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Complete Solutions to WB JEE PREVIOUS YEARS QUESTIONS of chapter CURRENT ELECTRICITY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions21
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A metal wire of circular cross-section has a resistance R. The wire is now stretched without breaking so that its length is doubled and the density is assumed to remain the same. If the resistance of the wire now becomes `R_2` then `R_2 : R_1` is

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  2. The current I in the circuit shown is

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  3. Two equal resistances, 400 `Omega ` each, are connected in series with a 8 V battery. If the resistance of first one increases by 0.5%, the change required in the resistance of the second one in order to keep the potential difference across it unaltered is to

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  4. Two wires of same radius having lengths `l_1`, and `l_2` and resistivities `rho_1` and `rho_2` are connected in series. The equivalent resistivity will be

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  5. Six wires, each of resistance r, are connected so as to form a tetrahedron. The equivalent resistance of the combination when current enters through one corner and leaves through some other corner is

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  6. Consider the circuit shown in the figure. The value of the resistance X for which the thermal power generated in it is practically independent of small variation of its resistance is

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  7. Consider the circuit shown in the figure where all the resistances are of magnitude 1 k.`Omega`. If the current in the extreme right resistance X is 1 mA, the potential difference between A and B is

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  8. Four resistors, 100 `Omega, 200 Omega, 300 Omega and 400 Omega` are connected to form four sides of a square. The resistors can be connected in any order. What is the maximum possible equivalent resistance across the diagonal of the square?

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  9. What will be current through the 200 `Omega` resistor in the given circuit a long time after the switch 'K' is made on?

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  10. An electric bulb, a capacitor, a battery and a switch are all in series in a circuit. How does the intensity of light vary when the switch is turned on?

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  11. What is the current I shown in the given circuit?

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  12. When the value of R in the balanced Wheatstone bridge, shown in the figure, is increased from 5 `Omega` to 7 `Omega`, the value of S has to be increased by 3 `Omega` in order to maintain the balance. What is the initial value of S?

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  13. A cell of e.m.f E is connected to a resistance `R_1` for time i and the amount of heat generated in it is H. If the resistance `R_1` is replaced by another resistance `R_2` and is connected to the cell for the same time i, the amount of heat generated in `R_2` is 4H. Then the internal resistance of the cell is

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  14. A circuit consists of three batteries of emf `E_1` = 1 V, `E_2= 2 V and E_3 = 3 V` and internal resistances `1 Omega ,2 Omega and 1 Omega` respectively which are connected in parallel as shown in the figure. The potential difference between points P and Q is

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  15. Two cells A and B of e.m.f.2 V and 1.5 V respectively, are connected as shown in figure through an external resistance 10 `Omega` The internal resistance of each cell is 5 `Omega`. The potential difference `E_A and E_B` across the terminals of the cells A and B respectively are

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  16. The effective resistance between A and B in the figure is `7/12 Omega` .If each side of the cube has 1 `Omega` resistance The effective resistance between the same two points, when the link AB is removed is

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  17. Consider the circuit given here. The potential difference `V_(BC)` between the points B and C is

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  18. A capacitor of capacitance C is connected in series with a resistance R and a DC source of emf E through a key. The capacitor starts charging when the key is closed. By the time the capacitor has been fully charged, what amount of energy is dissipated in the resistance R?

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  19. A heating element of piston resistance r is fitted inside an adiabatic cylinder which carries a frictionless piston of mass m and crosssection A as shown in diagram. The cylinder contains one mole of an ideal diatomic gas. The current flows through the element such that the temperature rises with time t as `DeltaT = alpah t +1/2 beta t^2 `? (`alpha ` and `beta ` are constants), while pressure remains constant. The atmospheric pressure above the piston is `P_0`. Then

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  20. A non-zero current passes through the galvanometer G shown in the circuit when the key 'K' is closed and its value does not change when the key is opened. Then which of the following statements (s) is/are true?

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  21. In the circuit shown in the figure all the resistances are identical and each has the value r `Omega`. The equivalent resistance of the combination between the points A and B will remain unchanged even when the following pairs of points marked in the figure are connected through a resistance R.

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WB JEE PREVIOUS YEARS QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter CURRENT ELECTRICITY of MTG-WBJEE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12