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Complete Solutions to C.U.Q of chapter ELECTRIC CHARGES AND FIELDS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions81
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Two identical metallic spheres A and B of exactly equal masses are given equal positive and negative charges respectively. Then

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  2. Two spheres of equal mass A and B are given +q and -q charge respectively then

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  3. a soap bubble is given positive charge, then its radius.

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  4. Two charges are placed at a distance apart if a glass slab is placed between them force between them will

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  5. A negatively charged particle is situated on a striaght line joining two other charge particle stationary of motion of the negatively charged particle will depend on

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  6. Four charges are arranged at the corners of a square ABCD as shown in the figure. The force on the charge kept at the centre O will be:

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  7. Two identical `+ve` charges are at the ends of a straight line `AB` .Another identical `+Ve` charge is placed at`C` such that `AB=BC` ,A,B, and C being oh the same line. Now the force on `A`

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  8. Two identical pendulums A an dB are suspended from the same point. Both are givne positive charge, with A having more charge than B. They diverge and reach equilibrium with the suspension of A and B making angles `theta_(1)` and `theta_(2)` with the vertical respectively.

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  9. Two metal sphere of same mass are suspended form a common point by a light insulating string.The length of each string is same.The sphere are given electric charges `+q` on one end and `+4q` on the other.Which of the following diagram best shows the resulting positions of spheres?

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  10. Two point metal charges`-q` and `+2q` are placed at a certain distance apart.Where should a third point charge be placed so that it is in equilibrium?

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  11. Figure shows the electric lines of force emerging from a charged body. If the electric field at`A` and `B` are `E_(A)` and `E_(B)` respectively and if the displacement between `A` and `B` is `r` then

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  12. Figure shows lines of force for a system of two point charges. The possible choice for the charge is

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  13. Drawings I and II show to samples of electric field lines

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  14. An electron is projected with certain velocity into an electric field in a direction opposite to the field. Then it is

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  15. The acceleration of a charged particle at a uniform electric field is

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  16. A deuteron and an `alpha`-particle are placed in an electric field.The forces acting on them are `F_(1)` and `F_(2)` and their accelerations are `a_(1)` and `a_(2)` respectively.
    (i) `F_(1) = F_(2)`
    (ii) `F_(1) != F_(2)`
    (iii) `a_(1) = a_(2)`
    (iv) `a_(1) != a_(2)`

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  17. The bob of a pendulum is positively charged.Another identical charge is placed at the point of suspension of the pendulum.The time period of pendulum

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  18. Intensity of electric field inside a uniformly charged hollow sphere is

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  19. A positive charge `q_(0)` placed at a point `P` near a charged of metal sphere experience a force of repulsion of magnitude `F`, the electric field `E` of the charge metal, charge at `P` is

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  20. A cube of side b has a charge q at each of its vertices. Determine the potential and electric field due to this charge array at the center of the cube.

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  21. An electron and proton are sent into an electric field .The ratio of force experienced by them is

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  22. An electron enters in an electric field with its velocity in the direction of the electric lines of force. Then

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  23. A charged bead is capable of sliding freely through a string held vertically in tension .an electric field is applied parallel to the string so that the bead stays at rest at the middle of the string .If the electric field is switched off momentarily and switched on

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  24. An electron is moving with constant velocity along x-axis. If a uniform electric field is applied along y-axis, then its path in the x-y plane will be

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  25. An electron of mass `m_(e )` initially at rest moves through a certain distance in a uniform electric field in time `t_(1)`. A proton of mass `m_(p)` also initially at rest takes time `t_(2)` to move through an equal distance in this uniform electric field.Neglecting the effect of gravity, the ratio of `t_(2)//t_(1)` is nearly equal to

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  26. Dimension of `epsilon_(0)` are

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  27. Two points charges q and -2q are placed some distance d apart. If the electric field at the location of q is E, that at the location of -2q is

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  28. The field acting on the following charges is

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  29. An electron moves with a velocity `vec(v)` in are electric field `vec(E)` if the angle between `vec(V)` and `vec(E)` is neither `0` nor `pi` ,then path followed by the electron is

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  30. A charged particle is free to move in an electric field

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  31. Two parallel plates carry opposite charges such that the electric field at the space between them is in upward direction ,.An electron is shot in the space and parallel to the plates.its deflection from the original directions will be

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  32. Due to the motion of a charge its magnitude

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  33. Induction precedes attraction .Explain

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  34. The coulomb electrostatic force is defined for

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  35. the electric field is given by `vec(E)=(vec(F))/(q_(0))` here the test charge `q_(0)` should be (a) Infinitesimally small and positive
    (b) Infintestimally small and negative

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  36. the angle between of the electric dipole moment `p` and the electric field `E` when the dipole is in stable equilibrium

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  37. Debye ' is the unit of

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  38. The electric field at a point at a distance `r` from an electric dipole is proportional to ......

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  39. An electric dipole placed with its axis in the direction of a uniform electric field experience

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  40. An electric dipole is placed in a non uniform electric field increasing along the `+ve` direction of " X-axis " .In which direction does the dipole

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  41. An electric dipole placed in a nonuniform electric field experience

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  42. If `E_(a)` be the electric field strength of a short dipole at a point on its axial line and `E_(e)` that on the equatorial line at the same distance, then

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  43. The electric potential due to an extermely short dipole at a distance r form it is proporitonal to

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  44. An electric dipole when placed in uniform electric field has zero potential energy. The angle between dipole moment and electric field is ....

