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Complete Solutions to Recent Competitive Questions of chapter WAVE OPTICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

MODERN PUBLICATIONRecent Competitive Questions
Number Of Questions18
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The wavelength of the light used in Young's double slit experiment is `lambda`.The intensity at a point on the screen is I, where the path difference is `(lambda)/(6)`. If `I_(0)` denotes the maximum intensity, then the ratio of I and `I_(0)` is :

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  2. What is the minimum thickness of a thin film required for constructive interference in the reflected light from it? Given, the refractive index of the film = 1.5, wavelength of the light incident on the film = 600nm

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  3. Wave front is the locus of all points, where the particles of the medium vibrate with the same

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  4. Two monochromatic light waves of amplitude 3A and 2A interfering at a point have a phase difference of `60^(@)`. The intensity at that point will be proportional to

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  5. Consider the following statements in case of Young's double slit experiment.
    1. A slit S is necessary if we use an ordianry extended source of light.
    2. A slit S is not needed if we use an ordinary but well collimated beam of light.
    3. A slit S is not needed if we use a spatially coherent source of light
    Which of the above statements are correct?

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  6. A parallel beam of light of wavelength `6000 Å` gets diffracted by a single slit of width 0.3 mm. The angular position of the first minima of differacted light is :

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  7. In Young's double slit experiment, fringes of width `beta` are produced on a screen kept at a distance of 1 m from the slit. When the screen is moved away by `5 xx 10^(-2)`m, fringe width changes by `3 xx 10^(-5)` m. The separation between the slits is ` 1 xx 10^(-5)` m. The wavelength of the light used is :

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  8. For sustained interference fringes in duble slit experiment, essential condition/s is /are
    1. sources must be coherent.
    2. the intensities of the two sources must be equal. Here, the correct option/s is /are

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  9. In single slit experiment, the width of the slit is reduced. Then, the linear width of the principal maxima

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  10. If the two slits in Young's double slit experiment are of unequal width, then

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  11. The phenomenon of polarization shows that light has .......nature.

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  12. Which of the following is incorrect?

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  13. Which of the following phenomena support the wave theory of light?
    (2) Interference
    (3) Diffraction
    (4) Velocity of light in a denser medium is less than the velocity of light in the rare medium :

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  14. A fringe width of a certain interferences pattern is `beta = 0.002` cm. What is distance of 5th dark fringe from centre ?

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  15. A polarized light of intensity `I_(0)` is passed through another polarizer whose pass axis makes an angle of `60^(@)` with the pass axis of the former.What is the intensity of emergent polarized light from second polarizer ?

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  16. In a Young' sdouble slit experiment the slit separation is 0.5 m and distance of screen is 5m. For a monochromatic light of wavelength 500nm, the distance of `3^(rd)` maxima from `2^(nd)` minima on the other side is :

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  17. The polarizing angle of glass is `57^(@)`.A ray of light which is incident at this angle will have an angle of refraction as :

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  18. To observe diffraction, the size of the obstacle :

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Recent Competitive Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter WAVE OPTICS of MODERN PUBLICATION PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12