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Complete Solutions to C.U.Q of chapter ATOMIC PHYSICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions88
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If'C' denotes the velocity of light , velocity of cathod rays is

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  2. If an electron has an initial velocity in a direction different from that of an electric field, then the path of the electron is

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  3. Cathode rays enter into a unifrom magnetic field perpendicular to the direction of the field. In the magnetic field their path will be

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  4. when the electron in the discharge tube is accelerated to high speed (i.e. comparable with speed of light)

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  5. The discovery of the elctrons was a consequence of study of the

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  6. If a proton in an elctorn an an elctron are accelerated through the same potential difference

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  7. A cathod ray tube has a potential different of V between the cathod and anode . The speed of the cahtod rays is given by

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  8. In a region of space , cathod rays mov along positive `Z-` axis . If and a uniform magnetic field applied along `x-`axis . If cathod rays pass undevited , the direction of electron field will be along

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  9. A cathod rays particle is accelerated from rest through a potential difference of `V` volt. The speed of the particle is

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  10. in `j.j` thomson's method ,electric field of intensity `E`, magnetic field of induction `B` and velocity `V` of the electron were in mutually perpendicular direction . The condition for velocity is

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  11. An electron of charge 'e' coulomb passes through a potential difference of `V` volts. Its energy in 'joules' will be

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  12. The increasing order of specific charge for electron `(e)` , proton `(p)` , neutron `(n)` and alpha particle`(a)` is

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  13. A uniform magnetic field and a uniform electric field are produced, pointing in the same direction. An electron is projected with its velocity pointed in the same direction. What will be the effect on electron?

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  14. when a positively charged particle enter a uniform magnetic field with uniform velocity its trajectory can be
    (a) straight line (b) a cicle a (c)helix

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  15. the rartio `e//m` of electron is independent of
    (a) Nature of cathod, anode (b) Nature of gas of discharge tube (c) Applied voltage (d) Size discharge tube

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  16. An electron is not deflected on passing through a certain region , because

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  17. In Thomson's experiment, when the electron strikes the undeflected spot, then its moves with

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  18. An electron enters perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field with a speed o `10^(8) cm//s`. The particle ecperiences a force due to the magnetic field and the speed of the electron

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  19. A neutron, a proton , and an electron and an alpha particle enter a region of constant magnetic field with equal velocities . The magnetic field is along the inward normal to the plane of the paper . The tracks of the particles are labelled in fig. the electron follows track .... and the alpha particle follows track.....

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  20. When a charged particle moves through a magnetic field , the quantity which is not affected in the magnetic field is

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  21. A nagatively charge electroscope with zinc disc discharge when irradiated by an ultraviolet lamp. What caused this ?

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  22. The force felt by an electron on entering into a magnetic field is indepent of its

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  23. when an electron moves through a magnetic field , its speed will

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  24. The direction of a cathod ray particle passing through a magnetic field can by found by

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  25. which of the particle cannot be defected by magnetic field

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  26. A charged particle enters a region of uniform magnetic field at an angle of `85^@` to the magnetic line of force. The path of the particle is a circle. Is this statement true or false?

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  27. An eletron and a proton are injected into a uniform magnetic field at right to its direction with the same momentum . Then

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  28. An proton and an electron simultaneously enter into a region in which a uniform magnetic field acts normal to the motion of both the particles. The frequency of revolution of

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  29. You are sitting in a room in which uniform magnetic field is present in vertically downward direction. At the centre of room an electron is projected horizontally with a certain speed. Discuss the speed and path of the electron in this field.

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  30. A charged particle of charge `Q` and mass`m` moves with velocity `v` in a circular path due to transverse magnetic field, B, then its frequency is

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  31. A proton and an elctron simultaneously enter a region in which a magnetic field acts normal to the motion of both the particle . The frequency of revolution of

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  32. Imagine you are sitting in a chamber with your back to one wall. An electron beam, moving horizontally from back wall towards the from wall, is deflected by a strong magnetic field to your right side. What is the direction of the magnetic field?

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  33. Cathode rays are made to pass between the poles of a magnet as shown in figure. The effect of magnetic field is

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  34. In which of the following field cathod rays show minimum deflection

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  35. An oil drop of mass m and charge +q is balanced in vaccum by a uniform electric field of intensity `E`. the direction of this field should be

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  36. An oil drop of mass m and falls through a medium that offers a viscous drag force. F. if the velocity of the drop is constant it means that

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  37. An oil drop of mass m fall through a viscous medium. The viscous drag force. `F` is proportional to the velocity of the drop . At the instant it begins to fall the force that acts on the oil drop is (neglect buoyancy)

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  38. An oil drop of mass m fall through air with a terminal velocity in the presence of upward electric field of intensity `E`. the drop carries a charge `+q`. `R` is the viscous drag force and `f` is the buoyancy force . Them for the motion of the drop.

