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Complete Solutions to LEVEL - I(H.W) of chapter WAVE OPTICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions20
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The displacements of two interfering light waves are `y_(1) = 2sin omega t` and `y_(2) = 5sin (omega t+(pi)/(3))` the resultant amptitude is

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  2. The intensity ratio of two waves is `9:1`. If they produce interference, the ratio of maximum to minimum intensity will be

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  3. Two beams of ligth having intensities I and 4I interface to produce a fringe pattern on a screen. The phase difference between the beams is `(pi)/(2)` at point A and `pi` at point B. Then the difference between the resultant intensities at A and B is

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  4. The maximum intensity in Young's double slit experiment is `I_(0)` . What will be the intensity of light in front of one the slits on a screen where path difference is `(lambda)/(4)` ?

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  5. In Young's double-slit experiment, 30 fringes are obtained in the field of view of the observing telescope, when the wavelength of light used is `4000 Å`. If we use monochromatic light of wavelength `6000 Å`, the number of fringes obtained in the same field of view is

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  6. The separation between successive fringes in a double slit arrangement is x. If the whole arrangement is dipped under water, what will be the new fringe separation ? [The wavelength of light being used is `5000 Å`]

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  7. In the Young's double slit experiment , a mica slip of thickness t and refractive index `mu` is introduced in the ray from first source `S_(1)` . By how much distance fringes pattern will be displaced ? (d = distance between the slits and D is the distance between slits andscreen)

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  8. In Young's double slit experiment, the 10th maximum of wavelength `lambda_(1)` is at distance of `y_(1)` from the central maximum. When the wavelength of the source is changed to `lambda_(2)` , 5th maximum is at a distance of `y_(2)` from its central masximum. Then `(y_(1))/(y_(2))` is

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  9. Two coherent monochormatic light source are located at two vertices of an equilateral trangle. If the intensity due to each of the source independently is `1Wm^(-2)` at the third vertex. The resultant intensity due to both the sources at that point (i.e at the third vertex) is (in `Wm^(-2)` )

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  10. Light of wavelength `6000 A^(@)` is incident on a single slit. The first minimum of the diffraction pattern is obtained at 4 mm from the centre. The screen is at a distance of 2 m from the silt. The slit width will be

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  11. A plane wave of wavelength `6250 Å` is incident normally of the principal maximum on a screen distant 50 cm will be

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  12. The distance between the first and the sixth minima in the diffraction pattern of a single slit is 0.5 mm. The screen is 0.5 m away from the slit. If the wavelength of light used is 5000 Å. Then the slit width will be

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  13. The diameter of an objective of a telescope, which can just resolve two stars situated at angular displacement of `10^(-4)` degee, should be `(lambda = 5000 Å)`

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  14. A telescope is used to resolve two stars separated by `4.6xx10^(-6)` rad. If the wavelength of light used is `5460 Å` , what should be the aperture of the objective of the telescope ?

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  15. Two point sources distant `0.1` meter away viewed by a telescope. The objective is covered by a terlescope. The objective is covered by a screen having a hole of 1 mm width. If the wavelength of the light used is `6500 Å` , then maximum distance at which the two sources are seen just resolved, will be nearly

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  16. Two polaroids are kept crossed to each other. Now one of them is rotated through an angle of `45^(@)` . The percentage of incident light now transmitted through the system is

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  17. The amplitude of polarised light transmitted through a polariser is A. The amplitude of unpolarised light incident on it is

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  18. Unpolarised light of intensity 32 `W//m^(2)` passes through a polariser and analyser which are at an angle of `30^(@)` with respect to each other. The intensity of the light coming from analyser is

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  19. The critical angle of a transparent crystal is `60^(@)`. Then its polarizing angle is

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  20. When an unpolarized light of intensity `I_0` is incident on a polarizing sheet, the intensity of the light which dows not get transmitted is

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LEVEL - I(H.W) questions and complete solutions for chapter WAVE OPTICS of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12