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Complete Solutions to MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS of chapter GRAVITATION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Tidal waves in the sea are primarily due to

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  2. Two spheres of masses `M_(1)` and `M_(2)` and separated by a distance d are situated in air and the gravitational force of attraction between them is F. If the two spheres are kept in a liquid of specific gravity 5 then the gravitational force between them will be

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  3. The values of the acceleration due to gravity on two planets are `g_(1) - g_(2)`, then the two planets must have the same

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  4. At the surface of a certain planet acceleration due to gravity is one - quarter of that on earth If a brass ball is transported to this planet , then which one of the following statements is not correct ? .

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  5. If G is the universal constant of gravitation and g is the acceleration due to gravity, then the dimensions of `(G)/(g)` are

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  6. If the earth suddenly shrinks (without changing mass) to half of its present radius, then acceleration due to gravity will be

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  7. The mean radius of a planet is `6.67xx10^(3)` km. The acceleration due to gravity on its surface is `10 m//s^(2)`. If `G = 6.67xx10^(-11)Nm^(2)//kg^(2)`, then the mass of the planet will be `[R=6.67xx10^(6)m]`

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  8. A force of 75 Newton acts on a body of mass 2.5 kg at a certain point. The intensity of the gravitational field at that point is

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  9. A man weighs 'W' on the surface of the earth and his weight at a height 'R' from surface of the earth is (`R` is Radius of the earth )

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  10. The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the moon `= (1)/(6)` the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth. What will be the mass of a steel ball on the surface of the moon, if its mass on the surface of the earth is 6 kg ?

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  11. If the mass of the earth remains constant but the diameter of the earth becomes two times its present value, then the weight of a person weighing 80 kg - wt, would be

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  12. If the density of the earth is doubled keeping its radius constant then acceleration due to gravity will be `(g=9.8 m//s^(2))`

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  13. If `R` is the radius of the earth and `g` the acceleration due to gravity on the earth's surface, the mean density of the earth is

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  14. The masses of two planets are in the ratio `1 : 2`. Their radii are in the ratio `1 : 2`. The acceleration due to gravity on the planets are in the ratio

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  15. A body weighs `700gm` wt on the surface of the earth. How much will it weigh on the surface of a planet whose mass is `1/7` and radius is half that of the earth

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  16. A satellite of mass 2000 kg is revolving around the earth in a circular orbit of radius `4xx10^(4)` km. The gravitational force exerted by the satellite on the earth is ________. [Mass of the earth `= 6xx10^(24)kg, G=6.67xx10^(-11)Nm^(2)//kg^(2)`]

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  17. The time period of a simple pendulum inside a starionary lift is 2 second. What would be its period, when the lift moves upwards with an acceleration `(g)/(4)` ?

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  18. A mass of 1 kg is supended by a string. It is
    (i) lifted up with an acceleration `4.9 m//s^(2)`
    (ii) lowered with an acceleration `4.9 m//s^(2)`
    Then the ration of the tension in the string in the two cases is

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  19. A simple pendulum of length L is taken from earth to a planet where the acceleration due to gravity is doubled. What should be its new lenths so that its periodic time is not changed ?

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  20. The mass of moon 1% of mass of earth. The ratio of gravitational pull of earth on moon and that of moon on earth will be

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  21. Two bodies of equal masses situated at diametically opposite points go around a circle of radius R under the action of their mutual gravitational attraction. The speed (v) of each body is given by

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  22. The unit of g/G is

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  23. The acceleration due to gravity on the moon is `(1^(th))/(6)` that on the earth. If the earth and the moon are assumed to have the same density, then the radius of the moon is

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  24. A lift is moving down with acceleration a. A man in the lift drops a ball inside the lift. The acceleration of the ball as observed by the man in the lift and a man standing stationary on the ground are respectively

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  25. The radii of two planets are respectively `R_(1) and R_(2)` and their densities are respectively `rho_(1) and rho_(2)`.The ratio of the accelerations due to gravity at their surface is

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  26. The acceleration due to gravity on a planet is `1.96 m//s^(2)`. If a boy can safely jump from a height of 2 m on the earth, then the coorresponding safe height on the planet will be

