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Complete Solutions to Level 1 Assertion And Reason of chapter ELECTROSTATICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEYLevel 1 Assertion And Reason
Number Of Questions19
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The electrical potential function for an electrical field directed parallel to the x-axis is shown in the given graph.
    Draw the graph of electric field strength.

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  2. The electric potential decreases uniformly from `100 V` to `50 V` as one moves along the x-axis from `x = 0` to `x = 5 m`. The electric field at `x = 2 m` must be equal to `10 V//m`. Is this statement true or false.

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  3. In the uniform electric field shown in figure, find :
    a. `V_A-V_D`
    b. `V_A-V_C`
    c. `V_B-V_D`
    d. `V_C-V_D`

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  4. In figure (a), a charge q is placed just outside the centre of a closed hemisphere. In figure (b), the same charge q is placed just inside the centre of the closed hemisphere and in figure (c), the charge is placed at the centre of hemisphere open from the base. Find the electric flux passing through the hemisphere in all the three cases.

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  5. Net charge within an imaginary cube drawn in a uniform electric field is always zero. Is this statement true or false?

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  6. A hemispherical body of radius R is placed in a uniform electric field E. What is the flux linked with the curved surface if, the field is (a) parallel to the base, (b) perpendicular to the base.

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  7. A cube has sides of length `L = 0.2 `m. It is placed with one corner at the origin as shown in figure. The electric field is uniform and given by `E= (2.5 N//C) hati - (4.2 N//C) hatj`. Find the electric flux through the entire cube.

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  8. Assertion: An independnt negative charge moves itself from point A to point B. then, potential at A should be less than potential at B.
    Reason: While moving from A to B kinetic energy of electron will increase

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  9. Assertion: When two unlike charges are brought nearer, their electrostatic potentiasl energy decreases.
    Reason: All conservative forces act in the direction of decreasing potential energy.

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  10. Assertion: At a point electric potential is decreasing along x-axis at a rate of `10 V//m`. Therefore, x-component of electric field at this point should be `10 V//m` along x-axis.
    Reason: Magnitude of `E_x=(delV)/(delx)`

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  11. Assertion: Electric potential on the surface of a charged sphere of radius R is V. Then electric field at distance `r=R/2` from centre is `V/(2R)`. Charge is distributed uniformly over the volume.
    Reason: From centre to surface, electric field varies linearly with r. Here r is distance from centre.

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  12. Assertion: Gauss's theroem can be applied only for a closed surface.
    Reason: Electric flux can be obtained passing from an open surface also.

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  13. Assertion: In the electric field `E=(4hati+4hatj)N//C` electric potential at A (4m, 0) is more than the electric portential at `B(0,4m)`
    Reason: Electric lines of forces always travel from higher potential to lower potential.

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  14. Assertion: Two charges `-q` each are fixed points A and B. When a third chrge `-q` is moves from A to B, electrical potential energy first decreases than increases,

    Reason: Along the line joining A and B, third charge is stable equilibrium position at centre.

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  15. Assertion: A small electric dipole is moved translatonally from higher potential to lower potential in uniform electric field. Work done by electric is positive.
    Reason: When a positive charge is moved from higher potential to lower potential, work done by electric field positive.

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  16. Assertion: In case of charged spherical shells, E-r graph is discontinuous while V-r graph is continuous
    Reason: According to Gauss's theorem only the charge inside a closed surface can produce electric field at some point.

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  17. Assertion: If we see along the axis of a chaged ring, the magnitudeof electric field is minimum at centre and magnitude of electridc potential is maximum.
    Reason: Electric field is a vector quantity while electric potential is scalar.

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  18. Units of electric flux are

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  19. A neutral pendulum oscillates in a uniform electric field as shown in figure. If a positive charge is given to the pendulum, then its time period

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Level 1 Assertion And Reason questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROSTATICS of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 12