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Complete Solutions to Single Correct Option of chapter NUCLEAR PHYSICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

CENGAGE PHYSICSSingle Correct Option
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. An element A decays into an element C by a two step process `A to B + ._2He^4` and `B to C + 2e^(-)` .Then,

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  2. Consider two arbitaray decay equation and mark the correct alternative` s` given below. (i) `._(92)^(230)U rarr n+._(92)^(229)U` (ii)`._(92_^(230)U rarr P +._(91)^(229)Pa`
    Given: `M(._(92)^(230)U) =230.033927 u,M(._(92)^(229)U)=229.03349 u, m_(n)=1.008665u`, `M(._(91)^(229)Pa) =229.032089, m_p`=1.007825, 1 am u =931.5 MeV`.

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  3. In a smaple of rock, the ration `.^(206)Pb` to `.^(238)U` nulei is found to be `0.5.` The age of the rock is (given half-life of `U^(238)` is `4.5 xx 10^(9)` years).

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  4. Let `E_(1)` and `E_(2)` be the binding energies of two nuclei `A` and `B`. it is observed that nuclei of `A` combine together to form a `B` nuclus. This observation is correct only if .

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  5. A radioactive sample decays by `63%` of its initial value in `10s`. It would have decayed by `50%` of its initial value in .

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  6. A nucleus moving with velocity `bar(v)` emits an `alpha`-particle. Let the velocities of the `alpha`-particle and the remaining nucleus be `bar(v)_(1)` and `bar(v)_(2)` and their masses be `m_(1)` and `(m_2)` then,

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  7. Which of the following statements is incorrect for nuclear forces?

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  8. A certain radioactive material can undergo three constant `lambda,2lambda` and `3 lambda`. Then, the effective decay constant `lambda_(eff)` is equal to `n lambda`. What is the value of n?

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  9. In an `alpha` -decay, the kinetic energy of `alpha`-particles is `48 MeV` and `Q` value of the reaction is `50 MeV`. The mass number of the mother nucleus is (assume that daughter nucleus is in ground state)

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  10. A sample of radioactive material decays simultaneouly by two processes A and B with half-lives `(1)/(2)` and `(1)/(4)h`, respectively. For the first half hour it decays with the process A, next one hour with the proecess B, and for further half an hour with both A and B. If, origianlly, there were `N_0` nuceli, find the number of nuclei after 2 h of such decay.

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  11. In which of the following processes, the number of protons in the nuleus increase ?

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  12. A radioactiev nuleus `X` deays to a stable nuleus `Y`. Then, time graph of rate of formation of `Y` against time `t` will be:

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  13. A heavy nuleus having mass number `200` gets disintegrated into two small fragmnets of mass numbers `80` and `120`. If binding energy per nulceon for parent atom is `6.5 MeV` and for daughter nuceli is `7 MeV` and `8 MeV`, respectivley , then the energy released in the decay will be.

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  14. An element` X` decays , first by positron emission and then two `alpha`-particles are emitted in successive radiactive decay. If the product nucleus has a mass number `229` and atomic number `89`, the mass number and atomic number of element ` X` are.

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  15. 90% of a radioactive sample is left undecayed after time t has elapsed. What percentage of the initial sample will decay in a total time 2t

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  16. A radioactive element X converts into another stable element. Y half-life X is 2 h Initially only X is present. After time t, the ratio of atoms of X and Y is found to be `1:4` then t in hour is

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  17. A radioactive element P disintegrates into Q which further disintegrates into R as shown in figure.

    At t=0, number of nuclei of P, Q and R are `N_(0)` 0 and 0. At time t number of nuclei of P,Q and R are `N_(1) , N_(2)` and `N_(3)` respectively . The ratio of `N_(1)` to `N_(2)` maximum is K Find the value of K.

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  18. The binding energy of an electron in the ground state of He is equal to 24.6eV. The energy required to remove both the electron is

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  19. The mean life time of a radionuclide, if the activity decrease by `4%` for every `1 h`, would b e(product is non-radioactive, i.e., stable )

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  20. On an average, a neutron loses half of its energy per collision with a quesi-free proton. To reduce a `2 MeV` neutron to a thermal neutron having energy `0.04 eV`, the number of collisions requaired is nearly .

