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Complete Solutions to PROBLEMS of chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions42
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A first order reaction takes `69.3` minutes for `50%` completion. How much time will be needed for `80%` completion?

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  2. In a certain first order reaction ,half the reaction was decomposed in 500 seconds. How long will it be until one tenth is left ?

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  3. Find the value of the rate constant for the reaction `A+B to AB` , if the rate of the reaction is `5xx10^(-5)` (mol/L) `min^(-1)` and [A] and [B] are respectively `0.05` and `0.01` mol/L .

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  4. For three reactions of first ,second and third order ,`k_(1)=k_(2)=k_(3)` ,when concentration is expressed in mol/L .What will be relation among `k_(1),k_(2)and k_(3)` if the concentration is expressed in mol/mL ?

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  5. How many times will the rate of the reaction `2A+B to A_(2)B` change is the concentration is expressed in mol/mL ?

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  6. The rate law for the reaction
    `RCl+NaOH (aq) to ROH +NaCl`
    is given by rate
    `k_(1)[RCl] ` the rate of reaction will be
    doubled on doubling the concentration of NaOH.

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  7. How many times must be conentration of substances `B_(2)` in the system `2A_(2)(g)+B_(2)(g)to2A_(2)B(g)` be increased for the rate of the forward reaction to remain unchanged when the concentration of substances `A_(2)` is lowered to one -- fourth of its initial value ?

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  8. The Order of the reaction `2A+B+C to ` Product , is found to be 1,2 and 0 w.r.t A,B and C respectively .If the concentration of each reactant is increased by two then the find of rate of reaction.

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  9. In the thermal decomposition of `C_(2)H_(5)Br` to `C_(2)H_(4)` and HBr , the pressure changed from an initial value of 200 mmHg to 390 mmHg at the end of the reaction .What fraction remained unchanged when the pssure of the mixture was 300 mmHg?

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  10. Catalytic decomposition of nitrous oxide by gold at `900^(@)C` at an initial pressure of 200mm was `50%` in 53 minutes and `73%` in 100 minutes.
    (a) What is theorder of reaction?
    (b) How much it will decompose in 100 minutes at the same temperature but at an initial pressure of 600mm?

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  11. A certain reaction is of first order . After 30 secoonds , `50` % of the reactant ramains.
    Calculate the rate constant .

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  12. A certain reaction is of first order . After 30 secoonds , `50` % of the reactant ramains .
    How long would it require for 25% of the reactant to be decomposed ?

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  13. The specific reaction rate constant for a first order reaction is `1xx10^(-2)s^(-1)`. If the initial concentration is 1 M , find the initial rate . What is the reaction rate after two minutes ?

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  14. For a non-equilibrium process `A + B to` Produts the rate is first order with respect to A and second order with respect to B. If 1.0 Mole each of A and B are introduced into a one liter vessel and the intial rate is `1.0 xx 10^(-2)`mol `L^(-1)s^(-1)`, the rate when half of the reaction have been eonsumed is:

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  15. The rate law for the reaction ,
    `CH_(3)COC_(2)H_(5)+H_(2)O overset([H^(+)]) toCH_(3)COOH +C_(2)H_(5)OH`
    is `(dx)/(dt) =k [CH_(3)COOC_(2)H_(5)][H_(2)O]^(o)`
    What will be the effect for the reaction ,
    (i) the concentration of `[CH_3COOC_2H_5]` is doubled the effect on the rate is

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  16. The rate law for the reaction ,
    `CH_(3)COC_(2)H_(5)+H_(2)O overset([H^(+)]) toCH_(3)COOH +C_(2)H_(5)OH`
    is `(dx)/(dt) =k [CH_(3)COOC_(2)H_(5)][H_(2)O]^(o)`
    What will be the effect for the reaction ,
    (ii) the concentration of `H^(+)` is tripled?

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  17. Prove that the half -life period of a reaction of nth order in a reaction of the type `A to` product is inversely proportional to the `(n-1)` th power of the initial concentration .

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  18. For the reaction `A+B rarr C`. The following data were obtained. In the first experiment, when the initial concentrations of both `A` and `B` are `0.1 M`, the observed initial rate of formation of `C` is `1xx10^(-4) mol litre^(-1) minute^(-1)`. In the second experiment when the initial concentrations of `A` and `B` are `0.1 M` and `0.3 M`, the initial rate is `9.0xx10^(-4) mol liter^(-1) "minute"^(-1)`. In the third experiment when the initial concentrations of both `A` and `B` are `0.3M` the initial rate is `2.7xx10^(-3) mol litre^(-1) "minute"^(-1)`.
    (a) Write rate law for this reaction.
    (b) Calculate the value of specific rate constant for this reaction.

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  19. For the reaction `A to B+C` the following data were obtained : `{:(t(s),0,900,1800),([A],50.8,19.7,7.62):}`
    Prove that the reaction is of first order . (`k_(1)` is found to be constant )

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  20. Nitrosyl chloride ,NOCl decomposes to NO and `Cl_(2)`
    `2NOCl(g) to 2NO(g)+Cl_(2)(g)`
    From the following data , determine the rate law , the rate constant and the overall order for this reaction :

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  21. What is the half -life for th decomposition of NOCl when [NOCl] = `0.15` M? Given that for `2NOCl to 2NO +Cl_(2): - (d[NOCl])/(dt) =(8.0 xx10^(-8) L//mol//s) `

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  22. The rate constant for the first order decomposition of `N_(2)O_(5)` dissolved in chloroform at `45^(@)C` is `3.1 xx10^(-4)min^(-1)`
    `2N_(2)O_(5)to 4NO_(2)+O_(2)`
    What is the rate of decomposition of `N_(2)O_(5)` when `[N_(2)O_(5)] =0.40 `M ?

