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Complete Solutions to C.U.Q of chapter MAGNETISM of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions73
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If two bar magnets of different magnetic lengths have equal moments, then the pole strength is

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  2. A bar magnet of moment `M` is bent into arc, its moment

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  3. Abar magnet is cut into two equal halves by a plane parallel to the magnetic axis of the following physicla quntities the one which remains unchanged is

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  4. A small hole is made at the centre of the magnet then its magnetic moment

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  5. The source of magnetic field is

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  6. The erth's magnetic field

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  7. The electric and magnetic field lines differ in that

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  8. The incorrect statement regarding the lines of force of the magnetic field `B` is

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  9. Two bar magnets are placed on a piece of cork which folats on water. The magnets are so placed that their axis are mutually perpendicular. Then the cork

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  10. When a bar magnet of magnetic moment `barM` is placed in a magnetic field of induction field strength `barB`, each pole experiences a force of `barF` then the distance between the south and north pole of the magnet measured inside it is

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  11. The lines of forces due to earth's horizontal component of magnetic field are

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  12. In case of a bar magnet, lines of magnetic induction

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  13. The total number of magnetic lines of force originating or terminating on a pole of strength `'m'` is

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  14. A magnetic needle is kept in a non uniform magnetic field . It experiences

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  15. A bar magnet of moment `bar(M)` is in a magnetic field of induction `bar(B)`. Then the couple is

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  16. The effect due to uniform magnetic field on a freely suspended magnetic needle is as follows

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  17. A magnet is kept fixed with its length parallel to the magnetic meridian. An identical magnet is parallel to this such that its center lies on perpendicular bisector of both. If the second magnet is free to move, it will have

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  18. There is no. couple acting when two bar magnets are placed co-axially separated by a distance because

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  19. Find the wrong statement among the following. Two unlike isolated magnetic poles are at some distance apart in air.

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  20. A magnetic field is produce and directed along `y-`axis. A magnet is placed along `y-`axis. The direction of torque on the magnet is

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  21. When `N-`pole of the given bar magnet is placed on a table pointing geographic north,the null points are formed due to the superposition of the magnetic field of the "bar" magnet and the earth's magnetic field. The two null points are located

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  22. When `S-`pole of the given "bar" magnet is placed on a table pointing geographical `N-`pole

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  23. A very long magnet is held vertically with its south pole on a table. A single neutral point is located on the table to the

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  24. The null points are on the axial line of a "bar" Magnet when it is placed such that its south pole points

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  25. When the `N`-pole of a bar magnet points towards the south and S-pole towards the north, the null points are at the

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  26. The restoring couple for a magnet oscillating in the uniform magnetic field is provided by

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  27. Vibration of suspended magnet works on the principle of

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  28. The factors on which the period of oscillation of a "bar" magnet in uniform magnetic field depend

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  29. The time period of a freely suspended magnetic needle does not depend upon

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  30. A magnetic needle suspended by a silk thread is vibrating in the earth's magnetic field. If the temperature of the needle is increased by `500^(@)C`, then

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  31. Name the unit used to measure magnetic field.

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  32. A watch glass containing some powdered substance is placed between the pole pieces of a magnet. Deep concavity is observed at the centre. The substance in the watch glass is

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  33. Out of dia, para and ferromagnetism, the universal property of all substances is

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  34. Ferromagnetic ore properties are due to

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  35. The major contribution of magnetism in substance is due to

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  36. A uniform megnetic field, parallel to the plane of the paper exixted in space intially directed from left to right. When a bar of soft iron is placed in the field parallel to it, the lines of force passing through it will be represented by

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  37. A rod of a paramagnetic substance is placed in a non-uniform magnetic field. Which of the following figure shows its alignment in the field?

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  38. The relative permeability of silicon is `0.99837` and that of palladium is `1.00692`, choose the correct options of the following

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  39. The relative permeability is represented by `mu_(r)` and susceptibility is denoted by `chi` for a magnetic substance then for a paramagnetic substance.

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  40. Two like poles of strengths `m_(1)` and `m_(2)` are at far distance apart. The energy repuired to bring them `r_(0)` distance apart is

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  41. For a paramagnetic materical, the dependence of the magnetic susceptibility `chi` on the absolute tempreture `T` is given by

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  42. The area enclosed by a hysteresis loop is a measure of

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  43. A material produces a magnetic field which oppose the applied magnetic field, then it is

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  44. The susceptibility of a diamagnetic substance is

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  45. Liquids and gases never exhibit

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  46. Alnico is used for making permanent magnets becoause it has

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  47. A marners compass is used

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  48. The hysteresis cylcle for the material of a permanent magnet is

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  49. Curie-Weiss law is obeyed by iron at a temperature….

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  50. Which of the following quantities: (I) magnetic declination (II) dip is used to determine the strength of earths magnetic field at a point on the earths surface

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  51. Domain formation is the necessary feature of

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  52. The magnetic force required to demagnetise the material is

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  53. The only property possessed by ferromagnetic substance is

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  54. Needles `N_(1) , N_(2), and N_(3)` are made of a ferromagnetic, a paramagnetic and a diamagnetic substance respectively . A magnet when brought close to them will

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  55. Relative permitivity and permeability of a material `epsilon_(r) and mu_(r)`, respectively . Which of the following values of these quantities are allowed for a diamagnetic material?

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  56. For soft iron, in comparison with steel

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  57. `chi_(1)` and `chi_(2)` are susceptinilities of diamagnetic substance at temperatures `T_(1)K` and `T_(2)K` respectively. Then

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  58. Ferromagnetic ore properties are due to

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  59. If a diamagnetic solution is poured into a U-tube and one aem of this U-tube placed between the poles of a strong magnet with the meniscus in a line with the field, then the level of the solution will

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  60. At curie temperature, in ferromagnetic materials

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  61. A sensitive magnetic instrument can be shielded very effectively from outside magnetic fields by placing it inside a box of

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  62. In a permamnent magnet at room temperature

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  63. The angle of dip at a place on the earth gives

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  64. A point near the equator has

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  65. If `I` is the intensity of earth's magnetic field, `H` its horizontal component and `V` the vertical component, then these are related as

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  66. A line joining places of zero declination is called

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  67. A line joining places of equal declinaiton is called

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  68. The needle of a dip circle when place at a geomagnetic pole stays along

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  69. The value of angle of dip is zero at the magnetic equator because on it

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  70. The vertical component of earth's magnetic field is zero at or The earth's magnetic field always has a vertical component except at the

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  71. The core of electromagnet is made of soft iron because
    a) the susceptibility of soft iron is very high
    b) coercivity of soft iron is very low

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  72. The angle of dip at the poles and the equator respectively are

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  73. Select the correct answer.
    a) When `'n'` identical magnets are arranged in the form of closed polygon with unlike poles nearer, the resultant magnetic moment is zero.
    b) If one magnet is removed from the polygon, the resultant magnetic moment becomes `'M'`.
    c) If one magnet is reversed in the polygon, the resultant magnetic moment of combination becomes `2M`

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C.U.Q questions and complete solutions for chapter MAGNETISM of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12