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  21. Masses of two isobars `._(29)Cu^(64)` and `._(30)Zn^(64)` are `63.9298 u` and `63.9292 u`, respectively. It can be concluded from these data that .

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  22. If a nucleus such as `.^(226)Ra` that is initially at rest undergoes `alpha`- decay , then which of the following statemnets is true?

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  23. If the` Q` value of an endothermic reaction is `11.32 MeV`, then the minimum energy of the reactant nuclei to carry out the reaction is (in laboratotry frame of reference)

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  24. 1.00 kg of `.^(235)U` undergoes fission process. If energy released per event is `200 MeV`, then the total energy released is

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  25. Mark out the incoreect statemnet.

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  26. `U-235` can decay by many ways , let us here consider only two ways, `A` and `B`. In decay of `U-235` by means of `A`, the energy released per fission is `210 MeV` while in `B` it is `186 MeV`. Then , the uranium `235` sample is more likely to decay by .

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  27. A radio isotope `X` with a half life `1.4xx10^(9)` yr decays of `Y` which is stable. A sample of the rock from a cave was found to contain `X` and `Y` in the ratio `1:7`. The age of the rock is

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  28. What is the probability of a radioactive nucleus to survive one mean life?

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  29. Consider one of fission reactions of `^(235)U` by thermal neutrons `._(92)^(235)U +n rarr ._(38)^(94)Sr +._(54)^(140)Xe+2n` . The fission fragments are however unstable and they undergo successive `beta`-decay until `._(38)^(94)Sr` becomes `._(40)^(94)Zr` and `._(54)^(140)Xe` becomes `._(58)^(140)Ce`. The energy released in this process is
    Given: `m(.^(235)U) =235.439u,m(n)=1.00866 u, m(.^(94)Zr)=93.9064 u, m(.^(140)Ce) =139.9055 u,1u=931 MeV]` .

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  30. A star initially has `10^40` deuterons. It produces energy via the processes `._1^2H+_1^2Hrarr_1^3H+p` and `._1^2H+_1^3Hrarr_2^4He+n`, where the masses of the nuclei are
    `m(.^2H)=2.014` amu, `m(p)=1.007` amu, `m(n)=1.008` amu and `m(.^4He)=4.001` amu. If the average power radiated by the star is `10^16 W`, the deuteron supply of the star is exhausted in a time of the order of

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  31. Two radioactive materials `X_1` and `X_2` have decay constants `10 lambda` and `lambda`, respectively. If initialy they have the same number of nuclei, then the ratio of the number of nuclei of `X_1` to that of `X_2` will be `1//e` after a time
    (a) `1//10 lambda` (b) `1//11 lambda` (c) `11//10lambda` (d) `1//9lambda`

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  32. A radioactive substance is being produced at a constant rate of 200 muclei/s The decay constant of the substance is `1 s^(-1)` After what tiem the number of radioactive nuclie will become 100 ? Initially there are no nuclei present.

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  33. A radioactive isotope is being produced at a constant rate X Half-life of the radioactive substance is Y After some time the number of radiactive nuclie become constant The value of this constant is

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  34. A radioactive substance X decays into another radioactive substance Y Initially only X was present. `lambda_(x)` and `lambday_(y)` are the disnttegration constants of Xa nd Y `N_(x)` and `N_(y)` are the number of nuclie of X and Y at any time t. Number of nuclei `N_(y)` will be maximum when

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  35. There are two radioactive nuclei A and B A is an alpha emitter and B a beta emitter. Their disintegration constants are in the ratio of atoms of A and B at any time t so that probilities of getting alpha and beta particles are same at that instant?

