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Complete Solutions to EXAMPLE of chapter MAGNETISM of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions20
Academic Year2023-24
  1. When a bar magnet is placed at `90^(@)` to a uniform magnetic firld, it is acted upon by a couple which is maxium. For the couple to be half of the maximum. For the couple to be half of the maxiumum vlaue, at what angle should the magnet be inclined to the magnetic fiels `(B)`?

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  2. A bar magnet of magnetic moment `M_(1)` is suspended by a wire in a magnetic field. The upper end of the wire is rotated through `180^(@)`, then the magnet rotated through `45^(@)`. Under similar conditions another magnetic of magnetic moment `M_(2)` is rotated through `30^(0)`. Then find the ratio of `M_(1)&M_(2)`.

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  3. A magnetic dipole is under the influence of trwo magnetic fields. The angle between the two field directionss is `60^(@)` and one of the fields has a magnitudeo `f1.2xx10^(-2)T`. Of the dipole comes to stable equilibrium at an angle of `15^(0)` with this field, what is the magnitude of the other field?

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  4. A compass needle whose magnetic moment is `60Am^2` pointing geographic north at a certain place where horizontal component of earth's magnetic field is `40muWb//m^2` experiences a torque of `1*2xx10^-3Nm`. What is the declination of the place?

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  5. A magnet is suspended at an angle `60^(0)` in an external magnetic field of `5xx10^(-4)T`. What is the work done by the magnetic field in bringing it in its direction? `["The magnetic moment"=20A-m^(2)]`

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  6. A magnetic needle lying parallel to a magnetic field requires `W units` of work to turn it through `60^(@)`. The torque needed to maintain the needle in this position will be

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  7. A bar magnet has a magnetic moment `2.5JT^(-1)` and is placed in a magnetic field of `0.2 T`. Calculate the work done in turning the magnet from parallel to antiparallel position relative to field direction.

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  8. A bar magnet with poles ` 25 cm` apart and of strength `14.4 amp - m` rests with centre on a frictionless pivot. It is held in equilibrium aat an angle of ` 60^@` with respect to a uniform magnetic field of induction `0.25 Wb//m^(2)` , by applying a force `F` at right angles to its axis at a point `12 cm` from pivot. Calculate `F`. What will happen if the force `F` is removed?

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  9. Two bar magnets placed together in a vibration magnetometer take `3` seconds for `1` vibration. If one magnet is reversed, the comnination takes `4` seconds for `1` vibration. Find the ration of their magnetic moments.

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  10. A bar magnet makes 40 oscillations per minute in an oscillation magnetometer. An identical magnet is demagnetized completely and is placed over the magnet in the magnetometer. Find the time taken for 40 oscillations by this combination. Neglect any induced magnetism.

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  11. A short magnet oscillates in an oscillation magnetometer with a time period of 0.10s where the earth's horizontal magnetic field is `24 muT`. A downward current of `18A` is established in a vertical wire placed 20cm east of the magnet. Find the new time period.

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  12. A magnet is suspended so as to swing horizontally makes `50` vibrations//min at a place where dip is `30^(0)`, and `40` vibration//min where dip is `45^(0)`. Compare the earth's total fields at the two places.

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  13. When a short bar magnet is kept in tan A position on a deflection magnetometer, the magnetic needle oscillates with a frequency `'f'` and the deflection produced is `45^(0)`. If the bar magnet is removed find the frequency of osicullation of that needle ?

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  14. Two bar magnets of the same length and breadth but having magnetic moments `M` and `2M` are joined with like poles together and suspended by a string. The time of oscillation of this assembly in a magnetic field of strength `B` is `3` sec. What will be the period of oscillation, if the polarity of one of the magnets is changed and the combination is agnain made to oscillate in the same field ?

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  15. A magnetic field of `1600Am^-1` produces a magnetic flux of `2*4xx10^-5` weber in a bar of iron of cross section `0*2cm^2`. Calculate permeability and susceptibility of the bar.

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  16. The permeability of substance is `6.28xx10^(-4) wb//A-m`. Find its relative permebility and suscepibility ?

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  17. The magnetic moment of a magnet of mass `75 gm` is `9xx10^(-7) A-m^(2)`. If the density of the material of magnet is `7.5xx10^(3) kg m^(-3)`, then find intensity of magnetisation is

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  18. A magnetic field strength `(H) 3xx10^(3) Am^(-1)` produces a magnetic field of induction `(B)` of `12piT` in an iron rod. Find the relative permeability of iron ?

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  19. An iron bar of length `10 cm` and diameter `2 cm` is placed in a magnetic field of intensity `1000Am^(-1)` With its length parallel to the direction of the field. Determine the magnetic moment produced in the bar if permeability of its material is `6.3xx10^(-4) TmA(-1)`.

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  20. Considering the earth as a short magnet with its centre coinciding with the centre of earth, show that the angle of dip `phi` is related to magnetic latitude `lambda` through the relation `tan phi=2 tan lambda`

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EXAMPLE questions and complete solutions for chapter MAGNETISM of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12