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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE -3 of chapter ELECTRIC CHARGES AND FIELDS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions50
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The total electric flux through a cube when a charge 8q is placed at one corner of the cube is

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  2. Domestic electrical wiring has three wires

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  3. A charge `Q` is enclosed by a Gaussian spherical surface of radius `R`. If the radius is doubled, then the outward electric flux will

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  4. Two positive ions , each carrying a charge `q` , are separated by a distance `d`.If `F` is the force of repulsion between the ions , the number of electrons missing from each ion will be (`e` being the charge on an electron)

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  5. Two copper balls, each weighing `10 g` are kept in air `10 cm` apart. If one electron from every `10^(6)` atoms in trandferred from one ball to the other, the coulomb force between them is (atomic weight of copper is `63.5`)

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  6. If `10^(10)` electrons are acquired by a body every second, the time required for the body to get a total charge of C will be

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  7. A ball with charge `-50 e` is placed at the centre of a hollow spherical shell has a net charge of `-50e`. What is the charge on the shell's outer surface ?

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  8. When `10^(19)` electrons are removed from a neutral metal plate through some process, then the charge on it becomes

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  9. Among two discs A and B, first have radius 10 cm and charge `10^(_6) -mu`C and second have radius 30 cm and charge `10^(-5)`- C. When they are touched, charge on both `q_(A)` and` q_(B)` respectively will, be

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  10. Two charges are at a distance `d` apart. If a copper plate (conducting medium) of thickness `d//2` is placed between them , the effictive force will be

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  11. A charge particle is free to move in an electric field. It will travel

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  12. An electron moving with the speed `5xx10^(6)` per sec is shot parallel to the electric field of intensity `1xx10^(3)N//C`. Field is responsible for the retardation of motion of electron. Now evaluate the distance travelled by the electron before coming to rest for an instant (mass of `e= 9xx10^(-31)Kg` charge `= 1.6xx10^(-19)C)`

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  13. A charged particle of mass `m` and charge `q` is released from rest in an electric field of constant magnitude `E`. The kinetic energy of the particle after time `t` is

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  14. At which distance along the centre axis of a uniformly charged plastic disc of radius R is the magnitude of the electric field equal to one-half the magnitude of the field at the centre of the surface of the disc ?

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  15. An electron of mass m and charge q is accelerated from rest in a uniform electric field of strength E. The velocity acquired by it as it travels a distance l is

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  16. Two parallel infinite line charges `+lamda and -lamda` are placed with a separation distance R in free space. The net electric field exactly mid-way between the two line charges is

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  17. The ionisation potential of mercury is 10.39 V. How far an electron must travel in an electric field of `1.5 xx 10^(6) V//m` to gain sufficient energy to ionise mercury ?

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  18. The electric field and the potential of an electric dipole vary with distance r as

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  19. The electric dipole moment of an electron and a proton 4.3 nm apart, is

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  20. The electrostatic potential of a uniformly charged thin spherical shell of charge Q and radius R at a distance `r` from the centre

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  21. A square surface of side `L` metre in the plane of the paper is placed in a uniform electric field `E ("volt"//m)` acting along the same place at an anlge `theta` with the horizontal side of the square as shown in figure. The electric flux linked to the surface in uint of `V-m` is

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  22. The charge given to any conductor resides on its outer surface because

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  23. Two spherical conductors B and C having equal radii and cayying equal charges on them repel each other with a force F when kept apart at some distance. A third spherical conductor having same radius as that B but uncharged is brought in contact with B, then brought in contact with C and finally removed away from both. The new force of repulsion between B and C is

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  24. The distance between charges `5.0xx10^(-11)C` and `-2.7xx10^(-11)C` is `0.2 m`. The distance at which a third charge should be placed in order that it will not experience any force along the line joining the two charges is

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  25. A charged oil drop is suspended in a uniform filed of `3xx10^4 v//m` so that it neither falls nor rises. The charge on the drop will be (Take the mass of the charge `=9.9xx10^-15kg` and `g=10m//s^2`)

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  26. One of the following is not a property of field lines

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  27. A point charge Q is placed at one of the vertices of a cubical block. The electric flux flowing through this cube is

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  28. Gauss's law is valid for

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  29. v34.1

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  30. A comb run through one's dry hair attracts small bits of paper. This is due to

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  31. Each of the two point charges are doubled and their distance is halved. Force of interaction becomes n times where n is

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  32. A cylindrical conductor is placed near another positively charged conductor. The net charge acquired by the cylindrical conductor will be

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  33. A table tennis ball covered with a conducting paint is suspended by a silk thread so that it hangs between tow metal plates. One plate is earthed, when the other plate is connected to a high voltage generator, what will happen to the ball.

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  34. What is charge on 90 kg of electrons?

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  35. When the distance between two charged particles is halved, the force between them will become

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  36. A thin conducting ring of radius `R` is given a charge `+Q`, Fig. The electric field at the center `O` of the ring due to the charge on the part `AKB` of the ring is `E`. The electric field at the center due to the charge on part `ACDB` of the ring is

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  37. Charges `q` is uniformly distributed over a thin half ring of radius `R`. The electric field at the centre of the ring is

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  38. A charge Q is uniformly distributed over a large plastic plate. The electric field at a point P close to the centre of the plate is `10V m^(-1)`. If the plastic plate is replaced by a copper plate of the same geometrical dimension and carryin the same charge `Q_1` the electric field at the point P will become

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  39. Figure below show regular hexagons with charges at the vertices. In which of the following cases the electric field at the centre is not zero

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  40. A hollow cylinder has a charge `qC` within it. If `phi` is the electric flux in unit of voltmeter associated with the curved surface `B` the flux linked with the plance surface `A` in unit of voltmeter will be

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  41. When air is replaced by a dielectric medium of constant K, the maximum force separated by a distance

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  42. Assertion: The lightening conductor at the top of high building has sharp pointed ends.
    Reason: The surface density of charge at sharp points is very high resulting in setting up of electric wind.

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  43. Two point charge `+2 C` and `+6 C` repel each other with a force of `12 N` . If a charge of `-2 C` is given to each other of these charges , the force will now be

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  44. An electron is moving round the nucleus of a hydrogen atom in a circular orbit of radius `r`. The coulomb force `vec(F)` between the two is (where `k=(1)/(4piepsilon_(0)))`

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  45. Three point charges +q, –2q and +q are placed at points (x = 0, y = a, z = 0), (x = 0,y = 0, z = 0) and (x = a, y = 0, z = 0) respectively. The magnitude and direction of the electric dipole moment vector of this charge assembly are:-

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  46. A charge `q` is located at the centre of a cube. The electric flux through any face is

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  47. If the electric flux entering and leaving an enclosed surface respectively is `phi_1` and `phi_2`, the electric charge inside the surface will be

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  48. A conducting sphere of radius `R` is given a charge `Q`. The electric potential and the electric field at the centre of the sphere respectively are

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  49. The electric field in a certain region is acting radially outwards and is given by `E=Ar. A` charge contained in a sphere of radius `'a'` centred at the origin of the field, will given by

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  50. Two identical charged spheres suspended from a common point by two mass-less strings of length `l` are initially at a distance d ( `d ltlt l`) apart because of their mutual repulsion . The charge begins to leak from both the spheres at a constant rate. As a result the charge approach each other with a velocity `v`. Then as a function of distance `x` between them .

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EXERCISE -3 questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTRIC CHARGES AND FIELDS of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12