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Complete Solutions to Section I - Solved Mcqs of chapter ELLIPSE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
OBJECTIVE RD SHARMASection I - Solved Mcqs
Number Of Questions59
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `alphaa n dbeta` are the eccentric angles of the extremities of a focal chord of an ellipse, then prove that the eccentricity of the ellipse is `(sinalpha+sinbeta)/("sin"(alphabeta+))`

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  2. If `tantheta_1.tantheta_2=a^2/b^2` then the chord Joining two points `theta_1 and theta_2` on the ellipse `x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1` will subtend a right angle at (A) focus (B) centre (C) end of the major axis (D) end of the major axis

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  3. The locus of point of intersection of tangents to an ellipse `x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1` at two points the sum of whose eccentric angles is constant is

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  4. The number of values of `c` such that the straight line `y=4x+c` touches the curve `(x^2)/4+(y^2)/1=1` is

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  5. If `P(x ,y)` is any point on the ellipse `16 x^2+25 y^2=400` and `f_1=(3,0)F_2=(-3,0)` , then find the value of `P F_1+P F_2dot`

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  6. An ellipse slides between two perpendicular straight lines. Then identify the locus of its center.

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  7. The sum fo the squares of the perpendicular on any tangent to the ellipse `x^(2)/a^(2) + y^(2)/b^(2) = 1` from two points on the mirror axis, each at a distance `sqrt(a^(2) - b^(2))` from the centre, is

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  8. The eccentric angle of a point on the ellipse `x^(2)/6 + y^(2)/2 = 1` whose distance from the centre of the ellipse is 2, is

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  9. If any tangent to the ellipse `(x^2)/(a^2)+(y^2)/(b^2)=1` intercepts equal lengths `l` on the axes, then find `ldot`

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  10. The ellipse `x^2+""4y^2=""4` is inscribed in a rectangle aligned with the coordinate axes, which in turn is inscribed in another ellipse that passes through the point (4, 0). Then the equation of the ellipse is (1) `x^2+""16 y^2=""16` (2) `x^2+""12 y^2=""16` (3) `4x^2+""48 y^2=""48` (4) `4x^2+""64 y^2=""48`

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  11. A focus of an ellipse is at the origin. The directrix is the line `x =4` and the eccentricity is `1/2` Then the length of the semi-major axis is

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  12. In an ellipse, the distances between its foci is `6` and minor axis is `8`. Then its eccentricity is

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  13. The tangent at a point `P(acostheta,bsintheta)` of the ellipse `(x^2)/(a^2)+(y^2)/(b^2)=1` meets its auxiliary circle at two points, the chord joining which subtends a right angle at the center. Find the eccentricity of the ellipse.

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  14. if `F_(1)` and `F_(2)` be the feet of the perpendicular from the foci `S_(1)` and `S_(2)` of an ellipse `x^(2)/5 + y^(2)/3 = 1` on the tengent at any point P on the ellispe, then `(S_(1) F_(1)) (S_(2) F_(2))` is equal to

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  15. The area of the rectangle formed by the perpendiculars form the centre of the ellipse to the tangent and normal at the point - whose eccentric angle is `pi//4`, is

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  16. Find the slope of a common tangent to the ellipse `(x^2)/(a^2)+(y^2)/(b^2)=1` and a concentric circle of radius `rdot`

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  17. `P` is a variable on the ellipse `(x^2)/(a^2)+(y^2)/(b^2)=1` with `AA '` as the major axis. Find the maximum area of triangle `A P A '`

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  18. Find the equation of an ellipse the distance between the foci is 8 units and the distance between the directrices is 18 units.

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  19. The line `x = at^(2)` meets the ellipse `x^(2)/a^(2) + y^(2)/b^(2) = 1` in the real points iff

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  20. On the ellipse `4x^2+9y^2=1,` the points at which the tangents are parallel to the line `8x=9y` are `(2/5,1/5)` (b) `(-2/5,1/5)` `(-2/5,-1/5)` (d) `(2/5,-1/5)`

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  21. If circumcentre of an equilateral triangle inscribed in `x^(2)/a^(2) + y^(2)b^(2) = 1,` with vertices having eccentric angles `alpna, beta, gamma,` respectively is `(x_(1), y_(1))` then `sum cos alpha cos beta + sum sin alpha sin beta =`

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  22. Find the locus of the middle points of all chords of `(x^2)/4+(y^2)/9=1` which are at a distance of 2 units from the vertex of parabola `y^2=-8a xdot`

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  23. A point on the ellipse `x^(2)/16 + y^(2)/9 = 1` at a distance equal to the mean of lengths of the semi - major and semi-minor axis from the centre, is

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  24. A tangent to the ellipse `4x^2 +9y^2 =36` is cut by the tangent at the extremities of the major axis at T and `T^1`, the circle on `T T^1` as diameter passes through the point

