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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples of chapter CORDINATES AND STARIGHT LINES - FOR COMPETITION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
KC SINHASolved Examples
Number Of Questions66
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Let S be a square of unit area. Consider any quadrilateral which has one vertex on each side of S. If `a , b , c and d` denote the lengths of sides of the quadrilateral, prove that `2 ≤ a_2 + b_2 + c_2 + d_2 le 4`

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  2. The distance between two parallel lines is unity. A point P lies between the lines at a distance a from one of them. Find the length of a side of an equilateral triangle PQR, vertex Q of which lies on one of the parallel lines and vertex R lies on the other line.

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  3. Find the position of point (4, 1) after it undergoes the transformations successively : Reflection about the line `y=x-1`

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  4. Find the position of point (4, 1) after it undergoes the transformations successively : Translation by one unit along x-axis in the positive direction.

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  6. If `A(x_(1), y_(1)), B(x_(2), y_(2))` and `C (x_(3), y_(3))` are the vertices of a `Delta ABC` and (x, y) be a point on the internal bisector of angle A, then prove that
    where, AC = b and AB = c.

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  7. The vertices of a triangle are `A(x_1, x_1tantheta_1),B(x_2, x_2tantheta_2)a n dC(x_3, x_3tantheta_3)dot` if the circumcentre of `"Delta"A B C` coincides with the origin and `H( x , y )` is the orthocentre, show that ` y/( x )=(sintheta_1+s intheta_2+sintheta_3)/(costheta_1+costheta_2+costheta_3)`

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  8. A line L intersects three sides BC, CA and AB of a triangle in P,Q,R respectively, show that `(BP)/(PC).(CQ)/(QA).(AR)/(RB)=-1`

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  9. If `D , E ,a n dF` are three points on the sides `B C ,A C ,a n dA B` of a triangle `A B C` such that `A D ,B E ,a n dC F` are concurrent, then show that `B DxC ExA FxE FxF B` .

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  10. If `A_(1),A_(2),A_(3),…,A_(n)` are n points in a plane whose coordinates are `(x_(1),y_(1)),(x_(2),y_(2)),(x_(3),y_(3)),…,(x_(n),y_(n))` respectively. `A_(1)A_(2)` is bisected in the point `G_(1) : G_(1)A_(3)` is divided at `G_(2)` in the ratio `1 : 2, G_(3)A_(5)` at `G_(4)` in the1 : 4 and so on untill all the points are exhausted. Show that the coordinates of the final point so obtained are `(x_(1)+x_(2)+.....+ x_(n))/(n)` and `(y_(1)+y_(2)+.....+ y_(n))/(n)`

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  11. If `A, B, C, D` are points whose coordinates are `(-2, 3), (8, 9), (0, 4) and (3, 0)` respectively, find the ratio in which `AB` is divided by `CD`.

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  12. If the vertices of a triangle have rational coordinates, then prove that the triangle cannot be equilateral.

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  13. Prove that that s triangle which has one of the angle as `30^0` cannot have all vertices with integral coordinates.

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  14. The coordinatse of the vertices A, B and C of the triangle ABC taken in anticlockwise order are respectively `(x_r , y_r ), r = 1, 2, 3`. Prove that the angle `A` is acute or obtuse according as : `(x_1 - x_2) (x_1 - x_3) + (y_1 - y_2) (y_1 - y_3) gt 0 or lt0`.

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  15. ABC is a triangle whose medians AD and BE are perpendicular to each other. If `AD=p` and `BE = q` then area of `triangleABC` is

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  16. Prove that a point can be found which is at the same distance from each of the four points :`(a m_1, a/(m_1)), (a m_2, a/(m_2)),(a m_3, a/(m_3))"and"(a/(m_1m_2 m_3), a m_1m_2m_3)`

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  17. If the algebraic sum of perpendiculars from n given points on a variable straight line is zero then prove that the variable straight line passes through a fixed point

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  18. Find the coordinates of the vertices of a square inscribed in the triangle with vertices `A(0, 0), B (2, 1) and C(3, 0)`, given that two of its vertices are on the side AC`.

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  19. If the equal sides `AB and AC` each of whose length is `2a` of a righ aisosceles triangle `ABC` be produced to P and so that `BP. CQ=AB,` the line `PQ` always passes through the fixed point

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  20. Through the point `P(alpha,beta)` , where `alphabeta>0,` the straight line `x/a+y/b=1` is drawn so as to form a triangle of area `S` with the axes. If `a b >0,` then the least value of `S` is `alphabeta` (b) `2alphabeta` (c) `3alphabeta` (d) none

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  21. Let `(h , k)` be a fixed point, where `h >0,k > 0.` A straight line passing through this point cuts the positive direction of the coordinate axes at the point `Pa n dQ` . Find the minimum area of triangle `O P Q ,O` being the origin.