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  27. Two speres of radii r and 2r touching each other the force of attraction betweeen them is proportional

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  28. The earth (mass `=6xx10^(24)kg`) revolves round the sun with an angular velocity of `2xx10^(-7)"rad/s"` in a circular orbit of radius `1.5xx10^(8)km.` The gravitational force exerted by the sun on the earth, in newtons, is

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  29. Two planets have the same average density but their radii are `R_(1)` and `R_(2)`. If acceleration due to gravity on these planets be `g_(1)` and `g_(2)` respectively, then

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  30. A spherical planet far out in space has a mass `M_(0)` and diameter `D_(0)`. A particle of mass m falling freely near the surface of this planet will experience an accelertion due to gravity which is equal to

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  31. If density of earth increased 4 times and its radius become half of what it is, our weight will

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  32. A man can jump 2 m high on the surface of the earth. How high he can jump on a planet where the acceleration due to gravity is `(g)/(12)`, where g is the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth ?

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  33. The densities of two planets are in the ratio of 2 : 3 and their radii are in the ratio of 1 : 2. What is the ratio of acceleration due to gravity at their surfaces ?

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  34. A binary star system consists of two stars of masses `M_(1)` and `M_(2)` revolving in circular orbits of radii `R_(1)` and `R_(2)` respectively. If their respective time periods are `T_(1)` and `T_(2)`, then

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  35. Average density of the earth

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  36. imagine a new planet having the same density as that of earth but it is 3 times bigger than the earth is size. If the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of earth is g and that on the surface of the new planet is g', then find the relation between g and g'.

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  37. The rotation of earth is responsible for the acceleration due to gravity to be

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  38. If the radius of the earth were to shrink by one percent its mass remaining the same, the acceleration due to greavity on the earth's surface would

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  39. A simple pendulum has a time period `T_(1)` when on the earth's surface and `T_(2)` when taken to a height R above the earth's surface, where R is the radius of the earth. The value of `(T_(2))/(T_(1))` is

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  40. Two identical spheres each of mass M and radius R are separated by a distance 3R. The force of attraction between them is proportional to

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  41. A man weighs `80 kg` on the surface of earth of radius `r`. At what height above the surface of earth his weight will be `40 kg`?

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  42. The distance between the centres of the Moon and the earth is `D`. The mass of the earth is `81` times the mass of the Moon. At what distance from the centre of the earth, the gravitational force will be zero?

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  43. A research satellite of mass `200 kg` circles the earth in an orbit of average radius `3 R//2`, where `R` is the radius of the earth. Assuming the gravitational pull on the mass of `1 kg` on the earth's surface to be `10 N`, the pull on the satellite will be

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  44. The height at which the acceleration due to gravity becomes `g//9` in terms of R the radius of the earth is

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  45. Two spheres of masses (m) and (M - m) are prepared from a sphere of mass M. They are kept at a distance x. For what ratio of `(m)/(M)` will the gravitational attraction between them be maximum ?

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  46. The mass of a sphereical planet is 5 times the mass of the earth, but its diameter is the same as that of the earth. How much work is done in lifting a stone of mass 3 kg through a distance of 1 m on the planet ? [g on the surface the earth `= 10 m//s^(2)`]

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  47. Three uniform spheres, A, B and C each of mass M and radius R are kept in such a way that each sphere touches the other two. What is the magnitude of the gravitational force acting on A due to B and C ?

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  48. F is the gravitational force between two point masses `m_(1)` and `m_(2)` , separated by a distance d. A point mass `2m_(1)` is then brought near `m_(1)`. What is the total force on `m_(2)` ?

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  49. Suppose that the gravitational force between two bodies separated by a distance R becomes inversely proportional to R (and not as `(1)/(R^(2))` as given by Newton's law of gravitation). Then the speed of a particle moving in a circular orbit of radius R under such a force would be proportional to

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  50. The acceleration due to gravity on the planet A is 8 times the acceleration due to gravity on the planet B. A man jumps to a height of 2.5 m on the surface of A. What is the height of jump by the same person on the planet B ?

