)/(x^2-3x+2)` and find the area of the bounded region between the curve and the x-axis.

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  11. Find the area bounded by the curve `y=(x-1)(x-2)(x-3)` lying between the ordinates `x=0a n dx=3.`

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  12. Find the area bounded by the curve `x={{:(-2-y",",ylt-1),(y^(3)",",-1leyle1),(2-y",",ygt1):}` and x=0 is

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  13. Find the area enclosed by the graph of `y=log_(e)(x+1),`y-axis, and the line y=1

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  14. Find the area bounded by the curve `y=sin^(-1)x` and the line `x=0,|y|=pi/2dot`

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  15. Find the area of the region bounded by the curves `y=sqrt(x+2) and y=(1)/(x+1)` between the lines x=0 and x=2.

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  16. The area bounded by `y = sin^(-1)x, y= cos^(-1)x` and the x-axis, is given by

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  17. Find the area bounded by the parabola `y=x^2+1` and the straight line `x+y=3.`

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  18. Find the area bounded by the curves `y=s in xa n dy=cosx` between two consecutive points of the intersection.

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  19. Find the ratio in which the area bounded by the curves `y^2=12 xa n dx^2=12 y` is divided by the line `x=3.`

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  20. Find the area of the figure bounded by the parabolas `x=-2y^2, x=1-3y^2dot`

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  21. The area common to regions `x^2+y^2-2xlt=0` and `ygeqsin(pix)/2dot`

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  22. Find the area of the region enclosed by the curves `y=xlogxa n dy=2x-2x^2dot`

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  23. Find the area bounded by `y^2lt=4x ,x^2+y^2geq2x ,a n dxlt=y+2` in the first quadrant.

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  24. Sketch the region bounded by the curves `y=x^2a n dy=2/(1+x^2)` . Find the area.

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  25. Find the area bounded by the curves `y=x^(3)-x and y=x^(2)+x.`

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  26. Find the area bounded by `y=-x^(3)+x^(2)+16x and y=4x`

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  27. Find the area of the region enclosed by `y=-5x-x^(2) and y=x` on interval `[-1,5]`

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  28. If the area enclosed by curve `y=f(x) and y=x^2+2` between the abscissa `x=2 and x=alpha,alpha>2,` is `(alpha^3-4alpha^2+8)s qdot` unit. It is known that curve `y=f(x)` lies below the parabola `y=x^2+2.`Find f(x)

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  29. Let `C_(1) and C_(2)` be the graphs of the functions `y=x^(2) and y=2x,` respectively, where `0le x le 1." Let "C_(3)` be the graph of a function y=f(x), where `0lexle1, f(0)=0.` For a point P on `C_(1),` let the lines through P, parallel to the axes, meet `C_(2) and C_(3)` at Q and R, respectively (see figure). If for every position of `P(on C_(1)),` the areas of the shaded regions OPQ and ORP are equal, determine the function f(x).

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  30. If the area bounded by `f(x)=sqrt(tan x), y=f(c), x=0 and x=a, 0ltcltalt(pi)/(2)` is minimum then find the value of c.

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  31. Find the area of the region `R` which is enclosed by the curve `ygeqsqrt(1-x^2)` and max `{|x|,|y|}lt=4.`

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  32. Plot the region in the first quadrant in which the points are nearer to the origin thatn to the line `x=3`.

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  33. Consider a square with vertices at `(1, 1), (-1, 1), (-1, -1) and (1, -1)`. Let S be the region consisting of all points inside the square which are nearer to the origin than to any edge. Sketch the region S and find its area.

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  34. Let O(0,0), A(2,0) and B`(1,(1)/(sqrt(3)))` be the vertices of a triangle Let R be the region consisting of all those point P inside `Delta OAB` which satisfy `d(P, OA) le " min" [d(P,OB),d(P,AB)],` where d denotes the distance from the point to the corresponding line.
    Sketch the region R and find its area.

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  35. Find the area enclosed by `y=g(x),` x-axis, x=1 and x=37, where g(x) is inverse of `f(x)=x^(3)+3x+1`.

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  36. Find the area bounded by the curve `f(x)=x+ sin x and ` its inverse function between the ordinates `x=0" to "x=2pi`.

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  37. Find the area bounded by the curve `x^2=y ,x^2=-ya n dy^2=4x-3`

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  38. Find the area of the region enclosed by the curve `y=|x-(1)/(x)|(xgt0)` and the line y=2

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  39. Find the area of the region bounded by the curve `y = x^(2)` and the line y = 4.

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  40. The ratio in which the line `x-1=0` divides the area bounded by the curves `2x+1=sqrt(4y+1),y=x and y=2 ` is

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  41. If `S_(0),S_(1),S_(2),…` are areas bounded by the x-axis and half-wave of the curve `y=sin pi sqrt(x)," then prove that "S_(0),S_(1),S_(2),…` are in A.P…

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  42. Find the area enclosed by the figure described by the equation `x^(4)+1=2x^(2)+y^(2).`

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  43. Find the area bounded by the curves `x^2+y^2=4, x^2=-sqrt2 y` and `x=y`

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  44. Find the area of the region bounded by the curve `C : y=tanx ,t a nge n td r a w ntoC` at `x=pi/4,` and the x-axis.

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  45. Compute the area of the region bounded by the curves `y=e x(log_e x) and y=(log_e x)/(e x)`

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  46. Let `A_n` be the area bounded by the curve `y=(tanx)^n` and the lines `x=0,y=0,` and `x=pi/4dot` Prove that for `n >2,A_n+A_(n-2)=1/(n-1)` and deduce `1/(2n+2)

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter AREA of CENGAGE of Class 12