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Complete Solutions to  Recent Competitive Questions of chapter UNIFORM CIRCULAR MOTION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

MODERN PUBLICATION Recent Competitive Questions
Number Of Questions3
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A person is driving a vehicle at uniform speed of 5ms- on a level curved track of radius 5m. The coefficient of static friction between tyres and road is 0.1. Will the person slip while taking the turn with the same speed ? Take g = `10ms^(-2)` Choose the correct statement.

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  2. An aeroplane executes a horizontal loop at a speed of 720 kmph with its wings banked at 45. What is the radius of the loop? Take g = 10 `ms^(-2)`

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  3. The ratio of angular speed of a second-hand to the hour hand of a watch is

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 Recent Competitive Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter UNIFORM CIRCULAR MOTION of MODERN PUBLICATION PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12