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  45. What is the anle between the electric dipole moment and the elcetric field strength due to it on the equatorial line

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  46. A metallic shell has a point charge 'q' kept inisde its cavity. Which one of the following diagrams correctly represents the electric lines of forces?

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  47. Statement A:If an electron travels along the direction of electron field it gets accelerated
    Statement B: If a proton travels along the direction of electric field it gets retarded

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  48. Charge cannot exist without mass but mass can exist without charge.
    `B`: charge is invariant but mass alone may velocity
    `C`: Charge is conserved but mass alone may not be conserved.

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  49. A block of mass `m` is attached to a spring of force constant k .Charges on the block is `q`. A horizontal electric field E is acting in the directions as shown.Block is released with the spring in unstretched position

    (a) block will execute `SHM`
    (b) time period of osciallation is `2pisqrt(m)/(k)`
    (c) amplitude of oscillation is `(qE)/(k)`
    (d) Block will oscillate but not simple harmonically
    choose the correct answer

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  50. Which of the following statements are correct?
    a. The electrostatic force does not depend on medium in which the charges are placed.
    b. The electrostatic force between two charges does not exist in vacuum
    c. The gravitational force between masses can be usually neglected in comparison with electrostatic force
    d. Any excess charge given to a conductor, not always resides on the outer surface of the conductor.

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  51. The property of the electric line of force
    a. Electric lines of force are just imaginary lines
    b. Electric lines of force will be parallel to the surface of conductor
    c. If the lines of force are crowded, them field is strong
    d. Electric lines of force are closed loops

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  52. Which of the following statements are correct?
    a. Electric lines of force are just imaginary lines
    b. Electric lines of force will be parallel to the surface of conductor.
    c. If the lines of force are crowded, them field is strong
    d. Electric lines of force are closed loops

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  53. A positively charged thin metal ring of radius R is fixed in the xy plane, with its centre at the origin O. A negatively charged particle P is released from rest at the point `(0,0,z_(0))` where `z_(0)gt0`. Then the motion of P is
    a. Periodic for all value of `z_(0)` satisfying `0ltz_(0)ltoo` M
    b. Simple harmonic, for all values of `Z_(0)` satisfying `0ltz_(0)leR`
    c. Approximately simple harmonic, provided `z_(0)lt lt R`
    d. Such that P crosses O and continues to move along the negative z-axis towards `z=-oo`
    Choose the correct answer

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  54. A cubical Gaussian surface encloses electric flux of `30C` per unit permittivity of a charge ,the electric flux through each face of the cube per unit permittivity is

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  55. As one penetrates uniformly charged conducting sphere,what happens to the electric field strength

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  56. Mark the correct option

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  57. If the flux of the electric field through a closed surface is zero,

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  58. If infinite parallel plane sheet of a metal is charged to charge density `sigma` coulomb per square metre in a medium of dielectric constant K. Intensity of electric field near the metallic surface will be

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  59. The electric flux from a cube of edge l is `phi`. If an edge of the cube is made `2l` and the charge enclosed is halved, its value will be

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  60. If the electric flux entering and leaving an enclosed surface respectively is `phi_1` and `phi_2`, the electric charge inside the surface will be

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  61. Electric flux at a point in an electric field is

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  62. Electric flux over a surface in an electric field

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  63. A charge `Q`is placed at the mouth of a conical flask. The flux of the electric field through the flask is

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  64. A charge `Q`is placed at the mouth of a conical flask. The flux of the electric field through the flask is

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  65. Electric field intensity at a point due to an infinite sheet of charge having surface charge density `sigma` is `E`.If sheet were conducting electric intensity would be

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  66. Two thin infinite parallel plates have uniform charge densities `+ sigma` and `- sigma`. The electric field in the space between them is

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  67. In the above question, if the sheets were thick and conducting , value of E in the space between the two sheets would be

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  68. In the above problem the value of E in the space outside the sheets is .

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  69. The Gaussian surface for calculating the electric field due to a charge distribution is

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  70. The electric flux over a sphere of radius `1m` is `phi`. If radius of the sphere were doubled without changing the charge enclosed ,electric flux would become

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  71. A charge `q` is placed at the centre of a cube.What is the electric flux associated with one of the faces of cube ..............

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  72. A charge Q is situated at the corner of a cube the electric flux passed through all the six faces of the cube is :

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  73. A charge +q is placed at the mid point of a cube of side L. The electric flux emerging from cube is

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  74. A charge q is enclosed as shown, below the electric flux is

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  75. An ellipsoidal cavity is carved within a perfect conductor. A positive charge q is placed at the centre of the cavity. The points A and B are on the cavity surface as shown in the figure. Then

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  76. Two infinitely long thin straight wires having uniform linear charge densities `lambda` and `2lambda` are arranged parallel to each other at a distance `r` apart.The intensity of the electric field at a point midway between them is

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  77. Find the total flux due to charge q associated with the given hemispherical surface

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  78. Assertion. A metallic shield in the form of a hollow shell, can be built to block an electric field.
    Reason. In a hollow spherical shell, the electric field inside is not zero at every point.

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  79. A thin spherical shell of radius R has charge Q spread uniformly over its surface. Which of the following graphs most closely represents the electric field E(r) produced by the shell in the range `0lerltoo`, where r is the distance from the centre of the shell?

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  80. Three poistive charges of equal value q are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. The resulting lines of force should be sketched as in

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  81. An uncharged metal sphere is placed between two equal and oppositely charged metal plates. The nature of lines of force will be

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C.U.Q questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTRIC CHARGES AND FIELDS of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12