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  51. If the Earth losses its gravity, then for a body

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  52. The density of a newly discovered planet is twice that of the earth. The acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the planet is equal to that at the surface of the earth. If the radius of the earth be R, then radius of the planet would be

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  53. Two bodies A and B of masses 50 kg and 100 kg are kept at a distance of 2 m on the surface of the earth. The gravitational force of attraction between them is F. A and B are then taken to the moon and are kept at the same distance of 2 m. The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the moon `=(g)/(6)`, where g is the acceleration due to gravity on the earth. What will be the gravitational force of attraction between A and B on the surface of the moon ?

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  54. An apple of mass `0.25` kg falls from a tree . What is the acceleration of the apple towards the earth ? Also calculate the acceleration of the earth towards the apple . Mass of the earth = `5.983 xx 10^(24)` kg , Radius of the earth = `6.378 xx 10^(6)` m and G = `6.67 xx 10^(-11)Nm^(2) kg^(-2)`

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  55. Three particles each of mass m are placed at the three corners of an equilateral triangle of side L. A particle of mass M is kept at the midpoint of any one side. What is the force acting on M, due to this system of 3 particles ?

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  56. If the radius of the earth were to shrink by 1% its mass remaining the same, the acceleration due to gravity on the earth's surface would

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  57. A body weight 45 N on the surface of the earth. What is the gravitational force acting on it due to the earth at a height equal to half the radius of the earth ?

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  58. A planet has the same size as that of the earth but its mass is 4 times the mass of the earth. What is the energy required to lift a stone of mass 5 kg vertically upwards through 3 m, on the planet ? [g on the surface of the earth `= 10 m//s^(2)`]

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  59. Assume that the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the moon is `0.2` times the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth. If `R_e` is the maximum range of a projectile on the earth's surface, what is the maximum range on the surface of the moon for the same velocity of projection

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  60. Two objects of masses `m` and `4m` are at rest at an infinite separation. They move towards each other under mutual gravitational attraction. If `G` is the universal gravitaitonal constant, then at separation `r`

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  61. Particles of masses 2M, m and M are respectively at points A, B and C with `AB=(1)/(2)` (BC). M is much smaller than M and at time t = 0, they are all at rest given in the figure. At subsequent times before any collision takes place.

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  62. How much faster than it's normal rate should the earth rotate about it's axis so that the weight of the body at the equator becomes zero `(R=6.4xx10^(6)m,g=9.8m//s^(2))` (in times)

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  63. The mass and diameter of a planet have twice the value of the corresponding parameters of earth. Acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the planet is

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  64. The length of a second's pendulum is 1 m on the earth. If the mass and diameter of a planet than that of earth, then the length of the second's pendulum on the planet will be

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  65. A satellite is revolving around the earth in a circular orbit at an altitude h where the acceleration due to gravity is g'. If the earth is a sphere of radius R then the period of the satellite is give by

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  66. The orbital velocity for an earth satellite near the surface of the earth is 8 km/sec. If the radius of the orbit is 4 times the radius of the earth, its orbital velocity will be

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  67. If the radius of earth's orbit is made 1/4, the duration of an year will become

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  68. Two satellites X and Y are moving in circular orbits of radii R and 2R respectively, around the same planet. What is the ratio of their critical velocities ?

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  69. Two satellites orbiting around the earth have their critical speeds in the ratio 4 : 5. What is the ratio of their orbital radii ?

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  70. The critical speed of a satellite orbiting very close to the surface of the earth is `[g=10 m//s^(2)` and `R=6.4xx10^(-6)m]`

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  71. Two satellites are moving at heights of R and 5R above the surface of the earth of radius R. The ratio of their velocitirs `((V_(1))/(V_(2)))` is

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  72. Two satellites of masses 80 kg and 120 kg revolve round a planet in circular orbits of radii 16 R and 9 R respectively, where R is radius of the planet. The ratio of the speeds of satellites will be

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  73. The critical speed of a satellite of mass 500 kg is 20 m/s. What is the critical speed of a satellite of mass 1000 kg moving in the same orbit ?

