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Complete Solutions to MCQ LEVEL -1 (PARAGRAPH QUESTIONS ) of chapter WAVE OPTICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions34
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Questions 55 and 56 are based on following paragraph : In Young's double slit experiment, the distance between two slits is 1 mm. And distance between slits and screen is 1.0 meter. The wavelength of light used is `6000 Å`. Two waves are equal.
    55. The fringe width is

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  2. The minimum distance from centre of zero order maxima to where the intensity in half that at the centre is

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  3. Questions 57 and 58 are based on following paragraph : A glass plate `12 xx 10^(-4)` mm. Thick is placed in the path of one of the interfering beams in a biprism experiment using wavelength `600 Å`
    57. The central band shifts a distance equal to width of the band, then refractive index of glass plate is

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  4. If a diamond plate of refractive index `2.5` is introduced in path of second beam to bring the central band to original position then its thickness is

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  5. Questions 59 and 60 are based on following paragraph : A beam of light consisting of two wavelengths `6500 Å` and `5200 Å` is used to get interference fringes in Young's double slit experiment with slit distance 2 mm and screen distance 120 cm.
    59. The distance of 3rd fringe on screen from central maxima for wavelength `6500 Å` is

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  6. The least distance from the central maxima where the fringes due to both wavelength coincide is

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  7. Questions 61 and 62 are based on following paragraph :
    A Young's double slit arrangement produces interference fringes for sodium light with wavelength `5890 Å` that are `0.20 mm` apart.
    61. Their fringe angular separation in air is

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  8. The new angular fringe separation when apparatus is dipped in water is

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  9. The wavelength of light observed on the earth , from a moving star is found to decrease by `0.05%`.Relative to the earth the star is :

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  10. The displacement of the interfering light wates are `y_(1) = 4 sin omega t` and `y_(2) = 3 sin(omega t + (pi)/(2))`.The amplitude of the resultant wvae is :

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  11. A star is moving towards the earth with a speed of `4.5 xx 10^(6) m/s`.If the true wavelength of a certain line in the spectrum received from the star is `5890 Å`, its apparent wavelength will be about `[ c = 3 xx 10^(5) m/s]`.

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  12. Due to Doppler's effect, the shift in wavelength observed is `0.1 Å` for a star producing wavelength `6000 Å`. Velocity of recession of the star will be

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  13. In a Young's double slit experiment, the slits separated by 1 mm are illuminated by a mixture of two wavelengths `lambda = 600 nm` and `lambda' = 750 nm`.The distance of screen from slits is 1 m. The minimum distance from the common central bright fringe where the bright fringe of one interfernece pattern will coincide with the bright fringe of second interference pattern will be :

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  14. In a two slit experiment with monochromatic light, fringes are obtained on a screen placed at some distance from the slits.If screen is moved by `5 xx 10^(-2)` m towards the slits, then change in fringe width is `3 xx 10^(-5)` m. If the distance between the slits is `10^(-3)` m, calculate the wave length of light used.

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  15. The velocity of a moving galaxy is `300 km s^(-1)` and the apparent change in wavelength of a spectral line emitted from the galaxy is observed as 0.5 nm. Then, the actual wavelength of the spectral line is

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  16. How fast a person should drive his car so that the red signal of light appears green?
    (Wavelength of red colour = `6200 Å` and wavelength for green colour = `5400 Å`)

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  17. In a Young's double slit experiment, the angular width of a fringe formed on distance screen is `0.1^(@)`.The wvae length of light find spacing between the slit.

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  18. In double refraction we get two refracted rays called O-ray and E - ray, then

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  19. A parallel bema of fast moving elecyrons in incident normally on a narrow slit. A screen is placed at a large distance from the slit.If the spped if the electrons is increased, which of the following statement is correct.

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  20. The two slits are 1 mm apart from each other and illuminated with a light of wavelength `5 xx 10^(-7) m`.If the distance of the screen is 1 m from the slits then the distance between third dark fringe and fifth bright fringe is

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  21. Consider Fraunhoffer diffraction pattern obtained with a single slit at normal incidence.At the angular paosition of first diffraction minimum, the phase difference between the wavelets from the opposite edges of the slit is

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  22. `theta` is the polarising angle for two optical media, whose critical angles are `C_(1)` and `C_(2)`. The correct relation is :

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  23. In Young's double slit experiemnt the wavelength of light was changed from `7000 Å` to `3500 Å`.While doubling the separation between slits, which of the following is not rue?

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  24. A ray of light is incident on the surface of glass plate at an angle of inceidence equal to Brewsters angle `phi`.If n represents the refractive index of glass with respect to air, then the angle between the reflected and the refracted rays is :

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  25. The angle of incident at whch reflected light is totally polarised fro reflection from air to glass (ref. Index n) is :

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  26. The max. No. Of possible interference maxima for slit separation equal to twice the wavelength of YDSE is :

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  27. A Young' s double slit experiment uses a monochromatic source.The shape of interference fringes is :

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  28. If `I_(0)` is the intensity of principal maxima in single slit diffraction pattern, then what is intensity, if slit width is doubled?

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  29. A beam of electrons is used in YDSE experiment.The slit width is d. When velocity of electron is increased, then

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  30. The figure shows a surface XY separating two transparent media, medium - 1 and medium - 2.The lines ab and cd represent wavefronts of a light wave travelling in medium -1 and incident on XY. Then lines ef and gh represent wavefronts of the light wave in medium- medium after refraction.

    84. Light travels as a

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  31. Speed of light is:

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  32. Questions number 86-88 are based on the following paragraph :
    An initialy parallel cylindircal beam travels in a medium of refractive index `mu (I) = mu_(0) + mu_(2)I`, where `mu_(0)` and `mu(2)` are positive constant and I is the intensity of the light beam.The intensity of the bema is decreasing with increasing radius.
    86. The initial shape of the wavefront of the beam is:

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  33. The spped of light in the medium is :

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  34. As the beam enters the medium, it will:

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MCQ LEVEL -1 (PARAGRAPH QUESTIONS ) questions and complete solutions for chapter WAVE OPTICS of MODERN PUBLICATION PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12