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Complete Solutions to CHAPTER EXERCISES of chapter NUCLEI of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions78
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Following process is known as `hv rarr e^(+) +e^(-)`

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  2. The operation of a nuclear reactor is said to be critical, if the multiplication factor (k) has a value

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  3. Which of the following is not used for the treatment of cancer

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  4. Identify the correct statement given below.

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  5. When a nucleus in an atom undergoes a radioactive decay the electronic energy levels of the atom

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  6. Heavy stable nuclei have more neutrons than protons. This is because of the fact that

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  7. In one average-life,

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  8. Which of the following is a wrong description of binding energy of a nucleus?

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  9. As compared to `^12C` atom, `^14C` atoms has

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  10. When the number of nucleons in a nuclues increases the binding energy per nucleon

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  11. The binding energy per nucleon is maximum in the case of.

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  12. Which of the following process will result into fission reaction ?

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  13. What fissionable material was used in the bomb dropped at Nagasaki (Japan) in the year 1945 ?

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  14. The principle of controlled chain reaction is used in.

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  15. In an atom bomb, the energy is released because of the.

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  16. Boron rods are used in nuclear reactors because

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  17. A nuclear reaction along with the masses of the particle taking part in it is as follows
    The energy Q liberated in the reaction is

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  18. The curve of blinding energy per nucleon as a function of atomic mass number has a sharp peak for helium nucleus. This implies that helium.

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  19. In the given nuclear reaction `A, B, C, D, E` represents `._92 U^238 rarr^(alpha) ._BTh^A rarr^(beta) ._D Pa^C rarr^(E) ._92 U^234`.

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  20. An atom of mass number `15` and atomic number `7` captures an `alpha-`particle and then emits a proton. The mass number and atomic number of the resulting product will respectively be.

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  21. The binding energies of the nuclei A and B are `E_(alpha)and E_(alpha)` respectively. Three atoms of the element B fuse to give one atom of element A and an energy Q is released. Then, `E_(a),E_(b)` Q are relaetd as

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  22. The total number of `alphaandbeta` particles emitted in the nuclear reaction
    `""_(92)^(238)Uto""_(82)^(214)Pb` is

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  23. Suppose we consider a large number of continers each containing initially `10000` atoms of a radioactive material with a half life of `1` year. After `1` year.

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  24. `90%` of a radioactive sample is left undecayed after time `t` has elapesed. What percentage of the initial sample will decay in a total time `2 t` ?

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  25. `M_(x) and M_(y)` denote the atomic masses of the parent and the daughter nuclei respectively in a radioactive decay. The Q - value for a `beta-` decay is `Q_(1)` and that for a `beta^(+)` decay is `Q_(2)`. If `m_(e)` denotes the mass of an electrons, then which of the following statements is correct?

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  26. Half life of a radio-active substance is `20` minutes. The time between `20 %` and `80 %` decay will be

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  27. A freshly prepared radioactive source of half-life 2 h emits radiation of intensity which is 64 times the permissible safe level. The minimum time after which it would be possible to work safely with this source is

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  28. Without using the tables , prove that
    `1/log_3lamda+1/log_4lamdagt2` .

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  29. The radioactivity of an element becomes `(1)/(64)`th of its original value in 60 seconds. Then the half life period of element is

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  30. In the reaction `""_(1)^(2)H+""_(1)^(3)H to ""_(2)^(4)He+""_(0)^(1)n`. If the binding energies of `""_(1)^(2)H,""_(1)^(3)H and ""_(2)^(4)He` are respectively a, b and c (in MeV), then the energy (in MeV) released in this reaction is

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  31. A radioactive sample has `N_0` active at `t = 0` . If the rate of disintegration at any time is `R` and the number of atoms is `N`, them the ratio `R//N` varies with time as.

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  32. The plot of the number (N) of decayed atoms versus activity (R) of a radioactive substance is

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  33. The graph between the instantaneous concentration (N) of a radioactive element and time (t) is.

