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Complete Solutions to RECENT COMPETITIVE QUESTIONS of chapter CURRENT ELECTRICITY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions32
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A battery of emf E has an internal resistance r. A variable resistance R is connected to the terminals of the battery. A current i is drawn from the battery. V is the terminal potential difference. If R alone is gradually reduced to zero, which of the following best describes i and V?

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  2. Three voltmeters A, B and C having resistances R, 1.5 R and 3R respectively are used in a circuit as shown. When a potential difference is applied between X and Y, the readings of the voltmeters are `V_(1), V_(2)` and `V_(3)` respectively. Then

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  3. In the circuit given here, the points A, B and C are 70 V, zero, 10 V respectively. Then

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  4. In the circuit shown, the currents `i_(1)` and `i_(2)` are

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  5. A conductor wire having `10^(29)` free electrons/`m^(3)` carries a current of 20 A. If the cross-section of the wire is 1 m`m^(2)`, then the drift velocity of electrons will be : `(e=1.6xx10^(-19)C)`

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  6. A resistor has a colour code of green, blue, brown and silver. What is its resistance ?

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  7. The voltage V and current I graph for a conductor at two different temperatures `T_(1)` and `T_(2)` are shown in the figure. The relation between `T_(1)` and `T_(2)` is :

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  8. Consider the following statements regarding the network shown in the figure.

    (1) The equivalent resistance of the network between points A and B is independent of value of G
    (2) The equivalent resistance of the network between points A and B is `4/3R`
    (3) The current through G is zero.
    Which of the above statements is/are true ?

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  9. In this circuit, when centain current flows, the heat produced in `5Omega` is 4.05 J in a time t. The heat produced in `2Omega` coil in the same time interval is :

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  10. In this circuit, the value of `I_(2)` is :

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  11. Copper and Germanium are cooler from room temperature to 100 K. Then, the resiestance of

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  12. Which of the following graphs correctly represents the variation of heat energy (U) produced in a metallic conductor in a given time as a function of potential difference (V) across the conductor ?

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  13. A current of 2 A is passing through a metal wire of cross-sectional area `2 xx 10^(-6) m^(2)`. If the number density of free electrons in the wire is `5 xx 10^(26) m^(-3)`, the drift speed of electrons is : (Given, `e = 1.6 xx 10^(-19)` C)

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  14. Three conductors draw currents of IA, 2A and 3A respectively, when connected in tum across a battery. If they are connected in series and the combination is connected across the same battery, the current drawn will be

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  15. In the circuit, `R_(1) = R_(2)`. The values of E and `R_(1)` are ........... (E- EMF, `R_(1)` - resistance)

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  16. Masses of three wires of copper are in the ratio of 1 : 3 : 5 and their lengths are in the ratio of 5 : 3 : 1. The ratio of their electrical resistances is :

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  17. A carbon film resistor has colour code Green Black Violet Gold. The value of the resistor is :

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  18. Two resistors of resistances `2 Omega` and `6 Omega` are connected in parallel. This combination is then connected to a battery of emf 2 V and internal resistance `0.5 Omega`. What is the current flowing through the battery ?

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  19. The equivalent resistance of two resistors connected in series is `6Omega` and their parallel equivalent resistance is `4/3Omega`. What are the values of resistances?

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  20. In a potentiometer experiment of a cell of emf 1.25 V gives balancing length of 30 cm. If the cell is replaced by another cell, balancing length of 30 cm. If the cell is replaced by another cell, balancing length is found to be 40 cm. What is the e.m.f. of second cell ?

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  21. What is the value of shunt resistance required to convert a galvanometer ofresistance 100 `Omega` into an ammeter of range 1 A?
    Given, full scale deflection of the galvanometer is 5mA.

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  22. In the circuit shown below, the ammeter and the voltmeter readings are 3 A and 6 V respectively. Then the value of the resistance R is :

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  23. Two cells of emf `E_(1)` and `E_(2)` are joined in opposition (such that `E_(1) gt E_(2)`). If `r_(1)` and `r_(2)` be the internal resistances and R be the external resistance, then the terminal potential difference is :

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  24. Three resistances `2Omega, 3Omega` and `4Omega` are connected in paralleL The ratio of currents passing through them when a potential difference is applied across its ends will be

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  25. Four identical cells of emf E and internal resistance r are to be connected in series. Suppose if one of the cell is connected wrongly, the equivalent emf and effective internal resistance of the combination is :

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  26. The resistance of the bulb filament is 100 `Omega` at a temperature of 100°C. H its temperature co-efficient of resistance be 0.005 per °C, its resistance will become 200 `Omega` at a temperature

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  27. In Wheatstones network `P = 2Omega, Q = 2Omega, R = 2Omega` and `S = 3Omega`. The resistance with which S is to shunted in order that the bridge may be balanced is :

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  28. A galvanometer of resistance 50 `Omega` gives a full scale deflection for a current `5 xx 10^(-4) A`. The resistance that should be connected in series with the galvanometer to read 3 V is:

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  29. Two resistances A and B have colour codes orange, blue, white and brown, red, green respectively. Then ratio of their resistances A : B is :

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  30. Several lamps of 50W and 100W rating are available. How many of them can be connected in parallel across a battery of a 120V of internal resistance `10 Omega`, so that all bulbs glow in full power ?

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  31. I and V are respectively the current and voltage in a metal wire of resistance R. The 1-V graph for the two different temperatures `T_(1)` and `T_(2)` are given, then

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  32. The correct definition of Meissner effect is :

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