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Complete Solutions to Example of chapter ATOMIC PHYSICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions26
Academic Year2023-24
  1. An electron beam moving with a speed of
    `2.5xx10^(7) ms^(-1)` enters into the magnetic field
    `4xx10^(-3) Wb//m^(2)` directed perpendicular to its direction of motion. Find the intensity of the electron moves undeflected .

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  2. A mono energetic electron beam with a speed of ` 5.2xx10^(6) ms^(-1)` enters into a magnetic filed of induction ` 3xx10^(-4) T`, directed normal to the beam . Find the radius of the circul traced by the beam `(Take e//m=1.76xx10^(11) Ckg)`

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  3. The deflecting plats in a thomas's setup are `x` meters long . Intensity of electric field applied between the plates is `E`. The plates are maintained at a `p.d` of `V` volts electrons accelerated through a `p.d V` volts enter from one edge of the plates midway in a direction parellel to the plates . Find the deflection at the other edge of the plates.

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  4. The specific charge of a person is `9.6 xx 10^(7) C//kg`. The specific charge of an alpha particle is

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  5. A beam of electron enter at right angle to an uniform electric field with a velocitgy `3 x 10^(7) m//s, E=1800 v//m` while travelling through a distance of `10cm` , the beam deflected by `2mm` then specific charge of electron is

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  6. In Thomson's experiment for determining `e//m` the potential different between the cathod and the anod (in accelerating coloumns ) is same as that between the deflecting plates (in the regions of crossed field ) . If the`p.d` is doubled , by what factor should the magnetic field be increased to ensure that the electron beam remains undeflected

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  7. In a cathods ray tube ,a `p.d` of `3000V` is maintained betweens the deflector plates whose seperation is `2 cm`. A magnetic filed of `2.5x10^(3)` at right angle to the electric field gives no deflection of electern beam , which received an initial acceleration by a `p.d` of `10,000 V` , the `e//m` of electron is

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  8. In Milikan's oil drop experiment, an oil drop of radius `r` and charge `q` is held in equilibrium between the plates of as charged parallell plate capacitor when the potential difference is `V`. To keep as drop of radius `2`r and with a charge `2q` in equilibrium between the plates the potential difference `V` required is

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  9. A charge oil drop of charge `q` is falling under gravity with termined velocity v in the absence of electric filed . A electric field can keep the oil drop stationary . If the drop acquires an additional charge , it moves up with velocity `3v` in that field . find the new charge on the drop.

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  10. In millikon's method of determining the charge of an electron, the terminal velocities of oil drop in the presence and in the absence of an electric field are `xcm//s` upward and `y cm//s` downwards respectively. Find the ratio of electric force to gravitational force on the oil drop . ( Neglect Buoyancy)

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  11. In a Millikon's Experiment and oil drop of radius `1.5 xx 10^(-6) m` and density `890 Kg//m^(3)` is held stationary between two condenser plates `1.2 cm` apart and kept at a `p.d` of `2.3 kV`. If upthrust due to air is ignored , then the number of excees electron carries by the drop will be

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  12. A charge oil drop of charge `q` is falling under gravity with termined velocity v in the absence of electric filed . A electric field can keep the oil drop stationary . If the drop acquires an additional charge , it moves up with velocity `3v` in that field . find the new charge on the drop.

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  13. A charged oil drop fall with a terminal velocity `V` in the absence of elcectric field . An electric field `E` keep keep the oil drop stationary in it . When the drop acquire a charge 'q' it moves up with same velocity. Find the initial charge on the drop.

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  14. Two oil drop in millikon's experiment are falling with terminal velocity in the ratio `1:4`. The rario of their de-Broglie wave length is

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  15. The electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition `n_(1) rarr n_(2)`, where `n_(1)` and `n_(2)` are the principle quantum numbers of the two states. Assume the Bohr model to be valid. The time period of the electron in the initial state is eight times that in the final state. the possible values of `n_(1)` and `n_(2)` are

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  16. Find the kinetic energy, potential energy and total energy in
    first and second orbit of hydrogen atom if potential energy in first orbit is taken
    to be zero.

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  17. A small particle of mass m moves in such a way that the
    potential energy `U = ar^2`, where a is constant and r is the distance of the
    particle from the origin. Assuming Bhor model of quantization of angular
    momentum and circular orbits, find the radius of nth allowed orbit.

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  18. Consider a hydrogen-like atom whose energy in nth excited state is given by
    `E_(n) = (13.6 Z^(2))/(n^(2))`
    When this excited makes a transition from excited state to ground state , most energetic photons have energy
    `E_(max) = 52.224 eV`. and least energetic photons have energy
    `E_(max) = 1.224 eV`
    Find the atomic number of atom and the intial state or excitation.

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  19. A hydrogen like atom (atomic number Z) is in a higher excited state of quantum number n. The excited atom can make a transition to the first excited state by successively emitting two photons of energy 10.2 eV and 17.0 eV, respectively. Alternatively, the atom from the same excited state can make a transition to the second excited state by successively emitting two photons of energies 4.25 eV and 5.95 eV, respectively Determine the values of n and Z. (lonization energy of H-atom = 13.6 eV)

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  20. A doubly ionized lithium atom is hydrogen like with atomic number 3. Find the wavelength of the radiation required to excite the electron in `Li^(++)` from to the third Bohr orbit (ionization energy of the hydrogen atom equals 13.6 eV).

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  21. A hydrogen atom in a state of binding energy` 0.55eV` make a trasisition to a state of excitation energy of `10.2 eV`
    (i) what is the initial state of hydrogen atom?
    (ii) what is the final state of hydrogen atom?
    (iii) what is the wavelength of the photon emitted?

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  22. A hydrogen atom initally in the ground level absorbs aphoton, which excites it to be `n=4` level, Determine the wavelength and frequency of photon . To find the wavelength and frequency of photon use the relation of energy of electron in hydrogen atom is` E_(n)=-13.6/(n^(2)) eV`

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  23. (a) Using the Bohr's model, calculate the speed of the electron in a hydrogen atom in the n=1,2 and 3 levels. (b) Calculate the orbital period in each of these levels.

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  24. The radius of innermost electron orbit of a hydrogen atom is `5.3xx10^(-11)m`. What are the radii of n=2 and n=3 orbits.?

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  25. A `12.5eV` electron beam is used to bombard gaseous hydrogen at room temperature. What serious of wavelength will be emitted?

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  26. In accordance with the Bohr's model, find the quantum number that characterizes the earth's revolution around the sun in an orbit of radius `1.5xx10^(11)m` with orbital speed `3xx10^4m//s`. (Mass of earth=`6.0xx10^(24)kg`)

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Example questions and complete solutions for chapter ATOMIC PHYSICS of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12