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Complete Solutions to OBJECTIVE PROBLEMS of chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions51
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If the volume of a closed vessel in which the equilibrium `2SO_(2)+O_(2)hArr 2SO_(3)` is set in is halved , the rate of

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  2. The rate of the elementary reaction,
    `2NO+O_(2)rarr 2NO_(2)`, when the volume of the reaction vessel is doubled:

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  3. Rate of which reaction increase with temperature:

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  4. The specific rate constant of a first order reaction depends on the

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  5. If the rate constant k of a reaction is `1.6 times 10^–3(mol//l)(min^–1)` . The order of the reaction is:

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  6. If for any raction , th rate constant is equal to the rate of the reaction at all concentrations, the order is

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  7. Which of the following procedures will lead to a change in the rate constant k of a reaction ?

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  8. If a reaction with `t_(1//2)=69.3` seconds , has a rate constant value of `10^(-2)` per second , the order is

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  9. The specfic reaction rate constant for a first order reaction is `1xx10^(-3) s^(-1)` .If the initial concentration of the reactant is `0.1 ` mole per litre , the rate is

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  10. k for a zero order reaction is `2xx10^(-2)` mol . `L^(-1)s^(-1)` . If the concentration of the reactant changed into the product .Now if the same reaction is carried out with an initial concentration of 5 moles per litre . The percentage of the reactant changing to the product is .

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  11. A first order reaction is carried out with an initial concentration of 10 moles per litre and 75 % of the reactant changing to the product if t 50% is 20 min.

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  12. Which of the following curves represents a third order reaction ?

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  13. Which of the following curves represents a zero order reaction ? [`(a-x)` =reactant concn.]

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  14. 75 % of a first order reaction was completed in 32 min . When was 50 % of the reaction completed ?

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  15. If doubting the initial concentrations of a reactant doubles `t_(1/2)` of the reaction , the order of the reaction is

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  16. For a given reaction the logarithm of the concentration of the reactant plotted against time gave a straight line with negative slope . The order of the reaction is

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  17. The concept of `t_(1/2)` is useful for the reactions of

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  18. The half - life for a given reaction was halved as the initial concentration of a reactant was doubled . The order for this component is

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  19. The rate constant fro a second order reaction is `8 xx 10^(-5) M^(-1) "min"^(-1)`. How long will in take a `1 M` solution to be reduced to `0.5 M`

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  20. The rate for a first -order reaction is `8 xx10^(-5) M^(-1)min^(-1)`. How long will it take to complete 50%,if intial concentration is 2M.

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  21. What fraction of a reactant remains after 40 min if `t_(1/2)` is 20 min and if Reaction is of first order?

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  22. For a given reaction, the half-life period was found to be directly proportional to the initial concentration of the reactant. The order of reaction is

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  23. From different sets of data of `t_(1//2)` at diifferent initial concentrations say 'a' for a given reaction, the `[t_(1//2)xxqa]` is found to be constant. The order or reaction is :

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  24. A catalyst increases the rate of a chemical reaction by

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  25. The energy of activation of a forward reaction is 50 kcal . The energy of activation of its backward reaction is

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  26. The rate constant , the activation energy and the Arhenius parameter of a chemical reaction at `25^(@)C` are `3xx10^(-4) s^(-1) , 104.4 " kJ mol"^(-1) and 6xx10^(14) s^(-1)` respectively . The value of the rate constant as `T to oo` is

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  27. Which of the following statements is wrong about reactions ?

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  28. The temperature coefficient of a reaction is 2 . The rate of this reaction , on raising the temperature by `25^(@)` ,shall increase by

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  29. The rate constant of a reaction , `A to `Product , with initial reactant concentration a mole /L ,is k mole /L/min. The `t_(1//2)` for the reaction is equal to

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  30. The rate constant of a reaction , `A to ` Product ,with initial reactant concentration a mole/L ,is k L/mole /min .The `t_(1//2)` for the reaction is equal to

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  31. The rate of reaction doubles when the concentration of the reactant is increased four times , The order is

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  32. When the concentration of a reactant , A in a reaction `A to ` Products , is doubled the rate of the reaction increases seven times , the order of the reaction is between

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  33. When the concentration of a reactant ,`A to` products , is doubled In first order reaction, the increase in the rate of reaction cannot be more than

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  34. For a second -order reaction of the type ` underset (a-a) overset (a) (2A) to underset (x/2)("Products")` the rate law is given by rate = `-1/2 (d(a-x))/(dt) = + (dx/2)/(dt) =k_(2)(a-x)^(2)`
    The integrated rate law will be .

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  35. 50 % of a zero order reaction completes in 10 minutes .100 % of the same reaction shall complete in

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  36. The rate constant ,k, of a second -order reaction ,`A to ` Products is given by
    `k= 1/t {x/(a(a-x))}`
    The ratio `t_(3//4)//t_(1//2)` is eual to

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  37. In which of the reaction of the following orders the molecularity and order can never be same ?

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  38. Which of the following curves represent(s) a zero-order reaction?

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  39. A plot of reactant concentration versus time for a reaction is a straight line with a negative slope giving the rate constant, and the intercept, giving the initial concentration of the reactant. The order of the reaction is

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  40. Conisder the chemical reaction
    `N_(2)(g) + 3H_(2)(g) rarr 2NH_(3)(g)`
    The rate of this reaction can be expressed in terms of time derivatives of the concentration of `N_(2)(g), H_(2)(g)`, or `NH_(3)(g)`. Identify the correct relationship among the rate expresisons.

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  41. If the rate constant for a reaction repreasented by `2HI rarr H_(2)+I_(2)` is denoted by k then for the same reaction if represented by
    `HI rarr (1)/(2) H_(2)+(1)/(2)I_(2)`, the rate constant shall be equal to

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  42. For the chemical reaction of the type
    `2A to 1/2B `
    the correct relationship amongst the rate expressions is

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  43. For what type of the following reactions is the law of mass action, never obeyed?

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  44. If the rate law of a reaction `n(A) to B ` is expressed as
    `underset("mol/L/s")(Rate)=-1/n (d[A])/(dt) =+(d[B])/(dt)=k[A]^(x)`
    The unit of the rate constant will be

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  45. The exothermic reaction between substances A and B is presented in the plot below. Catalyat-induced preparation of the substance AB follows the pathway

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  46. Which curve corresponds to the temperature dependence of the rate R of a simple one-step reaction?

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  47. For the first order reaction
    `2N_(2)O_(5)(g) rarr 4NO_(2)(g) + O_(2)(g)`

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  48. The rate of a reaction doubles when its temperature changes form `300 K` to `310 K`. Activation energy of such a reaction will be:
    `(R = 8.314 JK^(-1) mol^(-1) and log 2 = 0.301)`

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  49. In the reaction, `P+Q rarr R+S`
    the time taken for `75%` reaction of `P` is twice the time taken for `50%` reaction of `P`. The concentration of `Q` varies with reaction time as shown in the figure. The overall order of the reaction is

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  50. The initial rate of hydrolysis of methyl acetate (1M) by a weak acid `(HA,1M)` is `1//100th` of that of a strong acid `(HX, 1M),` at `25^(@)C`. The `K_(a)(HA)` is

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  51. For the non-stoichiometric reaction `2A +B rarr C+D`, The following data were obtained in three separate experiments, all at 298 K.

    The rate law for the formation of C is:

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OBJECTIVE PROBLEMS questions and complete solutions for chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS of BHARATI BHAWAN CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12