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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples of chapter GEOMETRICAL OPTICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A telescope has a objective of focal length 50 cm and an eye-piece of focal length 5 cm. The least distance of distinct vision is 25 cm. The telescope is focussed for distinct vision on a scale of 200 cm away. The separation between the objective and the eye-piece is

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  2. A plano-convex lens has thickness 4cm. When places on a horizontal table with the curved surface in contact with it, the apparent depth of the bottom-most point of the lens if found to be 3cm. If the lens is inverted such that the plane face of the lens is in contact with the table, the apparent depth of the center of the plane face of the lens is found to be `25//8` cm. Find the focal length of the lens.

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  3. (a) A short linear object of length b lies along the axis of a concave mirror of focal length f at a distance u from the pole. What is the size of the image? (b) If the object begins to move with speed `V_(0)` , what will be the speed of its image?

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  4. A parallel bean of light travelling in water (refractive index = 4/3) is refracted by a spherical bubble of radius 2 mm situation in water. Assuming the light rays to be paraxial. i. find the position of the image due to refraction at the first surface and the position of the final image, and ii. draw a ray diagram showing the positions of the images.

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  5. An image Y is formed of a point object x by a lens whose optic axis is AB as shown in Figure. Draw a ray diagram to locate the lens and its focus. If the image Y of object X is formed by a concave mirror (having the same optic axis AB) instead of lens, draw another ray diagram to locate the mirror and its focus. Write down the steps of construction of the ray diagrams.

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  6. A ray of light travelling in air is incident at grazing angle (incident angle=`90^(@))` on a long rectangular slab of a transparent medium of thickness `t=1.0` (see figure). The point of incidence is the origin `A(O,O)` .The medium has a variable index of refraction n(y) given by :`n(y)=[ky^(3//2)+1]^(1//2)` ,where k=`1.0m^(-3//2)`.the refractive index of air is 1.0`

    (i) Obtain a relation between the slope of the trajectory of the ray at a point `B(x,y)`in the medium and the incident angle at that point
    (ii) obtain an equation for the trajectory `y(x)`of the ray in the medium.
    (ii) Determine the coordinates (`x_(1),y_(1))` of the point `P`.where the ray the ray intersects upper surface of the slab -air boundary.
    Indicate the path of the ray subsequently.

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  7. A right angles prism `(45^(@),90^(@), 45^(@))` of refractive index n has a plate of refractive index `(n_(1)ltn)` cemented to its diagonal face. The assembley is in air. A ray is incident on AB.
    a. Calculate the angle of incidence at AB for which the ray strikes the diagonal face at the critical angle.
    b. Assuming `n=1.351`, calculate the angle of incidence at AB for which the refracted rey passes through the diagonal face undeviated.

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  8. A thin plano-convex lens of focal length f is split into two halves. One of the halves is shifted along the optical axis as shown in figure. The sepration between object and image planes is `1.8m.` The magnification of the image formed by one of the half lens is `2.` Find the focal length of the lens and separation between the two halves. Draw the ray diagram for image formation.

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  9. A convex lens of focal length 15cm and a concave mirror of focal length 30cm are kept with their optic axes PQ and RS paralledl but separated in vertical direction by 0.6 cm as shown in Figure. The distance between the lens and mirror is 30cm. An upright object Ab of height 1.2 cm is placed on the optics axis PQ of the lens at a distance of 20 cm from the lens. If `A^(')B^(')` is the image after refraction from the lens and reflection from the mirror, find the distance of `A^(')B^(')` from the pole of the mirror and obtain its magnification. Also, locate positions of `A^(') ` and `B^(')` with respect to the optic axis RS.

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  10. A thin equiconvex lens of refractive index `3//2` is placed on a horizontal plane mirror as shown in figure. The space between the lens and the mirror is filled with a liquid of refractive index `4//3` . It is found that when a point object is placed 15 cm above the lens on its priincipal axis, the object coincides with its own image.

    Q. If another liquid is filled instead of water, the object and the image coincide at a distance 25 cm from the lens.
    Calculate the refractive index of the liquid.

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  11. The refractive indices of the crown glass for violet and red lights are`1.51`and `1.49`respectively and those of the flint glass are`1.77`and`1.73`respectively A prism of angle `6^(@)`is made of crown glass .A beam of white light is incident at a small angle on this prism.The other thin flint glass prism is combined white the crown glass prism such that te net mean deviation is`1.5^(@)`anticlockwise.
    (i)Determine the angle of the flint glass prism.

    (ii)A screen is placed normal to the emerging beam at a distance of`2m`from the prism combination.find the distance between red and violet spot on the screen Which is the topmost colour on screen.

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  12. Figure shows an irregular block of material of refractive indec `sqrt(2)`. A ray of light strikes the face AB as shown. After refraction, it is incident on a spherical surface CD of radius of curvature 0.4 m and enters a medium of refractive index 1.514 to meet PQ at E. Find the distance OE up to two places of decimal.

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  13. An object is approaching a convex lens of focal length 0.3m with a speed of `0.01m s^(-1)`. Find the magnitudes of the ratio of change of position and lateral magnification of image when the object is at a distance of 0.4m from the lens

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  14. AB and CD are surfaces ot two slabs as shown in Figure . The medium between the slabs has refractive indes 2. Refractive indes of the slab above Ab is `sqrt(2)` and below CD is `sqrt(3)` . Find the minimum angle of incidence at Q, so that the ray is totally reflected by both the slabs.

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  15. A ray of light strikes a plane mirror at an angle of incidence `45^@` as shown in Figure . After reflection,l the ray passes through a prism of refractive indes 1.5 whos apex angle is `4^@`. Through what angle must the mirror be rotated it total deviation of the ray be `90^@` ?

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Solved Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter GEOMETRICAL OPTICS of CENGAGE PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 12