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Complete Solutions to Level-II (C.W) of chapter NUCLEAR PHYSICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions14
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A nucleus `X^(235)` splits into two nuclei having the mass numbers in the ratio `2:1`. The ratio of the radii of those two nuclei is

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  2. A mathc box of `5 cmxx5cmxx1cm` dimensions is filled with nuclear matter. Its weight is in the order of

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  3. If the speed of light were `2//3` of its present value, the energy released in a given atomic explosion will be decreased by a fraction.

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  4. Binding energy per nucleon for `C^(12)` is `7.68 MeV` and for `C^(13)` is `7.74 MeV`. The energy required to remove a neutron from `C^(13)` is .

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  5. In a fission reaction `._92^236 U rarr ^117 X + ^117Y + n + n`, the binding energy per nucleon of `X` and `Y` is `8.5 MeV` whereas of `.^236 U` is `7.6 MeV`. The total energy liberated will be about.

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  6. `.^22 Ne` nucleus after absorbing energy decays into two `alpha-`particles and an unknown nucleus. The unknown nucleus is.

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  7. The mass of one curie of `U^(234)` is

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  8. A radio active isotope having a half life of `3` days was received after `9` days. It was found that there was only `4 gms` of the isotope in the container. The initial weight of the isotope when packed was

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  9. Half life of a radio active element is `5 min`. `10 sec`. Time taken for `90%` of it to disintergrate is nearly

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  10. The half life of `._92U^(238)` against `alpha` -decay is `4.5xx10^9` years. What is the activity of 1g sample of `._92U^(238)`?

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  11. In a thermo nuclear reaction `10^(-3)Kg` of hydrogen is converted into `0.99xx10^(-3)Kg` of helium. If the efficiency of the generator is `50%`, the electrical energy generated in `KWH` is

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  12. A nuclear reactor generates power at 50% efficiency by fission of `._(92)^(235)U` into two equal fragments of `._(46)^(116)U` into two equal fragments of `._(46)^(116)Pd` with the emission of two gamma rays of 5.2 MeV each and three neutrons. The average binding energies per particle of `._(92)^(235)U` and `._(46)^(116)Pd` are 7.2 MeV and 8.2MeV respectiveley. Calculate the energy released in one fission event. Also-estimate the amount to `.^(235)U` consumed per hour to produce 1600 megawatt power.

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  13. In nuclear fusion, One gram hydrogen is converted into `0.993 gm`. If the efficiency of the generator be `5%`, then energy obtained in `KWH` is

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  14. A photon of energy `1.12 MeV` splits into electron positron pair. The velocity of electron is (Neglect relativistic correction)

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Level-II (C.W) questions and complete solutions for chapter NUCLEAR PHYSICS of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12