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Complete Solutions to Exercise -1 (H.W) of chapter ELECTROSTATIC POTENTIAL AND CAPACITANCE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

NARAYANAExercise -1 (H.W)
Number Of Questions43
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `4 xx 10^(20)` eV of energy is required to move a charge of 6.25 C between two points, the potential difference between them is

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  2. Two electric charges of `9mu C and -3mu C` are placed 0.16m apart in air. There are two points A and B on the line joining the two charges at distance of (1) 0.04m from `-3muC` and in between the charges and (ii) 0.08 m from `-3mu C` and out side the two charges. The potentials at A and B are

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  3. Four charges `+3muC, -1muC, +5muC and -7muC` are arranged on the circumference of a circle of radius 0.5m. The potential at the centre is

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  4. A positive point charge 'q' is carried from a point 'B' to a point charge +Q. If the permittivity of free space is `in_(0)`, the work done in the process is given by

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  5. A positive charge 'Q' is fixed at a point A negatively charged particle of mass ' 'm' and charge 'q' is revolving in a circular path of radius `r_(1)` ,with Q' as the centre.The change in potential energy to change the radius of the circular path from `r_(1)` to `r_(2)` in joule is

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  6. Figure below shows a square array of charged particles, with distance d between adjacenet particle. What is the electric potential at point P at the centre of the square if the electric potential is zero at infinity?

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  7. Four equal charges `Q` are placed at the four corners of a square of each side is 'a'. Work done in removing a charge `-Q` from its centre to infinity is

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  8. Two tiny spheres carrying charges `1.8 muC and 2.8 mu C` are located at 40 cm apart. The potential at the mid-point of the line joining the two charges is

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  9. Two tiny spheres carrying charges `1.8 muC and 2.8 mu C` are located at 40 cm apart. The potential at the mid-point of the line joining the two charges is
    In the above question, the potential at a point20cm from the mid-point of the line joining the two charges in a place normal to the line and passing through the mid-point is

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  10. A hexagon of side 8 cm has a charge `4 muC` at each of its vertices. The potential at the centre of the hexagon is

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  11. On the axis of a short electric dipole at a point potential is V. If the dipole is rotated through `90^(@)` potential at same point is

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  12. The potential at a point P' on the axial line of the short dipole on the side of positive charge is 10V. Then the potential at the same point when dipole was reversed will be

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  13. The magnitude of electric field intensity at a point on the axis of short dipole is 30V/m. The distance of the point from the centre of the dipole is 2m. Then potential at that point is

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  14. The distance between `H^(+) and Cl^(-)` ions in HCl molecules is `1.38Å.` The potential due to this dipole at a sistance of `10Å` on the axis of dipole is

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  15. If the electric field is given by `vec(E ) = ((100)/(x^(2)))i` the potential difference between points x=10m and x=20m in volts is

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  16. A charge of `5 C` experiences a force of `5000N` when it is kept in a uniform electric field. What is the potential difference between two points separted by a distance of `1 cm` ?

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  17. ABC is an equilateral triangle of side 2m. If `vec(E ) = 10NC^(-1), " then " V_(A) - V_(B)` is

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  18. The electric potential at a point `(x,0,0)` is given by `V=[(1000)/(x)+(1500)/(x^(2))+(500)/(x^(3))]` "then the electric field at" `x=1` m is (in volt//m)

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  19. Two positive point charges of `12 mu C` and `8 mu C` are `10 cm` apart. The work done in bringing then `4 cm` closer is

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  20. Two charges of magnitude `5 nC and -2 nC` are placed at points (2cm,0,0) and (x cm,0,0) in a region of space. Where there is no other external field. If the electrostatic potential energy of the system is `-0.5 muJ`. What is the value of x ?

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  21. Three charges Q, +q and +q are placed at the vertices of a right angled isosceles triangle as shown in figure. If the net electrostatic energy of the configuration is zero, then Q is equal to

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  22. An electric dipole has the magnitude of its charge as `q` and its dipole moment is `p`. It is placed in a uniform electric field `E`. If its dipole moment is along the direction of the field, the force on it and its potential energy are respectively

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  23. An electric dipole of moment `vecp` is placed normal to the lines of force of electric intensity `vecE`, then the work done in deflecting it through an angle of `180^(@)` is

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  24. An insulated charged conducting sphere of radius 5cm has a potential of 10V at the surface. What is the potential at centre?

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  25. Two conducting spheres of radii `5 cm` and `10 cm` are given a charge of `15mu F` each. After the two spheres are joined by a conducting wire, the charge on the smaller sphere is

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  26. The electric potential on the surface of a sphere of radius R due to a charge `3 xx 10^(-6)C` is 500V. The intensity of electric field on the surface of the sphere is `(NC^(-1))` is

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  27. A soap bubble is charged to a potential of 16V. Its radius is then doubled. The potential of the bubble now will be

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  28. The charge stored in a capacitor is `20 mu` C and the potential difference across the plates is `500V` .Its capacity is ..?

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  29. The oil condenser has a capacity of `100 mu`F .The oil has dielectric constant 2. When the oil leaks out,its new capacity is????

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  30. A dielectric of thickness 5cm and dielectric constant 10 is introduced between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor having plate area 500 sq. cm and separation between the plates 10cm. The capacitance of the capacitor with dielectric slab is
    `(epsi_(0) = 8.8 xx 10^(-12)C^(2)//N-m^(2))`

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  31. v36

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  32. The ratio of the resultant capacities when three capacitors of `2muF, 4muF and 6muF` are connected first in series and then in parallel is

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  33. A condenser A of capacity `4muF` has a charge `20muC` and another condenser B of capacity `10muF` has a charge `40muC`. If they are connected parallel, then

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  34. A capacitor of `30 mu` F charged to `100V `is connected in parallel to capacitor of `20 mu` F charged to `50V` .The common potential is ...?

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  35. The equivalent capacity between the points 'A' and 'B' in the following figure will be

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  36. Two capacitors with capacities `C_(1)` and `C_(2)` ,are charged to potentials `V_(1)` and `V_(2)` respectively.When they are connected in parallel,the ratio of their respective charges is ....?

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  37. The equivalent capacitance between P and Q of the given figure is (the capacitance of each capacitor is `1muF`)

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  38. The resultant capacity between the points P and Q of the given figure is

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  39. Charge 'Q' taken from the battery of 12V in the circuit is

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  40. If three capacitors of values `1 mu` F,`2 mu` F` and `3`mu`F are available.The maximum and minimum values of capacitances one can obtain by different combinations of the three capacitors together are respectively ???

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  41. A capacitor of 8 micro farad is charged to a potential of 1000V .The energy stored in the capacitor is

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  42. A condenser is charged to a potential difference of `120V` ,its energy is `10^(-5)` J.If the battery is there and the space between the plates is filled up with a dielectric medium `(varepsilon_(r)=5)`,its new energy is .

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  43. The plates of a parallel plate capacitor have an area of `90cm^(2)` each and are separated by a `2mm` The capacitor is charged by connecting it to a `400V` supply.Then the density of the energy stored in the capacitor ..........?

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Exercise -1 (H.W) questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROSTATIC POTENTIAL AND CAPACITANCE of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12