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Complete Solutions to Multiple Choice Questions - LEVEL -III (Questions From AIEEE/JEE Examination) of chapter SOLIDS & SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

MODERN PUBLICATIONMultiple Choice Questions - LEVEL -III (Questions From AIEEE/JEE Examination)
Number Of Questions9
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Statement - 1 : Sky wave signals are used for long distance radio communication. These signals are in general, less stable than ground wave signals. Statement - 2 : The state of ionosphere varies from hour to hour, day to day and season to season.

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  2. The output of an OR gate is connected to both the inputs of a NAND gate. The combination will serve as

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  3. Truth table for system of four NAND gates as shown in figure is :

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  4. A dipole detector is used to detect an amplitude modulated wave of 60% modulation by using a condenser of capacity 250 pico farad in parallel with a load resistance 100 kilo ohm. Find the maximum modulated frequency which could be detected by it.

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  5. The I - V characteristic of an LED is :

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  6. The forward biased diode connection is :

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  7. The current voltage relation of diode is given by `I=(e^(1000V//T)-1)` mA , where the applied voltage V is in volts and the temperature T is in degree Kelvin . If a student makes an error measuring `pm0.01` V while measuring the current of 5 mA at 300K, what will be the error in the error in the value of current in mA ?

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  8. A red LED emits light at 0.1 watt uniformly around it. The amplitude of the electric field of the light at a distance of 1 m from the diode is :

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  9. A signal of 5 kHz frequency is amplitude modulated on a carrier wave of frequency 2 MHz. The frequencies of the resultant signal is/are :

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Multiple Choice Questions - LEVEL -III (Questions From AIEEE/JEE Examination) questions and complete solutions for chapter SOLIDS & SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES of MODERN PUBLICATION PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12