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Complete Solutions to LEVEL-I (H.W) of chapter MAGNETISM of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If a bar magnet of pole strength `'m'` and magnetic moment `'M'` is cut equally `4` times parallel to its axis and `5` times perpendicular to its axis then the pole strength and magnetic moment of each piece are respectively

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  2. If two identical bar mangets, each of length `'I'`, pole strength `'m'` and magnetic moment `'M'` are placed perpendicular to each other with their unlike poles in contact, the magnetic moment of the combination is

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  3. A magnetised wire of magnetic moment `'M'` and length `'l'` is bent in the form of a semicircle of radius `'r'`. The new magnetic moment is

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  4. A long thin magnet of moment `M` is bent into a semi circle. The decrease in the magnetic moment is

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  5. A magnet of magnetic `'M'` is in the form of a quadrant of a circle. If it is strightened, its new magnetic moment will be

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  6. A bar magnet of moment `'M'` is bent into a shape `'5'`. If the length of the each part is same, its new magnetic moment will be

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  7. Four magnets of magnetic momnets `M,2M,3M` and `4M` are arranged in the fome of a square such that unlike poles are in contact. Then the resultant magnetic moment will be

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  8. Three identical bar magnets each of magnetic moment `M` are arranged in the form of an equilanteral triangle such that at two vetices like poles are in contact. The resultant magnetic moment will be

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  9. A torque of `2X10^(-4)Nm` is required to hold a magnet at right angle to the magnetic meridian. The torque required to hold it at `30^(@)` to the magnetic meridian in `N-m` is

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  10. A bar magnet of `5 cm` long having a pole strenght of `20 A.m`. Is deflected through `30^(@)` from the magnetic meridian. If `H=(320)/(4pi)A//m`, the deflecting couple is

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  11. A short bar magnet placed with its axis at `30^(@)` with a uniform external magnetic field of `0.16T` experience a torque of magnitude `0.032 Nm`. If the bar magnet is free to rotate, its potential energies when it is in stable and unstable equilibrium are respectively

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  12. When a bar magnet is placed at `90^(@)` to a uniform magnetic field, it is acted upon by a couple which is maximum. For the couple to be half of the maximum value, at what angle should the magnet be inclined to the magnetic field `(B)`?

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  13. A magnet of moment `4Am^(2)` is kept suspended in a magnetic field of induction `5xx10^(-5)T`. The workdone in rotating it through `180^(@)` is

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  14. The work done in rotating the magnet form the direction of uniform field to the opposite direction to the field is`W`. The work done in rotating the magnet form the field direction to half the maximum couple position is

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  15. The work done in rotating a magnet of pole strength `1 A-m` and length `1 cm` through an angle of `60^(@)` from the magnetic meridian is `(H=30A//m)`

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  16. The work done in turning a magnet normal to field direction from the direction of the field is `40xx10^(-6)J`. The kinetic energy attained by it when it resches the field direction when released is

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  17. A magnet is parallel to a uniform magnetic field. The work done in rotating the magnetic through `60^(@) is 8xx10^(-5) J`. The work done in rotating through another `30^(@)` is

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  18. The magnetic induction field strength at a distance `0.2 m` on the axial line of a short bar magnet of mement `3.6Am^(2)` is

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  19. A short bar magnet of magnetic moment `1.2Am^(2)` is placed in the magnetic meridian with its south pole pointing the north. If a neutral point is found at a distance of `20cm` from the centre of the magnet, the value of the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field is

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  20. A very long magnet of pole strength `4 Am` is placed vertically with its one pole on the table. The distance form the pole, the neutral point will be formed is `(B_(H)=4xx10^(-5)T)`

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  21. A bar magnet of magnetic moment `M` and moment of inertial `I` is in the direction of magnetic meridian. If the magnet is displaced by a very small angle `(theta)`, the angular acceleration is (Magnetic induction of earth's horizontal field `=B_(H)`)

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  22. If the moments of inertia of two bar magnets are same, and if their magnetic moments are in the ratio 14:9` and if their frequencies of oscillations are same, the ratio of the induction field strength in which they are vibrating is

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  23. If the strength of the magnetic field is increased by `21%` the frequency of a magnetic needle oscillating in the field.

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  24. A bar magnet has a magnetic moment equal to `65xx10^(-5)` wever `x` metre. It is suspended in a magnetic field which has a magnetic induction `(B)` equal to `8pixx10^(-4)` tesla. The magnet vibrates with a period of vibration equal to `15`seconds. The moment of inertia of the magnet is:

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  25. Two bar magnets are placed in vibration magnetometer and allowed to vibrate. They make `20` oscillations per minute when their similar pole are on the same side, while they make `15` osicillations per minute when their opposite poles lie on the same side. The ratio of their magnetic moments is

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  26. The magnetic induction and the intensity of magnetic field inside an iron core of an electromagnet are `1 Wbm^(-2)` and `150Am^(-1)` respectively. The relative permeability of iron is : `(mu_(0)=4pixx10^(-7)"henry"//m)`

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  27. The mass of an iron rod is `80 gm` and its magnetic moment is `10 Am^(2)`. If the density of iron is `8gm//c.c`. Then the value of intensity of magnetisation will be

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  28. A rod of cross sectional area `10cm^(2)` is placed with its length parallel to a magnetic field of intensity `1000 A//M` the flux through the rod is `10^(4)`webers. The the permeability of material of rod is

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  29. A bar magnet of magnetic moment `10Am^(2)` has a cross sectional area of `2.5xx10^(-4)m^(2)` . If the intensity of magnetisation of the magnet is `10^(6)A//m`, then the length of magnet is

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  30. The variation of magnetic susceptibility `(chi)` with temperature for a diamagnetic substance is best represented by

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LEVEL-I (H.W) questions and complete solutions for chapter MAGNETISM of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12