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Complete Solutions to Exercise -1 (C.W) of chapter ELECTROSTATIC POTENTIAL AND CAPACITANCE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

NARAYANAExercise -1 (C.W)
Number Of Questions44
Academic Year2023-24
  1. v24

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  2. A charge 'Q' is placed at each corner of a cube of side 'a'. The potential at the centre of the cube is

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  3. A uniform electric field poiting in poistive x-direction exists in a region. Let A be the origin, B be the point on the x-axis at `x=+1cm` and C be the point on the y-axis at `y=+1cm`. Then the potentials at the points A, B and C satisfy:

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  4. The electric field at the origin is along the +ve x-axis. A small circle is drawn with the centre at the origin cutting the axes at the points A, B, C and D having coordinates (a,0), (0,a), (-a,0), (0,-a) respectively. Out of points on the periphery of the circle, the potential is minimum at

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  5. A particle `A` has chrage `+q` and a particle `B` has charge `+4q` with each of them having the same mass `m`. When allowed to fall from rest through the same electric potential difference, the ratio of their speed `(v_(A))/(v_(B))` will become

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  6. Let there be a uniform electric field "E" existing along the positive X-direction.Assume electric potential to be zero at the origin.Potential at the point `x=x_(0)` is

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  7. The potential at a point due to charge of `5xx10^(-7)C` located 10 cm away is

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  8. The potential at a point due to charge of `5xx10^(-7)C` located 10 cm away is
    In the above question work done in bringing a charge of `4 xx 10^(-9)C` from infinity to that point is

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  9. The electric potential at a point in free space due to a charge `Q` coulomb is `Q xx 10^(11)` volts. The electric field at that point is

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  10. Electric field intensity at a point B due to a point charge Q kept at point A is `24 NC^(-1)`, and electric potential at B due to the same charge is `12 JC^(-1)`. Calculate the distance `AB` and magnitude of charge.

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  11. The electric potential in volts due to an electric dipole of dipole moment `1 xx 10^(-8)C-m` at a distance of 3m on a line making an angle of `30^(@)` with the axis of dipole is

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  12. The electric potential in volts due to an electric dipole of dipole moment at a `2 xx 10^(-5)C-m` distance of 2m on perpendicular bisector is

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  13. The electric potential due to an electric dipole of dipole moment `2 xx 10^(-8)C-m` at a distance of 3m on a line making an angle ? With the axis of dipole is 10 volts. Then ? Is

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  14. There is an electric field E in x-direction. If the work done on moving a charge of `0.2C` through a distance of 2w m along a line making a angle `60^@` with x-axis is 4 J, then what is the value of E?

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  15. The electric potential V (in volt) varies with x (in metre) according to the relation `V=5+4x^(2)` The force experienced by a negative charge of `2times10^(-6)` C located at `x=0.5` m is `z times10^(-6)`N then the value of `z` is ?

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  16. The electric potential decreases unifromly from 120 V to 80 V as one moves on the x-axis from x=-1 cm to x=+1 cm. The electric field at the origin

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  17. Charges `+q -4q` and `+2q` are arranged at the corners of an equilateral triangle of side `0.15m`. If the `q=1 muC` their mutual potential energy is

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  18. Three charges -q, Q and -q are placed at equal distances on a straight line. If the total potential energy of the system is zero, then what is the ratio `q/Q`?

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  19. A system consists of two charges `4 mu C and -3 muC` with no external field placed at `(-5 cm, 0,0) and (5 cm, 0,0)` respectively. The amount of work required to separated the two charges infinitely away from each other is

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  20. (a) In a quark model of elementary particles, a neutron is made of one up quarks [charge `(2//3)`e] and two down quarks [charges - `(1//3) e`]. Assume that they have a triangle configuration with side length of the order of `10^(-15) m`. Calculate electrostatic potential energy of neutron and compare it with its mass 939 MeV.
    (b) Repeat above exercise for a proton which is made of two up and one down quark.

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  21. A dipole of electric dipole moment p is placed in a uniform electric field of strength E. If `theta` is the angle between positive direction of p and E, then the potential energy of the electric dipole is largest when `theta` is

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  22. The work done in deflecting a dipole through `180^(@)` from field direction is

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  23. Two conducting spheres of radii `r_(1)` and `r_(2)` are equally charged. The ratio of their potentral is-

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  24. A conducting sphere of radius R is charged to a potential of V volts. Then the electric field at a distance `r ( gt R)` from the centre of the sphere would be

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  25. A non conducting sphere of radius R is charged uniformly. At what distance from its surface is the electrostatic potential is half the potential at its centre ?

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  26. Two charged spherical conductors of radii `R_(1) and R_(2)` when connected by a connecting wire acquire charges `q_(1) and q_(2)` respectively. Find the ratio of their charge densities in terms of their radil ?

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  27. Consider two concentric spherical metal shells of radii `r_1" and "r_2(r_2 gt r_1)`. If the outer shell has a charge q and the inner one is grounded, the charge on the inner shell is

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  28. The radii of two charged metal spheres are 5cm and 10cm both having the same charge 60mC. If they are connected by a wire

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  29. The capacity of a parallel plate condenser consisting of two plates each `10 cm` square and are seperated by a distance of `2 mm` is (Take air as the medium between the plates).

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  30. Sixty four spherical drops each of radius `2 cm` and carrying `5 C` charge combine to form a bigger drop. Its capacity is.

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  31. A highly conducting sheet of aluminium foil of negligible thickness is placed between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor. The foil is parallel to the plates. If the capacitance before the insertion of foil was `10 mu F`, its value after the insertion of foil will be.

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  32. Two metal plates are separated by a distance `d` in a parallel plate condenser. A metal plate of thickness `t` and of the same area is inserted between the condenser plates. The value of capacitance increases by ….times.

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  33. A radio capacitor of variable capacitance is made of `n` parallel plates each of area `A` and separated from each other by a distanced `d`. The alternate plates are connected together. The capacitance of the combination is.

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  34. The radius of the circular plates of a parallel plate condenser is `'r'`. Air is there as the dielectric. The distance between the plates if its capacitance is equal to that of an isolated sphere of radius `r'` is.

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  35. When two capacitors are joined in series the resultance capacity is `2.4 muF` and when the same two are joined in parallel the resultant capacity is `10 mu F`. Their individual capacities are.

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  36. Three condensers `1 mu F,2 mu F` and `3 mu F` are connected in series to a `p.d` of `330 " volt"`. The `p.d` across the plates of `3 mu F` is.

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  37. The effective capacitance between the point P and Q in the given figure is

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  38. The equivalent capacitance between P and Q is

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  39. The equivalent capacity between the points X and Y in the circuit with `C= 1muF`

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  40. The equivalent capacitance of the network given below is `1muF`. The value of 'C' is

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  41. Three capacitors of `3 mu F,2 mu F` and `6 mu F` are connected in series. When a battery of `10 V` is connected to this combination then charge on `3 mu F` capacitor will be.

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  42. Two spheres of radii `12 cm` and `16 cm` have equal charge. The ratio of their energies is.

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  43. A condenser of capacity `10 mu F` is charged to a potential of `500 V`. Its terminals are then connected to those of an uncharged condenser of capacity `40 mu F`. The loss of energy in connecting them together is.

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  44. A `2 mu F` condenser is charged to `500 V` and then the plates are joined through a resistance. The heat produced in the resistance is joule is.

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Exercise -1 (C.W) questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROSTATIC POTENTIAL AND CAPACITANCE of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12