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  36. Half-life of a radioactive sunstance A is two times the half-life of another radioactive substance B Intilally the number of nuclie of A and B are `N_(A)` and `N_(B)` respectively After three half lives of A number of nuclie of bothe equal. Then the ratio `N_(A)//N_(B)` is

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  37. There are two radioactive sunstances A and B Decay constant of B is two times that of A Intially bothe have equal number of nuclei. After n half lives of A rate of disintegration of both are equla. The value of n is

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  38. A radioactive ncleus A finaly transforms into a stable nucleus. B Then A and B can be

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  39. If `92^(U^(238))` changes to `85^(At^(210))` by a series of `alpha` and `beta` decays, the number of `alpha` and `beta` decays undergone is

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  40. Number jof nuclei of radioactive substance at time t=0 are 1000 and 9000 at time t=2 s. Then number of nuclie at time t=4 s will be

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  41. A rodiactive nucleus is being produced at a constant rate `alpha` per second Its decay constant is `lambda` If `N_(0)` are the number of nuclie at tieme t=O then, maximum number of nuclei possible are

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  42. In a sample of radioactive material , what fraction of the initial number of active nuclei will remain undisintegrated after half of the half life of the sample ?

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  43. The activity of a radioactive substance is `R_(1)` at time `t_(1)` jand `R_(2)` at time `t_(2)(gt t_(1))` its decay constant is `lambda` Then

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  44. The activity of a radioactive susbtance is `R_(1)` at time `t_(1)` and `R_(2)` at time `t_(2)`(>t1). its decay constant is λ. Then, number of atoms decayed between time interval `t_(1)` and `t_(2)` are

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  45. The ratio of molecules mass of two radiactive substances is `(3)/(2)` and the ratio of their decay constant is `(4)/(3)` Then the ratio of their intial activity per mol will be

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  46. `N_(1)` atoms of a radioactive element emit `N_(2)` "beta" particles per second The decay constant of the element is (in` s^(-1))`

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  47. The binding energies of nuclei X and Y are `E_(1)` and `E_(2)` respectivley . Two atoms of X fuse to give one atom of Y and an energy Q is released. Then

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  48. Binding energy per nucleon of `1^(H^(2))` and `2^(He^(2))` are 1.1 MeV and `7.0` respectively Energy realsed in the process `1^(H^(2))+1^(He^(4))` is

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  49. `._(92)U^(238)` absorbs a neutron. The product emits an electron. This product further emits an electron. The result is

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  50. The activity of a radioative element decreases to one third of the original activity `I_(0)` in a period of nine years. After a further 1apse of nine years, its activity will be

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  51. The half-life of a radioactive decay is x times its mean life. The value of zx is

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  52. Neutron decay in the free space is given follows:
    `._0n^1 rarr. _1H^1 +._(-e)^0 +[]`
    Then, the parenthesis represents

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  53. A nucleus `._Z^AX ` emits an `alpha`-particel. The resultant nucleus emits a `beta^(+)` particle. The respective atomic and mass numbers of the final nucleus will be

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  54. Certain radioactive substance reduces to 25% of its value in 16 days. Its half-life is

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  55. What is the age of an ancient wooden piece if it is known that the specific activity of `C^(14)` nuclide in it amouts to `3//5` of that in fresh trees? Given: the half of `C` nuclide is `5570 years` and `log_(e)(5//3)=0.5` .

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  56. A helium atom, a hydrogen atom and a neutron have mases of` 4.003 u, 1.008 u` and `1.009 u` (unified atomic mass units), respectively. Assuming that hydogen atoms and neutrons can be fuse to from helium, what is the binding energy of a helium nucleus?

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  57. A certain radioactive element has half-life of `4` days. The fraction of material that decays in `2 `days is

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  58. In the disintegration series
    `._(92)^(238)U overset rarr (alpha) X overset rarr (beta^(-))._Z^(A)Y` the values of `Z` and `A`, respectively, will be

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  59. Atomic mass number of an element is `232` and its atomic number is `90`. The end product of this radiaoctive element is an isotope of lead (atomic mass `208` and atomic number `82`.) The number of `alpha`-and `beta` -particles emitted are.

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  60. The initial activity of a certain radioactive iostope was measured as `16000` counts `min.^(-1)`. Given that the only activity measured was due to this isotaope and that its activity after `12 h` was `2100` counts `min.^(-1)`, its half-life, in hours, is nearest to [Given `log_(e) (7.2)=2`].