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  23. The rate constant for the first order decomposition of `N_(2)O_(5)` dissolved in chloroform at `45^(@)C` is `3.1 xx10^(-4)min^(-1)`
    `2N_(2)O_(5)to 4NO_(2)+O_(2)`
    What are the rates of formation of `NO_(2) " and of" O_(2)` when `[N_(2)O_(5)] = 0.40 ` M ?

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  24. The rate constant for the first order decomposition of `N_(2)O_(5)` dissolved in chloroform at `45^(@)C` is `3.1 xx10^(-4)min^(-1)`
    `2N_(2)O_(5)to 4NO_(2)+O_(2)`
    What is the rate of this reaction at `(N_2O_5)`=0.4M

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  25. For the reaction `SO_(2)CL_(2)(g) to SO_(2)(g) +Cl_(2)(g)` , it is found that a plot f 1n `[SO_(2)Cl_(2)]` versus time is linear , and the that in 240 seconds the `[SO_(2)Cl_(2)]` decreases from `0.4` M to `0.28` M . What is the rate constant ?

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  26. A certain physiologically important first - order reaction has an activation energy equal to `45.0` kJ/mol at normal body temperature `(37^(@)C)` .Without a catalyst ,the rate constant for the reaction is `5.0 xx10^(-4)s^(-1)`.To be effective in the human body , where the reaction is catalysed by an enzyme , teh rate constant must be at least `2.0 xx10^(-2)s^(-1)`. If the activation energy of the reaction to achieve the desired rate ?

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  27. A drop of solution (volume `0.05 mL`) contains `3 xx 10^(-6) "mole" H^(o+)` ions. If the rate constant of disappearance of `H^(o+)` ions is `1 xx 10^(7) mol L^(-1) s^(-1)`, how long would it take for `H^(o+)` ions in the drop of disappear?

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  28. The gas-phase decomposition of NOBr is second order in [NOBr] with `k = 0.81 M^(-1)s^(-1)` at `10^(@)C` .Initial concentration of NOBr in the flask at `10^(@)C = 4.00 xx10^(-3)` M . In how many seconds does it take up `1.50 xx10^(-3)` M of this NOBr?
    `2NOBr to 2NO +Br_(2)`

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  29. The reaction `A to C+D` was found to be second order in A. The rate constant for the reaction was determined to be `2.42 `L/mol/s . If the initial concentration is `0.5` mole/L what is the value of `t_(1/2)`.

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  30. Both Technetium -99 and Thallium -201 are used to image heart muscle in patients who may have heart problems . The half -lives are 6 hours and 73 hours respectively . What per cent of radiaactvity would remain for each of the isotopes after 2 days ?

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  31. Two reactions have identical values for energy of activation .Does this ensure that they will have the same rate constant if run at the same temperature ?

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  32. The rate of the haemoglobin (Hb)- carbon monoxide reaction ,
    `4Hb+3CO to Hb_(4)(CO)_(3)`
    has been studied at `20^(@)C` .Concentrations are expressed in `mu ` mole/L .
    `{:([Hb](mu"mole/L"),[CO](mu"mole/L"),"Rate of disappearance of Hb"(mu"mole/L/s")),(3.36,1.00,0.941),(6.72,1.00,1.88),(6.72,3.00,5.64):}`
    Calculate the rate constant for the reaction

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  33. The rate of the haemoglobin (Hb)- carbon monoxide reaction ,
    `4Hb+3CO to Hb_(4)(CO)_(3)`
    has been studied at `20^(@)C` .Concentrations are expressed in `mu ` mole/L .
    `{:([Hb](mu"mole/L"),[CO](mu"mole/L"),"Rate of disappearance of Hb"(mu"mole/L/s")),(3.36,1.00,0.941),(6.72,1.00,1.88),(6.72,3.00,5.64):}`
    Calculate the rate of the reaction at the instant when
    `[Hb] =1.50 and [CO] =0.60 mu "mole /L"`

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  34. A first order reaction is `50%` completed in `30 min` at `27^(@)C` and in `10 min` at `47^(@)C`. Calculate the reaction rate constants at `27^(@)C` and the energy of activation of the reaction in `kJ mol^(-1)`.

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  35. The decomposition of arsine `(AsH_(3))` into arsenic and hudrogen is a first order reaction . The decomposition was studied at constant volume and at constant temperature. The pressures at different times are as follows :
    Calculate the velocity constant .

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  36. The rate constant of the first order reaction , that is decomposition of ethylene oxide into `CH_(4)` and CO, may be described by the following equation
    `logk(s^(-1)) = 14.34 -(1.25 xx10^(4))/T K `
    Find (a) energy of activation ,

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  37. The rate constant of the first order reaction , that is decomposition of ethylene oxide into `CH_(4)` and CO, may be described by the following equation
    `logk(s^(-1)) = 14.34 -(1.25 xx10^(4))/T K `
    rate constant at `397^(@)C`

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  38. For a homogeneous gaseous reaction `A to B + D` the initial `p_(0)` while pressure after time t was p. Derive an expression for rate constant k in terms of `p_(0),p and t`

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  39. The rate for the single -step reaction `2A+B to 2C` is given by

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  40. Which of the following rate laws has an order `0.5` for the reaction `A+B+C to ` Product ?

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  41. The rate law of the reaction `A+2Brarr` Product is given by `(d("Product"))/(dt)= k[A]^(2)[B]`. A is taken in large excess, the order of the reqaction will be

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  42. Which of the following statements is not correct ?

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PROBLEMS questions and complete solutions for chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS of BHARATI BHAWAN CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12