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Complete Solutions to Level-II (C.W) of chapter SEMI CONDUCTOR DEVICES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions33
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Mobilities of electrons and holes in a sample of intrinsic germanium at room temperature are `0.36 m^(2)//Vs` and `0.17 m^(2)//Vs`. The electron and hole densities are each equal to `2.5 xx 10^(19) m^(-3)`. The electrical conductivity of germanium is.

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  2. In a `p-n` junction diode the thickness of deplection layer is `2 xx 10^(-6) m` and barrier potential is `0.3 V`. The intensity of the electrical field at the junction is.

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  3. A potential barrier `V` volts exists across a `P-N` junction. The thickness of the depletion region is 'd'. An electron with velocity 'v' approches `P-N` junction from N-side. The velocity of the electron acrossing the junction is.

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  4. In the following, reverse biased diode is.

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  5. Two similar `p-n` junctions can be connected in three different ways as shown in the figure. The two connections across which the potentional difference is same are.

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  6. If `V_(1) gt V_(2), r` is resistance offered by diode in forward bias then current through the diode is.

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  7. A `PN` junction diode when forward biased has a drop of `0.5 V` which is assumed to be independent of current. The current in excess of `10 mA` through the diode produces large joule heating which damages the diode. If we diode, the resistor used in series with the diode so that the maximum current does not exceed `5 mA` is.

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  8. The circuit shown in figure (1) Contains two diodes each with a forward resistance of `50 ohm` and with infinite reverse resistance. If the battery voltage is `6 V`, the current through the `100 ohm` resistance is.

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  9. `4` ideal diodes are connected as shown in the circuit the current through `50 Omega` is.

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  10. Find the effective resistance between `A` & `B`

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  11. The equivalent resistance of the circuit across `AB` is given by

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  12. The equivalent resistance between `A` and `B` is

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  13. A junction diode is connected to a `10 V` source and `10^(3) Omega` rheostat. The slope of load line on the characteristic curve of diode by `("in" A//V)`.

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  14. A `p-n` junction `(D)` shown in the figure can act as a rectifier. An alternating current source `(V)` is connected in the circuit.

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  15. In the diagram, the input is across the terminals `A` and `C` and the output is across the terminals `B` and `D`, then the outputs is

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  16. The `I-V` characteristic of an `LED` is.

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  17. In the circuit shown. The potential drop across each capacitor is (assuming the two diodes are ideal).

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  18. The maximum and minimum values of zener diode current are

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  19. In an n-p-n transistor circuit, the collector current ia 10 mA. If 90% of the electrons emitted reach the collector.

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  20. The constant `alpha` of a transistor is `0.9` What would be the change in the collector current corresponding to a change of `4mA` in the base current in a common emitter arrangement ?

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  21. A voltage amplifier operated from a `12 `volt battery has a collector load `6 k Omega`. Calculate the maximum collector current in the circuit.

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  22. In a transistor circuit shown here the base current is `35 muA`. The value of the resistor `R_(b)` is

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  23. In a single state transistor amplifier, when the signal changes by `0.02 V` the base current by `10 mu A` and collector current by `1 mA`. If collector load `R_(C) = 2k Omega` and `R_(L) = 10 k Omega`, Calculate :
    (i) Current Gain
    (ii) Input Impedance,
    (iii) Effective `AC` load,
    (iv) Voltage gain and
    (v) Power gain.

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  24. On subtracting `010101` from `101010`, we get :

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  25. The minimum number of gates required to realise this expression `Z = DABC + DA overline(BC)` is.

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  26. In the circuit below, `A` and `B` represents two inputs and `C` represents the output, the circuit represents.

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  27. In the following circuit the output `Y` becomes zero for the inputs

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  28. The combination of gates shown below yields

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  29. The logic gate having an output of `1` is.

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  30. In a given circuit as shown the two input wave forms `A` and `B` are applied simultaneously.

    The resultant wave format at `Y` is.

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  31. The output of the combination of the gates shown in the figure below is

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  32. The expression of `Y` in following circuit is

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  33. How many `NAND` gate are used to from `AND` gate?

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Level-II (C.W) questions and complete solutions for chapter SEMI CONDUCTOR DEVICES of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12