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  22. A straight line through the point A `(-2,-3)` cuts the line `x+3y=0` and `x+y+1=0` at B and C respectively. If AB.AC`=20` then equation of the possible line is

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  23. Show that if any line through the variable point `A(k+1,2k)` meets the lines `7x+y-16=0,5x-y-8=0,x-5y+8=0` at `B ,C ,D ,` respectively, the `A C ,A B ,a n dA D` are in harmonic progression. (The three lines lie on the same side of point `Adot)dot`

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  24. A line is such that its segment between the lines `5x-y+4=0` and `3x+4y-4=0` is bisected at the point (1,5). Obtain its equation.

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  25. A variable line `L` passing through the point `B(2, 5)` intersects the lines `2x^2 - 5xy+2y^2 = 0` at P and Q. Find the locus of the point R on L such that distances BP, BR and BQ are in harmonic progression.

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  27. Let `A B C` be a triangle with `A B=A Cdot` If `D` is the midpoint of `B C ,E` is the foot of the perpendicular drawn from `D` to `A C ,a n dF` is the midpoint of `D E ,` then prove that `A F` is perpendicular to `B Edot`

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  28. The line `x+y=p` meets the x- and y-axes at `Aa n dB` , respectively. A triangle `A P Q` is inscribed in triangle `O A B ,O` being the origin, with right angle at `QdotP` and `Q` lie, respectively, on `O Ba n dA B` . If the area of triangle `A P Q` is `3/8t h` of the are of triangle `O A B ,` the `(A Q)/(B Q)` is equal to 2 (b) `2/3` (c) `1/3` (d) 3

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  29. Two consecutive sides of a parallelogram are 4x+5y = 0 and 7x + 2y = 0. If the equation of one diagonal is 11x + 7y=9, find the equation of the other diagonal.

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  30. One diagonal of a square is the portion of the line `7x + 5y= 35` intercepted by the axes. Obtain the extremities of the other diagonal.

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  31. A line `4x+y=1` through the point `A(2,-7)` meets the line `B C` whose equation os `3x=4y+1=0` at the point `Bdot` Find the equation to the line `A C` so that `A B=A Cdot`

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  32. A ray of light is sent along the line `x-2y-3=0` upon reaching the line `3x-2y-5=0,` the ray is reflected from it. Find the equation of the line containing the reflected ray.

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  33. A man starts from the point `P(-3, 4)` and will reach the point `Q(0, 1)` touching the line `2x + y = 7` at R. The coordinates R on the line so that he will travel in the shortest distance is

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  34. A ray of light is sent along the line `2x-3y=5.` After refracting across the line `x+y=1` it enters the opposite side after torning by `15^0` away from the line `x+y=1` . Find the equation of the line along which the refracted ray travels.

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  35. The equations of two equal sides `A Ba n dA C` of an isosceles triangle `A B C` are `x+y=5` and `7x-y=3` , respectively. Then the equation of side `B C` if `a r( A B C)=5u n i t^2` is `x-3y+1=0` (b) `x-3y-21=0` `3x+y+2=0` (d) `3x+y-12=0`

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  36. The equations of the sides `AB and AC` of a triangle ABC are `3x+4y+9=0 and 4x-3y+16=0` respectively. The third side passes through the point `D (5, 2) such that `BD : DC = 4 :5`. Find the equation of the third side.

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  37. The equations of two sides of a triangle are `3x-2y+6=0\ a n d\ 4x+5y-20\ a n d\ ` the orthocentre is (1,1). Find the equation of the third side.

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  38. The equation of perpendicular bisectors of side `AB,BC` of triangle `ABC` are `x-y=5 , x+2y=0` respectively and `A(1,-2)` then coordinate of `C`

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  39. If the image of the point `(x_1, y_1)` with respect to the mirror `ax+by+c=0` be `(x_2 , y_2)` then.
    (a) `(x_2-x_1)/a = (a x_1 + b y_1+ c)/(a^(2)+b^(2))`
    (b) `(x_2-x_1)/a = (y_2 - y_1)/b`
    (c) `(x_2-x_1)/a = -2 ((a x_1 + b y_1+ c)/(a^(2)+b^(2)))`
    (d) None of these

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  40. If the lines `a_1x+b_1y+c_1=0` and `a_2x+b_2y+c_2=0` cut the coordinae axes at concyclic points, then prove that `|a_1a_2|=|b_1b_2|`

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  41. Equations of the diagonals of a rectangle are `y +8x - 17 = 0` and `y - 8x +7 = 0`. If the area of the rectangle is 8 sq. units, then the equation of the sides of the rectangle is/are

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  43. If `lx + my + n = 0`, where `l, m, n` are variables, is the equation of a variable line and `l, m, n` are connected by the relation `al+bm+cn=0` where `a, b, c` are constants. Show that the line passes through a fixed point.