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  39. If `g_E` and `g_M` are the acceleration due to gravity on the surfaces of the earth and the moon respectively and if Millikan's oil drop experiment could be performed on the two surfaces, one will find the ratio
    electronic charge on the moon/electronic charge on the earth to be

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  40. In millikan's oil drop method, electron charge is accurately measured by conducting an experiment in which

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  41. In Millilan's experiment , the oil drop acquire charge by

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  42. If `V` is Velocity of oil drop , than according to stok's law, the viscous drag force on an oil drop is proportional to

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  43. An oil drop of radius r carrying a charge q remain stationary in the presence of electric field of intensity E. If the density of oil `rho` , then

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  44. The important conclusion given by millikan's experiment about the charge is

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  45. Coulomb 's law correctly describe the electric force is that (pick the wrong statement)

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  46. Is the probability of backward scattering (i.e. scattering of a-particals at angle greater than `90^(0) )` predicated by Thomson's model much less, about the same , or much greater than less, about the same , or much greater than that predicted by Ruthorford's model ?

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  47. An electron with kinetic energy `5eV` is incident on a hydrogen atom in its ground state.The collision

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  48. The angular momentum of the `alpha`- particles which are scattered through large angle by the heavier nuclei, is conserved because of the

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  49. The Incorrect statement regarding Rutherford's atomic model is

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  50. a-particles are

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  51. In scattering experiment , the force that scatters particles is

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  52. Bohr'satom model assumes

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  53. The rartio `("in" S 1 units)` of magnetic dipole moment to that of the angular momentum of an electron of mass `m kg` and charge `e` coulomb in Bohr's orbit of hydrogen atom is

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  54. The radius of hydrogen atom , when it is in its second excite state , becomes:

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  55. For electron moving in `n^(th)` orbit of the atom , the angular velocity is proportional to:

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  56. The size of atomic nucleus is of the order of............ m and size of the atom is of the order of........... .

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  57. In the lowest energy level of hydrogen atom, the electron has the angular momentum

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  58. Atomic hydrogen is excited to the nth energy level . The maximum number of spectral lines which it can emit while returning to ground state,is:

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  59. As the orbit number increase , the distance between two consecutive orbits in an atom or ion having single electron:

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  60. Ionization energy of a hydrogen like A is greater than that of another hydrogen like ion Let r, u, E and L represent the radius of the orbit, speed of the electron energy of the atom and orbital angular momentum of the electron respectively, in ground state

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  61. The classification of discrete energy levels in atom was first given experimentally by

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  62. An atomic nucleus contains

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  63. On decreasing principal quantum number n, the value of r and v will

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  64. The possible values of principal quantum number can be

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  65. According to sommerfeld , an electron revolves round a necleus in

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  66. The main defect of Bohr's atom model is

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  67. According to Bhor's discrete quantium is

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  68. If `E_n` and `L_n` denote the total energy and the angular momentum of an electron in the nth orbit of Bohr atom, then

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  69. If the radius of first Bohr's orbit is r, then radius of second orbit will be

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  70. According to quantum mechanics, one of the following is wrong about spin of electron

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  71. According to classical theory, the circular path of an electron in Rutherford atom is

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  72. one of the following radiation are not emitted by electron transition in atom , choose the option

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  73. The energy emitted by a source is in the form of

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  74. The unit of planck's constant is equivalent to that of

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  75. Hydrogen atom will be in its ground state , if its electrons is in

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  76. The wavelength involved in the spectrum of deuterium `_(1)^(2)D` are slightly different from that of hydrogen spectrum because

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  77. When an electron jumps from `n_(1) th` orbit to `n_(2)` th orbit, the energy radiated is given by

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  78. Which of the following parameters are the same for all hydrogen like atoms and ions in their ground state?

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  79. The Fine structure of hydrogen spectrum can be explained by

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  80. The visible region of hydrogen spectrum was first studied by

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  81. With the increase in peinciple quantum number, the energy difference between the two successive energy levels

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  82. Can a hydrogen atom emit characteristic X-ray?

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  83. An electron makes transition form `n=3`, `n=1` state in a hydrogen atom. The maximum possible number of photons emitted will be

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  84. Assertion : Rydberg's constant varies with mass no. of a given element.
    Reason: The 'reduced mass' of the electron is dependent on the mass of the nucleus only.

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  85. Assertion (A), study of discharge of electricity through gases at low pressure resulted in the discovery of cathod rays .
    Reason (R ): cathod rays are deflected by both magnetic and electric fields and the direction of deflection shows that they are nagatievly charged .

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  86. Assertion (A),If electrons travel undefeccted by the electric field` E` and magnetic field B then the velocity of electrons is given by `V=e/b`.
    Reason `(R )`: When both electric and magnetic field are applied simultaneously on electron beam. If force due to electric field is equal and opposite to force due to magnetic field then they travel undeflected.

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  87. Assertion (A),In the Thomson's e/m experiment of electrons, the specific charge of electrons is independent of natural of the discharge tube
    Reason (R ): Charge of a body is quantized

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  88. Assertion (A), Between any two given energy levels, the number of absorption transition is always less than number of emission transition.
    Reason (R ): Absorption transitiion start from the lowest energy lovely only and may end at any higher energy level. but emission transition may start from any higher energy level and end at any energy level below it.

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C.U.Q questions and complete solutions for chapter ATOMIC PHYSICS of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12