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  61. The minimum frequency of a `gamma`-ray that causes a deutron to disintegrate into a poton and a neutron is `(m_(d)=2.0141 am u, m_p=1.0078 am u, m_n=1.0087 am u.)`.

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  62. The fission of a heavy nucleus gives, in general, two smaller nuclei, two or three neutrons, some `beta-`particles and some `gamma-`radiation. It is always true that the nuclei produced.

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  63. The activity of a radioactive sample is `1.6` curie, and its half-life is `2.5 days`. Its activity after `10 days` will be

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  64. The rest mass of the deutron `._(1)^(2)` H is equivalent ot an energy of 1876 MeV the rest mass of a proton is equivalent to 939 MeV and that of a neutrom is 940 MeV A deuteron may disintegrate to proton and neutron if it :

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  65. A newly prepared radioactive nuclide has a decay constant `lambda` of `10^(-6) s^(-1)`. What is the approximate half-life of the nuclide?

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  66. The half-life of a certain radioactive isotope is `32 h`.What fraction of a sample would ramain after `16h`?

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  67. Samples of two radioactive nuclides, `X` and `Y`, each have equal activity `A` at time `t=0`. X has a half-life of `24 years` and `Y` a half-life of `16 years`. The samples are mixed together. What will be the total activity of the mixture at `t=48` years?

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  68. A sample of radioactive element has a mass of `10 g` at an instant `t=0`. The approximate mass of this element in the sample after two mean lives is

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  69. In the case of thorium `(A=232 and Z=90)`, we obtain an isotope of lead `(A=208 and Z=82)` after some radioactive disintegrations. The number of `alpha`- and `beta`-particles emitted are, respectively,

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  70. After an interval of one day , `1//16th` initial amount of a radioactive material remains in a sample. Then, its half-life is .

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  71. The half-life of `.^215At` is `100mus`. The time taken for the activity of a sample of `.^215At` to decay to `1/16th` of its initial value is

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  72. A stationary thorium nucleus `(A=200 , Z=90)` emits an alpha particle with kinetic energy `E_(alpha)`. What is the kinetic energy of the recoiling nucleus

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  73. The fraction of a radioactive material which reamins active after time t is `9//16`. The fraction which remains active after time `t//2` will be .

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  74. The radioactive decay rate of a radioactive element is found to be `10^(3) ` disintegration per second at a certain time . If the half life of the element is one second , the decay rate after one second is?

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  75. The percentage of quantity of a radioactive material that remains after 5 half-lives will be .

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  76. `.^(238)U` decays with a half-life of `4.5 xx10^(9)` years, the decay series eventually ending at `.^(206)Pb`, which is stable. `A` rock sample analysis shows that the ratio of the number of atoms of `.^(206)Pb` to `.^(238)U` is 0.0058. Assuming that all the `.^(206)Pb` is produced by the decay of `.^(238)U` and that all other half-lives on the chain are negligible, the age of the rock sample is `(ln 1.0058 =5.78 xx10^(-3))`.

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  77. A radioactive nucleus undergoes a series of deacy according to the scheme.
    If the mass number and atomic number of `A` are `180` and `72` respectively, what are these numbers for `A_(4)`.

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  78. If `10%` of a radioactive substance decays in every 5 year, then the percentage of the substance that will have decaed in `20 years` will be .

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  79. Stationary nucleus `._(92)^(238)U` decays by a emission generating a total kinetic energy T:
    `._(92)^(238)U rarr ._(90)^(234)Th +._2^4 alpha`
    What is the kinetic energy of the `alpha`-particle?

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  80. The activity of a radioactive elemment decreses to oen-third of the original activity `A_(0)` in a period of `9` years. After a further lapse of `9` years, its acticity will be

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  81. The half-life period of RaB`(._(82)Pb^(214))` is `26.8 min`. The mass of one curie of RaB is

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  82. A `5 xx 10^(-4) Å` photon produces an electron-positron pair in the vincinity of a heavy nucleus. Rest energy of electron is `0.511 MeV`. sIf they have the same kinetic energies, the energy of each paricles is nearly

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  83. A freshly prepared radioactive source of half-life 2 h emits radiation of intensity which is 64 times the permissible safe level. The minimum time after which it would be possible to work safely with this source is

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  84. Uranium ores contain one radium `-226 `atom for every `2.8 xx 10^(6)` uranium `-238` atoms. Calculate the half-life of `._(88)Ra^(226)` is `1600` years `(._(88)Ra^(226)` is a decay product of `._(92)U^(238))`.