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  25. If `C` is the center and `A ,B` are two points on the conic `4x^2+9y^2-8x-36 y+4=0` such that `/_A C B=pi/2,` then find the value of `1/(C A^2)+1/(C B^2)`

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  26. Ellipses which are drawn with the same two perpendicular lines as axes and with the sum of the reciprocals of squares of the lengths of their semi-major axis and semi-minor axis equal to a constant have only

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  27. The eccentricity of the ellipse with centre at the origin which meets the straight line `x/7 + y/2 = 1` on the axis of x and the straight line `x/3 - y/5 = 1` on the axis of y and whose axes lie along the axes of coordinates, is

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  28. The radius of the circle passing through the foci of the ellipse `9x^(2) + 16y^(2) = 144` and having its centre at (0, 3), is

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  29. An ellipse has `O B` as the semi-minor axis, `Fa n dF '` as its foci, and `/_F B F '` a right angle. Then, find the eccentricity of the ellipse.

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  30. The focus of an ellipse is (-1, -1) and the corresponding directrix is `x - y + 3 = 0`. If the eccentricity of the ellipse is 1/2, then the coordinates of the centre of the ellipse, are

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  31. The equation of the ellipse with its centre at `(1, 2)`, one focus at `(6, 2)` and passing through the point `(4, 6)` is-

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  32. Tangents are drawn to the ellipse `(x^2)/(a^2)+(y^2)/(b^2)=1,(a > b),` and the circle `x^2+y^2=a^2` at the points where a common ordinate cuts them (on the same side of the x-axis). Then the greatest acute angle between these tangents is given by `tan^(-1)((a-b)/(2sqrt(a b)))` (b) `tan^(-1)((a+b)/(2sqrt(a b)))` `tan^(-1)((2a b)/(sqrt(a-b)))` (d) `tan^(-1)((2a b)/(sqrt(a+b)))`

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  33. The area (in sq. units) of the quadrilateral formed by the tangents at the end points of the latera recta to the ellipse `` `(x^2)/9+(y^2)/5=1` , is: (1) `(27)/4` (2) 18 (3) `(27)/2` (4) 27

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  34. If `alpha-beta=` constant, then the locus of the point of intersection of tangents at `P(acosalpha,bsinalpha)` and `Q(acosbeta,bsinbeta)` to the ellipse `(x^2)/(a^2)+(y^2)/(b^2)=1` is a circle (b) a straight line an ellipse (d) a parabola

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  35. Let S=(3,4) and S'=(9,12) be two foci of an ellipse. If the coordinates of the foot of the perpendicular from focus S to a tangent of the ellipse is (1, -4) then the eccentricity of the ellipse is

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  36. Let `Sa n dS '` be two foci of the ellipse `(x^2)/(a^3)+(y^2)/(b^2)=1` . If a circle described on `S S^(prime)` as diameter intersects the ellipse at real and distinct points, then the eccentricity`e` of the ellipse satisfies `c=1/(sqrt(2))` (b) `e in (1/(sqrt(2)),1)` `e in (0,1/(sqrt(2)))` (d) none of these

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  37. The locus of the foot of the perpendicular from the foci an any tangent to the ellipse `x^(2)/a^(2) + y^(2)/b^(2) = 1`, is

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  38. The locus of the point of intersection of tangents to the ellipse `x^(2)/a^(2) + y^(2)/b^(2) = 1` at the points whose eccentric angles differ by `pi//2`, is

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  39. The locus of the point of intersection of tangents to the ellipse `x^(2)/a^(2) + y^(2)/b^(2) = 1`, which make complementary angles with x - axis, is

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  40. Find the locus of the foot of the perpendicular drawn from the center upon any tangent to the ellipse `(x^2)/(a^2)+(y^2)/(b^2)=1.`

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  41. Let `P(x_1, y_1) and Q(x_2, y_2), y_1 < 0, y_2 < 0`, be the end points of the latus rectum of the ellipse `x^2+4y^2 = 4`. The equations of parabolas with latus rectum PQ are

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  42. The locus of the point of intersection of perpendicular tangents to `x^(2)/a^(2) + y^(2)/b^(2) = 1` and `(x^(2))/(a^(2) + lambda) + (y^(2))/(b^(2) + lambda) = 1`, is

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  43. Let S=(3,4) and S'=(9,12) be two foci of an ellipse. If the coordinates of the foot of the perpendicular from focus S to a tangent of the ellipse is (1, -4) then the eccentricity of the ellipse is

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  44. The tangent at a point `P(acosvarphi,bsinvarphi)` of the ellipse `(x^2)/(a^2)+(y^2)/(b^2)=1` meets its auxiliary circle at two points, the chord joining which subtends a right angle at the center. Find the eccentricity of the ellipse.