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  34. Two redioactive materials `X_(1)andX_(2)` have decay constants `10lamdaandlamda`, respecitvely. If initially they have the same number of nuclei, then the ratio of the number of nuclei of `X_(1)` to that of `X_(2)` will be 1/e after a time

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  35. Two radioactive nuclei A and B are taken with their disintegration constant `lambda_A` and `lambda_B` and initially `N_A` and `N_B` number of nuclei are taken then the time after which their undisintegrated nuclei are same is

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  36. What is the binding energy per nucleon in `""_2He^4` ?
    Given , Mass of `""_2He^4=4.002604` amu
    Mass of proton= 1.007825 amu
    mass of neutron =1.008665 amu

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  37. A radio istoper X with a half-life `1.4xx10^(8)` yr decays of Y which is stable. A sample of the rock from a cave was tound to contain X and Y in the ratio `1:7.` The age of the rock is

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  38. The energy released by the fission of a single uranium nucleus is `200 MeV`. The number of fission of uranium nucleus per second required to produce `16 MW` of power is (Assume efficiency of the reactor is `50%`)

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  39. A common example of `beta-"decay"` is
    Then, x and y stand for

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  40. A nucleus with Z =92 emits the following in a sequence:
    `alpha,beta^(-),beta^(-),alpha,alpha,alpha,alpha,alpha,beta^(-),beta^(-),alpha,beta^(+),beta^(+),alpha`. The Z of the resulting nucleus is

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  41. Two identical blocks A and B of equal masses are placed on rough inclined plane as shown in the figure. Initially the block A is `sqrt(2) `m behind the block B. Coefficient of kinetic friction for the blocks A and B are 0.2 and 0.3 respectively `(g = 10 m//s^(2))`. By the time the two blocks come on the same line on the inclined plane if they are released simultaneously, the distance moved by B is `beta m` Find the value of `beta`

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  42. Tritium is an isotope of hydrogen whose nucleus triton contains 2 neutrons and 1 proton . Free neutrons decay into `p+bar(e) +bar(n).` If one of the neutrons in Triton decays , it would transform into `He^(3)` nucleus. This does not happen. This is because

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  43. The gravitational force between a H-atom and another particle of mass m will be given by Newton's law: `F=G (M.m)/(r^(2)`, where r is in km and

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  44. In a sample of radioactive material, what fraction of initial number of active nuclei will remain undistintegrated after half of a half0life of the sample?

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  45. In a radioactive sample, the fraction of initial number of redioactive nuclie, which remains undecayed after n mean lives is

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  46. At any instant, the ratio of the amounts of two radioactive substance is `2:1`. If their half-lives be, respectively, `12h` and `16h`, then after two days, what will be the ratio of the substances?

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  47. A radioactive isotope X with half-life `1.5xx10^(9)` yr decays into a stable nucleus Y .A rock sample contains both elements X and Y in the ratio 1 : 15. They age of the rock is

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  48. Find the decay rate of the substance having `4xx10^15` atoms. Half life of a radioactive substances in `alpha`-decay is `1.2xx10^7` is

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  49. The half life of radioactive element is `20 min`. The time interval between the stages of its `33%` and `67%` decay is

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  50. A and B are two radioactive substance whose half - lives are 1 and 2 years respectively. Initially, 10 g of A and, 1 g of B is taken. The time (approximate) after which they will have the same quantity remaining is

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  51. The decay constant of a radioactive substance is` 0.173 year^(-1)`. Therefore,

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  52. They decay constant of radioactive element is `1.5xx10^(-9)s^(-1)` Its mens-life (in second) will be

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  53. The mean lives of a radioactive substance are 1620 years and 405 years for `alpha`-emission and `beta`-emission, respectively. Find out the time during which three fourths of a sample will decay if it is decaying both by `alpha`-emission and `beta`-emission simultaneously.

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  54. A rodiactive nucleus is being produced at a constant rate `alpha` per second Its decay constant is `lambda` If `N_(0)` are the number of nuclie at tieme t=O then, maximum number of nuclei possible are

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  55. After three half lives, the percentage of fraction of amount a).35 b)12.5 c)50 d)75

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  56. The radioactivity due to `C-14` isotope (half-life = 6000 years) of a sample of wood form an ancient tomb was found to be nearly half that of fresh wood. The bomb is there for about how many years old? a)3000 b)6000 c)9000 d)12000

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  57. Nucleus A decays into B with a decay constant `lamda_(1)` and B further decays into C with a decay constant `lamda_(2)` . Initially, at t = 0, the number of nuclei of A and B were `3N_(0)` and `N_(0)` respectively. If at t = `t_(0)` number of nuclei of B becomes constant and equal to `2N_(0)`, then

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  58. Two identical samples (same material and same amout) `P and Q` of a radioactive substance having mean life `T` are observed to have activities `A_P` and `A_Q` respectively at the time of observation. If `P` is older than `Q`, then the difference in their age is

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  59. An energy of `24.6 eV` is required to remove one of that electrons from a neutal helium atom. The enegy (in `eV`)required to remove both the electrons from a netural helium atom is

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  60. The activity of a sample of radioactive material is `A_1 ` at time `t_1 and A_2` at time `t_2(t_2 gt t_1)`. It mean life is T .

