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Complete Solutions to Multiple Choice Questions - LEVEL -I of chapter SOLIDS & SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

MODERN PUBLICATIONMultiple Choice Questions - LEVEL -I
Number Of Questions79
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The electrical conductivity of a semiconductor increases when electromagnetic radiation of wavelength shorter than 2480 nm is incident on it. The band gap (in eV) for semi-conductor is

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  2. In an npn transistor circuit , the collector current is 10 mA . If 90% of the electrons emitted reach the collector

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  3. In an `n-p-n` transistor, the collector current is 10 mA. If 90% of the electrons emitted reach the collector.

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  4. The diode used in figure requires minimum current of 1 mA to be above the knee voltage 0.7 of current versus voltage characteristics. The maximum value of R so that the voltage is above knee point is :

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  5. A piece of copper and another of germanium are cooled from room temperature to 80 K. The resistance of

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  6. An intrinsic semiconductor has `10^8 m^-3` free electrons and is doped with pentavalent impurity atoms of density `10^24 m^-3`. The free electron density will increase by ........ orders of magnitude.

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  7. In a p-n junction diode, the increase in forward voltage of 0.19V increases the forward current by 37.6 mA, The dynamic resistance of the junction is

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  8. Given sets of elements are phosphorus , arsenic , indium and bismuth . The addition of which in pure semiconductor will result in p - type semiconductor :

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  9. Van der Waal's crystal are :

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  10. The symbol represents :

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  11. NAND and NOR gates are called universal gates because they

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  12. The forbidden energy gap in conductors , semiconductors and insulators are `EG_1 , EG_2 and EG_3` respectively . The relation among them is :

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  13. The current gain `alpha` of a transistor is 0.95 . The change in emitter current is 10 mA. The change is base current is :

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  14. The diode used in the circuit shown in figure has a constant voltage drop at 0.5 V at all currents and a maximum power rating of 100 mW. What should be the value of the resistance R, connected in series with diode for obtaining maximum current ?

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  15. Van der Waal's forces between atoms and between molecules arise from :

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  16. The coordination number for a simple cubic crystal is :

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  17. In molecular crystals , the force between molecules is

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  18. Assuming that the silicon diode having resistance of `20Omega` , the current through the diode is (knee voltage 0.7 V) :

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  19. In a transistor `(beta = 45)`, the voltage across `5 kOmega` load resistance in collector circuit is 5 V. The base current is

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  20. A `p` -type semiconductor has acceptor level 66 meV above the valence band. The maximum wavelength of light required to create a hole is very near to :

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  21. In which of the following cases the diode is forward biased ?

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  22. `n` type and `p` type semiconductors can be obtained by doping pure silicon respectively with

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  23. The number of terminals in a transistor is :

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  24. To produce N - type crystal Ge or Si may be doped with a substance that is :

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  25. Transistor was invented by :

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  26. The forbidden energy gap in Ge in 0.72 eV Given, `hc=12400" eV"-Å` The maximum wavelength of radiation that will generate electron hole pair is

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  27. Given below are four logic gate symbols . Those for OR, NOR and NAND are respectively

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  28. An n - p -n transistor circuit is arranged as shown in the figure , it is

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  29. If the current gain in CB configuration is 0.95. Then the current gain in CE configuration is

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  30. Write the expression for the frequency of an LC oscilator?

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  31. In the Binary number system the number 100 represents :

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  32. OR gate operation means :

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  33. Under space charge limited conditions , the plate current in a diode is 10 mA at place potential of 100 V, If the plate potential is changed to 400 V, what is the plate current ?

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  34. A triode valve has an amplification factor 20 and its plate potential is 300 V . What should be the grid potential to reduce the plate current zero ?

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  35. In the half - Wave rectifier circuit , which one of the following wave forms is true for `V_(CD)` , the output across C and D ?

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  36. Which of the following gates will have an output of 1 ?

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  37. For an electronic value the plate current `I_p` and the plate voltage `V_p` in the space charge limited region are related as :

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  38. SrO (strontium oxide) is coated on tungsten for thermionic emission in values because :

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  39. By bringing the grid nearer to the plate in a triode value, the amplification factor :

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  40. For a CE transistor amplifier, the audio signal across the collector resistance of `2kOmega` is 2V. Suppose the current amplification factor of the transistor is 100, find the input signal voltage and base current, if the base resistance is 1 k`Omega`.

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  41. Two amplifiers are connected one after the other in series. The first amplifier has a voltage gain of 10 and the second has a voltage gain of 20. If the input signal is 0.01V. Calculate the output ac signal.

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  42. A diode valve works in the region of space charge limited current . If the voltage is increased 4 times, how many times the space charge limited current will increase ?

