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Complete Solutions to Multiple Choice Questions (LEVEL-II) of chapter WORK , POWER , ENERGY AND COLLISIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

MODERN PUBLICATIONMultiple Choice Questions (LEVEL-II)
Number Of Questions67
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A particle of mass m strickes a horizontal smooth surafce at an angle `theta` with velocity u as shown. It rebound with speed v at angle `phi` with the verticle. If e is the coefficient of restitution, the magnitude of v is:

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  2. A particle falls from a height 'h' upon a fixed horizontal plane and rebounds. If 'e' is the coefficient of restitution the total distance travelled before rebounding has stopped is :

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  3. A body of mass 5 kg explodes into 3 fragments having masses in the ratio of 2:2 : 1. The fragments with equal masses fly in merely far direction with speed 15 `ms^(-1)`. What will be the velocity of lighter one ?

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  4. A body of mass m at rest is subjected to a constant force F for time. The kinetic energy at timet is given by :

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  5. A 5 kg stationary bomb is exploded in three parts having mass 1: 1: 3 respectively. Parts having same mass move in perpendicular direction with velocity 39 m/s, then the velocity of bigger part will be:

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  6. A shell is fired from a canon with a velocity `theta` at angle with the horizontal direction. At the highest point in its path it explodes into two pieces of equal masses. One of the pieces retraces its path to the canon. The speed of the other piece immediately after the explosion is:

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  7. A pump motor is used to deliver water at a certain rate from a given pipe. To obtain twice as much water from the same pipe in the same time, power of the motor has to be increased to :

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  8. A bullet of mass (M) hits a block of mass (M) the transfer energy is maximum then:

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  9. If the momentum of a body increases by 0-01%, its kinetic energy will increase by:

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  10. A sphere of mass M moving with velocity w collides elastically with another of mass m at rest. After collision their final velocities are V and v. The value of vis:

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  11. A body is falling freely under the action of force of gravity alone. No air resistance is there as duc laxly is falling in Vacuum. Out of the following quantities which of them remains contant during its fall?

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  12. During inelastic collision between two objects, which of the following quantity always remains conserved?

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  13. A body is travelling in a straight line path with a velocity given by v = ax where 'a' is a constant such that a = 5 units. What will be the work done by the force acting during its displacement from x = 0 to x = 2m ?

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  14. A body is moving in a straight line under the influence of a surce of constant power which supplies its energy continuously. Which of the above graphs shown between displacement 's' and time 'shows the true relation for its motion ?

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  15. A particle of mass 5 kg is moving along a circular path of radius 1 m. It is making 300 rp., uniformly. Its kinetic energy would be:

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  16. In an athletic-meet an athlete has to throw a shot put with mass 10 kg with an initial velocity 1 ms at an angle `45^(@)` with the horizontal from a platform 1.5 m above the ground. What will be the kinetic energy of this shot put when it just strikes the ground. Assume the air resistance to be negligible and take the value of 'g' to be 10 ms?

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  17. What will be power of a crane in watts which lifts a stone of mass 100 kg to a height of 10 min 20 seconds ?

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  18. An iron sphere starts falling just from the top surface of water in a lake having enough depth for the sphere to attain its terminal velocity in the water of the lake after a fall under gravity. Which of the graphs given below will correctly represent the change in kinetic energy with the depth of the lake as the sphere goes straight into water?

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  19. A cricket ball having a mass of 0.15 kg is moving with uniform speed of 126 km/h strikes the bat of the player at its middle who holds it firmly at its position. After hitting the bat the ball moves straight back along the same path. If the collision is assumed to be perfectly clastic and bat and ball remain in contact only for a small fraction of time 0.001s the force that batsman has to apply to hold the ball for that short interval would be:

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  20. The power used by the human heart while beating 72 times per minute is given by one of the following if the average work done during one singal beat is 0.5 J.

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  21. A metallic bob A of a pendulum tied to nail in the wall with an inelastic massless thread I m long is brought to horizontal position in a vertical plane as shown in the fig. It is released from this position and moves in a Nimm circular arc to a vertical position when another ball Bof similar mass is placed on the horizontal table in such a way that it suffers perfectly elastic collision BIA with it, with what speed the TABLE second ball B would move?

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  22. A train wagon is attached to the engine through a shock absorber 1.5 m long the system having a total mass of 5 x 104 kg is going at a speed of 36 km/h. Suddenly the brakes are applied to bring them to rest. In the process of coming to rest, the spring of the shock absorber gets compressed by 1 metre. If only 90% energy of the wagon is lost due to friction. What is spring constant of spring?