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  85. Plutonium has atomic mass `210` and a decay constant equal to `5.8 xx 10^(-8)s^(-1)`. The number of `alpha`-particles emitted per second by `1 mg` plutonium is
    (Avogadro's constant =` 6.0 xx 10^(23)`).

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  86. At any instant, the ratio of the amount of radioactive substance is 2 : 1. If their half-lives be respectively, 12 h and 16 h then after 2 days, what will be the ratio of the substances?

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  87. Radioactivity of a sample at `T_(1)` time is `R_(1)` and at time `T_(2)` is `R_(2).` If half-life of sample is T, then in time `(T_(2)-T_(1)),` the number of decayed atoms is proportional to

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  88. Half-lives of two radioactive substances `A` and `B` are respectively `20` min and `40` min. Initially, the samples of `A` and `B` have equal number of nuclei. After `80` min the raatio of remaining number of `A` and `B` nuclei is

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  89. A radioactive nucleus can decay by two differnet processess. The mean value period for the first process is `t_(1)` and that the second process is `t_(2)` .The effective mean value period for the two processes is .

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  90. The half-life of radium is `1620 years` and its atomic weight is `226`. The number of atoms that will decay from its `1 g` sample per second will be .

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  91. The nuclear radius of a nucelus with nucleon number `16` is `3 xx 10^(-15) m`. Then, the nuclear radius of a nucleus with nucleon number `128` is .

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  92. The nuclear radius of `._(8)O^(16)` is `3 xx10^(-15) m`. If an atomic mass unit is `1.67 xx 10^(-27) kg`, then the nuclear density is approximately.

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  93. What would be the energy required to dissociate completely `1 g` of `Ca-40` into its constituent, particles? Given: Mass of proton `=1.00866 am u`,
    Mass of neutron `=1.00866 am u`,
    Mass of `Ca-40 =39.97454 am u`, (Take `1 am u =931 MeV`).

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  94. In fission,the percentage of mass converted into energy is about

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  95. In the nuclear raction `._1H^2 +._1H^2 rarr ._2He^3 +._0n^1` if the mass of the deuterium atom `=2.014741 am u`, mass of `._2He^3` atom `=3.016977 am u`, and mass of neutron `=1.008987 am u`, then the `Q` value of the reaction is nearly .

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  96. Assuming that about 20 MeV of energy is released per fusion reaction
    then the mass `1^(H^(2))`consumed per day in a jfusion rector of power 1 MW wll apporximately be :

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  97. Assuming that about 200g MeV energy is released per fission of `""_(92)U^(235)` nuclei. What would be the mass of `U^(235)` consumed per day in the fission of reactor of power 1 MW approximately?

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  98. If mass of `U^(235)=235.12142 a.m.u.`, mass of `U^(236) =236.1205 amu`, and mass of neutron `=1.008665 am u`, then the energy required to remove one neutron from the nucleus of `U^(236)` is nearly about.

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  99. Binding energy per nucleon of `1^(H^(2))` and `2^(He^(2))` are 1.1 MeV and `7.0` respectively Energy realsed in the process `1^(H^(2))+1^(He^(4))` is

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  100. in the fusion reaction `""_(1)H^(2)+""_(1)H^(2)to ""_(2)He^(3) +""_(0)N^(1),` are masses of deuteron and neutron expressed in amu are 2.015, 3.017 and 1.0009, respectively , if 1 kg of deuterium undergoes complete fusion , then find the amount of total energy released .
    1 amu = 931.5 ME V/`c^(2)`.

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Single Correct Option questions and complete solutions for chapter NUCLEAR PHYSICS of CENGAGE PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 12