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Complete Solutions to Revision Test of chapter WORK , POWER , ENERGY AND COLLISIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions40
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A ball is dropped from height of Im. If coefficient of restituion between surface and ball is 0.6. The ball rebounds to a height of:

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  2. A metal ball hits a wall and does not rebound, where as  b a rubber ball of the same mass on hitting the wall with the same velocity rebounds back. It can be concluded that:

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  3. The velocity of a body of mass 2.5 kg is changed from `vecV_i =(3hati-4hatj) m//s` to `vecV_f = (2hati-9hatj)`ms. What is the work done on the body:

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  4. The value of 1 Mev is equal to :

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  5. A particle is projected vertically upwards with a velocity given by `V=sqrt(gR)`, where R denotes the radius of earth and 'g' the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of earth, then the maximum height ascended by the particle is :

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  6. A spring of constant `5xx10^(3)` N/m is stretched initially by 5 cm from the unstretched position. Then the work required to stretch it further by another 5 cm is :

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  7. Consider the following two statements.
    a. Linear momentum of a system of particles is zero.
    b. Kinetic energy of a system of particles is zero. Then

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  8. A body of volume V and dinsity p is raised through height h in a liqiud of density `sigmaltp`. The change in potential energy of the body is :

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  9. A child is swinging a swing. He is one metre above the ground at the lower point and 2 metre above the gound at the highest point. The speed of the child at the lowest point of the swing is : `(g = 10 ms^(-2))`

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  10. A canon shell explodes in mid air, its total

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  11. A body at rest may have :

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  12. A car is moving along a straight horizontal road with a speed V. If the coefficient of friction between road and tyres is H, the shortest distance in which the car stops when engine is shut off, is :

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  13. If a body of mass m moving with velocity v collides with another body of mass m at rest. If e is the coefficient of restitution then find the ratio of final velocities of two bodies :

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  14. A ball is projected vertically upward with an initial velocity. Which of the following graphs best represents the K.E. of the ball as a function of time from the instant of projection till it reaches the point of projection :

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  15. A motor with an efficiency of 90% drives a pump, whose efficiency is 60%. Then the efficiency of the entire installation is :

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  16. A lorry and a car moving with the same kinetic energy are bought to rest by the application of brakes which provide equal retarding forces. Which of the two will come to rest in a shorter distance ?

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  17. The power of motor pump is 2 KW. The water raised by the pump per minute to a height of 10 m. is nearly :

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  18. The energy required to accelerate a car from rest to `10 ms^(-1)` is W. the energy required to accelerate the car froms `10 ms^(-2)` to `20 ms^(-1)`.is:

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  19. A man weighing 60 kg lifts a body of 15 kg to a top of building 10 m high in 30 minutes. His efficiency is :

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  20. A sphere of mass M moving with velocity w collides elastically with another of mass m at rest. After collision their final velocities are V and v. The value of vis:

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  21. The particle moves along x-axis from `x= x_1` to `x=x_2` under the influence of force F= 2x, then work done in the process :

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  22. An engine pumps a liquid of density ‘d’ continuously through a pipe of area A. If the speed with which the liquid passes through the pipe is V, then the rate at which K.E. is imparted to the liquid is :

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  23. A shell at rest at the origin explodes into three pieces of masses 1 kg, 2 kg, and m kg, The 1 kg and 2 kg pieces fly off with speeds `12 ms^(-1)` and `16 ms^(-1)`, along X-axis and Y-axis respectively. If m kg flies off with a speed of `40 ms^(-1)`, the total mass of the shell must be :

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  24. K.E. of body is increased by 300 percent, then percentage increase in linear momentum will be:

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  25. A long spring is stretched by 2 cm having potential energy as V. If the spring is stretched by 10 cm, the potential energy would be

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  26. A stationary particle explodes into two particles of masses `m_1` and `m_2` which move in opposite directions with velocities `v_1` and `v_2`.The ratio of their `K.E E_1//E_2` is:

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  27. Two masses 1 gm and 4 gm are moving with equal kinetic energies. The ratio of their momentum is :

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  28. A bullet of mass 'm' moving with velocity *v' strikes a block of mass 'M' at rest and gets embeded into it. The K.E. of composite block will be:

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  29. A ball collides head-on with another at rest having 3 times the mass of first with a velocity of `1 ms^(-1)`. If the coefficient of restitution is 0.8, then velocities of the two after the collision will be:

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  30. A body of mass 'm' moving with `3 km hr^(-1)` collides with a body of mass 2 m at rest and sticks to it. The combination starts moving with velocity :

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  31. A 2.5 kg mass moving at a speed of `15 ms^(-1)` collides with 5 kg object at rest. They stick together, find the velocity of combined object:

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  32. A ball is dropped on a horizontal plate from a height.The total distance travelled by the ball before coming to rest is (e coeff, of restitution)

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  33. Water is flowing in a river at `2 ms^(-1)`. The river is 50 m wide and has average depth of 5 m. The power available by current in the river is : (Density of water `1000 Kgm^(_3)`)

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  34. A ball dropped from a height of 2.43 m attains a height of 3 cm after second rebound. What is the value of coefficient of restitution ?

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  35. In one dimensional motion a 1 kg body experiences a force which is function of time and is F= 2 r in the direction of motion. The work done by the force in first 4 sec. is :

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  36. A particle of mass 'm' at rest is acted upon by a force 'P for a time 'r'. Its Kinetic energy after an interval 'r' is:

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  37. A rifle `(1)/(16)` bullet loses th of its velocity while passing through one plank of wood. The smallest number of similar plancks required to stop the bullet completely is :

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  38. A motor delivers power which draws 100 liters per minute of water from a pipe. If its power is increased x times it draws 200 liters/min. The value of x is:

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  39. A ball falls vertically with a momentum 'p' and then bounces for large number of times before coming to rest. The total momentum imparted by ball to floor is (e = coff. of restitution):

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  40. A ball falls from rest from a height 'h' and rebounds to a height h/4. The value of coefficient fo restitution is :

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Revision Test questions and complete solutions for chapter WORK , POWER , ENERGY AND COLLISIONS of MODERN PUBLICATION PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12