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Complete Solutions to RECENT COMPETITIVE QUESTIONS of chapter E.M. INDUCTION AND A.C. CURRENTS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions31
Academic Year2023-24
  1. There is a uniform magnetic field directed perpendicular and into the plane of the paper. An irregular shaped conducting loop is slowly changing in to a circular loop in the plane of the paper. Then

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  2. Direction of current induced in a wire moving in a magnetic field is found using

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  3. Two identical circular coils A and B are kept in a horizontal tube side by side without touching each other. IF the current in the coil A increases with time, in response, the coil B

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  4. A rectangular coil of 100 turns and size `0.1m times 0.05m` is placed perpendicular to a magnetic field of 0.1T. IF the field drops to 0.05 T in 0.05s the magnitude of the emf induced in the coil is:

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  5. A solenoid of inductance 2H carries a current 1A What is the magnetic energy stored in a solenoid?

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  6. An aircraft with a wingspan of 40m flies with a speed of 1080 km/hr in the eastward direction at a constant altitude in the northern hemisphere , where the vertical component of the earth magnetic field `1.75 times 10^-5 T` Then the emf developed between the tips of the wings is:

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  7. `B_1,B_2 and B_3` are the three identical bulbs connected to a battery of steady emf with key K closed. What happens to the brightness of the bulbs `B_1 and B_2` when the key is opened?

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  8. In a series resonant R-L-C circuit the voltage across R is 100V and the value of R=`1000 Omega`. The capacitance of the capacitor is `2 times 10^-6 F`, angular frequency of AC is `200 rad s^-1` Then the potential difference across the inductance coil is:

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  9. A capacitor and an inductance coil are connected in separated AC circuits with a bulb glowing in both the circuits. The bulb glows more brightly when

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  10. AN ideal choke draws a current of 8A when connected to an AC supply of 100V, 50Hz. A pure resistor draws a current of 10A when connected to the same source. The ideal choke and the resistor are connected in series and then connected to the AC source of 150V,40Hz The current in the circuit becomes:

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  11. In an AC circuit V and I are given by V=150 sin (150 t) volt and `I=150 sin (150t+pi/3)` amp. The power dissipated in the circuit is:

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  12. In the series L-C-R circuit shown the impedance is:

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  13. A resistor of `500 Omega` an inductane of 0.5H are in series with an AC which is given by `V=100 sqrt2 sin 6000t)` the power factor of the combination is:

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  14. An ideal resistance R, ideal inductance L, ideal capacitance C and AC voltmeters `V_1,V_3 and V_4` are connected to an AC sources as shown in figure. At resonance,

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  15. For a transformer, the turns ratio is 3 and its efficiency is 0.75. the current flowing in the primary coil is 2A and the voltage applied to its is 100V. Then the voltage and the current flowing in the secondary coil are respectively

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  16. In R-L-C series circuit, the potential differences across each element is 20V, Now the value of the resistance along is doubled, then P.D across R,L and C respectively.

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  17. A series combination of resistor (R ) capacitor (C ) is connected to an AC source of angular frequency is w. Keeping the voltage same if the frequency is change to `w//3`. The current becomes half of the original current. Then the ratio of the capacitive resistance and resistance at the former frequency is:

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  18. A multimeter reads a voltage of a certain AC source as 100V. What is the peak value of voltage of AC source?

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  19. A series LCR circuit contains inductance 5mH, capacitance `2muF` and resistance `10 Omega` IF the frequency AC source is varied, what is the frequency at which maximum power is dissipated?

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  20. A step down transformer has 50 turns on secondary and 1000 turns on primary winding. IF a transformer is connected to 220V,1A AC source, what is output current of the transformer?

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  21. The average power dissipated in AC circuit is 2W. IF a current flowing through a circuit is 2A impedance is `1 Omega`. What is the power factor of the AC circuit?

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  22. A transformer is used to light 100W-110V lamp from 220V mains. IF the main current is 0.5A, then efficiency of the transformer is:

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  23. In the LCR circuit at resonance

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  24. Two coils have a mutual inductance 0.005H. The current changes in the first coil according to the equation `i=i_m sim w t`. Where `i_m=10A and w=100 pi rad s^-1` The maximum value of the emf induced in the second coil is:

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  25. The average power dissipated in a pure inductor is:

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  26. A coil of wire of 1000 turns has self inductance 120 millihenry. The self inductance of a coil 250 turn is:

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  27. The instantaneous voltage of a 50 Hz generator giving peak voltage as 300V. The generator equation for this voltage is

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  28. A jet plane is travelling west at 450 meter per second. IF the horizontal component of earths magnetic field is `4 times 10^-4` Tesla and angle of dip is `30^@`. Then the vertical component is:

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  29. A transformer is used to light a 100W, 110 V lamp from a 220V supply. IF the supply current is 0.6A, the efficiency of the transformer is:

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  30. A bicycle generator creates 1.5V at `15km//hr` The EMF generated at `10km//hr` is:

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  31. The mean or average value of AC over a complete cycle is:

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