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  45. Let `d_1a n dd_2` be the length of the perpendiculars drawn from the foci `Sa n dS '` of the ellipse `(x^2)/(a^2)+(y^2)/(b^2)=1` to the tangent at any point `P` on the ellipse. Then, `S P : S^(prime)P=` `d_1: d_2` (b) `d_2: d_1` `d1 2:d2 2` (d) `sqrt(d_1):sqrt(d_2)`

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  46. A bar of given length moves with its extremities on two fixed straight lines at right angles. Show that any point on the bar describes an ellipse.

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  47. The normal at a point `P` on the ellipse `x^2+4y^2=16` meets the x-axis at `Qdot` If `M` is the midpoint of the line segment `P Q ,` then the locus of `M` intersects the latus rectums of the given ellipse at points. `(+-((3sqrt(5)))/2+-2/7)` (b) `(+-((3sqrt(5)))/2+-(sqrt(19))/7)` `(+-2sqrt(3),+-1/7)` (d) `(+-2sqrt(3)+-(4sqrt(3))/7)`

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  48. From a point P perpendicular tangents PQ and PR are drawn to ellipse `x^(2)+4y^(2) =4`, then locus of circumcentre of triangle PQR is

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  49. Tangents are drawn from the point P(3, 4) to the ellipse `x^2/9+y^2/4=1` touching the ellipse at points A and B.

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  50. Tangents are drawn from the point P(3,4) to the ellipse `x^2/9+y^2/4=1` touching the ellipse at points A and B. The orthocentre of `Delta PAB`, is

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  51. Tangents are drawn from the point P(3,4) to the ellipse`x^2/9+y^2/4=1` touching the ellipse at the point A and B then the equation of the locus of the point whose distance from the point P and the line AB are equal, is

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  52. A vertical line passing through the point (h, 0) intersects the ellipse `(x^(2))/(4)+(y^(2))/(3)=1` at the point P and Q. Let the tangents to the ellipse at P and Q meet at the point R.
    If `Delta(h)= " Area of the "DeltaPQR, Delta_(1)(h)=underset(1//2lehle1)max Delta(h)`
    and `Delta_(2)(h)=underset(1//2lehle1)minDelta(h), then(8)/(sqrt5)Delta_(1)-8Delta_(2)=`

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  53. If the normal from the point P(h,1) on the ellipse `x^2/6+y^2/3=1` is perpendicular to the line `x+y=8` , then the value of h is

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  54. the locus of the foot of perpendicular drawn from the centre of the ellipse `x^2+3y^2=6` on any tangent is

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  55. Let `E_(1) and E_(2)` two ellipse whose centres are at the orgin. Then major axes of `E_(1) and E_(2)` lie along the x-axis and the y-axis, respectively. Let S be the circle `x^(2)+(y-1)^(2)=2` the straight line x + y = 3 touches the curves S, `E_(1) and E_(2)` at P, Q and R, respectively. Suppose that `PQ = PR = (2sqrt2)/(3)`, if `e_(1) and e_(2)` are the eccentricities of `E_(1) and E_(2)`, respectively, then the correct expression(s) is (are)

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  56. Suppose that the foci of the ellipse `(x^(2))/(9)+(y^(2))/(5)=1` are `(f_(1),0) and (f_(2),0)` where `f_(1)gt0 and f_(2)lt0` Let `P_(1) and P_(2)` be two parabola with a c ommon vertex at (0, 0) and with foci at `(f_(1),0) and (2f_(z),0)` and `T_(2)` be a tangent to `P_(2)` which passes through `(f_(1),0)`. If `m_(1)` is the slope of `T_(1) and m_(2)` is the slope of `T_(2)`, then the value of `((1)/(m_(1)^(2))+m_(2)^(2))`, is

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  57. A line intesects the ellipse `(x^(2))/(4a^(2))+(y^(2))/(a^(2))=1` at A and B and the parabola `y^(2)=4a(x+2a)` at C and D. The line segment AB substends a right angle at the centre of the ellipse. Then, the locus of the point of intersection of tangents to the parabola at C and D, is

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  58. Let `F_(1)(x_(1),0)and F_(2)(x_(2),0)" for "x_(1)lt0 and x_(2)gt0` the foci of the ellipse `(x^(2))/(9)+(y^(2))/(8)=1`. Suppose a parabola having vertex at the origin and focus at `F_(2)` intersects the ellipse at point M in the first quadrant and at a point N in the fourth quardant. The orthocentre of the triangle `F_(1)MN`, is

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  59. If the tangents to the ellipse at M and N meet at R and the normal to the parabola at M meets the x-axis at Q, then the ratio of area of the triangle MQR to area of the quadrilateral MF1NF2 is

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Section I - Solved Mcqs questions and complete solutions for chapter ELLIPSE of OBJECTIVE RD SHARMA MATHS VOL I (HINGLISH) of Class 12