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Complete Solutions to C MADICAL ENTRANCES GALLERY of chapter NUCLEI of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions46
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The half-life of a radioactive substance is `30` minutes, The time (in minutes) taken between `40 %` decay and `85 %` decay of the same radioactive substance is.

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  2. The kinetic energy of `alpha`-particle emitted in the `alpha`-decay of `""_(88)Ra^(266)` is [given, mass number of Ra = 222 u]

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  3. If radius of the `._(13)^(27)Al` nucleus is taken to be `R_(AI)`, then the radius of `._(53)^(125)Te` nucleus is nearly

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  4. Two spherical nuclei have mass number 216 and 64 with their radii `R_(1) and R_(2)` respectively. The ratio, `(R_(1))/(R_(2))` is equal to

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  5. In a nuclear reactor, the number of `U^(235)` nuclei undergoing fissions per second is `4xx10^(20).` If the energy releases per fission is 250 MeV, then the total energy released in 10 h is `(1 eV= 1.6xx10^(-19)J)`

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  6. Nuclear fusion is not found in

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  7. Obtain approx. the ratio of the nuclear radii of the gold isotope `._79Au^(197)` and silver isotope `._47Ag^(107)`.

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  8. A radioactive element X disintegrates successively
    If atomic number and atomic mass number of X are respectively, 72 and 180, then what are the corresponding values for `X_(4)` ?

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  9. The energy released by the fission of one uranium atom is 200 MeV. The number of fission per second required to prodice 6.4W power is

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  10. How many alpha and `beta^(-)` decays does `U^(238)` experiences before turning finally into stable `Pb^(206)` isotope ?

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  11. 20% of a radioactive substances decay in 10 days . Calculate the amount of the original material left after 30 days.

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  12. A nucleus splits into two nuclear parts having radii in the ratio `1:2` Their velocities are in the ratio

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  13. What is the energy released by fassion of 1 g of `U^(235)`? (Assume 200 Me V energy is liberated on fission of 1 nucleus)

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  14. The half-life of radium is 1620 yr and its atomic weight is 226 kg per kilo mol. The number of atoms that will decay from its 1g sample per second will be (take, Avogadro's number, `N_(A)=6.023xx10^(23)` atom/kilo mol)

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  15. The relationship between decay constant `lamda` and half-life T of a radioactive substance is

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  16. The binding energy per nucleon of `._(3)^(7) Li` and `._(2)^(4)He` nuclei are `5.60` MeV and `7.06` MeV, respectively. In the nuclear reaction `._(3)^(7)Li+._(1)^(1)H rarr ._(2)^(4)He+._(2)^(4)He+Q`, the value of energy `Q` released is

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  17. For the stabilty of any nucleus,

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  18. A uranium nucleus (atomic number `92`, mass number `231`) emits an `alpha`-particle and the resultant nucleus emits a `beta`-particles. What are the atomic and mass numbers of the final nucleus? .

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  19. A radio isotope `X` with a half life `1.4xx10^(9)` yr decays of `Y` which is stable. A sample of the rock from a cave was found to contain `X` and `Y` in the ratio `1:7`. The age of the rock is

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  20. After 300 days, the activity of a radioactive sample is 5000 dps (disintegrations per sec). The activity becomes 2500 dps after another 150 days. The initial activity of the sample in dps is

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  21. For the radioactive nuclei that undergo either `alpha or beta` decay, which one of the following cannot occur?

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  22. In the given reaction
    `._z X^A rarr ._(z+1)Y^A rarr ._(z-1) K^(A - 4) rarr ._(z-1) K^(A - 4)`
    Radioactive radiations are emitted in the sequence.

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  23. Control rods of calcium or boron are inserted into the nuclear reactor to absorb neutrons.

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  24. The fusion reaction in the sun is a multi-sept process in which the

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  25. The nuclear fusion reaction between deuterium and tritium takes place

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  26. The half-life of a radioactive isotope `X` is `20 yr`. It decays to another element `Y` which is stable. The two elements `X` and `Y` were found to be in the ratio `1:7` in a sample of given rock. The age of the rock is estimated to be

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  27. A certain mass of hydrogen is changed to helium by the process of fusion. The mass defect in fusion reaction is `0.02866 u`. The energy liberated per `u` is
    `("given "1 u=931 MeV)`

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  28. `A U^(235)` reactor generated power at a rate of P producting `2xx10^(18)` fussion per second. The energy released per fission is 185 MeV. The value of P is

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  29. The purpose of using heavy water in nuclear reactior is

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  30. The ratio of volume of nuclei (assumed ot be in spherical shape) with respective mass numbers 8 and 64 is

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  31. Radioactivity of a sample at `T_(1)` time is `R_(1)` and at time `T_(2)` is `R_(2).` If half-life of sample is T, then in time `(T_(2)-T_(1)),` the number of decayed atoms is proportional to

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  32. Which pair is isotonic?

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  33. The phenomenon of radioactivity

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  34. An atom bomb weighing 1 kg explodes relesing `9xx10^(13)` J of energy. What percentage of mass is converted into energy ?

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  35. Pick out the correct statements from the following
    I. Electron emission during `Brta`-decay is always accompanied by neutrons.
    II. Nuclear force is charge independent.
    III. Fusion is the chief source of stellar energy.

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  36. A radioactive nucleus of mass number A, initially at rest, emits an `alpha-` particle with a speed v. What will be the recoil speed of the daughter nucleus ?

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  37. A radioactive substance emit 100 beta particfles in the first 2 s and 50 beta particles in the next 2s. The mean life of the sample is

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  38. When alpha particle captures and electron, then it becomes a

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  39. A nucleus `._ZX^A` emits `9 alpha-`particles and `5p` particle. The ratio of total protons and neutrons in the final nucleus is.

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  40. Half-life of a substance is `10` years. In what time, it becomes `(1)/(4) th` part of the initial amount ?

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  41. A mixture consists of two radioactive materials `A_1` and `A_2` with half-lives of `20 s` and `10 s` respectively. Initially the mixture has `40 g` of `A_1` and `160 g` of `a_2`. The amount the two in the mixture will become equal after

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  42. `t_(1//2)` is the half of a substance then `t_(3//4)` is the time in which substance

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  43. The half-life of redioactive element is 600 yr. The fraction of sample that would remain after 3000 yr is

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  44. What is the Q-value of the reaction?
    `""^(1)H+""^(7)Lito ""^(4)He+""^(4)He`
    The atomic masses of `""^(1)H,""^(4)Heand ""^(7)Li` 1.007825u, 4.0026034u and 7.01600u, respectively.

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  45. A nucleus with mass number `220` initially at rest emits an `alpha`-particle. If the Q-value of the reaction is `5.5 MeV`, calculate the kinetic energy of the `alpha`-particle.
    (a) 4.4 MeV (b) 5.4 MeV (c) 5.6 MeV (d) 6.5 MeV

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  46. A radioactive substance emits n beat particles in the first 2 s and `0.5` n beta particles in the next 2 s. The mean life of the sample is

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C MADICAL ENTRANCES GALLERY questions and complete solutions for chapter NUCLEI of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 12