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Complete Solutions to CHEMISTRY of chapter NTA NEET SET 93 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterNTA NEET SET 93
Number Of Questions45
Academic Year2023-24
  1. if the electron in hydrogen orbit jumps form third orbit to second orbit, the wavelength of the emitted radiation is given by

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  2. Which of the following statement is correct for `NO_3^(-)` ion ?

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  3. Which combination cannot be used for the preparation of hydrogen gas in the laboratory ?
    I. Zinc/conc. `H_(2)SO_(4)`
    II. Zinc/ `HNO_(3)`
    III. Pure zinc/dil. `H_(2)SO_(4)`

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  4. The number of moles of oxygen in 1 L of air containing 21% oxygen by volume, in standard conditions, is

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  5. Which of the following represents the correct order of covalent character among the iodides of alkali metals ?

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  6. Which among the following compounds will shows tautomerism

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  7. The dissolution of `Al(OH)_(3)` by a solution of `NaOH` results in the formation of

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  8. Arrange given compounds in order of decreasing acidity
    1. `CH_3-NO_2`
    2. `NO_2-CH_2-NO_2`
    3. `CH_3-CH_2-NO_2`
    4. `NO_2-underset(NO_2)underset(|)(CH)-NO_2`

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  9. During Hoope's process for eelctrolytic refining of Al, the middle layer is of

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  10. The equivalent conductivity of `0.1 M` weak acid is `100` times less than that at infinite dilution. The degree of dissociation of weak electrolyte at `0.1 M` is.

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  11. `B_(2)H_(6)+NH_(3)to` Addition compound `(X) overset("450 K")to Y+Z (g)`
    in the above sequence `Y` and `Z` are respectively:

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  12. Arrange the melting points of following compounds in decreasing order
    1. n - butane
    2. cis - 2- butene
    3. trans -2- butene
    4. 1 - butyne

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  13. HCN is a weak acid `(K_a=6.2xx10^(-10)).NH_4` OH is a weak base `(K_b=1.8xx10^(-5)).` A 1 M solution of `NH_4CN` would be

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  14. The equilibrium constant for the decomposition of water `H_2O(g) hArr H_2(g)+1/2O_2(g)` is given by : (`alpha`=degree of dissociation of `H_2O` (g) p=Total equilibrium pressure)

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  15. A `50 ml` solution of `pH=1` is mixed with a `50 ml` solution of `pH=2`. The `pH` of the mixture will be nearly

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  16. Which of the following is most reactive for hydrolysis ?

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  17. The aqueous solution containing one mole of `CoCl_(3).5NH_3` consumed 2 mol of silver nitrate solution for precipitation of free chloride ions. The formula of the compound should be

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  18. Which alkene will give optically inactive product with `Br_2//"CCl"_4` ?

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  19. The difference between the heats of reaction at constant pressure and a constant volume for the reaction `2C_(6)H_(6)(l) + 15O_(2)(g) rarr 12CO_(2)(g) + 6H_(2)O(l)` at `25^(@)C` in `kJ` is

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  20. When aluminium oxide `(Al_(2)O_(3))` is electrolysed for the production of aluminium metal. For a given quantity of electricty, the number of moles of aluminium obtained if the volume of `O_(2)` gas obtained is 201.6 litre measured at NTP, is

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  21. Incorrect match for give complex compound/ion and its characteristics

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  22. Wave function of an orbital is plotted against the distance from nucleus
    The graphical representation is of

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  23. When a large amount of `KMnO_4` is added to concentrated , `H_2SO_4` an explosive compound is. Formed . The formula of the compound is

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  24. A binary solution contains `x_1 and x_2` mile fraction of two components having vapour pressure `p_1^@ and p_2^@` in this pure states. The total vapour pressure above the solution is

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  25. In the reaction `CH_3-CH_2-OHunderset((ii)LiAiH_4)overset((i)TsCl)rarr(X)` , (X) will be

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  26. Which of the following statement are correct ?
    (1) `alpha` - amino acids present in protein are `alpha` - L amino acids
    2. Amino acids present `-NH_2` as well as - COOH group
    3. Number of amino groups and crboxylic groups are always same in all `alpha` - amino acids
    (4) Concentration of dipolar ion is maximum at isoeletric point
    Select the correct answer from the codes given below

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  27. Which of the following statement is wrong ?

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  28. Salt used for performing bead test in qualitative inorganic analysis is

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  29. `Zn+Cu^(2+)(aq)toCu+Zn^(2+)(aq)`.
    Reaction quotient is `Q=([Zn^(2+)])/([Cu^(2+)])*E_(cell)^(@)=1.10V` ltb rgt `E_(cell)` will be 1.1591 V when :

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  30. Which of the following anions is the weakest base ?

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  31. The weight of ethyl alcohol which must be added to 1.0 L of water so that the solution will freeze at `14^@F` is `(K_f ` of water = 1.86 K kg `mol^(-1)` )

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  32. Which one of the following nitroalkanes will give nitrolic acid with `NaNO_2//conc. H_2SO_4`

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  33. The coagulation value in millimoles per litre of electrolytes used for the coagulation of `As_2S_3` are as below
    I. NaCl = 2
    II. KCl = 51
    III. `BaCl_2=0.69`
    IV. `MgSO_4=0.22`
    The correct order of their flocculating power is

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  34. Which of the following is correct representation of the variation of half - life with initial concentration of a zero order reaction ?

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  35. In the given reaction `HCOONaoverset(400^@C)rarr(X)+(Y)`, (X) and (Y) will be

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  36. In the reaction sequence `C_6H_5CHOoverset(NaCN//HCl)rarr(X)overset(H_2"O"//H^o+)rarr` product, Product will be

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  37. The aqueous solution of potassium cyanide is mixed with aqueous solution of `F_e(CN)_2` . The resulting solution will give test for

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  38. `C_6H_5-overset(OH)overset(|)(CH)-CH_3` can be prepared form which of the following combinations

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  39. Before equilibrium is set-up the chemical reaction `N_(2)O_(4)(g) hArr 2NO_(2)(g)`, vapour density d of the gaseous mixture was measured. If D is the theoretica value of vapour density, variation of `alpha` with `D//d` is given by the graph below. What is value `D//d` at point A` ?

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  40. Which of the following order is correct ?

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  41. A 110 watt, 110 volt lamp is connected in series with electrolytic cell containing `CdSO_4` . What mass of cadmium will be deposited by the current flowing for 10 hour ? (Atomic mass of Cd = 112.4)

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  42. Give the correct order of initials T or F for following statements. Use T if statements is true and F if it is false.
    `(i)` In gold schmidt thermite process aluminium acts as a reducing agent.
    `(ii) Mg` is extracted by electrolysis of aq. solution of `MgCl_(2)`.
    `(iii)` Extraction of Pb is possible by carbon reduction method
    `(iv)` Red Bauxite is purified by Serpeck's process.

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  43. Which one of the following is NOT correctly matched ?

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  44. `XeF_(2)` and `XeF_(6)` are separately hydrolysed then:

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  45. For a complex reaction `A overset(k) rarr `products
    `E_(a1)=180kJ //mol e,E_(a2)=80kJ//mol ,E_(a3)=50kJ//mol`
    Overall rate constant `k` is related to individual rate constant by the equation `k=((k_(1)k_(2))/(k_(3)))^(2//3)`. Activation energy `( kJ//mol )` for the overall reaction is `:`

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CHEMISTRY questions and complete solutions for chapter NTA NEET SET 93 of NTA MOCK TESTS of Class 12

All Exercises from NTA MOCK TEST Class 12 CHEMISTRY NTA NEET SET 93