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Complete Solutions to For JEE main (Only one option is Correct ) of chapter WAVE OPTICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEY MASTER PROBLEM PACKAGEFor JEE main (Only one option is Correct )
Number Of Questions22
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If the first minima in Young's double-slit experiment occurs directly in front of one of the slits (distance between slit and screen `D = 12 cm` and distance between slits `d = 5 cm)`, then the wavelength of the radiation used can be

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  2. Plane wavefronts are incident on a spherical mirror as shown, the reflected wavefronts will be

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  3. Figure shows plane waves refracted for air to water. What is the refractive index of water with respect to air ?

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  4. In Young's double slit experiment, the wavelength of red light is `7800 Å`. The value of n for which nth bright band due to red light coincides with `(n+1)th` bright band due to blue light`(lambda=5200Angstrom)`, is

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  5. In Young's double-slit experment, the frist maxima is observed at a fixed point P on the screen. Now, the screen is continously moved away from the plane of slits. The ratio of intensity at point P to the intensity at point O (center of the screen)

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  6. In a YDSE with two identical slits, when the upper slit is covered with a thin, perfectly tranparent sheet of mica, the intensity at the centre of screen reduces ro `75%` of the initial value. The second minima is observed to above this point and third maxima below it. which of the following can not be a possible value of phase difference caused by the mica sheet

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  7. In a double slit experiment ,the separation between the slits is `d=0.25cm` and the distance of the screen `D=100`cm from the slits .if the wavelength of light used in `lambda=6000Å`and `I_(0)`is the intensity of the central bright fringe. The intensity at a distance `x=4xx10^(-5)`in form the central maximum is-

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  8. A thin film of thickness `t` and index of refractive `1.33` coats a glass with index of refraction `1.50`.What is the least thickness `t` that will strong reflect light with wavelength `600nm` incident normally?

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  9. Two parallel rays are travelling in a medium of refractive index `mu_(1)=4//3`. One of the rays passes through a parallel glass slab of thickness t and refractive index `mu_(2)=3//2`. The path difference between the two rays due to the glass slab will be

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  10. Light waves travel in vacuum along the y-axis. Which of the following may represent the wave front?

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  11. A plate of thickness t made of a material of refractive index `mu` is placed in front of one of the slits in a double slit experiment. (a) Find the changes in the optical path due to introduction of the plate. (b) What should be the minimum thickness t which will make the intensity at the center of the fringe pattern zero ? Wavelength of the light used is `lamda`. Neglect any absorption of light in the plate.

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  12. Young's double slit experiment is made in a liquid. The tenth bright fringe in liquid lies in screen where 6th dark fringe lies in vacuum. The refractive index of the liquid is approximately

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  13. A monochromatic beam of light fall on YDSE apparatus at some angle (say `theta`) as shown in figure. A thin sheet of glass is inserted in front of the lower slit `s_(2)`. The central bright fringe (path difference `= 0`) will be obtained

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  14. In Young's double-slit experiment, the separation between the slits is halved and the distance between the slits and the screen in doubled. The fringe width is

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  15. Two coherent monochromatic light beams of intensities I and 4I are superposed. The maximum and minimum possible intensities in the resulting beam are

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  16. Two coherent point sources `S_1` and `S_2` are separated by a small distance `d` as shown. The fringes obtained on the screen will be

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  17. In the ideal double-slit experiment, when a glass-plate (refractive index 1.5) of thickness t is introduced in the path of one of the interfering beams (wavelength `lambda`), the intensity at the position where the central maximum occurred previously remains unchanged. The minimum thickness of the glass-plate is

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  18. In Young's double slit experiment, assume intensity of light on screen due to each source alone is `I_(0) and K_(1)` is equal to difference of maximum and minimum intensity. Now intensity of one source is made `(I_(0))/(4) and K_(2)` is again difference of maximum and minimum intensity . Then `(K_(1))/(K_(2))=`

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  19. In a double slit experiment the angular width of a fringe is found to be `0.2^(@)` on a screen placed I m away. The wavelength of light used in 600 nm. What will be the angular width of the fringe if the entire experimental apparatus is immersed in water ? Take refractive index of water to be `4//3`.

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  20. In Young's double slit experiment with light of wavelength `lambda=600 nm`, intensity of central fringe is `I_(0)`. Now one of the slit is covered by glass plate of refractive index 1.4 and thickness t=`5mum`. The new intensity at the same point on screen will be :

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  21. Find the maximum intensity in case of interference of infinite identical coherent sources having intensities `I_(0),(I_(0))/(4),(I_(0))/(16),(I_(0))/(64),(I_(0))/(256)……..` (upto infinite).

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  22. In the figure shown, light waves A and B both of wavelength `lambda` are initially in phase and travelling rightward as incident by the two rays. Wave A is reflected from four parallel surfaces but ends up travelling in original direction. The possible value(s) of distance L in terms of wavelength `lambda` in figure which put A and B exactly out of phase with each other after all the reflected is/are

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For JEE main (Only one option is Correct ) questions and complete solutions for chapter WAVE OPTICS of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 12