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  43. The amplification factor of a triode is 20 . Its plate resistance is `10kOmega` . Its mutual conductance is :

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  44. In NOT operation of Y is output and A and B are inputs then truth table in

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  45. In a common - base circuit of transistor , current amplification factor is 0.95 Calculate the emitter current , if base current is 0.2 mA :

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  46. Assuming that the junction diode is ideal , in the circuit shown here , the current through the diode is :

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  47. In the study of transistor as amplifier, if `alpha=I_C/I_E` and `beta=I_C/I_B`, where `I_C,I_B` and `I_E` are the collector, base and emitter currents, then

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  48. The forward biased diode is :

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  49. The number density of free electrons in the semiconductor is `10^(18) m^(-3)` . It is doped with a pentavalent impurity atoms of number density `10^(24) m^(-3)` . The number density of free electrons `m^(-3)` increases by a factor of

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  50. Two identical p - junctions may be connected in series with a battery in three ways as shown . The potential drops across the two p - n junctions are equal in :

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  51. In the Fig. the input is across A and C and output across B and D . The output is :

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  52. If the forward bias voltage a `p-n` junction diode is changed form 0.7 V to 2.2 V, the forward current changes by 1.5 mA, the forward resistance of diode is

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  53. The collector supply in a common emitter amplifier is 8V and the voltage drop across the load of `800 Omega` is 0.4 V. If the current gain for common base be `alpha = 0.96`, then the base current is

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  54. When NPN transistor is used as an amplifier, then

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  55. To a germanium sample , pieces of gallium are added as an impurity . The resultant sample would behave like :

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  56. A transistor has `alpha = 0.95` . The change in emitter current is 100 milliampere , then the change in the collector current is :

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  57. Three amplifiers each with a voltage gain of 10 are connected in series. Then overall amplification is :

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  58. For common emitter circuit of a transistor , when the base current changes by `80 muA`, the collector current change by 4.8 mA. Then the current amplification factor will be :

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  59. What is the voltage gain in a common emitter amplifier, where input resistance is `3 Omega` and load resistance `24 Omega, beta = 0.6` ?

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  60. The source voltage is 9 volt and source resistance is `1kOmega` The current through the silicon diode is (knee voltage of silicon is 0.7 volt):

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  61. If `l_1,l_2,l_3` are the lengths of the emitter, base and collector of a transistor, then

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  62. In an `n-p-n` transistor, the current gain for common emitter configuration is 80. If the emitter current be 8.1 mA, then base current is

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  63. The transfer ratio `beta` of a transistor is 50. The input resistance of the transistor when used in the common-emitter configuration is `1 kOmega`. The peak value of the collector ac current for an ac input voltage of 0.01 V peak is

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  64. Decimal number 53 is equal to binary number

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  65. The energy gap is max in :

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  66. Formation of covalent bonds in compounds exhibits :

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  67. A transistor is connected in common emitter configuration . The collector emitter voltage is 8 V and a load resistance of `800 Omega` is connected in the collector circuit . The voltage drop across the load resistance is 0.5 V . If the current gain be 0.96 , the base current is :

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  68. In a common emitter amplifier output resistance is 5000 ohm and input resistance is 2000 ohm. If peak value of signal voltage is 10 mV and `beta = 50`, then the peak value of output voltage is :

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  69. Copper and germanium are cooled to 70K from room temperature, then

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  70. Manifestation of band structure in solids is due to :

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  71. The current gain of a transistor is 100. If the base current changes by `200 muA`, what is the change in collected current ?

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  72. What is the voltage gain of a transistor with load resistance `100 Omega` and internal resistance `200 Omega` ? Given that `beta = 90`.

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  73. A solid which is not transparent to visible light and whose conductivity increases with temp is formed by

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  74. If the lattice constant of this semiconductor is decreased , then which of the following is correct ?

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  75. Which diode is reverse biased ?

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  76. Carbon, silicon and germanium have four valence electrons each . At room temperature which one of the following statements is most appropriate ?

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  77. If in a p - n junction diode , a square input signal of 10 V is applied as shown :

    Then the output signal across `R_L` will be :

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  78. A working transistor with its three legs marked , P Q and R is tested using a multimeter . No conduction is found between P and Q . By connecting the common (negative ) terminal of the multimeter to R and the other (positive) terminal to P or Q. some resistance is seen on the multimeter. Which of the following is true for the transistor ?

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  79. In the circuit below , A and B represent two inputs and C represents the output . The circuit represents

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Multiple Choice Questions - LEVEL -I questions and complete solutions for chapter SOLIDS & SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES of MODERN PUBLICATION PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12