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  61. A heavy nucleus at rest breaks into two fragments which fly off with velocities in the ratio 8:1 The ratio of radii of the fragments is

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  62. A radioactive material decays by simultaneous emission of two particle with respective half-lives 1620 and 810 years. The time (in years) after which one-fourth of the material remains is

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  63. Nuceli `A` and `B` convert into a stable nucleus `C`. Nucleus A is converted into `C` by emitting `2 alpha`particels and `3 beta`-particles. Nucleus `B` is converted into `C` by emitting one `alpha`-particle and `5 beta`-particles. At time `t=0`, nuclei of A are `4N_(0)` and nuceli of `B` are `N_(0)`. Initially, number of nuclei of `C` are zero. Half-life of `A` (into conservation of `C`) is `1 min` and that of `B` is `2 min`. Find the time (in minutes) at which rate of disintegration of `A` and `B` are equal.

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  64. The half - life of a radioactive substance is 50 days. The substance will disintegrate completely in

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  65. Starting with a sample of pure `.^66 Cu, 7//8` of it decays into `Zn` in `15 min`. The corresponding half-life is.

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  66. A stationary radioactive nucleus of mass 210 units disintegrates into an alpha particle of mass 4 units and residual nucleus of mass 206 units. If the kinetic energy of the alpha particle is E, then the kinetic energy of the residual nucleus is

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  67. A bone containing `200 g` carbon-14 has `beta`-decay rate of `375` decay/min. Calculate the time that has elapsed since the death of the living one. Given the rate of decay for the living organism is equal to `15` decay per min per gram of carbon and half-life of carbon-14 is `5730 years`.

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  68. If `200 MeV` energy is released in the fission of a single `U^(235)` nucleus, the number of fissious required per second to produce 1 kilowatt power shall be ( Given 1 eV `=1.6xx10^(-19)J)`

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  69. The activity of a radioactive sample is measures as `N_0` counts per minute at `t = 0` and `N_0//e` counts per minute at `t = 5 min`. The time (in minute) at which the activity reduces to half its value is.

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  70. In the nuclear fusion reaction
    `_(1)^(2)H + _(1)^(3)H rarr _(2)^(4)He + n `
    given that the repulsive potential energy between the two nuclei is `- 7.7 xx 10^(-14) J` , the temperature at which the gases must be heated the reaction is nearly
    [Boltzmann's constant `k = 1.38 xx 10^(-23) J//K]`

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  71. The half-life of the radioactive radon is 3.8 days. The time, at the end of which `1//20th` of the radon sample will remain undecayed, is (given `log_10 e=0.4343`)

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  72. The half-life of radioactive Polonium `(Po)` is `138.6` days. For ten lakh Polonium atoms, the number of disintegrations in `24` hours is.

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  73. If half-life of a substance is `3.8` days and its quantity is `10.38 gm`. Then substance quantity remaining left after `19` days will be

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  74. Two radioactive substances A and B have decay constants `5lambda` and `lambda` respectively. At t=0 , they have the same number of nuclei. The ratio of number of nuclei of A of those of B will be `(1//e)^2` after a time interval

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  75. A star initially has `10^(40) ` deuterons. It produces energy via the process `_(1)H^(2) + _(1)H^(2) + rarr _(1) H^(3) + p. `and `_(1)H^(2) + _(1)H^(3) + rarr _(2) He^(4) + n` .If the average power radiated by the state is `10^(16) W` , the deuteron supply of the star is exhausted in a time of the order of .
    The masses of the nuclei are as follows:
    `M(H^(2)) = 2.014 amu,`
    `M(p) = 1.007 amu, M(n) = 1.008 amu, M(He^(4)) = 4.001 amu`.

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  76. The sun radiates energy in all directions. The average radiations received on the earth surface from the sun is `1.4 "kilowatt"//m^2`. The average earth-sun distance is `1.5 xx 10^11` meters. The mass lost by the sun per day is.

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  77. If `10%` of a radioactive material decays in `5` days, then the amount of original material left after `20` days is approximately.

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  78. A small quantity of solution containing `Na^24` radio nuclide `(half-life=15 h)` of activity `1.0 microcurie` is injected into the blood of a person. A sample of the blood of volume `1cm^3` taken after `5h` shows an activity of `296` disintegrations per minute. Determine the total volume of the blood in the body of the person. Assume that the radioactive solution mixes uniformly in the blood of person.
    (1 curie `=3.7 xx 10^10` disintegrations per second)

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CHAPTER EXERCISES questions and complete solutions for chapter NUCLEI of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 12