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  74. A body weighs W newton at the surface of the earth. Its weight at a height equal to half the radius of the earth, will be

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  75. A satellite of mass `m` is circulating around the earth with constant angular velocity. If the radius is `R_(0)` and mass of earth is M, then the angular momentum about the centre of the earth is

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  76. The period of a satellite moving very close to the surface of the earth of radius R is 84 minute. What will be the period of the same satellite, if is is taken at a distance of 3R from the surface of the earth ?

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  77. When a satellite revolves around the sun in a circular orbit of radius a with a period of revolution T, and if K is a positive constant, then

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  78. If T is the period of a satellite revolving very close to the surface of the earth and if `rho` is the density of the earth, then

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  79. A satellite is orbiting around the earth. If both gravitational force and centripetal force on the satellite is `F`, then, net force acting on the satellite to revolve around the earth is

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  80. Two planets at mean distance `d_(1)` and `d_(2)` from the sun and their frequencies are n and n respectively then

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  81. Two satellites of masses M and 4M are orbiting the earth in a circular orbit of radius r. Their frequencies of revolution are in the ratio of

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  82. The distances of two planets A nad B from the sun are `10^(12)m` and `10^(11)m` and their periodic times are `T_(A)` and `T_(B)` respectively. If their orbits are assumed to be circular, then the ratio of their periodic times `((T_(A))/(T_(B)))` will be

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  83. The time of revolution of planet `A` round the sun is `8` times that of another planet `B`. The distance of planet `A` from the sun is how many `B` from the sun

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  84. A satellite going around the earth suddenly loses height and starts moving in an orbit of smaller radius. Then its periodic time

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  85. An artificial satellite is moving in a circular orbit around the earth, with a speed which is equal to half the magnitude of the escape velocity from the earth. What is the height of the satellite above the surface of the earth ?

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  86. Two satellites A and B go around a planet in circular orbits of radii 4 R and R respectively. If the speed of the satellite A is 3 V, then the speed of the satellite B will be

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  87. A satellite going around the earth suddenly loses height and starts moving in a lower orbit. The speed of the satellite

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  88. Orbital radius of a satellite S of earth is four times that s communication satellite C. Period of revolution of S is :-

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  89. The earth revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit. It has a speed `v_(1)` when it is at the minimum distance `d_(1)` from the sun. When it is at the maximum distance `d_(2)` from the sun, its speed is

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  90. A satellite of the earth is revolving in a circular orbit with a uniform speed `v`. If the gravitational force suddenly disappears, the satellite will

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  91. If the orbital velocity of a planet is given by `v = G^(a) M^(b) R^(c )` then

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  92. The earth E moves in an elliptical orbit around the sun, with the sun S at one of the foci as shown in the figure. Its maximum and minimum speeds of motion will be at points

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  93. A saturn year is 29.5 times the earth year. How far is the saturn from the sun if the earth is `1.5xx10^(8)` away from the sun?

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  94. What is the periodic times of a satellite revolving very close to the surface of the earth, of density `rho` ?

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  95. A satellite A of mass m is at a distance of r from the centre of the earth. Another satellite B of mass 2m is at distance of 2r from the earth's centre. Their time periode are in the ratio of

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  96. A geostationary satellite is orbiting the earth at a height of 6R above the surface of the earth, where R is the radius of the earth. What is the time period of another satellite orbiting at a height of 2.5 R from the surface of the earth ?

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  97. The time period of an earth satellite in circular orbit is independent of

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  98. Two satellites of earth `S_(1)` and `S_(2)` are moving in the same orbit. The mass of `S_(1)` is four times the mass of `S_(2)`. Which one of the following statements is true?

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  99. If the sun and the planets carried huge amounts of opposite charges

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  100. A satellite of mass m revolves around the earth of radius R at a hight x from its surface. If g is the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth, the orbital speed of the satellite is

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MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter GRAVITATION of MARVEL PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12

All Exercises from MARVEL Class 12 PHYSICS GRAVITATION