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  23. A runner weighing 60 kg raises the CG of his body by 0.25 m during each step of 1 min length. If he runs for 6 km and there is loss of 10% of the energy due to friction of air etc. What is the total energy required by him from his intake of food ?

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  24. A car weighing 12000 kg along with the weight of its driver and is moving at a uniform speed on a road which offers same force of friction consumes one litre of petrol for every 15 km run. If combustion of petrol ganerates 3 x 10') per litre and efficiency of the engine is 50%, calculate the force of friction acting on the car during 15 km drive.

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  25. Two steel cubes each of mass 50 g exactly identical with each other having side of 1 cm each are travelling with a speed of 10 cm s in opposite directions collide head-on with each other face to face. What would be the compression of each?

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  26. A Rough inclined plane with inclination `30^(@)` with the horizontal has a block of 1 kg being pushed up the plane by a force of 10 N acting parallel to the plane. If the coefficient of friction between the block and the plane is 0.1 and block is pushed through a distance of 10 m along then incline. What are the increases in the (1) potential energy and (ii) kinetic energy of the block ? 

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  27. A raindrop of radius r falls from a certain height h above the ground. The work done by the gravitational force is proportional to :

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  28. A body is subjected to a constant force `vecF` in newton given by : `vecF=2hati+9hatj+12hatk`, where `hati,hatj`and `hatk` are unit vectors along x,y and z-axis respectively. What is the work done by this force in moving the body through a distance of 2 m along 2-axis ?

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  29. Kinetic energy of a mass m travelling through some distance d, starting from rest, under action of a constant force F is directly proportional to

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  30. If the linear momentum of a body is increased by `50%` then the kinetic energy of that body increases by

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  31. A motor drives a body along a straight line with a constant force. The power P developed by the motor must vary with time tas:

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  32. Three constant forces`vecF_(1)=2hati-3hatj+2hatk,vecF_(2)=hati+hatj-hatk` and j - 2k in newton displace a particle from (1,-1,2) to (-1,-1, 3) to (2,2,0) (displacement being in metres). The total work done by the forces is, if displacement is along straight path:

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  33. A bullet fired into a fixed target loses 20% of its penetrating 1 cm. Find the total distance penetrated by bullet before it comes to rest :

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  34. A bullet of mass a moving with velocity b strikes a large stationary block of wood of mass c, and remains embed in it, the final velocity of the system is :

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  35. A quarter horse power motor runs at a speed of 600 Ep.m. Assuming 40% efficiency the work done by the motor in one rotation will be:

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  36. Find the magnitude of the force acting along the direc tion `-6hati +2hatj +3hatk` which displaces a particle from position (2, -1, 0) to a new position (1, 2, -1) and in doing so does a work of 5 units :

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  37. A shell is fired from a canon with a velocity `theta` at angle with the horizontal direction. At the highest point in its path it explodes into two pieces of equal masses. One of the pieces retraces its path to the canon. The speed of the other piece immediately after the explosion is:

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  38. Water enters in a turbine at a speed of 500 m/s and leaves at 400 m/s. If `2 xx 10^(3)` kg/s of water flows and efficiency is 75%, then output power is

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  39. A body falling with a speed of 2 ms-strikes the floor and rebounds with a speed of 1 ms. The loss of energy is:

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  40. A particle moves in a straight line with retardation propotional to its displacement. Loss of K.E. for any displacement x is proportional to :

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  41. The velocity of a 2 kg body is changed from `(4hati +3hatj)` `ms^(-1)` to `6hat ms^(-1)`. The work done on the body is

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  42. A ball is allowed to fall from a height of 10 m. There is 40% loss of energy every time it hits the ground. After second impact with the ground, the ball will rise upto

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  43. A force of 1 N acts on a body of mass 0.5 kg initially at rest. The ratio of the works done by the force in the first, second and third second is :

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  44. A water pump driven by petrol raises water at a rate of 0.5 m' min from a depth of 30 m. If the pump is 70% efficient, what power is developed by the engine?