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  44. A triangle has two of its sides along the lines `y=m_1x&y=m_2x` where `m_1, m_2` are the roots of the equation `3x^2+10 x+1=0` and `H(6,2)` be the orthocentre of the triangle. If the equation of the third side of the triangle is `a x+b y+1=0` , then `a=3` (b) `b=1` (c) `a=4` (d) `b=-2`

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  45. Two triangles ABC and PQR are such that the perpendiculars from A to QR ,B to RP and C to PQ are concurrent .Show that the perpendicular from P to BC ,Q to CA and R to AB are also concurrent .

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  46. Let AB be a line segment of length 4 with A on the line `y = 2x` and B on the line `y = x`. The locus of the middle point of the line segment is

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  47. A rectangle PQRS has its side PQ parallel to the line y= mx and vertices P,Q, and S on the lines y=a, x=b, and x=-b, respectively. Find the locus of the vertex R.

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  48. about to only mathematics

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  49. Let `C_1` and `C_2` be respectively, the parabolas `x^2=y-1` and `y^2=x-1` Let P be any point on `C_1` and Q be any point on `C_2` . Let `P_1` and `Q_1` be the refelections of P and Q, respectively with respect to the line y=x.
    Arithemetic mean of `PP_1`and `Q Q_1` is always less than

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  51. A variable line cuts n given concurrent straight lines at `A_1,A_2...A_n` such that `sum_(i=1)^n 1/(OA_i)` is a constant. Show that it always passes through a fixed point, O being the point of intersection of the lines

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  52. The vertices `B, C` of a triangle ABC lie on the lines `4y=3x and y=0` respectively and the side BC passes through thepoint `P(0, 5)`. If ABOC is a rhombus, where `O` is the origin and the point `P` is inside the rhombus, then find the coordinates of `A'.

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  53. Two sides of a rhombus lying in the first quandrant are given by 3x-4y=0 and 12x-5y=0 If the length of the longer diagonal is 12, then find the equation of the other two sides of the rhombus.

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  54. If `(alpha,alpha^2)` lies inside the triangle formed by the lines `2x+3y-1=0,x+2y-3=0,5x-6y-1=0` , then `2alpha+3alpha^2-1>0` `alpha+2alpha^2-3<0` `alpha+2alpha^2-3<0` (d) `6alpha^2-5a+1>0`

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  55. Find the position of the origin with respect to theriangle whose sides are `x + 1 = 0,3x-4y-5=0 and 5x+12y-27 = 0`.

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  56. about to only mathematics

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  57. For points `P-=(x_1, y_1)` and `Q-=(x_2, y_2)` of the coordinate plane, a new distance `d(P ,Q)=|x_1-x_1|+|y_1-y_2|`. Let `O=(0,0)` and `A=(3,2)` . Prove that the set of points in the first quadrant which are equidistant (with respect to the new distance) from `O` and `A` consists of the union of a line segment of finite length and an infinite ray. Sketch this set in a labelled diagram.

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  58. about to only mathematics

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  59. Let `O(0,0),P(3,4)` , and `Q(6,0)` be the vertices of triangle `OPQ`. Find the point R inside the triangle `OPQ` such that the triangles `OPR, PQR,OQR` are of equal areas.

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  60. Consider three points `P-=(-sin(beta-alpha),-cosbeta), Q-=(cos(beta-alpha),sin beta)` and `R-=(cos(beta-alpha+theta),sin(beta-theta))`, where `0lt alpha,beta,thetaltpi//4`. Then

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  61. If `x_1,x_2,x_3` as well as `y_1,y_2,y_3` are in `G P` with the same common ratio, then the points `(x_1,y_1),(x_2,y_2),` and `(x_3, y_3)dot` (a)lie on a straight line (b)lie on an ellipse (c)lie on a circle (d) are the vertices of a triangle.

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  62. The locus of the orthocenter of the triangle formed by the line (1+p)x-py+p(1+p) = 0, (1+q)x-qy+q(1+q) = 0 and y =0, whete `p ne q,` is

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  63. Let A(h, k), B(1, 1) and C(2, 1) be the vertices of a right angled triangle with AC as its hypotenuse. If the area of the triangle is 1, then the set of values which 'k' can take is given by

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  64. The perpendicular bisector of the line segment joining `P(1,4) and Q (k,3)` has y - intercept `-4` Then a possible value of k is

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  65. The lines `p(p^2+""1)""x""""y""+""q""=""0` and `(p^2+""1)^2x""+""(p^2+""1)""y""+""2q""=""0` are perpendicular to a common line for (1) no value of p (2) exactly one value of p (3) exactly two values of p (4) more than two values of p

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  66. The number of integral values of m for which the x-coordinate of the point of intersection of the lines 3x+4y=9 and y=mx+1 is also an integer is

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Solved Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter CORDINATES AND STARIGHT LINES - FOR COMPETITION of KC SINHA ENGLISH of Class 12