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Complete Solutions to Illustration of chapter NUCLEAR PHYSICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions41
Academic Year2023-24
  1. How many electrons protons, and neutrons are there in `12 g` of `._(6) C^12` and in `14g` of `._(6) C^(14)` ?.

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  2. a. Find an approximate expression for the mass of a nucleus of mass number `A`. b. Find an expression for the volume of this nucleus in terms of the mass number. c. Find a numerical value for its density.

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  3. Calcualte the radius of `70 G e`.

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  4. The most common kind of iron nucleus has a mass number of `56`. Find the approximate density of the nucleus.

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  5. Calculate the electric potential energy due to the electric repulsion between two nuclei of `_^(12)C` when they touch each other at the surface.

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  6. The most abundant isotope of helium has a `._(2)^(4)H` nucleus whose mass is `6.6447 xx 10^(-27) kg` . For this nucleus, find (a) the mass defect and (b) the binding energy.
    Given: Mass of the electron: `m_e =5.485799 xx 10^(-4) u`, mass of the proton: `m_(P) =1.007276 u` and mass of the neutron: `m_(n) =1.008 665 u`.

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  7. The atomic mass `. _2^4He` is `4.0026 u` and the atomic mass of `._1^1H` is `1.0078 u`. Using atomic mass units instead of kilograms, obtain the binding energy of `._2^4He` nucleus.

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  8. The nucleus of the deuterium atom, called the deuteron, consists of a proton and a neutron. Calculate the deutron's binding energy, given atomic mass, i.e., the mass of a deuterium nucleus plus an electron is measured to be `2.014 102 u`.

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  9. What is the binding energy per nucleon of `""_(6)C^(12)` nucleus?
    Given, mass of `C^(12)(m_c)=12.000u`
    Mass of proton `(m_(p))=1.0078u`
    Mass of neutron `(m_(n))=1.0087u`
    and 1 amu `=931.4(MeV)/(c^(2))`

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  10. The atomic mass of uranium `._(92)^(238)U` is `238.0508 u`, that of throium` ._(90)^(234)Th` is `234.0436 u` and that of an alpha particle `._2^4He` is `4.006 u`, Determine the energy released when `alpha-decay` converts`._(92)^(238)U` into `._(90)^(234)Th`.

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  11. The energy released by the `alpha`-deacy to `._(90)^(238) U` is found to be `4.3 MeV`. Since this energy is carried away as kinetic energy of the recoiling `._(90)^(234)Th` nucleus and the `alpha`-particles, it follows that `KE_(Th) +KE_(alpha) =4.3 MeV`. However, `KE_(Th)` and `KE_(alpha)` are not equal. Which particle carries away more kinetic energy, the `._(90)^(234)Th` nucleus or the `alpha`-particles ?

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  12. The atomic mass of thorium `._(90)^(234)Th` is `234.04359 u`, while that of protactinium `._(91)^(234)Pa` is `234.04330 u`. Find the energy released when `beta` decay changes `overset(234)(90)Th` into Pa

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  13. Consider the beta decay
    `^198 Au rarr ^198 Hg ** + Beta^(-1) + vec v`.
    where `^198 Hg^**` represents a mercury nucleus in an excited state at energy `1.088 MeV` above the ground state. What can be the maximum kinetic energy of the electron emitted? The atomic mass of `^198 Au` is `197.968233 u` and that of `^198 Hg` is `197.966760 u`.

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  14. The nuclei `._(6)C^(13)` and `._(7)N^(14)` can be described as

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  15. What is the wavelenth of the `0.186 MeV` gamma- ray photon emitted by radium `._(88)^(226) Ra`?

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  16. A radioactive sample has `6.0 xx 10^18` active nuclei at a certain instant. How many of these nuclei will still be in the same active state after two half-lives?

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  17. The half-life of a radioactive nucleus is 20 hours. What fraction of original activity will remain after 40 hours?

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  18. Suppose `3.0 xx 10^7` radon atoms are trapped in a basement at a given time. The basement is sealed against further enetry of the gas. The half - life of radon is 3.83 days. How many radon atoms remain after` 31` days?

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  19. Suppose `3.0 xx 10^7` radon atoms are trapped in a basement at a given time. The basement is sealed against further enetry of the gas. The half - life of radon is 3.83 days. How many radon atoms remain after` 31` days?

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  20. The decay constant for the radioactive nuclide `64Cu` is `1.516 xx 10^(-5) s^(-1)` . Find the activity of a sample containing `1mug` of `64Cu`. Atomic weight of copper = 63.5 g mole^ (-1). Neglect the mass difference between the given radioisotope and normal copper.

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  21. The half-life of ` .^198Au` is `2.7 days`. Calculate (a) the decay constant, (b) the average-life and (c) the activity of `1.00 mg` of `.^198Au`. Take atomic weight of `.^198Au` to be `198 g mol^(-1)`.

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  22. (a) Determine the number of carbon `._6^(14)C` atoms present for every gram of carbon `._6^(12)C` in a living organism. Find (b) The decay constatnt and (c ) the activity of this sample.

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  23. The number of 238 U atoms in an ancient rock equals the number of 206 Pb atoms. The half-life of decay of 238 U is 4.5x109 years. Estimate the age of the rock assuming that all the 206 Pb atoms are formed from the decay of 238U.