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  45. A 1 kg block moving with a velocity of 4 mscollides with a stationary 2 kg block. The lighter block comes to rest after the collision. The loss of kinete energy of the system is

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  46. A body of mass 5 kg collides elastically with a stationary body of mass 2.5 kg. After the collision, the 2.5 kg body begins to move with a kinetic energy of 8). Assuming the collision to be one-dimensional, the kinetic energy of the 5 kg body before collision is:

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  47. A ball moving with a velocity ef 10 impinges on a vertical wall at an angle of 45° with the normal to the wall. After the collision, the ball moves on the other side of the normal at an angle of 45° with the normal. The coefficient of restitution is 0.5. The velocity of the ball after the collision will be

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  48. A slab S of mass m is released from a height, from the top of a spring of force constant k. The maximum compression of the spring is given by the equation:

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  49. A body falls on the ground from a height of 10 metre and rebounds to a height of 2.5 m. The ratio of the velocity of the body before collision to the velocity of the body after collision is:

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  50. In the above question the percentage loss of kinetic energy of the body during its collision with the ground is :

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  51. A particle of mass 'm' at rest is acted upon by a force 'P for a time 'r'. Its Kinetic energy after an interval 'r' is:

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  52. Two particles of masses `m_1 and m_2` in projectile motion have velocities `vecv_1 and vecv_2` respectively at time `t=0.` They collide at time `t_0.` Their velocities become `vecv_1' and vecv_2'` at time `2t_0` while still moving in air. The value of `|(m_1vecv_1' + m_2vecv_2') - (m_1vecv_1 + m_2vecv_2)|` is

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  53. A heavy ball is dropped from a height H on a horizontal floor. After the nth' impact, it reaches a maximum height of Hin. What is the coefficient of restitution ?

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  54. A particle, which is constrained to move along the x-axis, is subjected to a force in the same direction which varies with the distance of the particle from the origin as F(x)`=-kx+ax^(3)`. Hence k and a are positive constants. For 20. the functional form of the potential energy U(x) of the particle is:

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  55. An ideal spring with spring-constants bung from the celling and a block of mass M is attached to its lower end. The mass is released with the spring initially unstretched. Then the maximum extension in the spring is:

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  56. If `W_1 W_2` and `W_3` represent the work done in moving a particle from A to B along three different parts 1, 2 and 3 respectively (as shown) in the gravitational field on a point mass m, find the correct relation between `W_1 W_2` and `W_3`

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  57. A particle moves in a straight line with retardation propotional to its displacement. Loss of K.E. for any displacement x is proportional to :

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  58. A block P of mass m is placed on a frictionless horizontal surface. Another block Q of same mass is kept on and connected to the wall with the help of a spring of spring constant k as shown in the figure. w. is the coefficient of friction between P and Q. The blocks move together performing SHM of amplitude A. The maximum value of the frictional force between P and Q is:

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  59. A block is acted upon by a force F = kx (where k is a positive constant). Its potential energy at is zero Which curve correctly represents, the variation of potential energy of the block with respect tox?

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  60. A mass 'm' moves with a velocity '' and collides inelastically with another identical mass. After collision the Ist mass moves with velocity in a direction perpen-dicular to the initial direction of motion Find the speed of the 2nd mass after collision :

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  61. A body of mass m, accelerates uniformly from rest to `v_(1)` in time `t_(1)`. The instantaneous power delivered to the body as a function of time is :

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  62. A spherical shell of mass 20 kg is stationary at the top of a hill of height 100 m. It rolls down a smooth surface to the ground, then climbs up another hill of height 30 m and finally rolls down to a horizontal base at a height of 20 m above, the ground. The velocity attained by the ball is :

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  63. The ball rolls down without slipping (which is at rest A) along AB having friction. It rolls to a maximum height he where BC has no friction, `K_A, K_B` and `K_C` are kinetic energies A, B and C:

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  64. A 2 kg block slides on a horizontal floor with a speed of 4 m/s. It strikes an uncompressed spring, and compresses it till the block is motionless. The kinetic friction force is 15 N and spring constant is 10,000 N/m. The spring compresses by :

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  65. A block of mass 2 kg is free to move along the x-axis. It is at rest and from 1 = 0 onwards it is Ft) subjected to a time- 4N dependent force F(T) in the x-direction. The force F(t) varies with t as shown in the fig. The kinetic energy of the block after 4.5 seconds is:

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  66. A point mass of 1 kg collides elastically with a stationary point mass of 5 kg. After their collision, the 1 kg mass reverses its direction and moves with a speed of 2 ms. Which of the following statement After collision (s) is (are) correct for the system of these two masses ?

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  67. Statement-1: Two particles moving in the same direction do not lose all their energy in a completely inelastic collision.
    Statement-2: Principle of conservation of momentum holds true for all kinds of collisions.

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Multiple Choice Questions (LEVEL-II) questions and complete solutions for chapter WORK , POWER , ENERGY AND COLLISIONS of MODERN PUBLICATION PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12