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  24. A bottle of red wine is thought to have been sealed about `5 years` ago. The wine containa a number of different kinds of atoms, incluing carbon, oxygen,and hydrogen. Each of these has a radioactive isotope. The radiaoctive isotope of carbon is the familiar `._6^(14)C` with a half-life of `5730 years`. The radioactive isotope of oxygen is. `._(8)^(15)O` and has a half-life of `122.2 s`. The radioactive isotope of hydrogen `._1^(3)H` and is called tritium, its half-life is `12.33 years`. The activity of each of these isotopes is known at the time the bottle was sealed. However, only one of the isotopes is useful for determining the age of the wine accurately. Which is it?

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  25. A radioactive nucleus undergoes a series of deacy according to the scheme.
    If the mass number and atomic number of `A` are `180` and `72` respectively, what are these numbers for `A_(4)`.

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  26. Suppose, the daughter nucleus in a nuclear decay is itself radioactive. Let `lambda_p and lambda_d` be the decay constants of the parent and the daughter nuclei. Also, let `N_p and N_d` be the number of parent and daughter nuclei at time `t`. Find the condition for which the number of daughter nuclei becomes constant.

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  27. A radioactive nucleus can decay by two different processes. The half-life for the first process is `t_1` and that for the second process is `t_2`. Show that the effective half-life `t` of the nucleus is given by
    `1/t = 1/t_1 + 1/t_2`.

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  28. A radioactive nucleus is being prodouced at a constant rate `alpha` per second. Its decay constant is `lamda`. If `N_(0)` are the number of nuclei at time t =0 then maximum number of nuclei possible are

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  29. Nuclei of a radioactive element `A` are being produced at a constant rate `alpha`. The element has a decay constant `lambda`. At time `t=0`, there are `N_0` nuclei of the element.
    (a) Calculate the number `N` of nuclei of `A` at time `t`.
    (b) If `alpha=2N_0lambda`, calculate the number of nuclei of A after one half-life of A, and also the limiting value of N as `trarroo`.

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  30. The mean lives of an unstable nucleus in two different decay processes are `1620 yr` and `405 yr`, respectively. Find out the time during which three-fourth of a sample will decay.

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  31. Find the half-life of uranium, given that `3.32 xx 10^(7) g` radium is found per gram of uranium in old minerals. The atomic weights of uranium and radium are `238` and `226` and half-life of radium is `1600` years (Avogadro number is `6.023 xx 10^(23)//g -"atom"`).

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  32. Find the `Q` value of the reaction `P + .^(7) Li rarr .^(4) He +.^(4) He`. Determine whether the reaction is exothermic or endothermic. The atomic masses of `.^(1) H,.^(4) He` and `.^(7)Li` are `1.007825 u,4.002603 u`, and `7.016004 u`, respectively.

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  33. Consider a collision between two particles one of which is at rest and the other strikes it head on with momentum `P_(1)`. Calculate the energy of reaction `Q` in terms of the kinetic energy of the particles before and they collide.

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  34. Two other possible ways by which `.^(235)U` can undergo fission when bombarded with a neutron are (1) by the release of `.^(140)Xe` and `.^(94)Sr` as fission fragments and (2) by the release of `.^(132)Sn` and `.^(101)Mo` as fission fragments. In each case, neutrons are also released. Find the number of neutrons released in each of these events.

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  35. Calculate the amount of energy released in MeV due to a loss of mass of 1 kg.

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  36. On disintegration of one atom of `.^(235)U` , the amount of energy obtained is `200 MeV`. The power obtained in a reactor is `1000` kilo watt. How many atoms are disintegrated per second in the reactor? What is the decay in mass per hour?

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  37. A deuterium reaction that occurs in an experimental fusion reactor is in two stage:
    (A) Two deuterium `(._1^2D)` nuclei fuse together to form a tritium nucleus, with a proton as a by product written as `D(D,p)T`.
    (B) A tritium nucleus fuses with another deuterium nucleus to form a helium `._2^4He` nucleus with neutron as a by - product, written as T (D,n) `._2^4He`.
    Compute (a) the energy released in each of the two stages, (b) the energy released in the combined reaction per deutrium. (c ) What percentage of the mass energy of the initial deuterium is released. Given,
    `{:(._1^2D=2.014102 am u),(._1^3 T=3.016049), (._2^4 He =4.002603 am u),(._1^1 H =1.007825 am u),(._0^1 n =1.00665 am u):}`.

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  38. In the process of nuclear fission of `1 g` uranium, the mass lost is `0.92 mg`. The efficiency of power house run by the fission reactor is `10%`.To obtain `400` megawatt power from the power house, how much uranium will be required per hour? `(c=3xx10^(8) m s^(-1))`.

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  39. A nuclear reactor using `.^(235)U` generates `250 MW` of electric power. The efficiency of the reactor (i.e., efficiency of conversion of thermal energy into electrical energy) is `25%`. What is the amount of `.^(235)U` used in the reactor per year? The thermal energy released per fission of `.^(235)U` is `200 MeV`.

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  40. in a neutron induced fission of `""._(92)u^(235)` nucleus , usable energy of 185 MeV is released if a `""._(92)U^(235)` reactor is continuously openaating it at a power level of 100 MW how long will it take for 1kg of uranium to be consumed in this rector?

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  41. A nuclear explosive is designed to deliver 1 MW power in the form of heat energy.If the explosion is designed with nuclear fuel consisting of `U^(235)` to run a reactor at this power level for one year, then the amount of fuel needed is (Given energy per fission is 200 MeV)

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Illustration questions and complete solutions for chapter NUCLEAR PHYSICS of CENGAGE PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 12